Author: Craigadams (
Saturday, August 11, 2001 - 7:50 am
17 years before ABC was created, the network name was used in the Northwest. The American Broadcasting Co. was founded by the Western Broadcasting Co., owners of KJR Seattle, KEX Portland & KGA Spokane. ABC was headed by Adolph F. Linden, President. He was also President of Puget Sound Savings Bank of Seattle. The flagship station was KJR. On October 3, 1928 ABC programming debuted on KEX. On October 7, 1928 the "ABC Northwest" chain began an alliance with the Columbia chain, bringing CBS programming to the West, for the first time on this date.(even before California). The Columbia Broadcasting System was only linked in the East at that time. There would be programmed ABC nights & CBS nights. In November 1928 The American Broadcasting Co. began affiliations with KYA San Francisco & KMTR (aka KLAC) Los Angeles. At this point ABC carried programs from these stations, as well as KJR. In January 1929 the Network now known as the ABC Western chain, added: KDYL (aka KCPX) Salt Lake City & KLZ Denver. This made the American Broadcasting Co. the third largest network in the U.S. On June 1, 1929 ABC began serving the Mid West, with new affilites: WIBO Chicago WIL St. Louis WRHM Minneapolis (aka WLB) KFAB Lincoln, NE KTNT Muscatine, IA On July 13, 1929 ABC Western welcomed KFBK Sacramento. On July 31, 1929 The American Broadcasting Co. announced plans to expand to the Eastern Seaboard, in it's effort to align a nationwide network by the fall of 1929. ABC claimed to of had a dozen Eastern Stations lined up, including WOL Washington D.C. It was also announced that ABC Western would sever ties with the Columbia Broadcasting System in October 1929, to become an independent network. Already CBS's William S. Paley was aligning new stations in the West. He planned to have land lines in place by January 1930. Not quick enough. There would be a few months without Columbia chain programming on the West Coast. On August 12, 1929 KOIN Portland announced it would affiliate with the Columbia chain. On August 20, 1929 reports reached Washington D.C. that the ABC Western chain was experiening unexpected difficulties in it's plans to set in operation a national network by October. Mr. Linden (ABC Head) failed to secure additional financing to shore up the Chains mounting financial burden. On August 25, 1929 The American Broadcasting Co. gave control of it's leased land lines to The Columbia Broadcasting System, so the CBS chain could continue to feed it's Western affiliates. Also on this date CBS switched to the Don Lee owned stations: KHJ Los Angeles & KFRC San Francisco. On August 26, 1929 the Columbia chain announced that on September 1, 1929 CBS would start feeding, what would later be called the "Columbia Northwest Unit". Those stations were: KVI Tacoma (now Seattle) KOIN Portland KFPY Spokane (aka KXLY) At this time Mr. Paley was looking for a replacement for ABC. He then entered an agreement with Don Lee. Previous to this Mr. Lee had strung land lines between his stations KHJ & KFRC a year earlier. Together with Mr. Lee's financing, they created "The Don Lee-Columbia Network", CBS's Western chain. With these affiliates, Mr. Lee created his "Don Lee Broadcasting System"(DLBS) feeding the same stations programming, when Columbia was silent. On November 10, 1929 KOIN carried it's first Don Lee programming. The original ABC land lines then reverted back to KJR, KEX & KGA. Their story continues in Part 3. A year later KOL Seattle joins The Don Lee-Columbia Network.(KVI also continues). On November 3, 1933 KOIN began sharing CBS programs with sister KALE. By 1935 relations between CBS & Don Lee were beginning to strain. Columbia wanted more control over it's affiliates. They now had financial capability to lease land lines. On December 29, 1936 ties were severed. The Don Lee chain was in need of another partner. They found what would become their perfect match. An Eastern Network hungry for produced programming and eager to expand West. This story continues in Part 5: Mutual & Don Lee. On September 25, 1937 KALE dropped their CBS affiliation. KOIN once again became the exclusive Portland CBS station.
Author: Outsider (
Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 6:49 am
How long ago did the KALE calls move to the Tri-Cities?
Author: Craigadams (
Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 11:06 pm
I don't have that info with me here. Somebody help him. I'm not returning until next weekend.
Author: Randy_In_Eugene (
Monday, August 13, 2001 - 12:47 am
I can narrow it down a little, based on old station lists found at: KALE (1330) was still in Portland as of 1946, but it's listed as KPOJ on a 1949 list of network affiliates. The current edition of Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook says KALE 960 in Richland signed on April 1, 1950. I'm not absolutely certain those were the original call letters on 960, but they likely are.
Author: Semoochie (
Monday, August 13, 2001 - 8:58 pm
1948 rings a bell for KPOJ.
Author: Craigadams (
Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 11:49 pm
The Broadcasting Yearbook says KALE Richland went on the air in 1950. I could not find a listing for it in 1954, but did trace it back as far as 1959.