Author: Pdxradio
Friday, January 10, 2003 - 9:53 pm
What would be the best or worst format changes in Portland? Personally, the best format change happened in 1999 when adult rock/AAA station KXL-FM changed to CHR/Rhythmic Jammin' 95.5. The worst format change occurred on 106.7FM. In 1993, their struggling 60s oldies format changed to classical. The new format was poorly programmed. Fortunately, 106.7FM changed to smooth jazz in the spring of 1994.
Author: Simon
Friday, January 10, 2003 - 10:25 pm
My favorite for best is KXL-FM to Jammin as well, but worst has to go to Z100 to the "All New" was supposed to be a change but was it?
Author: Semoochie
Friday, January 10, 2003 - 10:40 pm
If we're talking about badly conceived ideas that resulted in low or no ratings, I seem to recall a short-lived satellite fed AC format on KYTE. When KUPL-AM abandoned Music of Your Life, it was picked up by KYTE; At the same time, KYXI, just coming off of All News, switched to the satellite fed Stardust Nostalgia format but retained a morning and afternoon drive newsblock as well as an overall news presence the rest of the day. This was soon replaced by Oldies as KSGO. Most of the formats on KGW after 1985 were bad ideas with short runs. I thought it was a bad idea for KRCK to dump out of its format after the second book when they were #1 in the market after the first one! The format they changed from was a well rated AC. The most surprising format change was when #1 rated KUPL-FM and its highly rated AM station both went Country. The FM had 8.8 and the AM 5.7.
Author: Wayne
Friday, January 10, 2003 - 10:45 pm
How about KMJK changing from classic hits to contemporary? the station said it was "willing" to change, but much more than willing. My second choice would be 106.7 changing from smooth jazz to ac.
Author: Pdxradio
Friday, January 10, 2003 - 10:49 pm
I was expected a change for Z100 on March 15th of last year. I thought the station was heading for a CHR/Rhythmic format (similar to what happened in Las Vegas last week when CC top-40 station "101.9 Kiss FM" become CHR/Rhythmic "Wild 102.") However, the "new" Z100 was (somewhat) different! They had some new DJs, a new logo, and a new method of playing their songs (overplaying new and current songs). It did not work, but Z100 is trying to bounce back! With CK at night, their new midday personality (Billy Breeze), and a better playlist, Z100 is doing (somewhat) better than six months ago. They need to drop their voicetrack personality Nikki and improve their morning show.
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Friday, January 10, 2003 - 11:10 pm
Semoochie>> I thought it was a bad idea for KRCK to dump out of its format... Especially given that they went classical against KKSN-AM, which killed both stations by slicing the pie too thin. That flip from hard rock to classical immediately came to mind as the worst, even before I got to your post. (No slam against classical intended.)
Author: Thunderman
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 1:24 am
Semoochie took the words right out of my mouth...... Q-105 went to EARTH 105. HORRIBLE! Z's botched format change. LOL! KBBT goes to FM and changes to HOT AC then to KVMX. NOT! Rosie 105 returns to somewhat of what Q-105 was. KFIS because GOD loves to ROCK! NRK starts copying UFO...... WHY? KTLK changes call letters for the 1,000th time. KRVO started out good but has fallen flat IMO. One time I hear KGON-like stuff then Huey Lewis and the News???? KGUY??? What is going on there Bill? Sometimes music and then Wrestling news??? KUFO-AM Trash talkin' and sex jokes 24/7? Opie and Andy were funnier than hell. Sex for Sam.. Way to go,dorks! Now I hear Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings.... YUK! Jammin'??? It was bound to happen sooner or later. Great for the people who like it,but NOT my cup o' tea. KBOO no change? What format??? Isn't it nice to be free. KLVS?? Elvis 24/7?? Ivan Kafoury you tried bud,but how many times a day can you listen to Don't be Cruel until your eyes bleed? RADIO DISNEY? If kids get the books,I'm sure it will survive. Disney will make it work....... SUNNY 1520??? OUCH!
Author: Simon
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 1:41 am
I just want to state AGAIN that I think Jammin's Night jocks are much more personable and talented than CK at Z100. Everyone is constantly on this board talking about how CK is the best jock at night in Portland and that he is going to save Z100, but when was the last time he was #1 in ANY of his dayparts? To me, as a listener, he sounds forced and fake. I heard him do a 15 minute break the other night with the "booty call" contestants that was entertaining to maybe the 3 people in the room. Then I heard him doing some sort of "love advice" segment with a pyhcic that ran on-and-on and was entertaining to maybe the phycic, CK and the 12 year old with the relationship trouble on the phone. At Jammin' at least everyone there besides afternoons sounds like they are loving they're jobs. The playhouse and the night jocks may talk alot or do alot of segments but they make it easy to listen to. I just wanted to be the first to say on this board that I think CK is overrated. That's just my opinion. You want to talk about real talent, let's talk about the Playhouse, Marconi, Jayn etc...CK will not save Z100 and Z100 will not be hurt at all if he leaves.
Author: Simon
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 1:44 am
I do agree with you PDXRADIO about the new afternoon guy being a step-up and losing the voicetracked midday girl. I still can't beleive that Hayes let Christina just walk out the door! He probably coud've signed her to middays AND low-balled her on her contract!
Author: Jeremyplance
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 3:18 am
Lets rename the board "The Jammin vs. Z100 Show", why does everyone have to bring them up in every thread...Old Biz-nass Back to the Lesson at hand, Personal I think some of the worst format changes were, KFXX "The X" going from Metal to Sports (but then UFO might never have had Dave); than agree with 970 KBBT switching to FM (and Coffeshop rock); and 103.7 Klyk switching from CHR to Country (they played some Bad ass stuff back than...hip hop even)...Than there is 1010am going from KZRC (Z-rock with Mad Mike Hammer) to what ever it was they went...I think it was a simulcast of KXYQ at the time.and than UFO hiring Jocks...the first couple months when they were Automated/Board ops was SWEEEETTTT (why don't they ever play Slaughter, or Bonham again?) I have to disagree on the 970 AM switch to Classic Country...I kinda like it..its a change (I actually remember some of them songs when thems weer noo...damn white trash poking out again)
Author: Twally
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 7:28 am
The most dissappointing format change of 2002: Extreme Talk 970am goes Country. I have to give Infinity credit for atleast trying. Now all we have is another Automated wreck that will srape together a .1....and you know what a good sales person can do with a .1
Author: Stoner
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 9:46 am
How many of you remember when Kisn "went all the way" For about 4 months they tried playing EVERYTHING.....It was the biggest mistake in the history of the Mighty 91. This was in the mid 60's and Kisn was was getting ratings that looked so huge they appeared like a mis-print. So the owner Don W Burden came up with this nutty idea to capture the WHOLE audience...They would play a Beatle record and then follow it with a big current country hit...the a M.O.R hit...then a gold top 40..then a current....are you now as confused as the listeners?????? In total format flip-overs.....I don't know if this would be considered one since it was the return of Kisn (kksn)...when Bill Failing brought it back with the worst sounding radio station in Portlands history......What a crime that was. Here you had a good salesman (Failing) that knew NOTHING about the other side of the biz....It made me sick to tune in back then. Back to the "going all the way" story.....Listeners revolted.....including protestors with signs in front of the kisn corner. They returned to normal. It was a real mistake....trying to be a littkle bit of something to everbody.
Author: Richjohnson
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 12:27 pm
The key word in this thread that seems to be ignored is 'history.' The best format change in this town's history is KGW's switch in 1969 to Top Forty. Within a year, the Big 62 went from an also-ran MOR to one of the top-rated Top 40s in the country. KGW was far and away #1 in Portland for the better part of the next 15 years, with double-digit shares in most dayparts. Worst format change: KISN's 1976 switch from Top 40 to Silence.
Author: Jason_kyte
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 12:52 pm
>> The most dissappointing format change of 2002: >> Extreme Talk 970am goes Country. I was disappointed, too, but mainly because they simulcasted KUFO-FM for a while, then switched to Country. I think they should've tried to bring back The Beat - would probably do no worse (or better) than Classic Country. I mean, if KJR-FM in Seattle could dust off their old IDs, that would've been cool if they could have got out the old Beat stuff, redo the call letters (take out the KBBT and replace it with KUFO), and do "all music, all the time (except when there's a Winterhawks, Beavers, or Timbers game) - The ORIGINAL 970 The Beat!!!" THEN... If you want to hear talk in the morning, you could turn on Howard Stern on KUFO-FM If you want to hear rock music in the morning, you could turn on 970 The Beat - and so Infinity would have two rock stations, programming whatever you wanted to hear in the morning.
Author: Semoochie
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 5:22 pm
KLVS wasn't a Kafoury station; it was the successor of Vic Ives' KVIX, reclaimed by Dave Jack from the KLIQ days. Ives missed at least one payment and Jack took back the station. The calls remained for awhile, during the next owner but without the Elvis format. Classical KYTE-FM took KKSN out of the format right away and was fairly successful, keeping the format for several years. They had a 5.3 share at one time, which was the largest share in the country for a Classical station. They tried to keep the format going by moving it to their AM but that was doomed to failure. Stoner, I always thought that anyone who could become successful at anything with a name like "Failing" was ahead of the game.
Author: Thunderman
Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 8:14 pm
Semoochie you are correct and that is my fault. I was wrong. I stand corrected.....
Author: Musicman
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 12:36 am
So what was the format of KKSN-AM when it returned to the air in 1980? Classical? Was that what Stoner was referring to?
Author: Stoner
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 12:48 am
it sounded like a community college radio station broadcasting from a basement....They were playing EVERYTHING plus lots of long form info-news type specials....It was the horrible. It made me sick that it was on 91 am. I will give them this much credit....It was unique. I told them to go gold with the re-start of Kisn and bank on the heritage. They went nuts with it. If anyone has any airchecks...please burn them
Author: Craigadams
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 1:56 am
Maybe that's why they called it "Brave New Radio" Stoner. It was really %*#!@?#!!!! as I remember also.
Author: Stoner
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 11:47 am
Thank's for eminding me Craig! I can now have more audio nightmares about "Brave new radio" Boy did they miss the boat on that re-fire. Now heres my question to throw out....Speaking of "Titanic Stations"...When will they bury KPAM? How long will Pamplin keep writing checks for that money pit? Please give YOUR idea on what you would do with that signal for a total format change......
Author: Bobmiller
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 12:46 pm
I agree, the "brave new" format failed but you have to give 'em credit for having their traffic reporter on a motorcycle with a side-car! Pure genius!
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 1:56 pm
"Heathcliff" was the traffic reporter's air name. Okay, I will admit to liking "Brave New Radio" the few times I heard it, but I agree it belonged on a college station (which Portland still lacks), not on THE MIGHTY NINETY-ONE-DERFUL KISN! >When will they bury KPAM? Maybe Pamplin can donate it to a college?
Author: 50kw
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 1:59 pm
stoner, great show as usual last night. Please tell us what it was like in the final weeks of kisn 91. was everyone on the payroll after the sign off? for how long? I remember Kisn corner was still there for quite some time. When was all hope lost?
Author: 50kw
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 2:02 pm
When will entercom bury sportsradio 910. How about 50's - 60's oldies on the original Kisn?
Author: Notalent
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 4:25 pm
how about pamplin donates KPAM to OPB or KBOO for the writeoff, then they put all their talk shows on AM and run more expanded MUSIC on FM.
Author: Stoner
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 6:18 pm
We signed off 91 am from the tower..Days before everyone was grabbing what they could take from the photo gallery, records, jingle packages (pams) pens, paper clips you name it. There was no payroll after that famous night. Just a few people to tie up acct payables etc etc. It was tough to drive by that corner for a long time. I had a real love affair with 10 NW 10th...From putting my nose to the glass watching guys like Dick Sainte,Buzz Barr, Paul Oscar Anderson, Jim Meeker, Don Kennedy, Tom Michaels and a host of others....And then working in that fishbowl which was a dream for me. When Kisn went was LIGHTS OUT.
Author: Stoner
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 6:23 pm
PS: I also blame the FCC for putting an entire station out of work....They could of awarded someone or a group in a recievership role.... Sol Rosinsky (g.m at the time) fought for that... But the Feds had it out so bad for the owner Don Burden they would not sign off....So everyone from the office, sales dept, jocks, engineers were on the beach without a job & the community was missing a radio station. Never made any sense to me at all.
Author: Thunderman
Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 9:35 pm
BURY 910am??? Last I heard they were doing just fine..... Amazon needs to go, but the rest seems fine to me....
Author: Wayne
Monday, January 13, 2003 - 12:25 am
What's up with "Sunny 1520"?It seems like they've changed from their nostalgia format to modern pop with some pop oldies, & sports filler of course. I never hear any 40's anymore! I think Music of Your Life still exists(the sound on my computer board doesn't work). I wish some station,AM or FM could pick it up.
Author: Jason_kyte
Monday, January 13, 2003 - 4:39 pm
Since we've been discussing donating AM stations to somewhere for the write-off, I have a perfect idea (I am not suggesting this to try to be self-serving or whatever): Donate to Mount Hood Community College, in the name of X58. Immediately: - You could hear rock music in Portland 24/7 - If you like the station already, you aren't tethered to your cable or an internet feed. What would have to change, however, are the unregistered "call letters." KDOX is actually used by a Spanish station in Las Vegas.
Author: Semoochie
Monday, January 13, 2003 - 9:28 pm
Wayne, Sunny is evolving. Even if they want to reach 65 year olds, they have to play what appeals to them and that's less and less likely to be Sinatra as the years go on. If you don't like that answer, try this one: Get in touch with KMHD or KBPS-FM and try to convince them that 20th Century Pop music is an art form which should be preserved. Maybe, they'll bring back Gershwin, Porter and the rest. We could call it the "new" classical music.
Author: Wayne
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:20 am
I've noticed that KMHD plays some early tunes now, even Sinatra! I hope it can increase its power.
Author: Thunderman
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 1:00 am
Wayne, Ratings make the world of radio go round. If you can't make a move in the books NOBODY will buy commercial time. Without that you would have NO radio stations. I suggest XM radio. My grandfather has it and they have a couple stations that are playing SUNNY music.
Author: Panther
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 1:35 am
Someone once told me that a lot of the jocks on KMHD can pick the music they want to play.
Author: Warner
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 8:34 am
Jocks picking thier own music? Now, there's a concept!
Author: Wayne
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:18 pm
XM radio? What's that? sounds interesting!
Author: Thunderman
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 6:30 pm
Sounds like KMHD is kinda' like a community college radio station. X58??? I wonder if they pick their own songs?
Author: Thunderman
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 6:32 pm
Wayne, XM radio is Satelite radio. Check it out! It's kinda' cool. Sirrus is another form of satelite radio also.
Author: Semoochie
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 7:13 pm
KMHD has a construction permit to locate on the main FM combiner of the new KGW/KOPB tower. All of the stations that are on the combiner have special temporary authority, which makes me think it won't be long before KMHD has moved there. Once this is done, they should be up high enough to be heard clearly all over the metro area. KBPS-FM will be in a similar situation but with less power and a little lower on the same tower.
Author: Thunderman
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 7:22 pm
Sorry Wayne, that is SIRIUS. But they are trying to file for Bankruptcy so you should go with XM.
Author: Dolby
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 8:07 pm
Focus people, focus... Does anyone remember "Rock Of The 80's"? If you don't: KGON had a 13.9 share 12+ in 1982 (the highest rated AOR in the country). You couldn't go anywhere in Portland without hearing KGON blasting out of some type of window. Dick Sheetz had a 60 share (or close to it) on the 6p-10p shift. Someone came up with the bright idea of changing the format to "Rock of the 80's". The audience didn't buy it, KRCK came on the air and went to #1 in 1 book.
Author: Thunderman
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:09 pm
ROCK 101 KRCK was the best damn radio station in the last 20 years! I remember it going off the air. Went to bed listening and driving to school we turned it on and BACH was playing! My mothers cusion Chris Burns was part of KRCK when the owner came in one day and fired everyone without notice. The classical thing was a BIG flop! LOL
Author: Transent
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:09 pm
Was this "Rock of the 80's" format New Wave like KROQ (LA) and 91X (San Diego) at the time - or was it 80's metal/hair bands?
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 12:14 am
I don't recall KGON ever touching anything "New Wave" beyond U2. Portland was among the most Alternative-deprived markets in the country until "The Beat" came along, and even then, KBBT started out playing mostly 80s music that Portland radio listeners had missed out on the first time around.
Author: Wayne
Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 12:27 am
Does XM have its website? Also,now that we have the River I wonder if KGON will drop classic rock & go for more modern rock? Or alternative?
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 1:00 am
See the XM thread. I doubt KGON will try to fix something that isn't broke. They've trended downward, but many people still want their daily dose of "More Than A Feeling," and "Freebird," which they can't get on The River.
Author: Rmarcham
Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 9:39 am
I think KGON needs a little harder edge to their classic rock (maybe some classic metal, perhaps), but otherwise they seem to be doing fine. All they need is a little tweeking. My nominee for strangest format switch: fall, 1990, when KFXX (1520) switched from hard rock/heavy metal to sports talk. That was weird.
Author: Jeremyplance
Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 11:05 am
Portland wasn't deprived of Alternative, its just that people had to WORK to hear it (ie go to clubs and check mags) I remember the first song they played was LaTour "People Are Still Having sex" which was an underground club hit at the time (I did have it on 12" at the time)...Today people don't have to "Work hard" to hear new music, but they are also at the mercy of PD and basicly buy whatever the "cool" stations say is HOT...That is why revenue and attendance at Nightclubs and most venues over the past year have dropped..
Author: Semoochie
Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 12:24 am
The X was in response to fairly good ratings from daytimer Z-Rock. They reasoned that playing the same music on a full-time basis with a stronger signal would bring in better ratings. They were wrong. The remainder of this post will consist of hemming and hawing because I can't remember the names of the people I want to talk about. "Rock of the 80s" was the brainchild of a man who later died young but I can't remember his name. I thought KGON and all the stations using the "Superstars" format were pushed into new wave by its consultants. They used the name "new music". I just remembered one of their names: Lee Abrams. Is the other one Burkhart?
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 12:42 am
Rick Carroll of LA's KROQ became the "Rock of the 80s" consultant. If KGON went that direction, I'm sure they didn't go too far, perhaps a few of the biggest names (U2, The Fixx, INXS, even Tom Petty!) that bridged the gap between New Wave and mainstream. Kent Burkhart is the other name.
Author: Semoochie
Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 1:26 am
Thank you Randy! Those are the names I wanted. I seem to remember the format being similar to KMJK and KSKD. It was like they threw out the AOR format completely and started playing all this new music. Keep in mind that there weren't any real Top 40 stations at that time.
Author: 62kgw
Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 8:56 pm
Did anyone mention when KYXI changed to KSGO? The morning jock was same guy who was the morning news anchorman the day before! (Charlie Martin?). I also remember listening to KXL that morning (when they were high fidelity - had to throw that in), Brian Jennings (I think) or Jeff Grimes said something roughly like "We would like to welcome all of our new listeners, There is likely alot of dial-switching going on today. We have been doing the morning news on KXL750 continuously since 196?."
Author: Wayne
Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 9:33 pm
No offense but I thought KSGO was an improvement over KYXI. Unfortunately KAAR, then only 40 kilohertz sp? away changed to classic rockshortly afterward. That was a dumb move I feel.
Author: Semoochie
Friday, January 17, 2003 - 12:57 am
Being 40khz away isn't much of a problem. Being 30khz away is! 1480 is too close on the dial to 1450. This basically keeps them from reaching most of Portland because they must put less than 25mv into the entire area where KBPS exceeds that amount, which is the core of the city.
Author: Semoochie
Friday, January 17, 2003 - 2:08 am
I just noticed that my post about KMHD refers to the KGW/KOPB tower; I meant to say the KOIN tower.
Author: Dolby
Monday, January 20, 2003 - 6:53 pm
KGON's "Rock Of The 80's" was the brainchild of Lee Abrams who was the consultant at the time. It was mildly based on Ric Carroll's idea but nowhere near that adventurous. Some of the songs I remember were Thomas Dolby "She Blinded Me With Science", Peter Schilling "Major Tom", A Flock Of Seagulls "I Ran" and Men At Work "Who Can It Be Now". Those in the mix with the "Rock" hits of the day just made for a weird mix.
Author: Prisonnurse
Monday, January 27, 2003 - 2:10 am
RE: it sounded like a community college radio station broadcasting from a basement I must have bad judgement, but I actually liked KKSN's format before I officially went back on the air. Don't burn any airchecks; send them to me! The River just dropped their Sunday morning jazz program yesterday. I'm so bummed out. Terrific music to listen to while driving home from work.
Author: Joe_ferguson
Saturday, February 01, 2003 - 1:25 pm
Greetings to all you radio junkies, Regarding format changes of significance! How about the one that most people didn't even know happened. A very sucessful Portland station that has had huge ratings AND revenue for years was going to sign on originally with a different format. KKCW - K103fm was supposed to be a country station. They already had the music researched, and all carted up and ready to go. They had most of their jocks hired, including a morning team. They were just waiting for the studio to be completed so they could turn on K103 country. But KUPL changed format and got on the air with country first and KKCW had to regroup and pick a different format. I wonder what would have happened if KKCW had gotten their studio finished a couple of weeks sooner? Interesting to ponder which way the dominos would have fallen in the ensuing years.. Best wishes to you. JF
Author: Thunderman
Saturday, February 01, 2003 - 9:26 pm
We would still be kickin' butt! Country, Rock, or AC it don't matter.....
Author: Wayne
Saturday, February 01, 2003 - 9:45 pm
Here's one that goes back further than that! In the first week in 1965 KYMN changed from top 40 to "beautiful music." Since Tom Murphy was the hottest dj in town he had no reason to stay at KISN so he left on Jan.30,1965. It makes one wonder if Don Burdon had anything to do with KYMN's change. For the rest of the 60s KISN was the only show in town, except for KGAR, then across the street from KISN.
Author: Prisonnurse
Sunday, February 02, 2003 - 1:39 am
re: K103 having to change their format prior to going on the air I couldn't believe that they were playing "nothing but love songs" when they went on the air--so sticky sweet that I wanted an insulin shot!
Author: Craigadams
Sunday, February 02, 2003 - 5:06 am
Wayne: Kim radio 1520 ended it's 6 month Top 40 run on Feb 1, 1965. Beginning on Aug 1, 1964. The history is coming soon......
Author: Drchaps
Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 3:46 am
I can't believe no one here mentioned Quick 106, the inbetween format of Star 105.9 and the River. To me, when you play 10-15 seconds of a song, it is the worst format ever devised
Author: Waynes_world
Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 1:51 pm
Worst format change? How about 97.1 changing from oldies to Charlie? I guess the listeners were too old, not too small.
Author: Kennewickman
Friday, July 20, 2007 - 5:21 pm
Ya, That one pissed me off KKSN 97.1 to Charlie. I am an old Portland radio buff and ex engineer, DJ and transplanted to and in the Tri- Cities. I got blitzed out of Oldies 95.7 here in the cities thanx to a shift to 'Bob" fm. We have a 60s and 70s format ( Clear Channel ) here so listeners have a choice, seems. I was hooked into the KGON/KYMN/KYXI/KGON-FM franchise for a time in the early and mid seventies. I knew many of the people that worked there and know some of the history of that facility. I worked there as a studio engineer and a Sunday AM new reader for the latter portion of 1976 and early 77'. It seems to me that the new ownership, McCoy Broadcast, had a station KIMN in Denver. This was a symphonic beautiful music format and that the top 40/CHR format at KYMN programmed in 64 and 65 was something that Mr. McCoy was personally uncomfortable with. I was told McCoy considered the format too " labor intensive" to maintain and accrue significant ratings.( Probably just and excuse for I DONT LIKE TOP 40 and the staff and eveything else that goes with it ). Well, he decided to change KYMN to their Denver popular symphonic version of KIMN's beautiful music format in early 65'.And this was the real reason, I was told, why KYMN changed to Symphonic/B.M. from CHR. They maintained that format for the next 9 years, updating the format with more contemporary standards along the way. The latter portion of that period/format was thanks in large part to the efforts of Jim Linniger. Does anyone remember or take note of the tragic incident involving the KYXI over night personality Ron Roberts? He committed suicide by hanging himself on the 10 KW standby transmitter rigid copper transmitter room feedline in 1972! He put on " Now softly I leave you" and did the "dirty deed". I will tell you many a time on the Mid to 9am Sunday AM at "all news radio", yours truly N.I.S local news reader rip and read guy, I caught myself looking over my shoulder into the transmitter room @ the old Clackamas Radio Ranch just checking that the ghost of Ron Roberts wasn't looking over my shoulder when I went into the xmitter room to rip the weather wire. Alan Cook.......................................
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 3:04 am
Michael D. Roberts committed suicide at KYXI November 8, 1972. He was 22 years old. Police received their first call at 4:22am from a listener. A record had not been changed when the music finished and no one answered the phone. Roberts last entry on the station log was at 4:05am. His last selection on the turntable was "Softly As I Leave You" by Robert Goulet. His body was found at 4:45am. You can read more about KGON, KYMN & KYXI right here in the history area. Check out: "Oregon City's KGON To KKSN"
Author: Kennewickman
Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 10:23 am
Ok, thanks Craig for straightening me out here. I didnt see the string on KGON to KKSN for some reason. I read it all and it did bring back some issues of how I got the ideas that I did about the evolvement of KYMN from MOR to CHR and back to Beautiful Music. Memory jogging so to speak. I got some of this wrong, too many years between now and then I guess and also it was second hand information in the first place since I was 13 years old when this part of part history was occuring and all I did was listen to 'KIM' instead of KISN once in awhile. Since I lived in Vancouver anyway, 910kc was usually the place my radio was set on. I had an older brother who was crazy over KIM radio , he hated KISN. The story I got was that Arthur McCoy was the one who had a lot to do with the change of KYMN from CHR to B.Music. I see that he was the station Mgr @ KYMN during the time of CHR and back to B.M in 1965. He wasn't yet an owner, I got that all wrong, but now this would make sense to me as he was in the loop on this decision making. I was told ( and I wont go into who it was that told me ) that he did not favor the CHR format because it was too labor intensive and took too many resources to manage that kind of a staff and the activities associated with it being a "winner" broadcasting CHR . It seems they were already thinking semi-automation by ordering tape decks and 10 inch tape reels for this new B.M.format, according to one of the postings in that string. Now, whether or not Don Burden had something to do with all this is way beyond me, I have seen a few postings that allude to his possible involvement.
Author: Semoochie
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - 12:37 am
KIMN was the last major AM Top 40 in America. For a time, there were 3 left: KFRC, WLS and KIMN. I was under the impression that KIMN had gone to that format around 1958 so I have to wonder what it could possibly have had to do with the situation at KYMN and if that's the case, why did they almost return to Top 40 2 years later, only stopped from doing so by an eleventh hour offer to sell from KIXI Seattle?
Author: Pdxgary98
Friday, May 08, 2009 - 12:15 am
Have we forgot KKCY 101.1 going against or seemed like it KINK?
Author: Semoochie
Friday, May 08, 2009 - 2:33 am
The City took one aspect of KINK's programming and ran with it. I don't think that was a bad move at all. The one I didn't understand that went on for 2 years was KXL-FM, a KINK wanabe with no special reason to listen. We already had KINK.