Larry Wison interview on PDX radio pu... message board: Portland Radio: Larry Wison interview on PDX radio purchase
Author: Big89
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 12:49 pm
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Eric Rhoads of RadioInk interviewed Lary Wilson and had some interesting comments on the state of the industry. p3

Author: Tomparker
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 2:20 pm
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Sounds to me like a guy who knows what makes radio tick.

Author: Chris_taylor
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 2:51 pm
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Let's hope this is the breath of fresh air we've been waiting for. All it takes is just one person/company doing it right, finding success and low and behold a domino affect.

I wish him success...I really do.

Author: Greenway
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 4:47 pm
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How is it going to be a breath of fresh air if he just keeps the same programming? I haven't heard anything about increased local content,although the FM does a fair job already.....Wow,from $50 M when Paul Allen bought the pair to $11 M now as a price for the two--if that doesn't tell the story....

Author: Hwidsten
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 7:54 pm
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You guys need to chill out a bit and understand that everything doesn't happen in 60 seconds or less, even though you'd like it to.

This sale must be closed and the licenses must be transferred. Mr. Wilson doesn't own them yet.

There are people working there who deserve to be treated fairly, and i'm sure he will do that, but he has to have control of the licenses before he can say anything, because doing so before that would be assuming conrol of broadcast stations prior to approval by the FCC, and that is against the law. Maybe they'll do an LMA to take over sooner than the actual approval and then he could discuss the future.

The price drop represents the over valued state of the business. If those stations didn't cash flow just about 2 million, then this sale price is also too much. Values are getting real again.
Sellers are going to endure a lot of pain in the coming months.

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