Author: Craigadams
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 9:47 am
A rare find. Spring radio ratings from A.C. Nielsen, taken from April 25th through June 19th. Published in The Oregonian on August 6, 1960. Added on are programs & shows during this time period. MORNING 6-9AM 1. KOIN 40.1 World News 6AM/Koin Klock 6:15/Frank Goss News 7:30/The Bob Hazen Show 7:45/Consumer News 8AM/Shelley Serenade 8:30-9AM 2. KEX 27.4 Barney Keep 6-9AM 3. KWJJ 18.0 Newsreel 6AM/Frank Hemway News 7AM/Frank Tyrer 7:15/Don Kneass News 7:45/Frank Tyrer 8AM/Paul Harvey News 8:55-9AM 4. KISN 15.9 Hal Raymond 6-9AM 5. KGW 12.4 Bill Davis 6-9AM (NBC News hourly) 6. KPOJ 10.4 Larry Kilburn 6-9AM 7. KXL 7.7 Morning Overture 6-9AM 8. KPAM 5.7 Concert At Dawn 6-9AM 9AM-NOON 1. KOIN 36.6 This 'N' That 9:05/Mid-Morning News 9:30/Fred McKinney's Piano 9:45/Happiness 10:05/Mrs. Burton 10:15/Dr. Malone 10:30/Ms. Perkins 10:45/Next Door 11:05/Pat Buttram 11:45-12PM (CBS News hourly) 2. KWJJ 20.3 Don McNeill's Breakfast Club 9AM/John Holbrook News 10AM/Tell-O-Test 10:15/Sammy Taylor 10:30-12PM 3. KISN 20.1 Bob Stevens 9-12PM 4. KGW 18.9 Bill Davis 9AM/R.H. Peck 10-12PM (NBC News hourly) 5. KEX 15.2 Barney Keep 9AM/Russ Conrad 10-12PM 6. KPOJ 12.9 Larry Kilburn 9AM/Chuck Bernard 10-12PM 7. KXL 10.5 Serenade In The Morning 9-12PM 8. KPAM 5.5 Coffee Concert 9AM/Festival of Music 10-12PM NOON-3PM 1. KOIN 30.8 Come & Get It 12:15/Arthur Godfrey Time 1:05/ Art Linkletter's House Party 2:05/The Garry Moore Show 2:30/The Bing Crosby-Rosemary Clooney Show 2:45-3PM (CBS News hourly) 2. KWJJ 19.6 Sammy Taylor 12PM/Paul Harvey News 12:15/Sammy Taylor 12:30/Frank Tyler 1-3PM 3. KISN 18.5 Bill Jackson 12-3PM 4. KGW 16.7 R.H. Peck 12PM/Red Robinson 2-3PM (NBC News hourly) 5. KEX 13.2 Russ Conrad 12PM/Lee Smith 2-3PM 6. KXL 10.5 Serenade In The Afternoon 12-3PM 7. KPOJ 9.2 Chuck Bernard 12PM/Mark Allen 1-3PM 8. KPAM 8.0 Concert Matinee 12PM/Stereophony 2-3PM AFTERNOON 3-6PM 1. KOIN 30.0 The Little Show 3:05/Newspaper of The Air 3:30/Art Kirkham News 4:05/Julius Walter 4:15/Shelly Serenade 4:30/Part of Law 4:45/Lowell Thomas Sports 5:05/News & Weather 5:15/Tom Harman Sports 5:30/The Little Show 5:45-6PM (CBS News hourly) 2. KISN 19.1 Jack McCoy 3-6PM 3. KWJJ 17.1 Sammy Taylor 3PM/Don Kneass News 5PM/Paul Harvey News 5:15/Speaking of Sports 5:30/Stock Market 5:45-6PM 4. KEX 15.5 Lee Smith 3-6PM 5. KGW 14.2 Red Robinson 3-6PM (NBC News hourly) 6. KXL 11.9 Serenade In The Afternoon 3PM/Limelight 4-6PM 7. KPOJ 11.5 Mark Allen 3PM/Bob Blackburn 4-6PM 8. KPAM 6.6 Concert Variations 3PM/Commuters Concert 5-6PM EVENING 6-9PM 1. KOIN 31.4 Johnny Carpenter News 6:05/The Big Show 6:15/Frank Goss News 6:30/The Big Show 6:45/Amos 'N' Andy 7:05/Capitol Assignment 7:30/Bob & Ray 7:45/The World Tonight 8PM/Masters of Melody 8:15/The Big Show 8:45-9PM (CBS News hourly) 2. KWJJ 17.6 Edward Morgan 6PM/Virgil Pinkly 6:15/John Daley News 6:30/Quincy Howe 6:45/ The Holy Rosary 7PM/Voice of China 7:15/Back To The Bible 7:30/Allen Revival 8PM/Girls Town 8:15/Eve Meditation 8:30-9PM 3. KISN 16.9 Jack McCoy 6PM/Tom Murphy 7-9PM 4. KPOJ 15.2 Bob Blackburn 6PM/Dick Novak 7-9PM 5. KEX 11.6 Bob Liddle 6-9PM 6. KXL 10.3 Limelight 6-Sunset 7. KGW 9.6 Wes Lynch 6-9PM (NBC News hourly) 8. KPAM 3.6 Candlelight & Silver 6PM/Berg's Chalet 7-Sunset 9PM-MIDNIGHT 1. KOIN 23.2 The Big Show 9:05/Capitol Cloakroom 9:30/Five Star Final 10:05/Time To Remember 10:30/The Late Show 11:05/Meditation 11:55-12AM (CBS News hourly) 2. KEX 16.2 Bob Liddle 9-12AM 3. KPOJ 13.7 Dick Novak 9-12AM 4. KISN 12.2 Tom Murphy 9-12AM 5. KWJJ 7.3 The World Tomorrow 9:05/ The Quiet Hour 9:30/Dreamland 10:05/Easy Listening 10:30-12AM (ABC News hourly) 6. KGW 6.2 Wes Lynch 9-12AM (NBC News hourly)
Author: Teletype
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 9:58 am
Anyone have 25-54? Grendel??
Author: Wonder_woman
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 10:43 am
Author: Wayne
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 12:32 pm
Fascinating stuff Craig! I hope you do some other years soon!
Author: Tvradioguy
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 1:36 pm
Beautiful stuff craigadams!! Thanks for your work!!
Author: Jimbmiller
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 2:28 pm
Great Post Craig Sammy Taylor Was Pat Pattees Idol.
Author: Old_guy
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 3:13 pm
ok...weren't the frequencies back then KGW 620, KOIN 970, KEX 1190, KISN 910, KWJJ 1080, KPOJ 1330, KXL 750, and KPAM 1410?
Author: Stoner
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 3:34 pm
Author: Ricksalemradio
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 4:17 pm
Now if my radio logs serve me correctly, WES LYNCH is at 1490 KBZY in SALEM in the mid to late 60s... Why would you move Portland to Salem in might it have been different then, just a job ya suppose? What a cool record of radio life in the time frame. Lots of network radio influence, and how is satellite any different today?
Author: Semoochie
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 7:11 pm
It's interesting that Neilsen had KOIN owning the market. Everything I've ever heard had KISN winning the kids and KEX taking the lion's share of everything else. It sounds like there was still a lot of oldtime radio type listening going on.
Author: Tdanner
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 7:43 pm
Just WOW
Author: Bleedingroid
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 10:42 pm
Craig, great find! What I'm reading in these ratings is KISN came out of the chute in 1959 and kicked it solid. The jocks' names aren't familiar to me, other than Grant High's Tom Murphy, but Barney Keep must have found himself humbled a bit by that newfangled rock 'n roll!
Author: Craigadams
Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 11:12 pm
Semoochie & Bleedingroid: From reading the "B Mike" column daily in this period, Top 40 was looked upon as a kids format that would go away or so they hoped. In One Colunm the remark that stations all over the Nation were dropping the format getting back to "Good Music". I believe that if Top 40 KISN & KGW were number 1, this rating period would not have been published. This might have been the last great book for KOIN. Side note KPOJ had changed to Easy Listening by this time. In one ad "Tired of that Rock 'N' Roll , then switch to KPOJ".
Author: Jimbo
Sunday, May 04, 2003 - 6:50 am
Great detailed info, Craig. Saw some names and programs I had forgotten about. Radio listening was certainly different back then. I had no idea that KOIN was a ratings leader at the time. Nor KWJJ. My world was us younguns listening to R&R. I can understand how KOIN and KWJJ were at the top with their programming. It was a different time. Notice the soaps and variety during the day with KOIN. That was a time when most people did not listen to the radio at work and most people worked day jobs. Stores were closed in the evenings and there weren't many malls, with the Lloyd Center being fairly new at the time. It was the norm that men worked and women stayed home and raised the family or basically did not work. Therefore, there were many women listening at home during the daytime. Particularly older ones. That would kinda explain it, I believe. People listened to Barney Keep because they liked him and he did the traffic reports...consisting of talking to the bridge tenders and reporting on the railroad crossings. My dad and his buds can still talk about the KOIN Klock, Glenn Shelly, Art Kirkham, etc. Now that you mentioned it, I remember listening to Bob Hazen and his 15 minute Benjamin Franklin Savings and Loan show. I think he lived up on Healy Heights near the top at the time, also. I remember Bob Liddle from KXL but don't remember him from KEX. What is surprising is the high ratings for the religious stuff on KWJJ in the evenings. I would have thought the Breakfast Club would have been on earlier than 9AM. It was fed around 7AM around 1965. Many memories in that little posting. Thanks, Craig. You seem to be the prime one to bring up the good stuff on this board.
Author: Semoochie
Sunday, May 04, 2003 - 9:49 am
Most of those stations were still having an impact by the 1970s although KPOJ lost its footing along the way and 1520 had yet to make an impact as KYMN/KYXI. It's surprising that KPAM 1410 would have good ratings as a Classical daytimer. It's hard to imagine KWJJ as anything but Country but they weren't until 1965. KGW must have struggled in the mid-60s because they had a short run as an upbeat, young adult station that they called "KGW-Radio 62" around 1968. My understanding is that KISN was the only station that consistently played Rock-n-Roll. Other stations only programmed it during certain hours or along with more adult fare and with an MOR approach. KXL had been Top 40 as a daytimer. This must have been one of their first books as a Good Music station. I remember listening to KISN at my babysitter's house but at 7:45, we would switch to KOIN for Bob Hazen. Hazen was the owner and pitchman for the Benjamin Franklin Savings and Loan and was as familiar as Tom Peterson or Scott Thomason for decades! In the early 1970s, he rebuilt his offices to resemble old colonial buildings and one of the skyscrapers downtown was his. He sold his business shortly before the S&L debacle.
Author: Stoner
Sunday, May 04, 2003 - 10:19 am
Author: Skeptical
Sunday, May 04, 2003 - 12:52 pm
ladies and gentlemen, THE BEATLES!
Author: Saveitnow
Monday, May 05, 2003 - 1:04 pm
Aren't these numbers better as a percentage of population than the numbers are now?
Author: Skypilot
Monday, May 05, 2003 - 3:05 pm
Is Lee Smith from KEX the same one who became "Emporer" on KJR? Was Frank Goss, from KOIN, any relation to California jock Dean Goss? Out of all those names up there, I see one guy who's got the same gig...
Author: Kkb
Monday, May 05, 2003 - 3:07 pm
who is that?
Author: Grizz1979
Monday, May 05, 2003 - 4:02 pm
quote:Kkb: "Who is that?"
"Paul Harvey...Good Day!"
Author: Craigadams
Monday, May 05, 2003 - 4:07 pm
Guys, it just occurred to me. We now know the approximate date of August 6th for the release of the Nielsen ratings. I'll check around this date for the years 1958-59 & 1961-62 to see if anything is listed. Jimbo: I was also surprised at KWJJ's ratings with all the religious programming. I remember Breakfast Club on earlier in the winter months during my search. I think it was 8AM. Maybe it was switched because of daylight savings time. I remember in the 1950's, Oregonian ads would remind people of the program time changes at these times. Semoochie: Yes I to was very surprised to see classical KPAM, a daytimer rated. I wonder if KPFM had any effect on this. You brought up KYMN/KYXI. At the time KGON was the only Network station not rated. What does that say about Mutual.
Author: Wayne
Tuesday, May 06, 2003 - 12:47 am
Is that why 1520 changed to beautiful music from rock on feb 1 1965?
Author: Semoochie
Tuesday, May 06, 2003 - 7:24 pm
I believe this predated their Top 40 phase. We're pretty much only counting AM stations here and there weren't that many viable ones so the numbers will tend to be higher.
Author: Craigadams
Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 6:43 am
Well I looked around and didn't find anymore ratings on microfilm. Who knows, maybe someday I'll stumble upon more.
Author: 77dx
Sunday, October 07, 2007 - 3:08 pm
Seeking complete broadcasts or excerpts of local KOIN programming from the station's heyday in the 40s, 50s and 60s...including KOIN Klock, Come and Get It, Shelley Serenade, Newspaper of the Air with Art Kirkham and airchecks of staffers such as Duncan McLeod, Clint Gruber, Blaine Hanks, Graham Archer, Johnny Carpenter, Know the whereabouts of any such material? Pls e-mail me.