Author: Craigadams
Saturday, March 15, 2003 - 8:01 am
First to refresh everybody on this on going quest to nail down Stereo's beginning's in Oregon. Last year I ran across info. on KFMY's Stereo start up in 1959. It wasn't clear that KFMY began broadcasting in Stereo at it's launch date. (1-17-59). Complicating this was The Eugene Register-Guard newspaper not reporting radio station news and The Oregonian's "Behind The Mike" report ten years later, vaguely mentioning this around the 10th anniversary. What was found on 3-13-03 nails down the Multiplex Stereo question, in this time capsule "Behind The Mike" colunm dated December 26, 1961. KFMY's G.M. Duke Young was congratulating KPFM's Staff & Management as Portland's first to enter into Multiplex Stereo broadcasting, which happened at 12 Noon on December 16, 1961. I'm guessing Mr. Young was frustrated with the Eugene paper passing on KFMY's triumph as being first in Oregon, as a news story. I believe The Oregonian knew this and did a nice piece on Mr. Young's station. KFMY was the first station in Oregon to broadcast in Multiplex Stereo and 4th on the West Coast to do so. KFMY was also 15th in the Nation to begin Multiplex Stereo. This happened at 8:00PM on November 17, 1961. KFMY Creator, C.E. & Stockholder (Laurence) L.C. "Curt" Raynes said "We lucked out! KFMY was originally built-designed & engineered for stereo broadcasting 3 years ago with changes to meet FCC specs & regulations. KFMY recently received FCC permission to move it's transmitter site to Blanton Heights (probably 4555 Blanton Rd.) with antenna height 1,385 feet above sea level, 780 feet above average terrain. This should take place in 90 days."
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Monday, March 17, 2003 - 11:55 am
Thanks for the info, Craig!
Author: A_zone
Monday, March 15, 2004 - 6:46 pm
And speaking of Multiplex stereo, does anybody have any information about the ill-fated Dolby Stereo stations or the even more ill fated Quadraphonic FM broadcasters in the 70s? Does anybody here even know what the H--- I am talking about? Thanks, Craig, for providing the impetus for this post! 
Author: Radiowoman
Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 1:38 pm
KFMY...I have wonderful memories of working "on the ridgetop" when it was a free form station. Duke put up with us even though he never really understood the music. I met wonderful people there (including my husband), and learned a lot about radio and life.