Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 5:04 am
On May 1st KUPL moved out of their "Koin Center" studios at 222 S.W. Columbia St., Suite 350 to CBS Portland's, First Avenue studios at 2040 S.W. 1st Ave. This marks the end of radio at the Koin Center building, which began in October 1994. Last month K-Hits left the studios. KUPL joins sister stations KUFO & KCMD at First Avenue.
Author: Radioxpert
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 5:23 am
What about KINK??
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 6:04 am
KINK remains at "KGW Broadcast Center" at 1501 S.W. Jefferson St. where it has been since signing on the air December 25, 1968.
Author: Kkb
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 9:23 am
Wonder where they are putting everyone?
Author: Andy_brown
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 9:33 am
Everyone? Don't you mean everything? Bolt another server into the rack.
Author: Egor
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 10:36 am
good one Andy! ;-)
Author: Skeptical
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 3:47 pm
Well, if I had any say at all, I'd evict everyone from the KOIN Tower and tear that ugly building down.
Author: Hottalk1080
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 5:37 pm
Well, I think that I have to agree with Skeptical on that one, I think that the building is an eye sore. I never saw the beauty in it, oh well, just my opinion.
Author: Jimbo
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 6:22 pm
It ruined the view of Mt. Hood when you came out of the tunnel.
Author: Mattjones
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 9:30 pm
Answering Kkb's question: Since KXJM formerly occupied studios on 1st Av., before they moved into the 4949 SW Macadam facility...I would assume that KUPL would locate themselves in those vacated studios and offices. Just guessing though. Not sure.
Author: Newflyer
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 10:35 pm
While going by 2040 SW 1st about a week ago, I noticed the Jammin logo was replaced by a KUPL logo. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that they'd consolidate KUPL into the 1st Ave. building.
Author: Radioxpert
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 1:12 am
How did KINK manage to remain in it's original location? It's pretty cool to have that history.
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 2:03 am
Most likely there's not enough room at 1st Ave.
Author: Notalent
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 7:36 am
Most likely they have a really good long term lease.
Author: Saveitnow
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 11:37 am
Aren't the DJ's still in the KOIN tower? I know everybody else left last month, but there was trouble breaking the lease, so they were leaving the DJ's at the KOIN Tower.
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 8:14 pm
I don't know about the lease but suite 350 is Dark from what I understand. It would be easy for anyone to check this out. Go in the Quiznos entrance. Does it say by the escalator "KUPL, KLTH & CBS Radio"? Head upstairs on the escalator. Look through the glass door which says on the side window "CBS Radio" (logo). Is this gone? Can you see the reception desk facing You. Is this gone? Are the call letters KUPL & KLTH mounted on the outer wall still prominent where you're standing? This from All Access: ------------------------KUPL Makes Its Move------------------------ CBS RADIO Country KUPL/PORTLAND, OR PD JOHNNY PAUL takes time-out from packing boxes that his station will be re-locating, joining the other two stations in the PORTLAND CBS cluster. KUPL will be moving to 2040 SW 1st St., PORTLAND, OR 97201. They will join sister stations Rock KUFO and News/Talk KCMD-A. All phone numbers, extensions etc., stay the same.