Author: Craigadams (
Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 8:18 am
In early 1923, radio club students from Benson Polytechnic Institute spotted a radio apparatus "For Sale" in the Stubbs Electric store window located at 75 S.E. 6th Ave.(corner of 6th & Oak Sts.). Stubbs was also home to KQY at the time. The apparatus for sale was KYG, formally 7XG (Oregon's 2nd broadcasting station). Schools & colleges were getting into broadcasting across the country. This was a cost efficient way to do it. The students talked Benson faculty into purchasing the year old equipment. Next the radio club applied for a commercial license and requested the Bureau of Navigation's Radio Division to transfer the KYG calls to Benson. The Bureau had stopped assigning 3 letter calls in May of 1922. Already those early calls were being coveted.(The Bureau in Nov. 1926 would start issuing more). The request was denied. The KYG license had already been cancelled and the Calls deleted November 7, 1922. On March 23, 1923 the Bureau issued a license to Benson Polytechnic Institute bearing the sequentially-assigned calls KFIF for 360 Meters(833kc). It should be noted that Benson uses this date as it's first broadcast.(The date appeared on the first license). KFIF actually began operation May 4, 1923. Studio & transmitter were located at the School, 546 N.E. 12th Ave. in Portland. Benson also held experimental calls 7XAD for other broadcasting purposes. On (or about) November 23, 1923 KFIF moved to 1210kc. On (or about) November 10, 1926 KFIF switched to 1190kc. On June 15, 1927 the new Federal Radio Commission assigned KFIF 1400kc. On March 1, 1928 the FRC moved KFIF to 1310kc. On November 11, 1928 KFIF switched to 1420kc. In the fall of 1929 KFIF's licensee name changed to Benson Polytechnic School. On March 17, 1930 KFIF became KBPS, signifying the School name. By mid 1938 KBPS broadcast weekdays 11:AM to 12:30PM & 3:PM to 5:PM.(silent during summers). On March 29, 1941 Tne NARBA Treaty was implemented in North America at 3:AM EST. KBPS was assigned 1450kc. Later in 1941 a self-supported vertical radiating antenna tower was installed. By 1951 KBPS operated 10:AM to 9:PM daily, except summers. KBPS slogan was: Voice of the Portland Public Schools. In 1954 KBPS licensee name changed to Portland Public Schools; Benson Polytechnic School. On March 19, 1959 the license was changed back to Benson Polytechnic School. KBPS slogan in the 1960's was previously mentioned with: Be a friend, turn us on. In 1973 KBPS joined NPR. In 1982 KBPS licensee name changed to School District No. 1. In 1991 KBPS moved studios to 515 N.E. 15th Ave. In October 1994, as a way to raise money for operating KBPS, Benson made an agreement with Portland State University to share time on KBPS under the non-licensed calls KPSU. Studios are located at 1825 S.W. Broadway, in the Smith Memorial Center, sub basement. KPSU first slogan: 1450 AM, Portland State University Radio. KBPS slogan: Portland Public Radio.
Author: Wayne (
Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 6:17 pm
I miss the coverage of the PIL games, like KBPS used to do. Could KPSU share KPBS during that time maybe? Otherwise us PIL graduates have to wait until the 11:00 news to find out how their team did. Some of us go to bed before then!
Author: Jscott (
Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 5:33 pm
I know what you are talking about Wayne. I have been in the sportscasting program at KBPS for the past 4 years, just graduted from it, and we always taped the games which were mostly on Fridays. They would be delayed until the next morning, afternoon or even Sunday after everybody has seen the highlights and knows who won the game. How exciting is that to listen to!!! But I still appreciate being in the program, I learned a lot and now I have my first pro play-by-play job that starts this November. We would do the girls and boys state basketball tournament games live if a PIL team was playing in the day because we signed off to KPSU at 5PM 7 days a week. Otherwise, we couldn't broadcast them. I feel your pain. I was trying to do exactly what you suggested over the 4 years I was in the program and along with station management, KPSU wouldn't allow KBPS to break back into local programming so we could do the games live. But oh well, take it for what it's worth and I learned a lot from it and totally support it!!! Hey Craig Adams, remember me from last Winter-Summer, I used to work on KISN Saturday nights running Dick Bartley. JEREMY??? Nice to hear from you.
Author: Craigadams (
Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 11:50 pm
Reading your post, I thought that was you! Look's like you jumped just in time, with Bartley now on Sunday Nights, we're not using a board operator as such.
Author: Wayne (
Monday, July 02, 2001 - 1:32 pm
I notice that a TV channel(I don't know which one anymore, since they have moved) now covers a PIL game of the week, but it's always taped delayed on Saturdays. Why can't the games here be live? Makes no sense. Everything else is tape delayed, even the Blazers!
Author: Jscott (
Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 11:22 am
Yeah, it was on Paragon Cable channel 53 and I did games for them as well, tape delayed with one camera except on 2 occasions when they decided to air a Benson/Jefferson basketball game and and a Jefferson football playoff game, which I did as well. When Paragon became AT & T they changed to channel 28.
Author: Stevenaganuma (
Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 12:50 pm
Back in 1923, Benson Polytechnic School paid $1,800 dollars for the station. Big money back then but, what a steal!
Author: Stevenaganuma (
Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 1:08 pm
KBPS-AM is also unique because very few public school districts own an AM radio station. Most of the school districts that have a station, have an FM.
Author: Craigadams (
Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 10:29 pm
Good Stuff Stevenaganuma! Thanks!
Author: Randy_In_Eugene (
Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 12:15 am
>Most of the school districts that have a station, have an FM. That's changing though, as worthless AMs end up being donated to schools.
Author: Stevenaganuma (
Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 11:31 am
Randy_In_Eugene, Good point. If anyone knows any owners of un-wanted AM's in the Portland area, let them know the Portland Public Schools will gladly accept their generous donation.
Author: Dberichon
Sunday, February 06, 2005 - 4:54 am
Some of you may be interested to know that Live coverage of PIL sports is back on KBPS!