Author: Mc74
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 4:19 pm
So Rick has been on in the mornings a bit now and I ws wondering what is the general opinion of how he is doing. Seems like everytime I tune he is is either playing a song or getting ready to. Where is the show? Its now like 3 minutes of talk followed by 13 minutes of music. I dont like it at all.
Author: Powerslacker
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 4:23 pm
Either Dave McDonald, Chris Patyk, or CBS corporate has decided to completely neuter the show. I imagine Rick, Sarah, and Tim feel themselves slowly dying inside from this horrible format. At this rate, it's going to be "Mornings with Sarah and Rick" soon, with a lot of music and virtually no content. What a waste.
Author: Bob
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 5:25 pm
Not the show for KUFO.
Author: 541to503
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 5:44 pm
I'm a huge Emerson fan but I never listen to the show live anymore. Part of the appeal of his show on 970 was that he could go for 30-45 minutes without taking a break (yes, I know, commercials are the life blood of the industry ... but I'd rather listen to ten minutes of ads straight once and hour than be interupted 4 times). Now, he's stuck in a more rigid clock and is required to play "X" number of songs per hour. It's like when the Playhouse had to start playing music . . . it interupted the flow. I'd like to know how many of his loyal listeners (and yes Emerson has an incredibly loyal audience no matter what format he's on) have stopped listening live and just download the podcast . . .
Author: Sundaymorningpolkashow
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 6:06 pm
I'm a big Emerson fan also, but the show isn't the same on KUFO and I don't think it's Rick's fault. First, they're dealing with the lamest music ever known to a "rock" format. I mean Offspring? Sublime? The 90's called and they want their Jennifer Aniston haircut back. If you're going to be retro at least play something that stands the test of time. I feel like I'm listening to the playlist of the frat guy who's trying to be cutting edge in his house. Second, they must have some consultant who keeps jerking with them. Rick has been having to say lately "You're three minutes away from Bush and seven minutes away from Blink 182. Great, now I know when to change the station. As for him being a geek or whatever, I think he embraces that persona in a Klosterman sort of way. Anyway, who really cares? He's a geek who's a hell of a lot more entertaining than anyone else in this market. It's better than trying to be a rip off of a syndicated guy. My only minor complaints are some of his politics and his closet crush on Sarah Palin. But despite that I still listen.
Author: Mc74
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 7:52 pm
Im glad it wasnt just me that thought that the show has taken a dive. I dont blame Rick at all and when this is all over I am sure he will be the first to tell you that it was a terrible idea to go to fm mornings. And someone tell me what happened to Ritchie. He was there one day and gone the next. I obviously missed the memo but I emailed Rick and got no response.
Author: Tomparker
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 8:04 pm
My suggestion is to go all the way in, or get out. In this situation they either blow off the music and formatics and let Rick be Rick, or pull Rick and get a warm body with more music. Can you imagine Stern doing transparent formatics? How many times did Stern's show run over because he felt like it? Emerson has the goods and you either like his act or not. I'm assuming they are trying to please too many factions and end up pleasing none...which is the recipe for failure.
Author: Radiodawgz
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 12:03 am
Right on, Mr. Parker - It's always been amazing to me how radio stations will hire a show based on what it is, but then want to change it significantly from what they originally loved. Sorta like marriage, actually...
Author: Trixter
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 1:14 am
I'm assuming they are trying to please too many factions and end up pleasing none...which is the recipe for failure. And because Emerson is an ALL in kind of guy I'm thinking that what he is doing is just killing him right about now....
Author: Bob
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 6:16 am
Ah, thats fantastic. Rick would be a great host on the gaming network.
Author: Warner
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 8:21 am
Been an Emerson loyal listener since the begining here in PDX. I now only listen on the podcasts, and even then only once in awhile. It's just a faint shadow of the former show. Mr. Parker hit it on the head. As another Rick once said, "You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself".
Author: Chickenjuggler
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 9:15 am
I was expecting to be able to turn a few friends onto the new show on the FM dial. I have found it to be a much tougher sell that I expected. I admit, I did not see this change in the show, or it's feel, coming at all. I am not opposed to change just to be a contrarian. But I thought there would be LOTS of opportunity to convert new listeners to the show. I can't imagine I was alone. I'm sure there have been some. Rick and his team created his Army. He trained us well. He invested a LOT of time, blood and sweat to get us in top shape. He got everyone on the same page and truly lead us into some legendary bits and relatively high expectations. We are an Army that is focused and engaged. Now I feel like we are being forced to work behind a desk. Drinking coffee from our canteens and looking for a reason to fight. Or at least defend something worthy. I'm obviously not saying this with glee; Mobilize the troops before we get fat and dumb.
Author: Justin_timberfake
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 9:44 am
Hey MC74 and everyone else on this board, I agree with you guys 100% The Rick Emerson show is NOTHING like it used to be and this is going to cause a TON of pissed off listeners to tune out. This decision to play more music is just plain stupid! It's 100% Dave Mcdonalds fault, the GM at CBS radio. He is the one that has put a gag order on Rick and Demanded that he plays more music. Rick has no control over this at all! If you guys really want to make a difference in the show, send Dave Mcdonald a Letter at CBS radio and make a complaint saying you want the Rick Emerson show back to its full potential. Im the same with you guys, I DO NOT want to hear music in the morning! Give us the Full Rick Emerson show or get rid of the show, but I hate this half assed Rick Emerson show that plays a lot of music and tells us what songs are coming up. I dont give a fuck that Bush is coming up in 25 minutes! DON'T PLAY MUSIC ON THE RICK EMERSON SHOW CBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author: Powerslacker
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 9:46 am
Kelly Clarke from (the) Willamette Week weighs in: ht-for-more-talk/ What is Dave McDonald's e-mail anyway?
Author: Justin_timberfake
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 10:09 am
Not sure, but do an internet search and find out! Nothing will happen if you guys just sit and bitch on a message board! If you really want something to happen you gotta put some effort into it or we will continue to get this half-assed Rick Emerson show that Dave Mcdonald now has control over. VOICE YOUR OPIONION IF YOU WANT CHANGE!!! Call up Dave Mcdonald and COMPLAIN!!!! Chris Padick has no control over this, its 100% Dave Mcdonalds decision. So IF you really want change, call up Dave Mcdonald and talk to him in person. Don't send an e mail because it will just get deleted, call him up and actually talk to him. Do what ever you can!!! Don't let these Big wigs at CBS continue to destroy the show! Give them an earful! If you don't call up and complain, expect nothing to happen! Its 2009, Its time to fight for good radio, don't let these corporate hacks kill great radio!!!!
Author: Lynns
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 10:19 am
re Emerson as geek: Completely not faked, at least in my interactions with the guy. Christ, I ran into him at a Jonathan Coulton concert.
Author: Mdrv600
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 3:26 pm
You're wrong. This IS Rick's fault based on a decision he made. I doubt that CBS forced the Emerson show on KUFO. Anyone that doesn’t think Rick was aware that concessions would have to be made to broaden the show’s reach is kidding themselves. RES did just o.k. on 970, but for him to be exposed to a larger audience on a better signal was going to require some adjustments with the show. This is the same people expressing outrage about the direction of the show that get panties bunched when their favorite band experiences mainstream success and becomes “their” band no longer. Everyone needs to chill out, let the show evolve and as soon as there is evidence that the show is connecting with a new (and MUCH larger) audience, the show regains more autonomy to do what it likes to do as opposed to what it needs to do. You’ll have to check your collective man-crushes and share Rick with a few more people which, in the end, is what the show (and radio) needs.
Author: Mc74
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 7:04 pm
Personally at this point I dont care if the show survives. They lost me completely. I think Rick sold out. I have a hard time believing that any petition can save the show at this point. I just dont have that much faith in corp radio.
Author: Jhumespcn
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 7:41 pm
Leading the charge of listeners to return the show to the way it was is the following website--
Author: Aok
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 8:59 pm
Oh well, screw up what works. Some CBS exec is earning his big bucks.
Author: Justin_timberfake
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - 9:23 pm
CBS has screwed up big time with the more music format on Rick Emerson. Having Rick Emerson Back sell songs and telling us that "Bush" and Weezer are coming up is the most ABSURD thing I have ever heard. He no longer has much content on his show. And if the dopes at CBS thing that people listening to his show actually want to know that "Bush" and Weezer" are coming up this hour than they need to get their heads checked. The loyal Fans will NOT put up with what CBS has done with the show. LET RICK EMERSON HAVE A SHOW, or get rid of the show because what he is currently doing is pleasing NOBODY!
Author: Mc74
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 4:27 pm
I dont think they told Rick that he has to give out the exact minutes for a song or the minutes until they return, I get the idea he is doing it out of some protest. They wanted the show a certain way so he is going to take that to the extreme. This whole petition will not work. The coffee cup idea didnt work. Rick has loyal fans but obviously he doesnt have that many otherwise they wouldnt be messing with the format. Its an attempt to get new people to listen which may work, but it will also scare away the people that like to listen to Rick talk about zombies and britney spears for 4 hours a day.
Author: Larrybudmelman
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 8:00 am
The Coffee Cup idea DID work. Entercom would have never hired Emerson back after firing him. The loyalty displayed by that is large part of what got him into CBS.
Author: Stevethedj
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 8:06 am
Larry-What is your source to that statement???
Author: Larrybudmelman
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 8:24 am
My massive brain!
Author: Craig_adams
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 10:59 am
Larry, LOL!!
Author: Larrybudmelman
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 11:17 am
During "the unpleasantness" when Emerson was off the air (and for a short time after he returned on CBS) there were several news stories about him. In at least one of these stories he indicated that propsective employers asked him why he thought his core fanbase was so unbelievably loyal. The fact that the prospective employer(s) asked this question indicated that it was on the list of appealing things about him and his show - a guaranteed audience from day 1. The coffee cup crusade as well as letter-writing campaigns apparently got someone's attention. I have attended many of the "sold out" listener parties and I have seen (and been part of) this phenomenon. It is real. The energy of the Crystal Ballroom with 1500 fans is like that of a rock show - where geeks cheer for CNN news correspondents.
Author: Eugenebob
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 2:28 pm
My Friends, allow me to give you an insight from an old timer. I will be blunt: CBS does not care about Rick’s show, or you for that matter. They do not care Mr. Emerson has a loyal audience. They do not care he has had sold out listener events. They do not care that there is out cry because the show has apparently taken a sharp turn for the worse due to their micromanagement. They do NOT care. They also did not care in the case a very large market, perhaps you heard of it; Los Angeles, when they flipped 97.1 from a hot talk station, with hosts that were syndicated and had a fanatic fan base, such as Adam Carolla, and Tom Leykis; to yet another top 40 station. The bottom line is this: Corporate heads do not care about being creative, or looking to the future. All they care about is making the numbers look good NOW to their share holders; of which like wise don’t care about creating good radio. It’s ALL about money. The “ brilliant” plan of these corporate heads ( and yes I’m being sarcastic) , is to slash, and cut, rape, and gut their stations in the hopes of making the #’s look good. And temporarily, they do, or at least they did in the past. The problem, as I mentioned, is there has been NO future thinking whatsoever on their parts. This has been going on for years, but it has hit critical mass, because after years of corporate gutting, there is nothing left for them to gut any more. What’s the solution? Simple. Corporations need to get out ( which they are) , and give the control over to local ownership. As much as I against government interference, I believe that there needs to be regulation that limits any person, or group to owning only 2 in a market, and a total 10 stations around the country- PERIOD. Getting back to Mr. Emerson; enjoy him while he lasts.
Author: Trixter
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 5:23 pm
Mr. Emerson; enjoy him while he lasts. My point exactly!
Author: Hottalk1080
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 6:27 pm
well Eugenebob, I wanted to comment, but after that, what else could I say that is better? Nothing right now. Thank you!
Author: Newflyer
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 6:41 pm
Ben Bernanke said himself earlier this month that the economy will rebound after further overall job reductions take place. So, under the capitalism system of economics, it's going to get much worse before it gets any better! (BTW, I only bring this up as a response to Eugenebob's post, as I feel it's relevant. Let's take this over to the politics board if anyone wants to delve into this further. Alright? Thanks!)
Author: Radiodawgz
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 7:02 pm
Unfortunately, I believe you are dead on, Eugenebob. Though I sent an e-mail in support of Rick and the show as it was, I also realized it was likely an exercise in futility. But I felt better, anyway.
Author: Mc74
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 7:16 pm
Entercom didnt hire him back after they fired him. Unless my history of the show is distorted he was unemployed until getting a job at cbs.
Author: Stevethedj
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 7:18 pm
Fisher hired him. Then sold KOTK hot talk 1080 to Entercom.
Author: Mc74
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 7:21 pm
Ok, so larrys claim that Entercom hired him back after the coffee cup crusade is just plain wrong. I have been listening to the show for over 5 years so I think or thought I knew the history of the show.
Author: Craig_adams
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 9:12 pm
FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD! I CAN'T TAKE READING THIS ANYONE! Hasn't one of You knuckle heads checked out Rick's history on wiki yet????
Author: Sgtschultz
Friday, May 15, 2009 - 6:45 am
Yeah. Word up Craig. Everyone knows Wikipedia is THE ACCURATE SOURCE of info on local radio DJS.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, May 15, 2009 - 6:49 am
So what did you find on the page that You know is incorrect?
Author: Larrybudmelman
Friday, May 15, 2009 - 7:59 am
I certainly did NOT say that Entercom hired Emerson back after the coffee cup crusade. Corporate entities generally don't do that type of thing. Been a listener since he started in PDX (was that 1996 or 1997?). I've been through all the highs and lows. I would not spread false information here, however, I WOULD report my opinion everyone else.
Author: Rsb569
Friday, May 15, 2009 - 2:32 pm
"Fisher hired him. Then sold KOTK hot talk 1080 to Entercom." Another unfortunate sale in Portland radio's history.
Author: Sedge68
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 7:53 pm
Ritchie? Who? Oh - there was a small announcement, basically that he was moving on to a different job at CBS Radio. Likely, he couldn't handle the early mornings with his jugalo lifestyle of crossdressing hormone induced kickboxing and running, all while trying to impress the chickys. Rick? Emerson? Yes, the KUFO show is almost unlistenable live. We all had high hopes and grave concerns about the move to FM mornings. I was hoping for one it would formatically be similar to the Adam Carolla show - there was a little music, but not a lot, and plenty of fairly long segments. Adam and Bona-douche added music in the form of top 5's, which were normally pretty well done. The problem now is that there is really nowhere for the RES show to go. AM 620? AM 970 is going under, slowly, now with full automation of syndicated talk shows no-one has heard of, tomorrow with going off the air, or being sold to a texano/latin format. I can't see RES going back there. Portland could probably support an FM talker, but it would be a very hard sell, especially with a lot of the big acts between gigs - Tom, Adam, Hendrie sucking eggs and getting bitter, Coast to Coast being obliged to 1190. Seattle tried the FM talker and failed. I think the LA one is gone now too. Talk is expensive. So what's left? Perhaps an aggressively marketed podcast? Not likely, as that medium hasn't been profitable for the talent. Not to be a joykiller, but I really think we're at the end of an era here, and it may be a while before the next evolution gets sorted out. Remember the notion that terrestrial radio is going to be a thing of the past? Perhaps we should let it go. Usher in Pandora, podcasts, rss feeds, iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, etc. I really think the technology that will replace radio hasn't been invented or at least refined yet, but it will probably be digital and wireless, similar to a confluence of HD radio, digital streams like Shoutcast or Pandora or Imeem, and community based like the current social networking sites. comes to mind, but even that isn't quite there yet. Best of luck to RES. We'll continue supporting the sponsors, and finding ways to support spoken entertainment. #end rant (sorry, this was to be posted a few days ago, new account activation took a while)
Author: Warner
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 9:43 am
Updated CBS "response" here: alk%e2%80%94cbs-radio-talks-back/
Author: Alfredo_t
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 10:33 am
> I think the LA one [FM Talk station] is gone now too. Indeed, it is. The reason that Tom Leykis is off the air is that his flagship station in LA flipped to a music format. On his last show, Tom explained on the air that due to contractual terms with Westwood One, he will continue to collect a paycheck until his contract expires, but he won't be able to do a show. This leaves me wondering why it is that Westwood One couldn't either set him up with a home studio to continue doing his shows, or work out a deal with the LA station to allow The Tasting Room to continue to be produced there, even if it no longer aired at that station (The Tasting Room, sounded like a pre-recorded show to me, so it could, conceivably be done in a production studio). I'm not ready to say that radio itself is dead, but "FM Talk" or lifestyle-oriented talk certainly seems to be on the rocks. In my opinion, the loss of Howard Stern to satellite radio, the failure of "Free FM," and now Leykis going off the air, have all been contributing to the slow decline of the format.