Author: Craigadams
Saturday, June 26, 2004 - 7:55 am
On December 26, 1946 the FCC granted a "Class B" conditional grant to Westinghouse Radio Stations, Inc. (Walter C. Evans, President) for 92.3mc in Portland OR. In early 1947 KEX-FM calls were assigned. In August 1947 a construction permit was issued in lieu of the conditional grant. On November 25, 1948 (Thanksgiving Day) at 3:00PM KEX-FM began operation. (trivia: sister KEX began on Christmas Day 1926). KEX-FM studios were located at Radio Center. (1230 S.W. Main St.). KEX-FM transmitter site was located on Healy Heights (4504 S.W. Carl Place. Street connects with west side of Council Crest Drive). A 10KW "Westinghouse Electric" transmitter, employing a four-bay pylon antenna, mounted on a 146 foot self-supporting steel tower. The antenna was 955 feet above average terrain, with the power of 56.4KW. The KEX-FM signal was heard within a radius of 85 miles. KEX-FM was Portland's 6th FM station, duplicating it's sister and the ABC Radio schedule. KEX-FM operated 3:00PM to 10:15PM daily. Cy S. Young was General Manager with Robert L. Thomas as News Director & Thomas T. Ely, Chief Engineer. On September 1, 1949 KEX-FM reduced hours of operation 3:00PM to 9:00PM daily. By December 1950 John B. Conley was General Manager & (Mel) Melvin M. Bailey, Program Director. By December 1952 E.V. Huggins was President & Joseph E. Baudino was Executive Vice-President of Westinghouse Radio Stations, Inc. On January 22, 1954 licensee name changed to Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., Inc. (Chris J. Whitting, President). By December 1954 Jack A. Erwin was Chief Engineer. By December 1955 KEX-FM had reduced power to 56KW & Donald H. McGannon was President, also Jesse E. Leonard was News Director. By December 1956 Herbert L. Bachman was General Manager. On December 17, 1956 KEX-FM was quietly taken off the air. On August 5, 1957 KEX-FM was reactivated. A new policy: All Westinghouse FM's would adopt a Classical format. Westinghouse also controlled programming by mandating records by numbers. KEX-FM was now operating 5:00PM to Midnight, Monday through Friday. Slogan: You're in tune with Westinghouse, KEX-FM in Portland. By this time Robert A. McClanathan was a staff Engineer & Don Wirtz a staff Announcer. (formerly on KPAM/KPFM). On October 18, 1958 Ed Gilbert was appointed Chief Announcer with John R. Gordon to assist. By August 1959 Ed Gilbert was working the evening shift. In late 1959 KEX-FM increased power to 57KW. On March 25, 1960 Paul LaRiviere, KEX-FM's Program Director announced, control of Classical programming was now in KEX-FM hands. On May 29, 1960 KEX-FM & sister moved to new studios at 2130 S.W. 5th Ave. (offices moved a day earlier) The facility cost approximately $200,000. On October 25, 1961 Westinghouse announced plans to donate KEX-FM to the state of Oregon. Westinghouse had previously donated other FM's to educational interests in some of it's markets. KEX-FM's G.M., Herbert L. Bachman originated the idea here. Portland was without an outlet for Oregon Educational Broadcasting Radio. The City had just seen it's sister television service begin 8 months earlier. (KOAP Channel 10). On March 15, 1962 the transfer "by deed as gift" to licensee: State of Oregon, Acting by And Through The State Board of Higher Education, was accepted. The gift included broadcast equipment and the 3 to 4 thousand KEX-FM Classical Music Library. A total value of $100,000. On April 8, 1962 KEX-FM left the air. The FCC approved the transfer on 4-30-62. The story continues under the title "KOAP-FM & The Building of OPB", coming in July. A Special Thanks to: Bob McClanathan for his invaluable assistance in this radio history.
Author: Carsondeli
Monday, June 28, 2004 - 9:18 pm
What happened to 92.3 at this time? Is this when KGON got its foot in the door? Any details on that transaction?
Author: Semoochie
Monday, June 28, 2004 - 10:27 pm
This was long before KGON graced 92.3, which was KLIQ until sold to KYXI. The KGON we all know debuted on April Fools Day 1974, no matter what they say now!
Author: Craigadams
Tuesday, June 29, 2004 - 12:18 am
"What happened to 92.3 at this time?" Answer, became KOAP-FM 92.3.
Author: 62kgw
Tuesday, June 29, 2004 - 8:32 am
Where is the 3 to 4 thousand KEX-FM Classical Music Library now?
Author: Craigadams
Tuesday, June 29, 2004 - 6:52 pm
EM Music.
Author: Semoochie
Tuesday, June 29, 2004 - 10:19 pm
I knew KEX-FM was donated to the state but wasn't aware that KOAP-FM was actually on 92.3! How long were they there before moving to 91.5 and how long before KLIQ took over the frequency?
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 12:17 am
KOAP-FM switched to 91.5mc. on 9-26-63. KLIQ-FM began on 92.3mc. on 12-11-67.
Author: Waynes_world
Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 12:20 am
I see you're filling in for Steve Loid this week. Does he ever post here? Just wondering.
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 12:36 am
No. Steve don't read pdxradio unless I mention something posted and most of the time it's the funny stuff he likes.
Author: 62kgw
Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 8:06 am
what is "EM Music"?
Author: Craigadams
Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 6:51 pm
"Everyday Music" better known as EM is a new & used record & CD store. They also sell old Classical LP's. My bet is the KEX-FM Classical Music Library went to KOAC, since KOAP-FM would simulcast KOAC 100 per cent of the time for the next 10 years.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:52 pm
Newly discovered KEX-FM information: As was stated in the history, during the years 1948 through 1956, KEX-FM duplicated it's AM sister. However there must have been times such as sports when this was not the case. The Oregon Journal, March 30, 1953 - B. Mike column: KEX-FM will broadcast a baseball game tomorrow with Truitt & Blackburn. The game will come from the field via teteprinter. This game will also be broadcast on KWJJ. Broadcast Sports veteran Rollie Truitt had been with KEX since 1933, beginning his radio career at KXL in 1926 where he became the stations first Program Director & Chief Announcer. Bob Blackburn must have been in broadcasting for a short time.