Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 12:30 am
Ran across this in "The Oregonian" dated April 13, 1946. This is the earliest FM article on Portland I've seen to date. At the time Portland had no FM's on the air. "Basic engineering plans for four frequency modulation radio broadcasting stations in Portland have been approved by the Federal Communications Commission in Washington D.C. The stations which had "Conditional Grants" were: The Oregonian, KGW, 95.3 Megacycles, 51 Kilowatts. Transmitter will be on Healy Heights. "KGW has owned the site for 4 years and plans to proceed at once." (KGW-FM began operation on May 7, 1946). KOIN, Inc., 94.5 Megacycles, 50 Kilowatts. Transmitter will be on Sylvan Hill with KOIN. (KOIN-FM began operation September 12, 1948 on 101.1Mc.) Pacific Radio Advertising, owned by Wilbur J. Jerman (owner of KWJJ) & John C. Egan, 95.7 Megacycles, 3.2 Kilowatts. Transmitter will be on Healy Heights. (KPRA began operation on September 25, 1947). KXL Broadcasters, H.S. Jacobson, President & Manager was on vacation at the time of this writing. All that is known, is the transmitter site will be on Mount Scott. This is unfortunate, since KXL never built and up to now was unknown. What happened? And where is KPFM's Stan Goard in all this? KPFM would be on the air in 6 months (November 1946). Did KXL sell it's C.P. to Stan Goard?
Author: Where_am_i
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 8:43 am
When did the FCC do the realignment of the FM frequency? I thought that was done in 1947 or 48..
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 7:01 pm
June 12, 1947 was the FCC re-alignment date but unlike the AM re-alignments in the 1920's, FM stations switched to their new frequencies at their own speed. FM being line of sight was probably the reason the FCC was more flexible on this. KPFM July 31, 1947 / 94.9mc to 97.1mc KGW-FM October 10, 1947 /95.3mc to 100.3mc KPRA January 9, 1948 / 95.7mc to 95.5mc