Author: Craigadams
Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 8:54 pm
On May 1, 1959 Gordon A. Rogers, President, P.D. & licensee of "Radio Station KBLA" a 250 watt broadcaster on 1490kc. in Burbank CA, made an announcement. Mr. Rogers had applied for a 1KW daytime station on 1550kc. in Vancouver WA. On January 10, 1962 the FCC granted a construction permit. Estimated construction cost was $13,675. First year operating cost $72,000. First year anticipated advertising revenue $75,000. Proceeds from the KBLA sale by July 1960 were used for the building of the new station. Trivia: KBLA switched to 1500kc. & 10KW daytime in 1964, broadcasting a Top 40 format with DJ, Humble Harv. KBLA was reprised with Humble Harv in the 1980 movie "The Hollywood Knights" depicting Halloween night 1965. On August 10, 1963 KGAR began operation at 5:00AM. KGAR studio & transmitter were located in the Fruit Valley vacinity of Vancouver WA (2808 Walnut St., in a former home). The transmitter was a Bauer 707, serial number XT-1 (1st 707 & prototype). The tower was about 100 feet of sewer pipe. The studio consisted of a Collins 212B console, 2 Russco turntables, a Western Electric microphone, 3 Magnecord PT-6 reel-to-reel tape machines & 2 Spotmaster cart machines. Equipment was originally refurbished or castoff from KBLA. Behind The Mike column 8-15-63. "We run an all-news format says Gordon A. Rogers to The Oregonian. Sunday will be offered to churches for commercial religious programs. Religious music and smooth standards may also be played Sunday along with the news. No jungle or teen-age frantic music will be played at any time. We program to the adult listeners and at the same time invite the youngsters to tune in and find out what is going on in the world around them. We will not play down Vancouver. We are licensed as a Vancouver radio station and are proud to admit that our signal emanates from that beautiful city.(jab at KISN?). Our broadcasts will serve Vancouver, Portland and the adjacent environs on an equal basis." Gordon A. Rogers was President & licensee; Gordon A. Rogers, Jr., General Manager; Bob Van Roy, News Director (formerly KKEY N.D.); Leo Erickson, Chief Engineer and station builder. KGAR call meaning: Gordon Arthur Rogers. KGAR operated 5:00AM to sunset daily. (6AM sign on in Winter). KGAR slogans: All news, all day. KGAR has it all over Vancouver, Portland. The KGAR Newscasters were Bob Van Ray, Tom Cauthers (formerly with KGON-1230, KYJC, KRVC, KNND M.D., KKEY & KGRO) & Gordon Short (aka Al Gordon). Tom Cauthers remembers September 1963: "The three guys would rotate doing shifts. All the news was rip n' read off the UPI teletype machine. The first newscast was assembled off the wire, and had to last at least 30 minutes. It was recorded as it was delivered live on the air. Then, about 3 minutes of PSA's ran while the reporter re-wound the tape to air it. That newscast would run again, while the reporter assembled the next half hour newscast. When the first tape was over, the reporter would read another half hour while the tape recorded." "When it was over, the first tape ran. Then the second tape, while the reporter got ready to read the third segment while it was being recorded. After that, every other half hour was fresh, and recorded for later playback." Refered to on the air as "The KGAR News-wheel". News shifts were 5-11AM, 11-4PM & 4-sunset. In January 1964 Tom's brother, Bruce Cauthers began Saturday newscasts & fill-ins. (formerly with KFLY, KLOO & KGRO). In January 1966 KGAR switched to a Top 40 format. 50KW KYMN 1520kc. had abandoned it's Top 40 format on 2-1-65 after battling 1KW KISN 910kc. for 6 months. The KGAR feud would be more personal, a battle KISN would never forget. KGAR's Program Director became A.J. Harold (formerly on KSNN, later aka Bobby Noonan). Tim L. Freed, Chief Engineer (formerly on KBPS, KPAM-KPFM). KGAR slogan: Everything's nifty on 15-50. The KGAR air staff included: Tim Freed, 6-10AM; Rob ???, 10-2PM; A.J. Harold, 2-sunset. On January 31, 1966 Robert T. Fletcher joined the KGAR sales staff (formerly on KEED, KOMB, KBAR, KFLY, KGAY, KRXL, KLOO & KWAY G.M.). In March 1966 Robert T. Fletcher aka Bob Duke became Program Director. On May 1, 1966 KGAR launched it's "Boss Radio" slogans: Boss radio at 1550. The IN sound in town. The Boss 1550. More rockin' rhythm, more often. KGAR plays more music. Much more music machine, KGAR 1550. (Boss Radio duplicated from "93 KHJ" slogans launched 5-3-65). On May 10, 1966 KGAR moved studios to Portland OR. Baker's Dozen by Doug Baker 5-9-66: "Early this year one Gordon Rogers, Sr. the owner of KGAR radio in Vancouver WASH. secretly leased the Flatiron Building at the corner of S.W. 10th & Burnside (949 S.W. Oak St.). Once he had a 10 year lease Rogers took pains to white wash the windows of the building with poster paint thus masking from view what has happened in the building during the past six weeks. The building you see is directly across the street from KISN studios at N.W. 10th & Burnside." (10 N.W. 10th Ave.) More to come...
Author: Craigadams
Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 10:44 pm
"Just to turn the knife in the wound, Rogers will erect on his new building large signs. The first one due to go into position this Monday (today), will read "KGAR Boss Radio, Dial 1550". On the side of the building which faces KISN's building another big sign will read "Radio IS KGAR". Although KGAR is moving it's sales and administrative offices into the new Portland site, it will continue says Rogers to keep it's Vancouver WASH., identification, operating studios there and licensing it's news truck in Washington." "Rogers, while he plans to spoof KISN's various promotions has no intention of spending the large sums of money spent by the Star Broadcasting Co. on it's promotional efforts. He gave as an example, his recent "Bat Guanomobile" contest ran in rebuttal to KISN's "Batmobile" contest. KISN gave away large prizes, KGAR only a wheelbarrow of guano and a trip to Scappoose." KISN's only comment came on 5-12-66 in "Baker's Dozen" from a staff member not mentioned. "KGAR took a big gamble in signing a 10 year lease. The radio biz being what it is, it was risky..." The Oak Street studio was used on air mornings & afternoon drive only. Middays the studio was a production room. By July 1966 The Boss Personalities were: Don Coss, 5-9AM (formerly on KWAY & KUIK); Big Daddy Duke (aka Bob Duke) 9-Noon; Tim Freed, Noon-2; A.J. Harold, 2-sunset. In late September 1966 Robert T. Fletcher became Assistant G.M. & Paul Oscar Anderson aka P.O.A. became Program Director (formerly on KISN). The Boss Jocks were: P.O.A., 5-9AM; Don Coss, 9-Noon; Tim Freed, Noon-2 & A.J. Harold 2-sunset. On October 17, 1966 in a civil action before Circuit Judge, Robert E. Jones, Paul E. Brown aka Paul Oscar Anderson claimed he was fired for refusing to go along with KISN election coverage. Mr. Brown told the court that on September 22, 1966 Don Burdon, President of KISN told him he planned "to put Mark Hatfield in the U.S. Senate." KISN News reports on rival Bob Duncan were to "show Duncan in a bad light." Mr. Brown believing this policy to be in violation of the FCC equal time provision, refused to play promotional spots announcing special coverage and was fired by KISN's Program Director. (PD name not mentioned). On October 18, 1966 the KISN slanted news charge was "not substantiated by the preponderance of evidence." KISN had sought an injunction enforcing a no-competition clause in Mr. Brown's contract for one year. The Judge ruled Mr. Brown could not broadcast on KGAR until December 1, 1966. "Gordon A. Rogers, owner of station KGAR, said Brown will immediately go to work for his station doing sales. On December 1st he will go on the air as our top morning disc jockey." Rick Chase was interim mornings. In hindsight October 17, 1966 would mark the beginning of the end for KISN & the Star Stations, Inc. group. In December 1966 P.O.A. dropped the "Boss Radio" slogans in favor of "KGAR, the hard rock of the Northwest." By early 1967 P.O.A. had parted from KGAR and Bob Fletcher was P.D. again, as well as Assistant G.M. By Summer 1967 Gene Nelson was doing Afternoon Drive on KGAR. On January 1, 1968 abc Radio divided it's network into four services. KGAR became an affiliate & debuted the "American Contemporary Radio Network" to the Portland market. By May 1968 the KGAR air staff included: Don Coss, 5-10AM; Tim Freed, 10-3PM; Todd Dennis (younger brother of Don Coss) 3-sunset. By this time the KGAR BIG '15' music surveys were being distributed. By October 1968 KGAR was listed as programming "Negro music 6 hours weekly". By June 1969 KGAR's format was described as "Top 30 and R & B music." By October 1969 Danny Dark aka C. Norman Chase was News Director & Chief Engineer. In late 1969 KGAR closed it's Oak Street studio. (by fall 1970 the studio was the new location for "Ron Bailie School of Broadcast"). By late 1969 the KGAR air staff included: Big Daddy Duke, 6-Noon & Danny Dark, Noon-sunset. Sundays included: Dave Stone (formerly on KRDR as Junior Rockaway, later aka Dave "Record" Stone) 10-sunset. KGAR slogan: The music station. On December 15, 1969 Bob (Duke) Fletcher became General Manager, as well as P.D. On April 7, 1970 KGAR began a transition from "Top 30" to "Golden Hits" freaturing afternoon talk shows "Just Pain Jack" hosted by Jack Hurd (formerly on KLIQ) 4-6PM & Bob Duke, 6-sunset. On May 1, 1970 KGAR switched to all "Golden Hits". By October 1970 Michael W. Johnson was Program Director. On January 18, 1971 KGAR switched format to Country & Western. Slogans: Town & Country KGAR. The Country 1. Country 1550. KGAR call slogan: Great American Radio. Bob (Duke) Fletcher, G.M. & P.D., also on the air 3:30-sunset; Michael Johnson, Music Director. The abc Contemporary Network was dropped. By October 1971 Dan Ramsey was News Director.
Author: Semoochie
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 12:34 am
It's interesting that their application announcement came on the same day as KISN's first day on the air! In the back of my mind, I keep thinking that KGAR abandoned Top 40 for C&W for a short time in the mid-60s. I don't remember "Golden Hits". Was that some kind of Oldies presentation?
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 12:46 am
On September 13, 1972 KGAR switched back to a "Top 20 Rock" format. Slogans: We found it, KGAR 1-55. There's only one KGAR. Bob (Duke) Fletcher, G.M., P.D. & M.D.; Mike Garland, News Director. On March 23, 1974 KGAR added Soul music to weekends with DJ's, Jimmy "Bang-Bang" Walker & Roy Jay-Soul (later KQIV G.M.). KGAR weekend slogan: The Soul of Portland. Also in 1974 KGAR affiliated with the Mutual Black Network (news at 50 after the hour)(founded by MBS on May 1, 1972, MBN featured a Black perspective on the news). KGAR also re-affiliated with the abc Contemporary Network (news at 55 after the hour). By October 1974 KGAR's address had changed to 2808 N.W. Walnut St. In 1975 KGAR opened an additional studio at the "Inn At The Quay" aka "Inn At The Quay Motor Inn" (100 Columbia St.) in Vancouver. (Collins console). In 1976 KGAR dropped the Mutual Black Network & added APR Audio news. KGAR broadcast 6 hours of Black programming, 1 hour of farm news & 6 hours of religion weekly. KGAR slogan: Super Rock. By 1976 Peter A. Mann was Music Director; Dave Beck, News Director (formerly on KOIN) & Oliver Potter, Chief Engineer. On September 2, 1976 KISN signed off the air after the 5 Star Stations were denied FCC licenses on 1-31-75. Charges brought back to life on 12-3-70. Gordon A. Rogers had won the war. (for more on this, see "KVAN & KISN: The Originals"). On December 22, 1976 KGAR's license was transferred to KGAR, Inc. (Gordon A. Rogers, President & 51% owner; Lloyd Graham, 24.5%; Robert Schaefer, 12.75% & John Wynne, 12.75% interest). On December 24, 1976 at 3:38AM KGAR began 24 hour operation from it's new main studio & transmitter site in Orchards WA. Land now part of SEH America, Inc. (4111 N.E. 112th Ave.). KGAR increased power to 10KW with directional nights. The two Blaw-Knox towers were formerly the KXL towers from the old Clackamas Town Center site. KGAR had installed a Continential Electronics 316F transmitter with the Bauer 707 as back up in the new cinder block building. The Walnut Street location was now sales & production only. KGAR expanded it's Top 40 programming and added the talk show "Family Forum & Fun" hosted by Al Emrich (formerly on KLIQ) Monday through Thursday 11-1AM. Fridays talk show "Rapline" was hosted by A.C. (Al C. Emrich, Jr.) 11-1AM. By March 1977 KGAR slogan: Music Radio 1550. By late Spring 1977 the "KGAR Music Men" were: Bob "Big Daddy" Duke, 6-10AM; Mark O. Foster, 10-2PM; Bob Meyer, 2-7PM; Jay McCrae (formerly on KYAC, later aka Kelly McCrae) 7-11PM; Al Emrich, 11-1AM; A.C. 1-6AM. Weekenders: Steve Naganuma, afternoons (formerly with KGW & KPAM-FM) & Hal Hill, evenings. By May 1977 additional slogan: 1-55 KGAR. On August 1, 1977 KGAR switched to a Country format for the 2nd time. Robert T. Fletcher, G.M. & P.D.; Roger Hart, Music Director (formerly on KLIQ & KEX as Roger Ferrier; KISN, KGAY P.D., KGAL P.D., KKEY, KGON & KISN as Roger Hart); "Al" Alfred C. Emrich, Promotion Manager. KGAR slogan: Country 1550. KGAR dropped the abc Contemporary Network. By October 1977 KGAR had abandoned it's "Inn At The Quay" studio. By November 1977 the KGAR air staff included: Roger Hart, 6-10AM; Bob "Big Daddy" Duke (Fletcher) 10-3PM; Dave Stone (the original) 3-7PM; ????, 7-12AM; Steve Dougles, 12-6AM; Sundays: Steve Bradley, alternating 7-12AM & 12-5AM (formerly at KPOK AM-FM, KUPL AM-FM & KKEY). Sunday talk shows: Al Emrich, 8-9AM; Geno Martini, 9-10AM. KGAR slogan: There's only one KGAR. By October 1978 the KGAR air staff included: Bob Meyer, 6-10AM; Steve Meredith, 10-3PM; Bob Taylor (formerly on KPOK) 3-7PM; Judy West (formerly Judy Grindstaff on KOAP-FM) 7-12AM & Earlray, 12-6AM. On December 1, 1978 KGAR, Inc. was purchased by Inland Radio, Inc. (group owner: Capps Broadcast Group, Inc.; David N. Capps, President & 40% interest; Gary L. Capps, Vice-President & 40% interest) for about $1 Million. The brothers also owned under the Capps banner: Inland Radio, Inc., KSRV Ontario OR; Juniper Broadcasting, Inc., KGAL & KXIQ (FM) Bend OR (also corporate offices); Eastern Oregon Broadcasters, Inc., KTIX Pendleton OR; Capps Broadcasting, Inc., KGAL Lebanon OR & Capps Broadcast Group, Inc., KEEP & KEZJ (FM) Twin Falls ID. (FCC approval: 11-17-78. License transferred:: 11-22-78). "We really feel that Vancouver never had a radio station that paid attention to Vancouver" Capps explained. "It (Clark County) is a growing market, and it's worthy of at least one-station." Ron Hughes became General Manager & P.D.; James (Al) Boyd, Corporate Director of Engineering (formerly on WRBL, KBND P.D., KTIX P.D., N.D. & C.E.; KGRL O.M.). Also in December 1978 KGAR moved it's sales & production offices to the "Avenide del Sol" shopping center (5620 N.E. Gher Rd., Suite H).
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 3:27 am
In March 1979 Bill Cole became Program Director & M.D. (formerly KLOG P.D. & C.E., KGAL, KASH, KPUG P.D., KPOK, KWJJ, KTNT-KNBQ P.D., KMPS). In January 1980 the KGAR air staff included : Bill Cole, 6-9AM, Rick Elgin (formerly on KYXI) 9-Noon; Bob Taylor, Noon-3; Jeff Williams (formerly on KRDR & KGAY) 3-7PM; Judy West, 7-12AM; Dale Hansen, 12-6AM, Steve Meredith, morning news & News Director; Candice Seigal, afternoon news. In June 1980 Rick Freeman was doing Noon-3. In early 1981 Barry Burkes was Noon-3. KGAR slogan: The only one. (KGAR). In Spring 1981 Bill Cole became Operations Manager as well as M.D. On May 4, 1981 KGAR became KVAN. Call slogan: VANcouver Radio. This was the 3rd KVAN. The original was on 910kHz. and the 2nd on 1480kHz. KVAN slogans: K-Van is Clark County proud! Vancouver Country. Sometime after the call change, the studio & transmitter address became known as "1550 KVAN Way". In October 1981 Jeff Williams became Music Director. By December 1981 Ron Hughes was V.P. & G.M.; Becky Hale, News Director & James Boyd, KVAN Chief Engineer. In April 1982 Dick Manning became News Director. In June 1982 KVAN reduced hours of operation 5AM to Midnight. In early 1983 Jim McEwen was on air 6-12AM (formerly aka Jim Conway on KRDR, KWJJ & KAAR). In December 1983 Jeff Williams became News Director. In Summer 1984 Bill Cole became Station Manager. On May 15, 1985 studios moved to the "Avenida del Sol" shopping center with sales & production. K-Van expanded into an adjacent suite, taking out a wall. In July 1985 KVAN moved it's transmitter site to Sifton WA (15307 N.E. 34th St. This land was formerly the KPVA, KVAN & KARO transmitters site. All had been on 1480kHz. The address then was 15507 N.E. 34th St.). Two tower array. The Continental & Bauer transmitters were moved from the old site to the new and the land sold to SEH America for their expansion. In October 1985 James Boyd became Corporate Director of Engineering, again. By December 1985 Dave Lee was Program Director & M.D. plus doing afternoon drive. In early 1986 KVAN was sold to Gentry Development Corp. (David N. Capps, retained 39.68%; Bruce L. Engel & William G. Williamson) for $1,289,964. Mr. Engel was also President of Tigard-based WTD Industries, Inc. which owned timber mills. In Spring 1986 KVAN switched format to Adult Contemporary. Warren Franklin, Program Director & M.D.; James Boyd, KVAN Chief Engineer, again. On December 31, 1986 it was announced that Magic Radio, Inc. (Bruce L. Engel, principal owner, with Matt Capps & Gary L. Capps) purchased KMJK (FM) 106.7MHz. Lake Oswego OR for $3.9 Million. Gary L. Capps, C.E.O. (transfer in 4-87). By December 1987 Warren Franklin was K-Van's Program Director; Paul Duckworth, Music Director & afternoon drive. In February 1988 KVAN affiliated with the Mutual Network. Also in 1988 KVAN & KMJK (FM) licensee names merged and became Engel Communications Group (Bruce L. Engel, President; Terri Engel & David N. Capps). On February 4, 1989 it was announced that KVAN was purchased by Rogue Broadcasting Corp. (group owner: Fairmont Communications Corp.; John P. Hayes, Jr., President & COO) for $7.4 Million. (price included FM sister. FCC approval: 5-5-89. Transfer: 8-1-89). On September 12, 1989 David McDonald became Vice-President & G.M. of Rogue Broadcasting Corp. On October 2, 1989 at 10:37AM most of the K-Van staff was laid off "purely for economic reasons." "Ten K-Van employees were terminated effective immediately, with three scheduled to continue operating the business end and the operation. It left employees in a state of shock. Some were described as in tears by the time the brief session ended." During the meeting at 10:23AM KVAN began simalcasting sister KMJK (FM)'s Classic Rock format from studios located in the "Kristin Square" building (9500 S.W. Barbur Blvd., Suite 302) in Portland OR. KVAN played local spot breaks within the simulcast along with it's own local newscast (news copy faxed from KMJK) and continued local sports broadcasts. KVAN's affiliation with the Mutual Network ended. Bill Stairs, Program Director; Brad Dolbeer, Music Director; John Dimeo, KVAN Manager. Slogan: Classic Hits 106.7 KMJK. On October 12, 1989 KVAN became KMJK. Call meaning from FM sister history as Magic. (this was the 2nd KMJK (AM). The 1st was on 1290kHz.). By this time Jeff Williams had been re-hired as 1550's Public Affairs Director. In December 1989 Mark O. Hubbard became President of Fairmont. In January 1990 KMJK (AM) moved it's studio to the smaller 800 square foot "Suite L" within the "Avenida del Sol" shopping center. On February 19, 1990 KMJK & KMJK-FM switched to a Hot A.C. format. By December 1990 Michael Ellis was Program Director. On January 25, 1991 simulcast sister KMJK-FM became KMXI.
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 5:12 am
On February 15, 1991 KMJK became KVAN once again. On February 18, 1991 KVAN dropped it's simulcast of KMXI 6AM to 10PM daily. KVAN adopted a "light contemporary adult music" format and began utilizing National Broadcasting School graduates & students as air talent. Dave McDonald, V.P. & G.M. "had decided that it was not cost effective to generate revenue with KVAN." From 10PM to 6AM KVAN continued to simulcast KMXI. KVAN re-affiliated with the Mutual Network, carrying news at 30 minutes passed the hour. Les Friedman, Manager (formerly on KVAN-1480); Rocket (real name unknown) P.D. KVAN slogans: Clark County radio. Number 1 in Clark County. Clark County's choice. On August 28, 1992 Fairmont Communications Corp. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. $128.7 Million in assets and $235.5 Million in liabilities. Fairmont owned 4 AM's & 5 FM's. Between September 20 & 27, 1992 KVAN switched to a Talk format. Night simulcasting with KMXI ended. Terry Richard, Manager. Slogans: People power for the Pacific Northwest. Vancouver's own K-Van. In April 1993 the NBS school agreement ended and KVAN was turned over to KWBY 940kHz. Woodburn OR, under a L.M.A. Donald D. Coss became President of KVAN. Mr. Coss was also President, G.M. & licensee of KWBY. KVAN began simulcasting KWBY's Classic Country format with some talk programming from studios at "Pacific Plaza" (1585 North Pacific Hwy., Suite H). KVAN also featured block programming from the K-Van studio. KVAN operated 5AM to Midnight. Kiefer Mitchell became General Manager. In Summer 1993 K-Van added Spanish programming. On July 12, 1993 KVAN was sold to Vancouveradio, Inc. (Richard A. Granger, Sr., President & G.M., a former Clark County Commissioner) for $177,750. plus $6,340. back taxes. (FCC approval on 9-10-93). James Boyd, Contract Engineer. On September 4, 1993 license transfer took place and KVAN was shut down. A larger facility was needed for the forthcoming full service station. On October 25, 1993 KVAN returned to the air as a 24 hour News station with a local morning news block. Studios opened in the new "Pacific Business Center" (7710 N.E. Vancouver Mall Drive, Suite F) in Vancouver WA. K-Van occupied 1,904 square feet of space. Jeff Williams, Assistant G.M., Operations Manager & News Director; Bill Cole, Station Manager. KVAN affiliated with CNN Headline News. Slogans: We're Clark County's information station, K-Van 1550. Clark County owned, Clark County operated, Clark County proud! Clark County's K-Van. Clark County news comes first on K-Van 1550. By mid February 1994 KVAN had change to a News/Talk format, affiliating with Major Talk Network, Mutual, Talk America, United Stations Radio Network & Westwood One. K-Van became the Portland area's first "Hot Talk" station. KVAN slogans: Clark County's hot talk, K-Van 1550. Talk to hot for Portland. In March 1994 David Granger became General Manager; Jeff Williams, Operations Manager & Mark Granger, News Director. Also in March 1994 KVAN dropped CNN for abc News. In the first week of October 1996 KVAN was knocked off the air for six days following a fire at the transmitter site from electrical problems. Also in October 1996 Mark Granger became Program Director as well as News Director. By 1997 K-Van had dropped Major Talk Network, Talk America, United Stations Radio Network , Westwood One and added the WOR Radio Network. Between October 15 & 17, 1997 KPAM 860kHz. Troutdale OR began operation from the KVAN transmitter site. In 1998 KVAN installed a new Nautel XL-12 transmitter. The Continental 316F became the back up. On November 20, 1998 KVAN was sold to Pamplin Broadcasting-Washington, Inc. (group owner: Pamplin Communications Corp.; Dr. Robert B. Pamplin, Jr., President, CEO & Chairmen; Gary A. Randall, COO & Vice-Chairman; Kevin Young, Vice-President & G.M.) for $1.65 Million. On April 18, 1999 Westwood One pulled the plug on the Mutual Network after 62 years of service to the Northwest. MBS programming moved to Westwood One & KVAN became an affiliate. In August 1999 Paul H. Hanson became News Director (formerly KVAN-1480 N.D., KPAM-KPFM N.D., KYXI, N.D.). In September 1999 KVAN added affiliations with ESPN Radio & Radio America.
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 6:05 am
On January 1, 2000 David Bischoff became Chief Engineer (formerly with KOIN AM-FM, KVAN-1480 C.E., KYTE-KLLB-KRCK C.E., KKCW C.E., KEX-KKRZ). Early 2001 KVAN slogan: Clark County Radio. On April 11, 2001 Gary A. Randall retired from Pamplin Communications Corp. Also in April 2001 Mark L. Ail became Operations Manager (formerly with KISN sales). On July 7, 2001 KVAN dropped it's local morning news block along with ESPN Radio & Radio America networks. In November 2002 Bill Gallagher became Program Director (formerly KGW N.D., KXL, KEX, KEWS). On December 19, 2002 KVAN was granted "Program Test Authority" through 6-20-03, to begin work on a power increase. On March 25, 2003 KVAN became KKAD. Call slogan & format: ADvice talk. KKAD added affiliations with AP Network News, Jones Radio Network, Talk America, Talk Radio Network & Wall Street Journal Radio. abc & Westwood One were dropped. KKAD slogan: Sound advice, no politices. In April 2003 KKAD increased power to 50KW day & 12KW directional nights. Four towers, 81.7 meters in height. A new Harris DX-50 transmitter had been installed. The Nautel XL-12 became the back up. The old Continental & Bauer were dismantled and junked. Also in 2003 Tim Hohl was News Director. On the weekend of September 1, 2003 KKAD moved studios to sister KPAM at the "Pioneer Tower" building (888 S.W. 5th Ave., Suite 790) in Portland OR. (studios formerly home to KKCW & KXYQ-FM, 1993-95. KKRH-KRSK, KKSN & KKSN-FM, 1995-99). On June 14, 2004 KKAD changed format to "The Music of Your Life" Radio Network, syndicated by Jones Radio Networks. KKAD dropped Talk America, Talk Radio Network, Wall Street Journal Radio & WOR Radio Network. Slogans: The all new AM 1550 KKAD. You're listening to the music of your life on AM 1550 KKAD. In Summer 2004 Bill Gallagher became News Director. On September 9, 2004 Paul Clithero became General Manager. On December 16, 2004 KKAD added the slogan: Sunny 1550. KKAD slogans: Thanks for listening to the all new Sunny 1550 KKAD. It's the music of your life on Sunny 1550 KKAD. A Special Thanks to: Mark Ail, Dave Bischoff, James Boyd, Steve Bradley, Bruce Cauthers, Tom Cauthers, Earl R. Cogdill, Bill Cole, Jim Conway, Bill Cooper, Andy Craig, Todd Dennis, Brad Dolbeer, Bob Fletcher, Tim Freed, Bill Gallagher, Drew Harold aka Bobby Noonan, Roger Hart, Jeff Hunter, Rich Johnson, Kelly McCrae, Joel Miller, Kirk Myers, Steve Naganuma, Semoochie, Dave "Record" Stone, Steve Taylor, Jeff Thomas & Jeff Williams for their invaluable assistance in this radio history.
Author: Kq4
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 9:57 am
Awesome work, Craig!
Author: Missing_kskd
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 10:27 am
This is perhaps the best feature of this site. I enjoy the history --thanks!
Author: Waynes_world
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 11:52 am
Thanks, Craig! I hope Tim Freed was a help. He & I were classmates at Madison. Actually he was a year ahead of me. I wonder what he's up to now.I think KKAD's new format, of course, is their best.
Author: Semoochie
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 12:32 pm
I'm confused by the KPVA reference. KVAN 1480 moved to Sifton for nighttime operation in the late 70s but KPVA predated KVAN. I went out to the site when I heard about their move and there was nothing there but trees. It looked like it had always been that way. Also, I believe KARO had become KAAR before they left the site, claiming "volcano interference". Great stuff as usual, Craig!
Author: Top40bob
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 1:31 pm
Craig - wonderful post. Thank you for mentioning, Leo Erickson, W7KWQ one of the pacific northwest's top chief engineers. I remember the many nites we spent together at the KWJJ-AM transmitter trying to keep it on the air.
Author: Washnotore2
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 1:39 pm
>On May 4, 1981 KGAR became KVAN. Call slogan: VANcouver Radio. The slogan was jingled as: Vancouver Radio K-V-A-N Another slogan that was used: Were Clark County Proud.
Author: Pdx1312
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 5:42 pm
Thanks for the history!!! My father (Don Coss) met my mother while working at KGAR, she was the receptionist at the station then. I have heard a ton of great stories from those days, including one; where Bobby Darrin came into the studio and spent about 45 minutes on the air with my father. Thanks again! Derec Coss.
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 6:51 pm
Thanks for the kind words everybody. My fingers are raw! Ok on to the answers to your questions hopeful: Semoochie: On the KGAR switch from Top 40 to Country that you remember in the mid 60's. Sounds like you're remembering the January 1971 switch. No one mentioned this happening in the mid 60's. Wayne: Yes! Tim Freed was a great help to me. He don't have computer so I'm thinking about mailing him a copy. Semoochie: On the Sifton transmitter site. Jeff Williams told me about KPVA 1480 being their first, Circa 1958-60. I remember running out to look at the old KGON 1520 McLoughlin Blvd. transmitter site (researching that history) and finding the trees thick. But remember that aerial view that has posted and we could see where the towers had been with newer foliage. Pdx1313(Derec Coss): On your Dad. Would have loved to have had him be a part of this, for his insight. You can't have everything.
Author: Semoochie
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 8:36 pm
It must have been quite a coincidence to choose the same spot that had been abandoned 20 years prior for just one tower. I was thinking it was licensed to Camas so that was probably close enough.
Author: Semoochie
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 8:42 pm
It isn't likely that I confused a format change when I was a senior in high school with one when I was a little kid! One possibility is that everytime I tuned in, they happened to be playing a Country song. I may have only tried it once for all I know.
Author: Stoner
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 9:50 pm
On that famous morning the station (Kgar) was tarped.....When the tarp came off there was a studio mirrored to Kisn's window....But the salt on the wound was when Paul Oscar Anderson did not show up to morning drive duty and was sitting in the KGAR window of the world! That is when Burden went crazy and hit POA with the breach of contract suit. THEN....POA spilled the beans about Burdens campaign to make Mark Hatfield the next senator of Oregon.....Then the really hit the 10th & Burnside fan. Doug Baker in his (Bakers Dozen column-Ore Journal) had a hey day with that story.
Author: Stoner
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 9:52 pm
ps: terrific report Craig...5 stars on this one. You out did yourself. Wouldn't be great to produce a book with all the great photos....and take station by station? I think it would be wonderful. The stations in town should kick in some bucks and let Craig get this done. I would buy 3 copies!
Author: Waynes_world
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 10:26 pm
If I remember, didn't POA claim that he was fired because he supported the democrat (whose name I can't remember) who opposed Hatfield?
Author: Oldtom
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 11:11 pm
The democrat was Bob Duncan. Great job, Craig. The memories you work recalled! Another early-on employee to do the all-news format was Jim Lininger. I remember he came in laughing for his shift at noon one day. Apparantly I had read about five minutes of UPI wire copy while dead asleep. It was pretty much gibberish. I was working at KRDR and KKEY at the same time as KGAR. Too many hours. Not enough sleep. Or money. If you decide to compile a book I'm buying.
Author: Skeptical
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 11:15 pm
craig, see if you can hit some local historical societies up for some bucks to publish a book. I'm also a bit surprised Don Burden hired Bob Noonan not too long after he started at KGAR. Was it a "steal-him-away-from-KGAR" thing?
Author: Craigadams
Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 3:56 am
Semoochie: Maybe the transmitter site has the best ground conductivity in the area, along with the land owner willing to lease. Originally KPVA as KRIV, began transmitting from Camas at 1916 N.E. 2nd Ave. in 1955. When the calls changed to KPVA signifying Portland Vancouver Area (6-6-58) the station was on the move to become a Vancouver licensed broadcaster. On 12-15-60 the FCC granted by then KVAN permission to change city of license to Vancouver. I'm sure this would've happened if Bill Murphy the stations Owner & C.E. would have stayed on. But unfortunately (not for him) he was in the middle of a divorce from Cathryn Murphy who would come out of this as owner on 11-2-60. The license change to Vancouver wouldn't occur until 1965 with the next transmitter move to Hayden Island earlier in 1961 (12640 N. Farr Rd.). Note each move was closer to Portland. Stoner & Oldtom: Thanks! I couldn't have done as good a job with out You and Everyone. Skeptical: Bobby Noonan might have been lured away by Don Burdon. Roger Hart told me he had pretty good ratings at KEX when Burdon talked him into jumping ship for his first gig at KISN. Maybe Bobby Noonan will comment on this. He is a pdxradio reader in Boise.
Author: Stoner
Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 5:29 am
Bobby had the SOUND Kisn was after....Plus he was a production wizard and Kisn was lacking in that area. The guy that Kisn never grabbed and should of was Danny Dark. He was incredible on air and could of jocked in any top 10 market. If anyone out there has airchecks of Danny Dark at KGAR I would pay for a copy. If KGAR would of had a signal they could of done damage to Kisn during their hey day.
Author: 62kgw
Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 10:29 am
Clarification re KGON Mclaughlin Blvd. The link to the old topo map proved that the KGON tower was in what is now a car lot West of the baseball field, rather than in the "circle" of vegitation (NW of the end of the deadend road) visible in the aeriel photo See: Portland Radio Message Board: Archives: 2004: Mar/April 2004: Radio tower locations - old maps
Author: Waynes_world
Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 11:14 am
Do you mean "laid back Lenny" Tom? I think I met him once!
Author: Semoochie
Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 11:19 am
That's the guy. I sat in on his show a couple of times at AC KYTE-FM/KLLB Country Club 101.
Author: Craigadams
Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 5:27 pm
62kgw: Yes! The KGON 1520 studio was in, what is now a car lot on McLoughlin Blvd. but the towers were out back.
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 10:48 pm
"Laid Back Lenny" was part of the original K-103 line-up. Paul Oscar Anderson spent some time at Eugene's KASH right after leaving KGAR.
Author: Skeptical
Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 11:59 pm
stoner, I think you're right. Bobby Noonan does come to mind as being the "sound" of KISN. Buddy Scott comes to mind too.
Author: Washnotore2
Friday, February 04, 2005 - 12:00 am
From a listener standpoint. What I remember most about KGAR - KVAN is being a local radio station. In morning there was always local Vancouver and Washington State news. The one staff member that stood out the most. Was Jeff Williams. I think he was the one that always did the news reports. During the day the station would play county music. And during the breaks you would always hear local commercials first. During the summer KGAR - KVAN did a lot of sponsorship at the Clark County Fair. Things like a live remote from the fairgrounds. And helping to introduce a county act that appeared at the fair during the 1970's. During the school year. High school Football and Basketball was always a favorite to listen too. If any High school teams made it to the state playoffs. KGAR - KVAN would not be far behind. In providing local coverage. Usually from somewhere in the Puget Sound area. As for other sporting events. KGAR - KVAN was the only local radio station in the Portland area. At the time during the 1970's. To carry sports teams from Washington State. Like Seattle Mariners, Seattle Seahawks And college teams like Washington and Washington State.
Author: Skeptical
Friday, February 04, 2005 - 2:14 am
I have a snippet of a KVAN aircheck from 1968(?) in which a jock says a listener called to request Steppenwolf's "The Pusher" but said they weren't going to be able to accomodate him because the person who lent the station the album took it back. Pretty low budget eh?
Author: Craigadams
Friday, February 04, 2005 - 3:50 am
Skeptical: That would have been KVAN 1480, The Mono Maniacs. Predating "The Big B.A." who started on March 1, 1970.
Author: Andy_west
Friday, February 04, 2005 - 8:30 pm
Excellent job Craig!! I worked for Gary Capps back in 1981 when he owned KGAR. I was at sister stations KXIQ/KGRL in Bend. I was only part-timer and still in high school, but I remember wanting to work in at KGAR! Great job!! Thanks.
Author: Craigadams
Friday, February 04, 2005 - 10:24 pm
Thanks! Andy.
Author: Waynes_world
Friday, February 04, 2005 - 10:37 pm
Craig, I know its unrelated, but I haven't heard "three stars" by Tommy Dee & the Teen-airs yet. That would be appropriate considering yesterday was Feb 3.
Author: Stoner
Saturday, February 05, 2005 - 3:37 am
you will hear it tonight in my 10pm hour...a tribute to the Legends of RR....Buddy-and friends.
Author: Waynes_world
Saturday, February 05, 2005 - 12:32 pm
Thanks, Dave, you're boss! I guess you knew that Carol Kaye who sang lead played bass with the Beach Boys on many of their hits.
Author: Kennewickman
Sunday, June 24, 2007 - 7:29 pm
What I remember most about KGAR was the the Rosary at signoff. Im not a Catholic and it was the first time I actually memorized the whole enchalada. And of course " Boss Radio" days. I enjoyed that format. It was the "Anti KISN" station rave at Fort Vancouver High for several years in the mid and late 60s ... alan cook.............