Author: Tombrooks
Thursday, February 12, 2009 - 10:29 pm
SIDE NOTE: First Off: I want to tell all the people that have posted on this site how enjoyable it has been to see what people in Portland Broadcasting are thinking and doing – Old friends I have not talked To for years – I really enjoy this forum! A book should be written (If it hasn’t already) on the life and times of one of america’s early pioneers from his early days of Pocatello, ID in the early ‘50’s to the FCC pulling the plug on is broadcast empire in October 1976.. (Ask anyone who met him he was a real charator) (KOIL AM-FM in Omaha – WIFE AM-FM in Indanapolis and KISN AM 910 in Portland) All went dark at the same time Stories – Stories – Let’s hear em!! I’ll keep mine short as many others who new Don better I’m sure have more stories -- My first job was answering the KISN request lines in June of 1971 – finally after bugging the PD for 1 ½ years I got a weekend on air Working 7 to 12Midnight Saturdays… (as G Michael McKay – they had a extra jingle so…One of the air staff meetings was in Don W Burden Private office.. Along with Don was the entire air staff.. I can remember him explaining The NEW rotation if songs—On his coffee table he said “This is a hit” (Ash tray) And this is an Oldie – (a lighter) and so on — He was very intense at one point He reffered to DJ’s as a bunch of “F__king Gypsy’s”-- I got to tell you this left a real impression a kid on 17.. This was my wake up call for the dividing line between The “Air personalities and the management”… So many stories of contests, recording other stations like KGW air people so they would get hired in other markets, I could go on and on… There are other stories but I’ll sit and read what hopefully others will say – Overall I have great memories at KISN the Star Station June 1971 to Feb 1974…
Author: Deane_johnson
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 7:01 am
Tom, there are so many great Don Burden stories that one forum wouldn't hold them all. He was the type individual that made radio great back then. I was program director of KOIL in the late sixties, was there when we moved to the new studios and corporate headquarters. Who else would have built studios that looked like this: Burden was fussy with how we treated that building. I was on the air one Saturday morning when he came in and saw some tapes sitting on the floor in a closet. He came to the control room, said "come with me". He took a hold of my ear and drug me down the hallway in considerable pain to the closet and asked why the tapes were on the floor. One night I got a call from Roger W. Morgan at home suggesting I should stay and home and not go driving near the station or I might see something I didn't want to. I later learned that Roger and the staff had obtained a loan of a buffalo and and herded it into the lobby of the new building, line up the staff with the buffalo and had a commercial photographer make a professional photograph. I don't know if Burden ever found out or not. I know they had trouble getting the buffalo back down the outside stairs. There are those who may not have cared for his style, but his results were awesome. You gotta admire a guy who starts an empire like that with $5000. At one time, KOIL had three people on duty overnight. A receptionist answering the phone, a jock, and a news person, all live. Burden took good care of the people who produced.
Author: Stoner
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 7:28 am
Tom....I was in that meeting when he used stuff in the room to get his point across. AFTER that meeting I remember walking past the Burden Suite (hard to was on the main floor, but like a mod-living room with magnificent something you would see in Vegas but nicely appointed).....He had the brass in the room after our meeting....I heard F*** 3 times in 5-6 seconds. He was on a rampage about filling more spots on the log. I think at that time we were running 24 mins an hour or something ridiculous like that. ALSO....Remember Jessie who was the Black Janitor? Burdens daughter told him that her friends did not like "soul" music (Omaha)....He wanted all soulk music destroyed in the burner -basement. In that building was an actual fire-burner! No joke. Imagine the library collection being burned. It was Doyle Peterson who talked sense into him. But for 2-3 weeks there was no soul-r-b on Kisn. Jessie was the man who won the largest law suit in history against to Tobacco industry. He never lived to see the verdict, and with appeals the famuily wont see the 100 million to soon. What times!
Author: Stoner
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 7:30 am
sorry..for typos guys..cant find my glasses
Author: Tombrooks
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 9:46 am
Deane_johnson Great story about the tapes on floor.. When I first started at KISN I was walking down the hallway with a cup of tea-- teabag showing and all - he looked at said "What do you do here" clearly looking at the tea afraid it would spill in the hallway... I never drank tea again in the hallway - at least when I knew he was in the station... KOIL had a great looking place - did you take up the entire building?? Was this the same Roger W Morgan that came to Portland in the early '70 and did mornings at KISN??
Author: Tombrooks
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 9:50 am
Stoner: The same "Jessie" at KISN - Whooo!! He had worked there for years.. how long was he there?? I remember that basement door - but I never went down there - That building with all it's vacant upper floors was sometimes scarry...Now that I think about KISN was the only tennant in the bottom floor for quite a while...
Author: Billcooper
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 9:58 am
Tom...When I was visiting Stoner one night when Burden showed up I was walking back to the control room with an open can of cola. He jabbed me repeatedly in the chest and screamed "who the F@%$ are you" over and over. I thought he was going to kill me right there!!
Author: Deane_johnson
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 11:24 am
Tom: Yes, it's the same Roger W. Morgan. The building had two floors, plus basement. KOIL took up the entire 1st floor, corporate the top floor. There was also a basement which was half indoor garage and half storage. In the 1960s, Burden wanted to computerize. Nothing was yet available for broadcast, so he had a huge room built for computers with special air conditioning and static proof floors. There were a couple of programmers in their all the time I was there, but they never got anything going. They would come out once in a while and ask a question about spots on the log, or something else stupid, but never produced anything. While I was there, there were some interesting names on the roster. Steve Brown, Roger W. Morgan, Bob Benson (later Senior Vice President ABC News), Bobby Noonan (later voice of Drake-Chenault syndicaton), Gene Okerlund (later Mean Gene, the announcer for WWF), Lyle Dean.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 5:11 pm
Who were the "Kisn Good Guys"? Originally known as the "Swingin' 91 DJ's" in 1959, they became The Good Guys in August 1962. Here now for the first time, a listing of all known Kisn Good Guys from 1959 to 1976. Special Thanks to: Robin Mitchell, Dave Stone & Bill Stevens. * Was in the original line-up. ** Was in the last line-up. [59] Year personality began on KISN. [n] Worked in the News dept. Addie Bobkins [63] aka Bob Adkins. Barry Cannon [74]. Ben Dawson [60] CHIEF ENGINEER. Bill Howlett [60] NEWS DIRECTOR. Bill Jackson* [59] MUSIC DIRECTOR. Bill Stevens** [75] PROGRAM DIRECTOR; also see Jonathan Christy. Bill Weaver [64][n]. Bill Western [62] aka "Morning Mayor", aka "Housewife's Helper", aka "Car Tune --- Kid". Bob Stevens [60] MUSIC DIRECTOR; aka "Housewife's Helper". Bob Noonan [67] PROGRAM DIRECTOR; aka Bobby Noonan, aka Drew Harold. Buddy McGregor [66]. Buddy Scott [69]. Buddy Van Cleave [65]. Buzz Barr [66] PROGRAM DIRECTOR; aka "Housewife's Helper". Bryan Roberts [67]. Charlie Bronson [70]. Charlie Stevens [71] aka Jeff Clarke. Chuck Martin [71] PROGRAM DIRECTOR; aka "Chucker" Martin. Chuck Webber**[76]. Chris Alexander [70] aka Alan Lawson. Chris Kelly [67][n]. Chris Lane* [59] PROGRAM DIRECTOR. Craig Edwards [65]. Dave Stone (1)[69]. Dave Stone (2)** [71] MUSIC DIRECTOR; aka David Stone, aka Dave ---"Records" Stone, aka The Stoner. Also see Roger W. Morgan (2), Dennis James [59]. Dex Allen [67]. Dick Drury* [59]. Dick Jenkins [72]. Dick Saint [64]. Dick Simms** [76] MUSIC DIRECTOR; aka "Crazy" Dick Simms, aka Bwana ---Johnny. Don Kennedy [65]. Don Kneass [66][n]. Don Steele [63] PROGRAM DIRECTOR; aka "The Real" Don Steele, aka "The ---Emperor". Don Wright** [75] aka "Your Uncle" Don. Ed Leahy [60] aka "Nightwatch", aka "Mr. Moon". Frank Benny [62] aka Luncheon Munchin". Frank Lindsey [70][n]. G. Michael McKay [71] aka Tom Brooks. Gary Gears [67]. Gary Mack [66] also see Rich "Brother" Robbin. Gene Leader [65]. George Sanders [63] NEWS DIRECTOR. Grant Jackson [72]. Hal Raymond* [59] PROGRAM DIRECTOR; aka Hal "Coffee Head" Raymond, aka --- "The Morning Mayor". J.J. Jordan [71] PROGRAM DIRECTOR. Jack McCoy [59]. Jack Par [61] aka "Morning Mayor", aka "Car Tune Kid". Jackson Myers [62]. James Bond [65]. Jay Reynolds [6?]. Jerry Rohnert [75]. Jim Cassidy [70] aka Jimmy Cassidy, aka Gary Stevens, aka John Sebastian. Jim Francis [66][n]. Jim Hunter [66] MUSIC DIRECTOR; also see Roger W. Morgan (4). Jim Meeker [65]. Jim Rose [74] PROGRAM DIRECTOR. Jim Tate* [59]. Joe Light [65] aka "Teen Leader". John Drury [67][n]. John Sandifer [64][n]. John Steele [65] aka "The Real" John Steele. Johnny Clark [70]. Johnny Dark [61] CHIEF ENGINEER; aka "Nightwatch", aka Byron Swanson. Johnny Williams [61] MUSIC DIRECTOR; aka "Car Tune Kid". Jon Doe [59] NEWS DIRECTOR. Jonathan Christy [71] also see Bill Stevens. Judge Ramsey [67]. Judy Driver [59][n]. Kangaroo [68]. Ken Chase [61] aka "Luncheon Munchin". L.A. Marsh [73]. Les Parsons [61] PROGRAM DIRECTOR. Lincoln Smith [73][n]. Loren Hassett [59] NEWS DIRECTOR. M.J. Phillips [60] also see Mike Phillips. Michael Damon [76]. Mike O'Brien [67] aka Michael O'Brien. Mike Phillips [60] aka "Luncheon Munchin", aka "Car Tune Kid". Also see M.J. --- Phillips. Mike Western [59] aka "Car Tune Kid". Mother Bear [72] also see Buddy Scott. Pat Pattee [61] aka "The Preacher", aka "Nightwatch". Pat Riley [72]. Paul Oscar Anderson [62] aka P.O.A., aka "Metro Morning Mayor", aka "Waker --- Upper". Peter Huntington [64] aka Peter Huntington May. Ralph Hull [61] aka Paul Anthony. Reh Sherman [65]. Rich "Brother" Robbin [67] also see Gary Mack. Robert E. Lee [62]. Roger Hart [62] aka "Housewife's Helper". Roger W. Morgan (1) [67] aka Roger Morgan, aka Christopher Cane. Roger W. Morgan (2) [72] also see Dave Stone (2). Roger W. Morgan (3) [72] PROGRAM DIRECTOR; aka Christopher Cane ---(returns). Roger W. Morgan (4) [73] also see Jim Hunter. (This, Roger W. Morgan is the --- most well known, working at KOIL, WIFE & KYA). Ron O'Neil [73] aka "The Real" Ron O'Neil. Ron "Ugly" Thompson [71]. Russ Ripley [59] CHIEF ENGINEER; "Nightwatch", aka "Luncheon Munchin". Sam Holman [64] PROGRAM DIRECTOR. Sam Lee [71][n] MUSIC DIRECTOR. Scotty Wright [61][n]. Sherm Meyer [67] NEWS DIRECTOR; aka Sherm "Man On The Move" Meyer. Shotgun Buzz Kelly [72]. Steve Brown* [59] CO-PROGRAM DIRECTOR, later PROGRAM DIRECTOR. Steve Glass [69]. Tom Cauthers [72][n]. Tom Michaels [66] PROGRAM DIRECTOR; aka "Tom Murphy's Buddy", aka ---"Wonderful Weekend", aka "Luncheon Munchin". Tom Murphy [59] aka "Tiger" Tom Murphy, aka "T.M. in the P.M.". Tom Murphy's Buddy [62] also see Tom Michaels & Wonderful Weekend. Wally Thornton [59]. Wes Ryan [70]. Whitey Coker [65] NEWS DIRECTOR. William R. Hatch [68] ASSOCIATE NEWS DIRECTOR; aka Bill Hatch. Wonderful Weekend [62] also see Tom Michaels & "Tom Murphy's Buddy".
Author: Andy_brown
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 6:37 pm
Sam Lee called me up in 1976 and offered me a job at KISN. I hadn't been in town a year, but the end was already on the horizon and was known by everyone in the metro. Considering how limited my experience was at the time, I was pretty surprised, although being a DA-2 they needed First Class Operators to do the all night shows. I guess he was having problems keeping people from jumping ship. I was working full time so I thanked him, but told him no. I met Don Burden a few months after KISN went dark, as he was palling around with Howard Slobodin, who was the owner of 1480 KVAN back then and whom I was working for. Don Burden passed away from pancreatic cancer in 1985. **** My favorite story about Don Burden is how when he was a radio "time" salesman at KWIK - Pocatello, he was fired from his job.He then put together the financing to buy KWIK, and fired those who fired him.
Author: Hwidsten
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 6:47 pm
I was hired by KOIL Program Director Mike McCormick (Hankins) to be the Production Director at KOIL in 1964. The studios were in the Aquila Court building in downtown Omaha. I was very fortunate to be part of a very talented staff. In 1965 the staff was: 6 am to 9 am - Bob Wilson 9 am to Noon - Frank "coffey head" Allen Noon to 3 pm - Johnny Mitchell (Kris Stevens) 3 pm to 7 pm - Gary Mack (Gary Gears) 7 pm to Mid - Todd Chase Mid to 6 am - Frank Hall Gary Gears was drafted into the Army and was replaced by Gene Okerlund (yes...Mean Gene of wrestling fame) Frank Allen retired, Bob Wilson moved to middays and Roger W. Morgan did mornings. (He was formerly Jim Hunter in Portland, but I was using Jim Hunter in Omaha, and they wanted him to do the "Morganizing stuff that Burden and Steve Brown were stealing from Drake." The News Department: Mornings: Lyle Dean Mid Days: Bob Benson, News Director Afternoons: Fred Winston Nights: Ron Abernathy Mobil News: L. J. Lancer Bob Wilson went on to KQV in Pittsburgh. Johnny Mitchell went on to CKLW in Windsor/Detroit and then to WLS, Chicago. Gary Gears returned from the service and went on to WLS and other Chicago stations. Gene Okerlund opened an advertising agency in Minneapolis and became famous promoting Pro wrestling. Todd Chase went on to ownership of stations in the St. Louis area. Frank Hall became the Weatherman for an Omaha TV station. Lyle Dean went on to WLS and WGN in Chicago as well as ABC Radio anchor. Bob Benson became the News Director for the 4-network ABC Radio networks. Fred Winston switched to jocking and went on to WLS, WCFL and other Chicago stations. L.J. Lancer went on to run the AP Radio network. I was fortunate to go on to WKYC, Cleveland, then WLS, Chicago and then KGW, Portland. Mike McCormick went on to PD KQV, Pittsburgh and then WLS, Chicago. Was that group the best staff Burden ever had in Omaha? I don't know. But, it sure was fun.
Author: Hwidsten
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 6:58 pm
Freezing rain and snow had been forecast for Omaha on this January day in 1965, and I was awakened from s sound sleep at 4:30 am by Bob Benson. "Burden is raising hell," he said. "He wants to know why the mobil units aren't out and we aren't doing traffic reports." (At this point you need to know that in 1965 Omaha, Nebraska, nothing moved before 6:30 AM) "Where's LJ," I asked. Bob said he had already gotten him out of bed and he was on his way in to the station to get out on the street with "Big Red #1," which was the KOIL Chevy station wagon remote unit." "Listen," Bob said, "Burden is really raising hell. Can you do a traffic report right now?" And so I did....lying there in my bed in my apartment on 72nd street, I faked one over the phone. Later in the day during the meeting Burden had called to discuss what we should have done, I actually got a compliment. It was the only one I ever got from the man, and it was meaningful because few people ever got one. If he only knew.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 7:16 pm
Anyone. As you can see on my list above and what Hal posted below, Hal mentions Gary Gears & Gary Mack being the same guy. I'm wondering if these two names were the same DJ at KISN.
Author: Hwidsten
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 7:23 pm
One of the things that Don Burden really wanted for his stations was the kind of News image that Gordon McClendon had created in Dallas and Houston. Burden and McClendon were good friends. Bob Benson was hired in 1964 from WIRE in Indianapolis to create a news department in Omaha and develop some credibility for what had been a rip and read wire copy based news department at KOIL. Burden loved the McClendon style of action reporting with mobil units cruising Dallas and going on the air to report breaking news, so it wasn't hard for Benson to get the equipment he needed to do the same in Omaha. We had two mobil units named after the Nebraska Football Team, "Big Red." We had Big Red #1 & #2. #1 was a big engine Chevy station wagon loaded up with all the extras and additional police monitors for every frequency in the area, and a two-way radio system. #2 was an Oldsmobile station wagon similarly equipped. Both had big call letter logos all over them. I was pressed into service as an ex-offico member of the News department when there were too many things going on for one unit to handle, which happened a lot because Burden loved to hear both units reporting on the air at the same time. Because Benson had built up good relationships with the Omaha police, they gave us a lot of leeway at accident scenes, etc. We even got police escorts to fires if we happened upon the motorcyle units on the way. One Sergeant Dan Heefee...all 6 feet 10 inches of him, and the wearer of a chrome police motorcycle helmet would actually seek us out so he could lead us to the accident scenes with red lights and siren. The funniest thing that happened in Omaha traffic reporting was on another one of those icy Omaha mornings. LJ Lancer lost control of the Oldsmobile, flipped it over and slid down an embankment. This was seen by a guy on an earth mover on an adjacent field, who rushed to help LJ free himself from the wreck. There was great fear of what Burden would do, and we figured LJ wouldn't last the day, but nothing was said, and the Olds returned to service about a week later, new paint job and all.
Author: Hwidsten
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 7:34 pm
In 1965 KOIL-AM was the big hitter in Omaha. KFAB had more adults, but KOIL was really big. IN addition to KOIL-AM, there was KOIL-FM. It operated just a few hours a day and simulcast the AM progrmming. The AM morning guy was supposed to put KOIL-FM on the air at 6 AM. Wilson would forget to turn it on as often as 4 days a week. We never got one call from a listener, except Burden, who would listen to it from time to time and raise hell when it wasn't on the air. Can you imagine? We forgot to put the FM on the air, and nobody called...or cared.
Author: Hwidsten
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 7:44 pm
Craig, No. Gary Gears never worked in Portland. In fact, he grew up in St. Lous Park, Minnesota and we actually met each other while in high school before either of us were in Radio. It was a big surprise when Mike brought Gary into my Omaha Production room the day he was hired. Gary died some years back in Chicago...too young and too soon. Great voice. Great friend.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 8:19 pm
Thanks Hal! I've got to be careful connecting personality names, as you know.
Author: Tombrooks
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 11:03 pm
Bill -- With the stories about "drinks" coffee, tea, in the studio area I guess you can say Don was not big on liquids of any type!... (And your correct he used the "F" word a lot - it got our attention! Pat Swen.. (You know who) warned me about the owner of KISN...At the old KBPS most of the students were KGW fans...
Author: Tombrooks
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 11:07 pm
Craig -- Nice job putting together the KISN people... I have some old jingles from KISN and some of the charges the FCC brought against them on tape..I am converting to .mp3 and will have up shortly..Might be of interest to some...
Author: Tombrooks
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 11:11 pm
Hwidsten That is funny I have been playing (Just tonight actually) back tapes of KISN and one of the speeches I ran across is Gov. Mark Hatfield - Don Burden and McClendon you mentioned...I'll put some on .mp3 and have set up to play..
Author: Skeptical
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 2:22 am
[Note to Craig Adams . . . You have Tom Cauthers on the Good Guy line up down for 1972, but I'm 90% certain he's on a very late 1971 aircheck. Just bringing it to your attention.]
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 3:14 am
Skep: Thanks! This is the kind of info I'm searching for. I'll make the adjustment on the original. Any personnel additions are also welcome. This is NOT a complete listing. Weekenders and persons working in the news dept. are not easily found.
Author: Deane_johnson
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 3:41 am
Once Burden was in Indianapolis and the program director of WIFE gets a call at 3am, like this: PD, out of a sound sleep: "hello" Burden: "Ya, it's me. Did you hear what your all night man just did"? PD: No, I was asleep. Burden: That's the trouble with you, you're always asleep. Get on the phone right now and get him straightened out. I don't ever want to hear that again. (hangs up abruptly). The poor PD has no idea what the all night jock just did, so he has to call him and explain his dilemma and tell him whatever he did, don't do it again.
Author: Stoner
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 6:37 am
How about when he always demanded the flowers to be watered in the entry. They were all FAKE. If a new person was working that entry desk and gave him the answer he did NOT want to hear all hell would break loose. Don always asked "Are those plants watered?" YES MR BURDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or in jock meetings.... "Goddammit...I gave you F****** the queen mary and you treat my ship like the God**** TITANTIC!
Author: Stoner
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 6:46 am
Coming home from Miami, I stopped to see Burden in Omaha at 1601 Indian Hills Dr. The building was incredible....his office was more incredible. I was coming back to Kisn...and he told me to stop and see him in Omaha. He gave me a tour of KOIL and told me to look at his private toilet in his office...The seat was lucite filled with cash.....I said that is one incredible can Mr Burden! He replied " I do my best thinking sitting on cash". He was one of a kind. The one thing that has not been mentioned here....He was a genius for his day. A man that really did love radio and would never stop dreaming up ways to make money and entertain the audience. Kisn-Koil and Wife developed the best talent ever in top 40 radio from the Real Dons to Tiger Toms...He was difficult no question and very eccentric...but a genius. He came up the hard way with nothing handed to him..built an empire and lost it due to being hard headed.
Author: Deane_johnson
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 7:47 am
Burden should never have lost the stations. When I look at what the idiot politicians do to people, Burden is a Saint by comparison. It all started over a silly advertiser contest in Indianapolis. They were to give away a water conditioner for an advertiser. I think one of those 25 words or less type things, which never worked. No entries came in. They had it given to an employees relative, or something like that, just to get it over with. Well and good. Then, a receptionist, or someone like that, got canned and turned him in to the FCC. It was the alleged actions in the future trying to contain the thing that got his licenses pulled. He was accused of slanting the news to favor certain candidates, etc. I think Mark Hatfield might have been one of them, but there were others in the accusation. I think the FCC would probably have gotten tense over him trying to have them overruled by Congregational folks. I was there during some of that as a PD and I can tell you I never heard one word directing us to slant anything. I never heard any scuttlebutt or rumors even that it had ever occurred. I truly don't believe anything bad happened, I really believe it was just the FCC not liking him and his style (aka mouth), and wanted him out. Radio would be a lot better off with some operators like him today.
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 7:49 am
I have uploaded some of the following files KISN - WIFE - KOIL Jingles File # 1 KISN - WIFE - KOIL FCC Announcement File # 3 Dinner with Burden - Hatfield - etc. sometime in 1966-6 Go to: I'll be adding more in the near future..
Author: Deane_johnson
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 7:55 am
And the stories just keep on 'comin. Not all jocks were on the receiving end. One got to do it to Burden and do it big. An unnamed, but Burden favorite jock was driving along on West Dodge in Omaha past a strip type motel when he spies Burden parking in front of a room door and escorting a lady in. Now, good jocks are the creative type and never at a loss for ideas. He gives them time to get settled, then calls the rescue squad saying frantically, "hurry, there's a man in room xx at the motel having a heart attack". Next, sirens, ambulance, fire truck in front of the room with with rescue workers pounding on the door, with the jock watching in glee from a safe distance.
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 8:00 am
Deane_johnson You are 100% correct - Compared to what we have learned about politicians today or even the last 10 years..he did nothing.. I only spoke with him maybe 5-6 times but the guy new how to make a buck AND get the people around him to make a buck! And even as a part time KISN phone answering guy hired when I was 16 was invited and attended the annual Christimas Party - Even got a gift - I believe the first year I was there the party was on the River Queen (Floating Rest) in Portland - Received the same thing everyone else did a Polaroid camera - Hair dryer another year.... The guy new how to be fair even to the little guys...
Author: Roger
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 9:49 am
Never worked for him, but fun looking at all the names that ran though there that I crossed paths with at later times.
Author: Waynes_world
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 10:45 am
If I read the Robin Mitchell site right Tom Cauthers was one of the "Scotty Wrights" that KISN had. Also I don't remember Robert E Lee or Ralph Hull on KISN unless they were part timers. or worked a few weeks like so many did. It seems like KISN had a lot of the same deejays but they changed their names.
Author: Semoochie
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 1:11 pm
Craig, I didn't see Tom Phelan listed.(Todd Randall/Clarke)
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 2:12 pm
Wayne: I'll check with Robin on that, Thanks! Semoochie: What year do you remember hearing Tom Phelan? Was his name Todd Randall and Jeff Clarke? I'm lost, explain.
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 3:39 pm
Craig - Tom Phelan was news in at least the '71-72 years And Tom Cauthers was "Scotty Wright" DJ And Traffic reports & News -- at least the '71-72 time frame
Author: Robin_mitchell
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 8:43 pm
GARY GEARS did some part-time work for KISN...weekends...while in the military. He was stationed at Ft. Lewis at the time. He used "Gary Gears" on the air...can't recall if he was jocking... or doing news. I was working in Seattle at the time, and was in Portland for the weekend. It was the first time I heard Gears...but he had one of those voice you'd never forget. The GARY MACK that worked in Portland was RICH BROTHER ROBBIN circa Nov '66- Feb '67. I sent Craig a KISN Survey in which GARY MACK is pictured...and it's RICH!!!
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 11:45 pm
Robin: So you're saying Gary Gears on KOIL & KISN was only Gary Mack on KOIL and not on KISN. That KISN's Gary Mack was also Rich Brother Robbin. Is that correct? Robin: Also can you name any of the Scotty Wright's back to 1961? So far we only have Tom Cauthers.
Author: Semoochie
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 12:07 am
Craig, we had this conversation before and you updated the information. Tom Phelan worked parttime at KPOJ/KPOK, (using his real name) and KISN for YEARS! I worked with him in 1973, when he told me about it. 14 years rings a bell. He was Todd Clarke and Todd Randall at KISN. He changed names because they had someone else with the same last name but I don't recall the order. I don't know how much longer this went on but it seems like I worked with him again at KGAR sometime between 1977 and 79.
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 12:20 am
Semoochie: Yes! I have him listed but was looking under the name "Todd" in stead of "Tom" and missed him. I'll also add him to the KISN listing. Thanks!
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 2:14 am
Tom: That's some great listening you've posted. One thing you might not be a where of on "File 4 - Dinner with Burden & Hatfield" was Gordon B. McLendon. I'm sure you know of him but here is something you might not know. When Gordon was in Portland for the event, he might have started his negotiations to buy KYXI which was later formally announced in the "Behind The Mike" column on November 25, 1967.(This fits the time period) "The old Scotchman" purchased "Kixie" for a reported $1.3 million. Then nothing happened! It was not approved for some unknown reason which was never addressed in the paper. I'm now wondering if Burden with the power he had at the time, to get the new KISN transmitter site approved, some how put a monkey wrench into the McLendon deal. Burden knowning The Scotchman would launch a Top 40 nightmare for KISN, a station modeled somewhat after McLendon stations. Burden had just battled the former KYMN and won but up against The Scotchman would be a bigger battle.....
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 5:49 am
Craig: Thanks for the info on Gordon B McLendon, I'll up update the info.. Actually I don't recall his name at all when I was only disclaimer is it is was a long time ago... Interesting about KYXI and KYMN in November 1967... Little did Mr. Burden know at the time, that within a few months another station would start out and rule as leader for years to come: KGW
Author: Stoner
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 6:39 am
Burden copied EVERYTHING Gordon would do in Texas. It would of been a tough road for Kisn if that came down. McLendon will go down as one of the greatest radio operators in broadcast history.
Author: Robin_mitchell
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 7:36 am
Craig: Don't know if there was more than one Gary Mack at KISN...only know of RICH ROBBIN as Gary Mack during that time frame. I'm sure it was a Burden house name, based on jock ID's he had in the can. As for Gary Gears, I heard him using "Gears." Was very impressed. Investigated when back in Seattle, and learned that he was at Ft. Lewis. I was in Seattle 67-72, so I can't be sure of the exact date.
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 8:26 am
Not many knew about this…(No names used to protect) When I was answering the KISN requests lines one day we had a jock on the air who used to have me segway records and go into commercials for around 10 minutes (This happened no more then 3-4 times) Being a kid who wanted to be a big time radio announcer this was great.I would be in the “window of world” studio and play DJ – (No talking just board segways) The reason I did this? There was a lady her nick name was “the hamburger lady”. She had a camper and would come to the station a few times and visit with this particular DJ – or should I say he would visit her in the camper. Within 20 minutes after one of these get togethers happened (I was back in the lobby setting at the front desk) Don W. Burden (I believe he was staying at the Benson) came walking up to the door and went in to talk to this DJ… I thought it was all over for him… somehow Don had figured out what was happening Nothing happened – Apparently Don knew nothing… Timing is everything!
Author: Deane_johnson
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 9:21 am
If Burden found out, he might have just laughed about it and kidded the jock. You never knew for sure. It would mostly depend on how much he liked the jock as a talent. The really good ones could get by with a lot.
Author: Kennewickman
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 11:38 am
I think this is the correct listing >>>> Social Security Death Index : Don Burden, born 10, August 1928, died May 1985 Last Residence/ Last Benefit : 94403 San Mateo, California, SSN : 518-28-2346 , Issued : Idaho. the SSDI lists only last benefits when a person is actually recieving Social Sec. money. In 1985 Mr. Burden was not yet 65, so that indicates that he was probably recieving a S.S. disability benefit. Just background , I never knew him ...I use these data bases when I do my genealogy stuff .
Author: Stoner
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 1:12 pm
Don called me from San Jose...he was the brains behind a soft AC station but could not hold the ticket under his name..wanted me to come down and do afternoons for him. This was a couple of years before he died. He sounded totally different than the old days....His wife Kay was selling high end real estate in Palm Desert (as of 2 years ago)...His daughters still get checks for the land lease where the old Pattee Towers are today & where we did weekends. Deane is 100% right...if DWB liked your show style you were "IN"....Roger W (Jim Hunter) was his favorite of all time. Don was like a Father to Roger.
Author: Robin_mitchell
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 3:17 pm
Craig Adams said: Robin: So you're saying Gary Gears on KOIL & KISN was only Gary Mack on KOIL and not on KISN. That KISN's Gary Mack was also Rich Brother Robbin. Is that correct? Robin: Also can you name any of the Scotty Wright's back to 1961? So far we only have Tom Cauthers. *************************** Rich Brother Robbin was Gary Mack in Portland only. Don't know of any others in PDX. Did not know Gary Gears used Gary Mack at KOIL until this thread. As for the Scotty Wrights, this could probably better be answered by Michael O'Brien and some of the past KISN drive-time alumni. I do know that CAPTAIN CLAY GORDON who did airborne traffic for us at 97 Country & KB101 had worked with MOB at KISN as Scotty Wright. Tom Cauthers as Scotty Wright was heresay to me, that I repeated on my website. I worked with Old Tom at KKEY in ' fact he tipped me to my first Top 40 job at KYMN. Last I spoke with Tom, he was a transmitter rep. I recall he'd broken his back in a vehicle mishap, which took some of the wind of out his sails.
Author: Stevenaganuma
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 3:53 pm
I heard KISN would rest jock jingles and then splice a first and last name together when a new jock was hired. Here's a re-post of the KISN Happy Day jingle package.
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 8:00 pm
Steve -- That was nice to hear-- Appreciate the history lesson - good quality too... I can remember being in kid (grew up in NE Portland near Grant High) around 1967-1968 listening to Tom Michaels - Bobby Noonan and others during the summer - Pool side.. At the time I thought there was a pool somewhere and the DJ'd were operating next to it...(I wondered why they never gave out the location)... Do you by any chance have air checks of that era?
Author: Stevenaganuma
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 9:43 pm
Tom, here's a KISN & KGW aircheck from 1972 (previously posted on pdxradio).
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 9:51 pm
Steve: Thanks for posting the Kisn jingle link above. Learned some things: Ron "Ugly" Thompson was originally just Ron Thompson in 1969. Also found out that Charlie Bronson also went by Chuck Bronson in 1970. Plus I added an additional jock to the listing: Charlie Brown from 1970.
Author: Bob_kuhn
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 10:55 pm
Sometime around 1970-71, I was visiting the KISN transmitter site where Tom Cauthers was on duty as the newsman. He said he had just secured his commercial pilot's license and was going to do some traffic reporting as Scotty Wright. He said it was a KISN tradition for all of the traffic pilots. I heard him on the air a few days later airborne as Scotty Wright.
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 11:03 pm
Thanks Bob! _________________________________________________________ Now for the first time on pdxradio, read Don Burden's obit: Don W. Burden THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE - Wednesday, May 15, 1985 Funeral services will be held tomorrow for radio station owner Don W. Burden of San Mateo who died Sunday of cancer at the age of 56. Mr. Burden sold his last station, KPEN in Los Altos, last year. But for 30 years before that, his Star Stations Inc. had owned and operated some of the top radio stations in the West before running afoul of Federal Communications Commission regulations. Beginning in 1952, he bought KOIL in Omaha, Neb., KISN in Portland, Ore., WIFE in Indianapolis and KICN in Denver. He relinquished control of the stations in 1975 when the FCC ruled that the stations were involved in rigged contests, slanted news programs and improper political contributions. Mr. Burden, who then sold off his stations, estimated that he lost $20 million in the sales. He is survived by his wife, Kay, and a son, Scott, both of San Mateo; daughters Wendy, Theresa and Kelley Burden of Omaha; his mother, Grace Collister of Idaho Falls, Idaho; two brothers and four sisters. Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Sneider and Sullivan Funeral Home, 77 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo, with burial at Skylawn Memorial Park, San Mateo. Edition: FINAL Section: NEWS Page: 36
Author: Semoochie
Monday, February 16, 2009 - 1:14 am
Is that Seattle's Charlie Brown?
Author: Tombrooks
Monday, February 16, 2009 - 6:57 am
Craig -- Thanks for posting this. Over the years I always what happened to Mr. Burden. I am surprised on how young he was when he died. As a kid of 16-19 I always thought he was much older, thus even in 1985 I would have thought he was closer to 70.... It would be interesting to 1000's of former employees, family and friends to read more information about his career ups and downs.. Does anyone know of any publications that have been done on Mr. Burden? I know he lived in Omaha, NE for a long time was there ever any connection - personal or business between him and Warren Buffett? In my early 16 year radio career (1970-1986)I had never worked for an owner who put so much fear AND motivation into their employees. He certainly has to be on the top of the list for radio pioneers who advanced the Top 40 format and industry in general.
Author: Deane_johnson
Monday, February 16, 2009 - 7:17 am
Tom, I doubt there was any communication with Warren Buffet. I haven't followed the timing of Buffet's rise to success, but I believe he was fairly small at the time Burden was here. I know of no publications on Burden. Steve Brown talked about writing a book on Burden and the Star Stations, but never did. We talked about it and the fact that it would have to tell everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. I don't think Steve was up to that. I don't mean to imply there was anything more than what is already known, it's just that Steve wasn't comfortable serializing it. Steve was not a guy who shot his mouth off. With Steve's passing this year, we lost a wealth of knowledge from the era. Steve was working on a book, but I don't know what it was about. I don't know if it was far enough along to see the light of day at this point or not.
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, February 16, 2009 - 9:11 pm
Micheal O'Brien, E-Mail me and said the handle "Scotty Wright" was used by several KISN air traffic reporter's. Tom Cauthers was probably the longest on Kisn in addition to doubling as an engineer with Byron Swanson. Another Scotty Wright was Bill _______ something who had been a WWII Navy fighter pilot. MOB will try and member his last name and will get back to us. Mike also said this: "Captain Clay" Gordon never worked at KISN. I believe his entire career was at KB101 and the country station KYTE. Sherm "Man on the Move" Meyer was the traffic guy on the ground in his car, KISN "Mobile no. 2" We actually never had a number one, which was the joke. _____________________________________________________________ Roger Hart just E-Mailed me and said there was a Scotty Wright during his time at Kisn. He doesn't remember the guys name but he "was killed in a tragic accident, as a charter pilot, leaving the Redmond airport." This most likely happened in the early 60's.
Author: Richpatterson
Monday, February 16, 2009 - 10:10 pm
As someone who grew up listening to KISN religiously, this is an amazing thread! KISN is a major reason why I wanted to be in this profession. I'd like to ask a question of those of you that worked for or knew Don Burden. How do you think he would have reacted to the Clear Channel, CBS & Entercom's of today's radio? Would he have held out and not sold his stations? He certainly sounds like someone that would not be told how to run a station he controlled.
Author: Tombrooks
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 6:52 am
Craig: In looking at the jocks you have listed above, there is one you should include: Around 1972 there was a jock who did nights for about 5-6 months: "Chris Eric Stevens" - I believe he was a big time DJ out of Chicago.. I believe he also was an actor in Hollywood (Although I don't think I ever saw him act) (I'll put his name in google and see)
Author: Stoner
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 8:08 am
Rich; Don would of held out because radio was in his blood. It would of taken blue sky funny money for him to have sold. His "CONTROL" was also a big deal to Don. That would of been gone as well. I could of never seen DWB playing gold every day in Palm Desert.
Author: Deane_johnson
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 8:52 am
Burden loved radio and his stations. I don't think he would have sold them until he had to due to age.
Author: 62kgw
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 8:59 am
so what was the final result?bankrupt? bought out?merger?liquidation? sill in business somewhere?
Author: Tombrooks
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 9:27 am
62kgw... I'll take a swipe at your question - others please help.. Don W. Burden owned Star Stations - KOIL-AM-FM Omaha, NE, WIFE- AM-FM Indianpolis, IN and KISN Portland Oregon (Vancouver license) The FCC Charged Star Stations with 32 counts violations of law - In summary unfair political coverage (Fairness Doctrine) One was when Mark Hatfield (A good Friend of Burden's) ran for senate in 1966 against Robert Duncan) Hatfield was covered with a lot of news coverage - not Duncan - Unfair contests, FCC claimed some contests were rigged basically, You can here several of the charges (Which were actually read on the air Per FCC instructions several times over a 6 month period) Go to file # 3 I could go on but the bottom line - It took the FCC - I believe 8 years to pull the plug. All 5 Star Stations were taken off the air in Sept-October 1976 (Dave Stone was the last DJ on the Air at KISN his last song was the Supreme's - "Someday we'll be together"... All 5 went only thing left was the equipment, others can fill it in from here.. Burden lost an estimated $20 million - I believe it pretty much ended his broadcast career... I'm sure others can ad more..
Author: Deane_johnson
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 11:02 am
The FCC pulled the licenses and the stations went dark. There was nothing left to sell other than physical things such as desks and pencils, plus the building in Omaha. Any owned transmitter sites would also be salable. He surfaced as 49% owner of the Los Altos station, but I don't know any of the details of that venture. He died of pancreatic cancer while he had that interest.
Author: Kq4
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 11:23 am
Don Burden Loses Stations for Political Gifts (from Broadcasting Magazine February 3, 1975)
Author: Semoochie
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 11:44 am
I spoke to Kris Erik Stevens on the phone when I was at KKEY. It was probably about 12 years ago. I don't remember any of the details.
Author: Marcandy
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 1:54 pm
-- Semoochie wrote: Is that Seattle's Charlie Brown? Seattle's Charlie Brown was at KJRB in Spokane from the mid-60's to the mid-70's. I don't think that would have been him at Kisn in 1970, unless he left KJRB for a short stint.
Author: Tombrooks
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 1:59 pm
Kris Erik Stevens was at KISN around 1971- 1972-- I just looked up his web site and that is him...he made the big time... Stoner -- Need help do you remember that dates - I know he did nights - 7-12mid somewhere 1971-1972--???
Author: Craig_adams
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 6:52 pm
Tom & Smoochie: Thanks, I've added Kris to the listing. Star Stations most defining moment in its battle: On May 24, 1976 The U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the FCC decision denying license renewals for Star Stations, Inc. The station group had 90 days to wind up affairs. DWB's comment: "This is the greatest injustice ever perpetrated against a broadcast company in the history of the FCC."
Author: Stoner
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 10:02 pm
do not remember him at all. Kris E Stevens
Author: Waynes_world
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 11:13 pm
I remember someone like that at around 1973 and he was fired and you replaced him. At least thats what the afternoon guy said whom I can't remember.
Author: Semoochie
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 1:23 am
I remember him being brought in from Chicago to fill in for the vacationing Dave Stone. I don't remember him before that.
Author: Tombrooks
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 5:54 am
Semoochie- I have his web site and will send him an email - perhaps he will respond and let us all know. (I do remember him being there but not sure if full time or just fill in)
Author: Tombrooks
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 6:52 am
Regarding Kris Eric Stevens... I sent Kris an email here is his response: ============================================= Tom..... I had negotiated a 'Have Gun Will Travel" arrangement with Steve Brown (Starr Stations Group PD & owners of KISN at the time) to come up and perform an afternoon drive gig to boost the summer/fall ratings on the station. They paid me a big chunk of change to do this gig during the rating period. At the time...I had recently left Chicago and the broadcasting business to pursue an acting career and was attending Acting Classes in Los Angeles, and in dire need of money. Thus I made the deal to drive to Portland to perform for a fee + bonus bucks for high rating numbers. As I recall I kicked their ratings up big time. They offered me a full time gig...on which I took a pass, and headed back to LA where I eventually formed my own business after a brief stint at KKDJ-FM/KIIS-FM. To the best of my knowledge the time period was somewhere around August/October 1973. Hope this helps you out. Amazing where you guys get this information. I'll check the site some time... Radio fotos available if you need some etc. =============================================
Author: Craig_adams
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 6:28 pm
Tom: Well that interesting. I wonder if Don Burden did this from time to time, at all Star Stations?
Author: Tombrooks
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 11:07 pm
Craig- That would be interesting to note. It's funny - I don't believe anyone else knew he was just a "highered gun" to bring up the ratings. I do recall when he was there one of my jobs was to record airchecks of some of the KGW jocks (if memory serves me - Gary Lockwood - Phil Harper - Tom Scott - and have them sent out to try and get them job offers - hired away by other stations in other markets per Don's instructions (Although I never heard it from him directly that's what I was told) If you recall the station had three rooms that overlooked 10th & burnside - Room one was the DJ Booth on the corner - Room two you had to walk through to get to the studio (This is where I usually sat answering the KISN phone lines) and the other one room 3 you traveled through to get to the other two... Anyway this room had several racks.. Used this on reel-to-reel to record other DJ's at other stations (I had to scope them too) I never did physically send them out that was another person's job - not sure who... Anyway, back to your original comment - The only rumor that I heard was one other jock who came to the station - even though he was hired full time and on staff I was told he only had 9-12 months of show material then he moved to other market (Was told this after he left) That person was Ron "Ugly" Thompson....perhaps others will comment on that one...p
Author: Skeptical
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 11:48 pm
Well, Ron "Ugly" Thompson was hands down the best jock I ever heard. His name has been brought up several times in "best jock" threads in this forum numerous times.
Author: Tombrooks
Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 5:51 am
Skeptical: And I can still here his jungle... "Ron Thompson - he's Beautiful KISN" (It may have had "Ugly" in the middle. As I recall he may have called himself "Ugly" -- But his wife was just the opposite -- Beautiful That long brown hair..... (And not just the opinion of a 16 year old boy either)
Author: Uglyfunboy
Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 7:41 am
Yep, she was hot! Ron 'Ugly' Thompson
Author: Waynes_world
Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 10:10 am
I remember Ron. I remember one night he made Bill Howlett do the last hour of his show playing the music and doing the news. One of the songs was "Imagine" by John Lennon so it would have been 1971. It was part of a bet the two had. Why was Ron fired?
Author: Tombrooks
Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 10:58 am
Waynes_world: I was working there at the time Ron left-- And I don't remember him being fired (I would of if he was on the air - there were some actually fired on the air in the middle of their shift) After he left I remember being told he had enough air material to run 6-9 months of shows..So it is possible that he left on his on accord..... You mentioned Bill "20/20 news" Howlett, the guy was a gem and VERY loyal to KISN Star Stations (And loved by everyone who happened to work with him) One day I was walking by the production room, in the room was (I believe was Doyle Peterson GM) and a couple of others - they were looking at a huge cart - had to be filled with 60 minutes of tape. They started to play it – It had show openers for the 12MID show - Canned messages from Pat Pattee -- (Pat always did his show from the transmitter 158th & Sandy) In case he was running late – Bill Howlett would run the first 15-20 minutes of his show or shorter… Nobody ever knew this.. It was a huge secret… And Bill Howlett kept it!
Author: Stoner
Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 11:02 am
During my entire stay at the Mighty 91 (2X)..Pat was always there when the nightwatch jingle was hit. I could leave the 10th & Burnside window and feel that confident that Pat would be there to talk inside & out of the theme song. Pat would drive up in his Corvette at 11:58 pm.
Author: Craig_adams
Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 5:50 pm
Hey Ron "Ugly" Thompson welcome aboard! Can you add any names to the Kisn listing of DJ's on this thread, dated stamped February 13th at 5:11pm. Thanks!
Author: Uglyfunboy
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 10:16 am
I remember a kid who answered the phone during my shift on KISN. I named him “Killer” because he was anything but. Nice kid, naïve and similar to all of us who wanted to be a DJ. Anyway, Joe Light came to town for vacation and was rattling the front door and banging on the windows acting like a mad-man trying to get in. I told Joe before he arrived that we had a kid working the phones who would easily freak out and to think of some way to mess with him. So the act was that Joe wanted to fight the DJ for doing his girl friend and was screaming at “Killer” through the door to “open up”. I saw what was going on from the control room and trying to keep a straight face, walked up front and asked “Killer” what was going on. He was in a state of panic when I opened the door and Joe attacked me. We rolled around on the sidewalk and into the street for a while catching glimpses of “Killer” at the desk. Finally, we were hysterical watching the kid. Joe and I came inside and told “Killer” that we had been friends since KCBQ back in ’67, still laughing. “Killer” with that ‘deer in the headlights’ look said he’d called the cops. Luckily, because of “Killer’s” squeaky voice, the cops thought it was a prank and never showed up. Joe died recently and I’m still trying to find out where, why and what happened. If anyone knows, please contact me. Also, Steve Brown died in Omaha last month. He was doing a talk show and writing a book. Remembering other names back then? It was pretty drunk out, sorry. Ugly…
Author: Tombrooks
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 11:39 am
Uglyfunboy: Thanks for the reminder of my past -- I almost hate to admit now - but what a scarry moment in my life (No wonder they had an electric switch hooked to the lobby door - only the receptionist could let you in - and if they were killed by a crazy listener like I thought the above person was - you'd never get past them) Employees of the old KISN still don't remember my real name, so I have to mention "Killer" and they know who I am.. That kid "killer" was me. Tom Brooks aka G Michael McKay Chris McKay old KPAM
Author: Waynes_world
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 2:34 pm
What was it that Bill Howlett did during a newscast? I never did find out what it was.
Author: Kennewickman
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 6:59 pm
SSDI : William Z. Howlett D.O.B. 25 July 1930 D.O.D. 30 June 2006 ( verified by family ) SSN 541-52-0709, issued Oregon. Last Residence 97220, Portland , Multnomah, Oregon " KISN weather word >>>> ARCTIC...." He was a nice guy. I got to know him briefly when I worked at KYXI newsradio in 76' 77'. Paul Hansen hired Bill to do weekday afternoon newsbreaks. He liked to fish a lot on his free time. He was always talking about getting out in his boat.
Author: Bob_kuhn
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 8:24 pm
One night, my father-in-law, who was a electrical lighting engineer, stopped by the KISN transmitter and Bill Howlett gave us a tour of the transmitters in the building. He said that one of KISN's early Scotty Wrights was a lady pilot....He also said the station took the Aerocar out of service after one windy PM Drive when the Scotty Wright at the time had trouble getting it landed.
Author: Stoner
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 8:49 pm
Ron Ugly giving away FREE BOOS on Halloween! The best. Also I remember a leaf promo where he asked kids to dump leaves at 10th & Sideburn as he called it. Ron's show ranks as one of the best in PDX radio history. So creative. The bag over the head in the window was terrific. This has been lost from the medium....taking chances and being 100% LIVE
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 9:11 pm
On Kisn music survey's Ron Ugly would pose with the back of his head towards the camera. However the best was the paper bag titled: "Jonathan Christy Meets Ron "Ugly" Thompson." Jonathan [aka Bill Stevens] is just smiling with his hand around the bag handle over Ugly's head.
Author: Semoochie
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 1:48 am
Kennewickman, I don't know what you printed but it sure isn't OUR Bill Howlett! Bill Howlett was 61 years old when he died. I'm going to guess 1981. It may have been later but before 1987. He had just started working for KKEY but was still working for another station. I don't recall which one. He was replaced by Leo Erickson, another longtime engineer, who also died at 61.
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 4:14 am
Semoochie is correct. After not seeing Kisn mentioned in the obit, that I looked up last night, I E-Mailed "Tiger" Tom Murphy. Murphy who was one of Bill's best friends, says Bill died in 1981.
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 6:36 am
Also, Bill Howlett was from Vancouver, WA in Hazel Del area and had 10 kids many of whom lived near him (older ones) -- (This was in the '71-74 time frame) I don't remember any specific examples, but I always got the feeling he loved living in Washington state....
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 7:01 am
It was called the $91,000 Cash Give away tons of promos that KISN was giving away $91,000 in cash in increments of $91, $910 and next one was $10,000. (You would think $9100 but NO $10,000 sounded bigger)…contest ran over a 1 year period To be eligible to win you had to be listening to KISN They would randomly be calling people on the phone if you answered (withing a certain time frame) and new the correct phrase you would win that hours money…(The idea was to confuse people into thinking if anyone calls you listen to KISN – like the ratings service…) You also had to be listed in the phone directory. If you were not you needed to mail the station a post card with your name and phone number. I was in charge of this part. Had a big three ring binder with lots of lined paper – Indexed A-Z… The names in this book were not picked that often – but when they were read I new who they were and they were taken off my master list… One day we had a $10,000 winner from Vancouver, WA.(No names of jocks here either) The only problem was the person who won was not listed in the phone book and was not listed on my master list for mail-in post cards. The winner, ends up, was an acquaintance with jock on the air, She used to call this guy all the time and she was a little down on her financial luck… I discussed this with one person who was aware it was “rigged” and we figured if we wanted to keep our jobs we would need to keep our mouth shut… So I have until today – when it really does not matter…. But if the listeners only knew……..
Author: Deane_johnson
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 7:14 am
We had a salesman at KOIL who got the answer to a contest question and fixed a contest somehow. I don't remember the details. Burden's FCC lawyer reported it to the FCC and they sent two investigators out and spent multiple days grilling staff. Nothing ever happened. Typical government waste of taxpayer's money.
Author: Uglyfunboy
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 7:25 am
I worked with some great guys at KISN. Tom Michaels was one of the finest men in the business and Bobby Noonan was pretty cool in those days, but the shining star back then was Jonathon Christy (Bill Stevens). He put up with so much crap from me he had to be a saint. Probably four nights a week a party would form about 2am and we all would go up to Jonathon’s apartment with beer, broads and smoke. Sometimes he’d join the ‘fun’, but most times he’d end up in the bathtub with his favorite pillow trying to get enough sleep for his midday shift in the morning. There was a local stripper whose name I’ve forgotten (but “Killer” would know; she embarrassed the hell out of him one night while he was answering phones) and she would curl up in the tub with Christy. One night between two album cuts we heard her holler, “Don’t squeeze them; they’re plastic!” Anybody know where he is today? He married a bartender who worked a couple blocks away, just off Sideburn. They stayed with me in Denver when passing through in ’74, that’s the last I talked to him. There were so many stories because of KISN, I should write a book. Ugly…
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 7:37 am
Ugly--- I am not 100% sure on the name of the stripper, I thought it was something like "Tiffany"-- I sure wish I would have been more wise to the ways of the world and what a jokester you were! (At my expense too).. If you are talking about Bill Stevens I believe he is here in the Portland area doing production I sure hear him on Clear Channel stations...Portland somewhere... Ugly -- You ought to write a book - The Shows and bits you did were great - Question: Did you have any help writing your material or did you come up with the ideas on you own?? Either way you executed bits very professionally for Portland the #25 market in the US - We were lucky to have you here!
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 8:10 am
Deane_johnson Interesting about event at KOIL - I have no idea if the jock involved did this own his own, knowing the guy involved he probably did - It would be interesting to find out how much money the government spent on going after Star Stations (The Old Fairness rule)..and other charges... (Nothing compares to the Bailout $$ of today but still...) There must have been one person behind the drive to get Don Burden --- It would be interesting to see how far Steve Brown got with his book before his death last month -- "Star Stations Rise and Fall" Broadcast pioneer Don W Burden - would be of great interest to 1000's of people in or out of the business now - If you have any email or info on Steve's family I would love to contact them....
Author: Stevethedj
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 8:13 am
Bill Stevens is a great guy. Last I heard he was with CC Pdx. Hope he is still there. I knew him from KVAN.
Author: Deane_johnson
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 8:32 am
"If you have any email or info on Steve's family I would love to contact them...." I have Steve's old email address which isn't much good now. I never had any contact with his family, and don't know who they are. One could probably go to the KFAB site and email Scott Vorhees. They were pretty close, I believe.
Author: Waynes_world
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 10:28 am
so one of the "Scotty Wrights" was a woman? a lot of people forget that Bill Howlett did a radio show in the 50's at 910 KVAN. He must have loved the station.
Author: Kennewickman
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 10:48 am
Ok, that was a diffent william howlett, obviously. It is on the SSDI as I listed it though. I will look again in the listings and see if I can find the correct one. If Bill had a dependent still under the age of 18 when he died, or a permantely disabled dependent at any age over 18 , his listing will not show up in the data base as at the time of death the account is still open and assigning benefits for that dependent(s). The social sec. adm. never goes back and revues the listings and adds it back into to the data base after the account is officially closed. Now that I think about it further, when Bill worked at KYXI in 77' he looked much older than what would have been age 47, if it was the other Wm Z. Howlett I mentioned above. And I also knew Leo Erickson.
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 10:58 am
I was not around then - but didn't Burden buy KVAN at 910 frequency in 1959 and change to KISN - perhaps Bill stayed on??
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 2:16 pm
Here's What Tiger Tom Murphy sent me on your question. _______________________________________________________________ Hello Craig: There is a posting from Tom Brooks regarding Bill Howlett. He mentions Don Burden buying 910 KVAN in 1959 which of course is correct. Bill was let go at that time along with everybody from KVAN except Bill Jackson who did the all night show. It was in the late summer or early fall of 1960 that Bill was hired back to replace Loren Hassett who was the First Phone and evening newsman. He also had the title of News Director after Jon Doe (Albert) was let go due to budget problems. Jon was gone by the end of summer 1959. I seem to recall that Bill did some fill-in news and first phone duty before he came back full time. "Tiger" Tom
Author: Alfredo_t
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 5:34 pm
I was surprised to hear that Don was such a stickler about not carrying beverages in the hallways and into the studios because many of the studio pictures that Deane put up on his Website show cups of coffee and ashtrays in close proximity to the equipment.
Author: Semoochie
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 9:42 pm
I dated a girl who won $9100.00! As I recall, she answered the phone(once)by saying, "Keep On Kisn" and won the money. With part of the money, she went to Utah and ended up going to church with the Osmonds but that's another story.
Author: Tombrooks
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 9:59 pm
Semochie-- She wasn't from Vancouver was she??
Author: Semoochie
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 10:16 pm
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 10:39 pm
More from Tiger Tom: _____________________________________________________________ Hello Craig: I decided to look through my KISN "stuff" in hopes I could find Bill Howlett's Obituary. I was successful. Here is some info. He died in a Gresham hospital in 1981 at the age of 61. The obituary does not show the date he died or the date of the funeral. His service was at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. He is buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery in Portland. He was born in Portland and lived in Vancouver. (Actually after he and his wife split I don't really know where he lived...not for publication) Bill served in the Army Air Corps during WW II. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and a member of the Theta Epsilon Kappa fraternity at the University of Oregon. Bill didn't have 10 children. His wife's name was Jean and she had two children by a previous marriage, Cathy Chadbourne and a son named James Chadbourne. He and Jean had three children: Julie, John and Nancy. Also mentioned in the obituary are a brother Jack living in California and a sister Julia of Portland.
Author: Skeptical
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 12:12 am
While we're on the topic of Bill Howlett, I enjoyed how Ron Ugly Thompson would try to engage straight-as-an-arrow Bill in some on-the-air banter after he completed reading his newscast. Also, I knew someone who was still answering his phone with "Keep on Kisn" in the 80's.
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 6:38 am
Craig-- Thanks for the info and correction on kids count from Tiger Tom on Bill Howlett.. Question to all: I remember going to the airport and seeing a big billboard (for many years) saying "While you have been gone we have been KISN your wife"... I never personally saw it, but I understand the exact same sign was in Indianapolis, IN only it read "While you have been gone we have been kisn your WIFE".. True? (for WIFE-AM-FM) Was there any sign greeting folks back in Omaha, NE for KOIL?? (KOIL AM-FM)the other Star Station Any history on who came up with the idea? ALL Portlanders had to have seen this at one time or another...
Author: Tomedwards
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 10:40 am
I worked at WOW in Omaha for a short time in 1971-1972. WOW flipped its FM beautiful music station to top forty. We were told by WOW management to never communicate with any jock at KOIl on a social basis. The management really hated Burden. KOIL killed us in the ratings. After six months WOW-FM flipped back to beautiful music and I was looking for work. AM top forty was still king. KOIL was a machine!
Author: Robin_mitchell
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 12:00 pm
Tom Brooks, One incarnation of the KISN billboard is on this webpage: Scroll down a ways and you'll find it. I believe another KISN version through the years was: Welcome home...we've been KISN your wife... Catch us at 91!!! Indeed, WIFE had a variation, also. Not sure about Omaha.
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 12:54 pm
Robin-- That's neat Robin - I have known people who talked about this sign for years -- It should have been treated like the Reindeer at the west end of the Burnside. It was truly a part of Portland (Even if you were not a KISN or even listened) You have some great pictures on that page. And a picture of my first boss - What a class act he was - Tom Michaels. (he left us way to soon) Thanks
Author: Oldtom
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 2:01 pm
Sorry I haven't responded sooner to the Scotty Wright question. My first go-round at KISN was the Summer of 1967, as fill-in jock for vacationers. Always worked at the Smith Lake transmitter site. In 1969 I was hired by Whitey Coker to be midday news person. Tom Michaels, Tom Murphy and I had been hanging around after Murphy's shift in the early '60s. So, Michaels added me as Pat Pattee's replacement in 1968 for Pat's nights off...usually Saturday and Sunday. That continued, along with news duties until I left in 1972. Scotty Wright started for me in about 1970 until Burden returned the airplane to the leasing company owned by his mother in 1973. In 1967 I was Ted Thomas. The only other names I used on the mighty 91 were Tom Cauthers and Scotty Wright. One of my Burden stories is the night I was filling in for Pattee, when Burden called to have me leave a long note for the morning jock, whom I don't remember. After about 20 minutes of listening to him load on me, I put the phone down to do a break. I forgot the phone for about a half hour. Of course, Mr. Burden had given up by then. Two days later there was a two-page letter to me with DWB's signature at the bottom, telling me why I shouldn't put him on hold again. Some poor secretary in Omaha had to type that letter using the four-letter language for which Mr. Burden was famous. Want more? I think Steve Shepard was manager at the time when I needed a lot of recording tape. I had to visit as many as 50 high schools to record their Christmas music to be played on Christmas eve and Christmas day. At the manager's request I ordered about 10 cases of 6-inch reels to be used for the coming year by all. I wasn't at the studio when the tape was delivered. Burden wouldnot stand for anything to be left in the hallway. So, the janitor put it all in Burden's office. When he came into town a couple of days later, he called me at the transmitter, and told me to get to the studio immediately. I think it was Sherm Meyer who rushed to the transmitter to finish my news shift so I could get downtown. Burden reamed me for a good half hour about putting supplies in his personal office. I called the tape supplier and had the whole shipment returned. And, for the next few month I was having to splice short pieces of tape together to come up with enough to make the high school recordings. Maybe more later. Tom Cauthers, aka Scotty Wright
Author: Stoner
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 3:27 pm
Tom...How are ya??? Its Rogoway!
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 3:35 pm
Tom -- I gotta say hello too - It must be 33 years-- You may not remember - I used to help you with AT 40 Sunday nights at the transmitter-- did traffic - you trained me--tom brooks!
Author: Stevethedj
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 4:14 pm
Hay Tom remember when you where KPHP's CE. regards Steve Taylor.
Author: Marianagy
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 4:55 pm
Hi Tom! I've been wondering when you would chime in on this. Hope you're doing well. I'm working hard right now, running the Blazer game at KTIL. Maria Nagy
Author: Deane_johnson
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 5:30 pm
"Was there any sign greeting folks back in Omaha, NE for KOIL?? (KOIL AM-FM)the other Star Station" The Omaha billboard said something like "Welcome home, while you've been away we've been with your wife night and day."
Author: Waynes_world
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 6:46 pm
One incarnation of the KISN billboard is on this webpage: Scroll down a ways and you'll find it. Robin, are you going to put more updates on there? I would like to see more of the surveys
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - 9:36 pm
Tom: Nice to see you back on the pdxradio board. I've documented your post. Great Stuff as usual! One question, what year did you begin using the name Tom Cauthers on KISN?
Author: Uglyfunboy
Monday, February 23, 2009 - 7:24 am
I worked with Paul Oscar Anderson at KCBQ in the late ‘60’s and the rumor was he caused Burden’s demise. Keep in mind any story passed around a room changes from teller to teller, so you can imagine how distorted this tale may be after 38 years, but nevertheless… Supposedly, Mr. B. wanted to get rid of POA and told him he had a job in (coin toss here) San Francisco or maybe LA, don’t remember. Anyway, Burden paid his transportation, but when he got to the ‘new job’, no one ever heard of him. It was a dead end. So when a low-level whistle blower ratted on Burden about the WIFE contest, POA kept it rolling until the end. I can’t verify this version, but I got it from Joe Light and a slight variation of the same from George Wilson. Corrections welcome. When Burden opened ‘his’ station in Mt. View, he tracked me down in Boulder and offered me the morning shift. An old friend Ron Dennington (Ronnie Knight: WOKY) was his PD at that time. I never felt comfortable working with Burden always in the same town and the show was a flop. Successful jocks at any of the Starr properties did those wild bits that got the great ratings when Burden was somewhere else. It was easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Burden didn’t understand the ‘sausage’ being made step by step; he only understood the numbers. So with him at the other end of the control room phone, it wasn’t any fun. Think about any of the memorable bits that any of the Starr jocks did and try to imagine asking Burden for permission first; for example… “Real” Don Steel asking permission to take over and close down the Steel Bridge claiming it as his own and making front page news… Roger W. locking himself in the studio and not letting anyone in for three days, calling the cops and all the news media… Joe Light barricading the studio and playing the same song over and over for four hours… See? Ugly…
Author: Stoner
Monday, February 23, 2009 - 1:28 pm
Did you work with Lee Baby Simms at Kcbq? I worked with Lee at WMYQ (Gary Allyn was PD) from Q days....You & Lee Baby had a patter that was close! Just wondering.
Author: Uglyfunboy
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - 7:12 am
Yes, Simms was a BIG influence on my style. I even attempted to steal his 'bits' but wasn't good enough to pull them off. When Gary Allyn became PD, he fired Scotty Wright and me; that's when I was hired at KOIL because of Joe Light's recommendation. Ron
Author: Stoner
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - 10:16 am
small world isn't it? Is Gary still alive?????? Smoked like crazy in Miami. Bartell owned both. Simms was so good...He wanted only the 10pm-2am show. I would drive home and just be knocked out by his breaks...I found myself sitting in the driveway not being able to get out of the car, as the next break was better than the previous. One of a kind...Lee Baby Simms. (he would get off the air at 2am and go fishing in the Everglades. No joke. I don't think Lee ever slept.
Author: Craig_adams
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - 5:45 pm
It's Jonathan Christy flashback time! ________________________________________________________ Hi Craig. would you mind posting the following for me on the Burden thread? I couldn't get on and I'm slammed today. Thanks Well UG. the secret's out. All that sleeping in bathtubs and playing with silicon is what screwed me up. After reading this thread, it amazes me how much you guys remember. The fake fight between Joe and Ugly was indeed a classic. Here's one that only you, Ron, would remember. Do you recall when we wrecked your Cougar and had the tow truck drop us off at the strippers' house .. I don't remember much after that. Keep On KISN Bill Stevens (Jonathan Christy) KKCW FM - K103 Clear Channel Production
Author: Stoner
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 7:06 am
Ron ...where did you work after Kisn & beyond? You could of been a #1 rated morning guy with that schtick.
Author: Uglyfunboy
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 7:37 am
Hey Bill, yes I remember the crash and the stripper afterwards. Do you remember the doctor bill after the stripper? (Inside joke). I'll email you so we can catch up. Last I heard Gary Allyn was PR for an Indian Casino in California. I have his email addy (3 years old now) if you'd like. Yep he smoked a lot proving it really does stunt your growth. Remember this lady: I met her while doing a remote at a car show (or boat show?) and she claimed to be a ‘Miss Oregon’ runner-up. I never researched her statement, but her beauty confirmed the possibility. Her name was Randi McKnight and she was modeling something at this event. Needless to say, one thing led to another and before I left for Maui I gave her more than 4000 albums for ‘safe keeping’. Does anyone remember how heavy albums were? Lugging them from job to job was a pain, so Randi consented to hold them for me. I’m not looking to get them back (even though one of them was the Beatles ‘dead baby’ cover), I’m just curious what ever happened to Randi. She was (is) a sweetheart. Sir Stoner: I'll think up the list of past jobs after KISN, but in all of the 42 years Portland was my favorite. I'm not just saying that becausse of this chat room, it really was. They miss-named the Midwest as the Nation's Heartland. Ugly
Author: Boogibar
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 1:50 pm
Am delighted to see myself (Barry Cannon) listed with all the other KISN jocks…my stint there was very short-lived…was hired by jim rose…and had a special deal; only did my show 7-mid, and worked weekends, as I had a full-time day time sales job (not in radio) at the same time I was at KISN… I grew up with KISN, was an honor and a thrill to work there…can't tell you how many tapes I sent, and overtures I made attempting to get hired there…was only after I was out of the business, having previously worked at KROY in Sacramento and KRIZ in Phoenix, that I was back living in Portland and finally got hired as described above…had heard all the stories, but never met Don Burden…Bill Howlett was a wonderful guy…am sorry now I didn’t spend more time with him, as I was a genuine fan of uncle bill's bandstand (hope I have the name of the show correct)…not sure if she's been included in any of the other KISN threads, but wanna give a shout-out to carol white (blank), who sat next to me in the 4th grade, and years later was a mainstay in the office at KISN…was there during my short run there… So to whomever it was responsible for including me in the list of KISN jocks, I'm grateful…BTW: wish I had known Burden was in San Mateo, five minutes from where I live…would have loved to have to have talked to him… Barry
Author: Scott_young
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 11:52 am
I don't think this is not too far off topic. I was wondering if anyone can tell me whose voice is on this KISN liner and when it was used. You can find it here:
Author: Tombrooks
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 12:19 pm
Scott_young Hi Scott, I am not 100% sure - it Sounds like JJ Jordan form 1972-73 -- Stoner would probably know...
Author: Robin_mitchell
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 2:35 pm
Yes, JJ Jordan, who had worked at "The Boston Rocker," WRKO. Was KISN PD, became Nat'l Star PD for a time...and later worked at R&R.
Author: Stoner
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 3:50 pm
and then at t.m century jingles
Author: Scott_young
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 6:10 pm
Thanks guys!!
Author: Waynes_world
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 9:54 pm
| Some of you aren't mentioned on here maybe you wouldn't mind doing that?
Author: Craig_adams
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 11:45 pm
Wayne; If you Poney up the "dough" they might. It costs you know.
Author: Tombrooks
Friday, February 27, 2009 - 7:03 am
My question about any books or information on Star Stations - Don W Burden has led to this from Patrick Stibbs: ================================================================ I was sent your email about the book on Steve Brown. I am the one who was working with Steve on this at the time of his death. It was actually a two fold project, first a screenplay, then a memoir. ============================================================= Patrick will be sending a letter with more details about his project next week - I will post it --
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, February 27, 2009 - 5:29 pm
Well that should be interesting.
Author: Koilgg
Monday, March 02, 2009 - 11:13 am
I sent this forum link to JJ Jordan. Maybe he will respond with some stories. I was Jim Fox at Koil in the early 70's. 7-12mid. I was born in Omaha, so grew up listening to all the greats at KOIL and KOWH. Great to know all of you are still out there having fun. Best, Erik Foxx Clear Channel Production Las Vegas
Author: Stevethedj
Friday, March 06, 2009 - 6:35 am
This stuff would make a great cable T.V. show like "mad men" on AMC. Wow, I hope they do it.
Author: Tombrooks
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 10:34 am
I received an email this morning from a former KISN listener who asked me to comment on the late Tom Michaels of KISN (Tom passed away I believe sometime 1997-98) Although I did not know him on a personal level, I would like to relay a brief story to tell you the kind of guy he was... He was my first boss when I was 16 in 1971. I as hired to answer the KISN request lines (We had 4 portland Lines and 1 Vancouver line - for those who care to know) It was a Friday Night I was off at 11pm.. The 10th and Burnside switched studios every night at mid-night to operate out of the Transmitter (158 and sandy) there was some stupid rule the FCC had about KISN Vancouver license operating out of the transmitter either 49% or 51% of the time... So at 12 midnight on Friday they were to be transferred over for the weekend, until 6am Monday morgan..(morning if you don't get it) So typically on a Friday, we did not have all the current hits or oldies (45's then) at the transmitter.. So they would be transferred via long wooden spindals and just plan loose for some of the current hits that were not always at the transmitter I was driving my first car a 1967 VW Bug (Complete with green shag carpet in the front and back seat- my parents had some left over from our upstairs carpet work) It was a cold night driving to the transmitter. If your not familiar with the VW bug it has heater vents on the passenger side down near the floor.... By the time I had completed by 20 minute drive to the transmitter - my car was toasty warm -- so were the 45 records I had laying on the floor in the front seat of the car.. I managed to melt close to 30 of them -- Some NEW disk and some old.. I thought my days were over at KISN... I of course was very apologetic (left notes) for the weekend air staff.... Tom did not even get mad or even give me a warning.. I can not remember his exact words, but it was something to the effect of next time use the back seat for records transfer... The guy never lost his cool (Except for a few times with the sales people delivering a tape or two VERY late... (I think he felt sorry for me driving a VW bug too - he drove some type of Italian sports car.... He was a class act. And as the listener of KISN reminded me that later he was the voice of Fred Meyer.. I still think about him when Fred Meyer ads run - It ain't the same!
Author: Boogibar
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 6:54 pm
maybe craig, robin, or someone else can track this down...I have a fairly decent memory of a specific B-mic (francis murphy) column that ran in the Oregonian...I wanna say 1961, or it could be 1960, or even '59 or '62, but I suspect more like '60 or '61...anyway, he rails against KISN, lambasting the jocks as being 22-year-old chain smokers, etc...he hated rock music and seemingly had a particular grudge against KISN... would sure love to see this column now in retrospect...maybe one of you guys up there can dig into the Oregonian files and look it up...I'm not sure how many times a week the B-mic column ran, but you've got a pretty good beat on the time frame to locate it... thanks, bar
Author: Skeptical
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 7:41 pm
The Murphy's BTM railing of KISN has come up several times which is why I try not to knock today's music! Maybe Craig Adams has a juicy column in his archives he can dig up?
Author: Tombrooks
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 11:07 pm
I received this email from a great fan of KISN radio... Can you imagine the number of untold stories and people that have been effected over the years from you folks in broadcasting... The part of peoples lives that has never been told..I'm sure in the Portland area alone this is only one example... Broadcasting is more then a business - it is a social experience! (I have left her name out because she was not aware I was going to post it) ===============================================GoGood evening, Mr. Brooks, My name is Diane ------ and I apologize if I am bothering you. I am not usually so bold, but I have recently been reading the radio boards about KISN and the Good Guys and it has brought back many wonderful childhood memories. I grew up with KISN and when I was about 14-16 years old listened almost constantly in my waking hours. It broke my heart to read your statement that Tom Michaels "left us way too early". I was hoping this didn't mean he died, but am afraid it may be the case. Can you tell me when and how? I apologize if this is too personal a question. I remember years ago that after KISN, Tom became the "Voice of Fred Meyers." I always really liked Tom, he seemed like a very nice guy and was always kind to us idiot kids that would do the 30 mile walks for SOLV in the pouring rain with our now primative transistor radios. Those were the days! A few of us at Madison High School were extremely lucky to have a tour of KISN radio, guided by "Michael James Anthony O'Brien". I have photos of that "field trip" and many good memories of growing up with the KISN Good Guys, mushball games (Mike O'Brien destroyed a joint on one of his fingers), basketball games, and other activities. I also still have many of the KISN surveys and one of the old orange KISN Good Guy sweatshirts. I mainly only kept the surveys with the pictures of the DJ's, and back in 1988 when KKSN brought the Good Guys together for a reunion for a couple of days, I got a lot of those surveys signed, and I also taped the radio broadcast. They told a lot of really graet stories on that program too. Guess it's time to pull them out and listen to them again. At the time when I was such a big "fan", the broadcast schedule was Mike O'Brien (and his O'brienizations) and Buzz Barr in the morning. I THINK then it was Buzz Bar, and then Don Kennedy. I know Tom Michaels was in there somewhere and I may have my years mixed up. I am not sure I remember the exact order. I think it was before Bobby Noonan came, and then my personal favorite was Jim Hunter from 3-7pm, whom I only much later found out was also Roger W. Morgan (in the mornings later). But I think that was after I quit listening much as the Roger W. Morgan I listened to was not the same as the one that I listened to as Jim Hunter. The Roger W. Morgan I remember was on in the afternoons. I do remember a Roger W. Morgan in the mornings for awhile as he tried to take over Michael's "O'Brienizations" after Mike left, and called them "Morganizations", but I never felt they were as good as Mike's. Then there was Joe Light. But I also remember a few you didn't include in your list. Don Kennedy, mentioned above, and then there was Dick Shawn at some point, and Bobby Simon. Bobby was on the evening shift sometime after Joe Light left. I don't think he stayed very long but he was great. Used to sing along with the ending of the BeeGees "To Love Somebody" a lot. He was awesome! Anyway, I'm sorry to get so long winded - I didn't mean to go on. It really bothered me to see that Tom Michaels may have passed. It really makes me sad. I often wondered why he disappeared from the Fred Meyer ads. It is wonderful to read all of the funny stories and memories on the forum. I have often thought of the "Good Guys" and wondered where they are now. So nice to hear so many are still in touch with one another. Thank you for listening, and I apologize if I bothered you. Best regards,
Author: Markandrews
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 11:47 pm
Thanks for sharing, Tom...There are MORE untold stories out there, you can bet on that. It goes to show you how huge KISN was back in the day. I'm sorry there will never be something like it again... Diane, I hope you're not too shocked that Tom spilled the beans with your note...those are great memories indeed! Anybody still have their Joe Light KISN Snuggy Patrol card? Joe was the President, and Bill Howlett was listed as Vice President, Secretary, and about 14 other titles culminating in Director of Terpsichore...
Author: Craig_adams
Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 12:12 am
Diane: Tom Michaels died at his home in Manzanita suddenly on October 30, 1999. He was just 57 year old. Boogibar: "Behind The Mike" with Francis Murphy was a daily feature in the radio - TV section of The Oregonian. At first Murphy reported on KISN just like any other small sized station with an occasional item. Things began to change in 1960 when KISN showed up huge in Pulse & Hooper ratings, setting Portland Radio on it ear. Francis Murphy wrote his column six days a week and depended on TV personnel and to a lesser degree radio people for his contacts on what was going on in Portland broadcasting. I can well imagine the competitors of KISN wanting Murphy to quit writing about the station unless it was something negative. Murphy needed to keep the radio community happy to continue getting his stories. As mentioned above in a post, it was well known Murphy never liked Rock & Roll music. He even mentioned it in his columns, it was no secret. With this in mind, the radio community & Francis Murphy were in complete agreement on the Kisn Radio problem. Then on September 6, 1962 things changed. This when the FCC for the first time fined KISN $2,000 for improper I.D. Murphy got darn right mean spirited in columns after this. The government gave him the ammunition he needed and most likely Murphy was given a push from other radio outlets, some loosing big money by this time to Kisn. Probably the one broadcaster that made the most noise behind scenes was KGW, having given up on September 17, 1962 its Top 40 format, which had been up against KISN. King Broadcasting in a Murphy column was leading the charge after Kisn Radio and were most likely the ones contacting the FCC about the KISN I.D. There were other columns such as these. King was also running its TV ads almost daily in The Oregonian, so you can see Murphy was doing his job. This is not to make Don Burden into some kind a Saint. We all know he wasn't. Burden caused all this to happen because he refused to play by the old rules. He brought this on himself. Burden was very innovative and I believe a true radio genius but he had his flaws and those flaws got him in the end.
Author: Semoochie
Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 12:51 am
Was this improper ID the one that said something like, "KISN Vancouver(small pause)Portland weather"? I don't remember that one for some reason. The one I remember that seemed to go on for years was, "This is KISN, serving the great Oregon Territory from Vancouver.". After an FCC edict, it was changed to, "...KISN Vancouver, serving the great Oregon Territory".
Author: Craig_adams
Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 1:39 am
There was not enough pause between Vancouver & radar. "KISN Vancouver radar weather scope."
Author: Kennewickman
Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 10:43 am
At one time they were actually IDing the station at the top and bottom of the hour ( pre 1973 ), and as I remember being told about it by some of the older guys in the Clark Co. Ham club , that this ID was blatantly illegal and KISN was hammered and fined over it and it was ( in the late 1960s ) : " KISN Portland Vancouver weather ". I remember this myself because I listened to the station all the time, but I didnt know ( at age 16 or so then ) that it was illegal. I believe that the guy who was talking about this at the Ham Club was Kermit Raaen, then transmitter Engr for KATU. He was our club President.
Author: Waynes_world
Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 1:15 pm
KISN was fined twice for that by the FCC. It might have made better sense to have the ID between commercials which KISN had a lot of. There was a time when there were more commercials than music, especially in the early days.
Author: Robin_mitchell
Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 4:36 pm
They were originally busted for the use of the following line before the weather forecast during BANNERLINES at :30, and tagging the NEWS LIVE at :55.... "KISN VANCOUVER RADAR WEATHER WORD" (sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy) followed by the forecast and current temp. Those were the days of recorded teletype sfx for ambiance behind the news...and the teletype was extra loud during the ID line above. Ironically, KISN had been using this tactic practically from day one...and especially since launching the KISN CORNER studios. The jingle package was CRC: "KISN RADIO FOR PORTLAND ON THE GO...KISSIN RADIO...91-DERFUL, 91-DERFUL, 91-DERFUL!!! The idea was bury Vancouver identification...and do everything possible to build a Portland presence. They had used this ID tactic for at least 2 years, and then were cited for 2 VIOLATIONS of improper ID's and ordered to pay $2,000. I believe this was the beginning of Burden's on-going war with the FCC over KISN. When I heard "KISN...SERVING THE OREGON TERRITORY FROM VANCOUVER"...I recalled grade school history about how the Oregon Territory had encompassed Oregon & Washington in the pre-statehood days. Now Burden was twisting he could battle the FCC again. Of course, the outcome was...proper station identification must be CALL LETTERS followed by CITY OF LICENSE. The irony is....KISN's transmitter was always on the Oregon side of the Columbia...but the city of license was Vancouver.
Author: Semoochie
Friday, March 13, 2009 - 12:08 am
I don't believe that was ever made very clear until 1969. Before that, it was common to say(for instance)"KEX in Portland". Then there was "KPAM and FM Portland". Most of these stations weren't trying to get away with anything; it's just the way it was. Under this reasoning, the "from Vancouver" would be OK but probably not "serving the Oregon Territory".
Author: Stoner
Friday, March 13, 2009 - 7:55 am
how about the "famous ...pause! I just sent Craig Adams in the mail the docs on this fine. Hope you post this Craig!
Author: Robin_mitchell
Friday, March 13, 2009 - 8:45 am
You're right, Dave. I recall KISN continued with the same formatic line...but a long pregnant pause before "..radar weather word...".
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, March 16, 2009 - 2:12 am
Author: Jimbo
Monday, March 16, 2009 - 3:47 am
It was well known, back in those days, that KISN was licensed to Vancouver. There was no "branding" back then, you were supposed to do a "normal" station break on the hour (and half hour) which included your calls, your frequency, and your location. It was no secret that they did not want their name "associated" with Vancouver. Advertisers would always ask "Where is Vancouver"? Then you would have to explain that it was next to Portland. KISN wanted to be part of Portland, not Vancouver and would try to mask it or get around it as best they could......making the ID part of their weather report where they could include it as a weather location but not sound like their license location. The public probably could care less. However, we had a very active FCC in Portland, with an active monitoring location that had engineers working out of it looking for improper "activities" which were not just limited to broadcast. And the local bureau was managed by a "rule by the books" type by the name of Francis McCann. Those who received FCC licenses about that time were probably signed by him. As I said, the listening public probably cared less what KISN or any station said but...rules were rules. I can still hear that familiar voice from many years ago that would say every half hour on CH6, "K-O-I-N- TV, Channel Six, Portland". Now, stations get their ID's on via a key on a PSA or promo so you don't really get just an ID is buried or made less noticeable. Sortof the same as KISN got in trouble for almost 50 years ago. Times have changed.
Author: Tombrooks
Monday, March 16, 2009 - 6:13 am
Stoner - good stuff -- How trivial it all seems today. The FCC had a lot of petty rules - one was the public being able to look at the stations Public files... I vaguely remember - even in 1971 during my training at the front reception desk, learning the hours for the "Public" to be able to look at the station files (Letters, comments etc, - I never looked in them myself) In fact I don't even remember the public even requesting to view the files (It almost felt like a fallout shelter training - "The files are open these hours only") This fine sure put them on the FCC map. I wonder if this letter in 1962 was the start of Star Stations downfall ?
Author: Deane_johnson
Monday, March 16, 2009 - 6:55 am
I never had anyone ever look at the public file. It was a stupid idea, along with the community surveys for license renewal That's what happens when bureaucrats in Washington sit around and think up ideas.
Author: Billcooper
Monday, March 16, 2009 - 8:24 am
The public file may be a "stupid" idea, but the requirement still exists. The public file is one of the last areas the FCC exerts control over in a station. More licenses have been put in jeopardy because of public file violations than any other. The requirements for the public file are pretty straightforward. There are a few reports you have to file on a regular basis, including ownership reports and the ever popular Issues/Programs list. On the issues/programs list you put down significant community issues and the programming you run to address those issues. There are always a few stations that have issues/programs list problems during license renewal.
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, March 16, 2009 - 8:14 pm
Jimbo: Let's not forget KISN also angered City Hall initially on May 1, 1959 when the station began the "spreading of indiscriminately plastered handbills." The city's "Nuisance Division" headed by C.W. "Bill" Simmons called Portland Police to have it stopped immediately. I wonder if the Nuisance Division still has a file on KISN. _____________________________________________________________ "More licenses have been put in jeopardy because of public file violations than any other." Bill: After reading your post above, I couldn't resist posting this story from today's All Access: ---------------Montana Noncomm Gets FCC Fine--------------- THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA-WESTERN has been fined $9,000 by the FCC for public file violations at noncommercial KDWG/DILLON, MT. The station had no quartetly issues/programs statements in the file for 2001-2004 due to its mistaken belief that it was exempt from the requirement.
Author: Oldtom
Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 9:19 pm
Back to Don Burden: Though he was ruthless, Mr. Burden was very generous to his employees. I remember the halloween parties, usually held at the station's comptroller's house. (There's a story in that.) The summer picnics for all employees and their entire families were held at a state park, and completely paid for and catered by Don Burden. All the kids that attended got a gift from Star Stations. At Christmas time the employees all got gifts. Because I had to do gopher duties for the station I was furnished a new car every year. After one ChevyII was replaced with a new one Burden sold me the one-year-old one for about $500. Had less than 10,00 miles. And, for his special air talent the pay was really good for that time. The rest of us made a living wage. As Byron Swanson (aka Johnny Dark), the CE said later "We didn't make much money, but it sure was fun!
Author: Tombrooks
Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 12:49 pm
To The Supreme Court and back - The Family of Jesse Williams Former Janitor at STAR Stations KISN radio in Portland had their day in court and won: