Author: Craigadams (
Saturday, July 14, 2001 - 6:38 am
On June 24, 1924 KFQN began operation on 1060kc. KFQN was owned by the Third Baptist Church. Studio & transmitter were located at the Church: 108 North Knott St.(corner of N. Vancouver Ave. & N. Knott) in Portland. Reverend W. Arnold Bennett was Pastor. The apparatus was the old KGG, formally 7XN (Oregon's 4th broadcasting station). KFQN broadcast: Wednesdays & Fridays 8:00PM to 9:00PM & Sundays 9:45AM to 10:30AM & 9:00PM to 10:00PM. Due to the irregular schedule, the license renewal was denied March 19, 1925. The Radio Division was now in the process of weeding out those stations not broadcasting daily, now that many stations had their own frequencies.
Author: Semoochie (
Saturday, July 14, 2001 - 6:16 pm
Was weeding out stations something that was discontinued after the FCC took over? There's a station in the LA area that until recently was just on the air for church services. It's interesting that, what with KFQN being a religious station that it would have that particular set of pronounceable call letters.
Author: Craigadams (
Sunday, July 15, 2001 - 4:48 am
At this point (1925) the FRC wasn't in control yet. It was still the Radio Division. 833kc was being fazed out. Stations were being moved to other frequencies. A lot of these stations were still thinking progamming by the hour, instead of by the day. These were part time broadcasters, now being asked to quit other jobs. It was almost like a hobby for a lot of these people, the love of radio! Call letter wise, they were still being assigned. No Choice!....NEXT WEEKEND some Pre-History that I've just discovered, thought to have been destroyed 70 Years ago! It's re-writing Portland Radio History...Stay tuned!
Author: Semoochie (
Sunday, July 15, 2001 - 10:54 am
Thanks Craig. It would almost have to be a hobby for all of them before they started having commercials unless they could get funding elsewhere.
Author: Wayne (
Sunday, July 15, 2001 - 4:11 pm
Why was the station at 833 instead of 830? when did the change to have the last number be at "zero" take place? I know that many foreign countries, like Great Britan,use the odd-number system
Author: Semoochie (
Sunday, July 15, 2001 - 10:07 pm
I believe that all stations started out on 833kc. It had to do with meters, didn't it?
Author: Craigadams (
Sunday, July 15, 2001 - 11:40 pm
That's right Semoohie. Wayne, the Meter numbers were always zero at the end.