Author: Stoner
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 12:05 pm
Author: Jimbo
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 3:32 pm
I noticed that one poster had "Paul Revere and the Riders" That transmitter on 158th and Airport way is not where they were when they started as KISN. The transmitter was originally on Smith Lake in N. Portland, near where 1480 is now. When Tiger Tom and Pattee were there in the big heyday of the 50's and early 60's, they were on Smith Lake in a two story building. The light strings for the KISN Carol Tree were kept in a heap on the first floor. Weekends, overnights, and news were done from there in the beginning. That sufficed for meeting the "origination" requirement.
Author: Kennewickman
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 10:17 pm
I remember one year KISN made a big deal out of the placement of the KISN Carol tree in Hazel Dell across from Fred Meyer, I think it was 1966 maybe 67'. Was it the first Vancouver KISN carol tree ? Trivia question : What year was the first Christmas season for the KISN carol tree and can anyone list the locations? And did they have multiple locations during one season ? I seem to remember that the first KISN carol tree was in 63'...but that is just a 45 year old stab in the dark .
Author: Craig_adams
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 10:58 pm
Kennewickman: I'll compile some information. In the mean time enjoy this: THE KISSIN' CAROL TREE - RECORDED PROMO COPY (NOVEMBER 1967) COPY (A) :37 SEC. WITH MUSIC END :47 SEC. (no music background, announcer slight echo) Thousands of multi-colored ever changing lights, pulsing in a true kaleidoscope of Christmas color. The towering beauty of a majestic fir tree. The sights and sound of K-I-S-N at Christmas. This is The Kissin' Carol Tree. (cue music "O Christmas Tree" traditional orchestra, announcer pause 3 sec., then fade music back). Again this year you and your family can enjoy this electronic marvel. The spectacular Kissin' Carol Tree, located this year at the S.E. 82nd. & Burnside Safeway store. Brought to you by the bottlers of Royal Crown Cola. See it, beginning Thanksgiving evening, and on thru the holiday season. (bring up music for 9 Sec and fade out.) COPY (B) :40 SEC. (no music background, announcer slight echo) If you've never seen it, just ask anyone that has. They'll tell you the Kissin' Carol Tree is the most fascinating electronic marvel they've ever seen. (cue music "O Christmas Tree" traditional orchestra, announcer pause 3 sec., then fade music back). For the 7th consecutive year you can see the sound of K-I-S-N on the Kissin' Carol Tree. A miracle of modern electronic science. The Kissin' Carol Tree translates the actual sound of "Kissin' Radio" into waves of dazzling color. Located this year at the S.E. 82nd. & Burnside Safeway Store. Presented by the bottlers of Royal Crown Cola. Bring your family, your transistor radio and your Christmas spirit, to the official lighting ceremony, 6pm Thanksgiving evening. COPY (C) :35 SEC. (no music background, announcer slight echo) The magnificent Carol Tree. A tradition in The Pacific Northwest, will be back for the 7th consecutive year. (cue music "O Christmas Tree" traditional orchestra, announcer pause 2 sec., then fade music back). Again this year you'll marvel at the spectacle in pulsing color. The Kissin' Carol Tree. The sound of Kissin' at Christmas, is reflected in shimmering color and glory on the K-I-S-N Carol Tree. This year The Kissin' Carol Tree will be located at the S.E. 82nd. & Burnside Safeway Store. Presented by the bottlers of Royal Crown Cola. Plan now on attending the official lighting ceremony at 6pm Thanksgiving evening.
Author: Semoochie
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 11:40 pm
If the copy is from 1967 and it's the 7th year, that would obviously mean it started in 1961 but I could swear I remembered a promo indicating the "17th consecutive year", putting it back to the beginning in 1959.
Author: Alfredo_t
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 2:41 am
Some months ago, Andy Brown posted an old USGS map, circa 1960 vintage, that showed the original KISN towers by Smith Lake, though they were labeled KVAN on the map. I have a whippersnapper question for you guys: in which building were the KISN studios located? I was at the Powell's Books store a few weeks ago, looking across the street and trying to imagine where KISN was and what that intersection looked like in the 1960s. Across Burnside (from Powell's), there is that funny looking sculpture, located in the island between Burnside and Oak. Behind that, there is a parking lot. On the other side of 10th, there is a building with a pizzeria. See e+Portland,+OR&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.915634,78.310547&ie=UTF8&ll=45.522 997,-122.681032&spn=0.000998,0.00239&t=h&z=19&iwloc=A
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 3:24 am
THE KISN CAROL TREE debuted at 7:30pm on November 24, 1961. 4,000 lights were used. I haven't done a year by year study of where THE KISN CAROL TREE was shown. Ads in The Oregonian & Journal around Thanksgiving might have been run. If anyone has Kisn Surveys with this information, I would appreciate hearing from you: 1961 S.E. 122nd & Stark, U-Save Membership Department Store. 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 99 Strip in Vancouver. 1967 S.E. 82nd & Burnside Safeway. 1968 1969 Villa-Mart Shopping Center in Beaverton. 1970 S.E. 82nd & King Rd. 1971 Western Forestry Center. 1972 1973 1974 1975
Author: Semoochie
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 4:04 am
KISN was right on the northeast corner of 10th and W. Burnside.
Author: Skeptical
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 4:07 am
Some time in the 70's I briefly spotted the KISN carol tree (three small trees actually) on a flatbed trailer in a large parking lot somewhere in outer SE Portland (Division? Powell maybe?) The whole thing did not look so Christmasly at all. Sort of like how scrolling down on that blog link on the first post and finding a hateful rant of Sam Adams, mocking his humble lifestyle along with a LARGE picture of Adams's house. Me thinks that blog link belongs on the other side. Why tarnish Portland's fond memories of KISN with that anti-left hate-Adams website, eh? Not really a smooth move there. Tiger Tom deserves better than this.
Author: Jimbo
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 4:19 am
Alfredo, They were on the NE corner of 10th and W.Burnside. The address was 10 NW 10th. Oak St. is SE. The sides of the building have changed since KISN was in there. Using your Google reference, It shows "Stream" signs on the corner of the building (across from Powell's) if you do the street view. The corner window on NW 10th and the windows along Burnside from 10th towards 9th looked into the studios. The entrance, on 10th, was next to the corner window. If I remember correctly, when it started there, the corner studio was news, the next one was the main studio with the DJ facing west, and the next studio was a small production studio. That was all the windows. I think they changed the floorplan later when the Byron Swanson console replaced the old RCA console. The soundproofing wasn't the greatest. With the Sta-level and processing, you could hear the microphone pick up the traffic moving by on Burnside, particularly trucks, as it was a slight uphill incline on Burnside at that point. The old United Radio Supply backed up against the KISN building on 9th and Burnside. In the early 90's, the Portland Business Journal occupied the building. If you move three blocks west on Burnside, the little pie shaped building between Stark and Burnside pointing to 13th is where KKEY was. They were on the pointy west side of that building. Portland Radio Supply was across the street on Stark and 13th on the SE side of the intersection. Across 13th, the building on the SW corner of 13th and Burnside is where KGW had a studio on the second floor corner of that building until they moved in with TV on SW 12th, across from KEX. At the time, the Murphy rendition of KVAN (1480) was in the hotel a few blocks away. I think it was the Washington Hotel, home of the Timber Topper Restaurant. I think it was their sales office. They had a studio just off the I-5 bridge in downtown Vancouver. What Andy Brown posted regarding the towers on Smith Lake was correct. They were the KISN towers but were there from KVAN, which became KISN in 1959. The blockhouse near the towers was the original transmitter building I referenced a few postings above, where they originally did the evening and weekend broadcasts. That is where I originally met and talked to Pat Pattee one night after midnight while he was on the air in that dark place. Control room, transmitter, and teletype all in one room on the second floor. A 100 watt light bulb in the white basic fixture hanging from the ceiling. You could hear the transmitter fans in the background through the microphone. At the time, Pat said he loved it out there because that building had "soul". Yeah!!
Author: Stoner
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 7:05 am
Kisn Carol Tree was also in Smiths Home Furnishings lot on Division for a couple of years. The lay out of the Kisn Studios. There were Two doors on 10th one for the building & the one closest to Burnside for Kisn,..Small lobby with the pictures back lit on the wall in a row from am drive to Pattee. The receptionist would buzz you in through the you walked through that door there was a thin hallway ...on left the PD & music room, Traffic & copy was next, On the could enter to the news room PSA room....and Kisn window. Next door on the right was Don W Burdens private suite which was beyond cool for the day. It was like a living room at the 4 Seasons Hotel with a magnificent bath room area. When you came to the end of the hall ....there were a few steps ...when you made the landing you had the GM's office on the right....walk to the left there was the GMS asst (who was always a listener & sometimes lover for Burden).....Then a spiral staircase that took you to sales. Also you could take a trip downstairs with Byrons room...lunch room....bathroom.......and billing room that also handled Human Res. That was right by the little door you see when you travel up Burnside before you hit the light. I'm sure I'm missing something.....but I have photos somewhere of every studio & room except Burdens that was off limits. We do all have a story about that room though! ....Oh the next door on the right was the production room that carved out THOUSANDS of spots. Wes Ryan and Tom Michaels were the masters in that room.
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 7:53 am
Stoner -- A good description of the entrance to KISN... One minor detail - In the GM's office up the hallway on the right - The GM had an interesting switch (I imagine it was Don Burden's idea) Although in my 3 years I was only in the GM's office a few times.. When the GM would talk to you and wanted a private conversation - He would reach under his desk and push a button -- This automatically would close the GM door! -- As a kid of 16-17 I thought this was super cool (Although I would not use the word Super at KISN - Might get mixed up with the enemy Super 62 KGW) Also Stoner -- I can't remember the building having very many if any other tenants?? Wasn't it around 4-5 stories tall?? I was on the roof a few times (took the elevator) But that's another story I don't want to go into..
Author: Kq4
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 8:12 am
Tom, here's a photo and info about 10 NW 10th.
Author: 62kgw
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 8:57 am
put him back on 91 or 62 soon !!!!
Author: Semoochie
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 11:40 am
For awhile, KGAR 1550 sat directly across Burnside from KISN. I don't think it was there very long, though. I believe it was only one year that there were multiple small KISN Carol Trees. It was quite a disappointment and they went right back to a single tall tree after that.
Author: Stoner
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 12:10 pm
YES! If you were called up and the door shut as you sat were either packing your bags or going to arrested. Steve Shepard, Doyle Peterson and Sol Rosinsky all had the open door policy...It was NOT good if the electronic door shut. have not thought about this in years! Also the incinerator in the basement. I remember vividly when Burden teenage girls told him that KOIL (in their hometown of Omaha) played way too many soul records. I was music director at Kisn then, got the craziest call maybe in 910 history from Burden telling me to stack up all the James Brown (soul 45's) and have Jessie (the black janitor) burn them!!!!!!!!! Then the phone really started buzzing with Steve Brown telling me to hold on....let it all simmer down.....It never happened....but about a week later Burden was staying at the Benson listening and my hot line rang when I played a Joe Tex record....he went postal on the phone and wanted to know if the mission was accomplished......Then it blew over. Kisn was the M.A.S.H of the radio biz...We could all write books.
Author: Alfredo_t
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 1:15 pm
Thanks for the information, guys. I was looking in the wrong direction from Powell's--I should have been looking EAST! I also apologize for posting the bad Google link. It was way past my bedtime when I wrote that post. I have an aircheck (from Ernie Hopseker) of Sam Holman doing the morning show. On that recording, the sound of trucks driving by can clearly be heard between words as Holman talks on the mic. In silent pauses in the records, the rumble of the turntable motors is pretty noticeable. Even subtle amounts of reverb in the records just jump out at you!! That Sta-level had a very quick release time.
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 1:52 pm
Stoner-- I had forgotten about almost burning of the "Motown Sound" music...Don was great with those hotline calls - scarred the H--L out of all of us - even the KISN request line answer people like me..? I just wish - as my first real job at 16 - somebody would have said "KILLER you had better take notes on your experiences here at KISN cause someday you will want to remember every detail about working at the mighty 91wonderful".... Stoner-- My question for you is OR anyone else - can you remember any other businesses operating in this 4-5 story building out side of KISN -- I was there with you for part of the time June 1971 til March 1974 I can not think of anyone else there - except maybe a travel agency on the 3rd or 4th floor -- It 's like the whole building was ours - even though we were on 1st floor and part of 2nd was for KISN.. Can recall any??
Author: Stevethedj
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 4:57 pm
Was the top floor used for a reproduction room. Similar to the attic at the mansion at the old KWJJ? I've heard stories about JJ.
Author: Jimbo
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 6:03 pm
I don't remember who else may have been in the building when KISN was there. The Portland Business Journal was there after KISN was gone. I had a friend working there in about 91 or so. Alfredo, I don't think anyone there paid attention to levels in the early years. Anytime I went by the window and looked in, the VU meter was pegged. They wanted the levels constant to sound loud. They were just a little 1000W station with a pattern that favored NE of their tower site (to feed Vancouver) and needed that "loudness" to compete with KEX and KGW. Plus, most radios in the day used 455kHz IF that made 910 have a whistle tone on most radios that you had to center tune to null it out, which most kids had no idea of what to do. Radios then were manual variable tuned or pushbutton in cars. The pushbuttons were never accurate and you usually had to fine tune them after you pushed the button. Modulation level was pushed to the upper limit, also. If I remember correctly, the definition of 100% was on negative peaks so they would meet that and go higher on the positives or the other way around. The early years was not the cleanest sound but heck, the radios we had then and the music they were playing along with the personalities........, we didn't care. Back then, it wasn't just the music, it was the whole package. It was live personality driven radio. Any station could play the same music. What made KISN was the personalities and what they did. The era of Murphy, Steele and the rest. That has been gone for many years on the dial and will never return, probably. That is why us old farts that were there then look back fondly on it. Sorry to those who were not around back then to experience it. The window has closed.
Author: Semoochie
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 6:25 pm
It wasn't a matter of tuning out the tone but more like trying to make it as unobjectionable as possible. I'm pretty sure most slide-rule tuners still work this way. Some are just less obvious than others.
Author: Stoner
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 6:39 pm
its strange..I only spent time on the roof (yes..another day).... Tiger Branch from Branch & Bauer had offices there dor a spell.... The Business Journal came later if my memory serves me.....But I don't have a clue who operated that building. For a long period of time the Zell family owned part of the building along with the Singers.....Then it was sold. Last owner was the Doc Martins US corp headquarters. I don't even remember the lobby of the second front door! Is that how we got up on that roof?????????
Author: Alfredo_t
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 6:58 pm
> That has been gone for many years on the dial and will never return, probably. I think that you're right. Although I am too young to have any accurate memories of the heyday of AM top-40 radio, I am thankful that Ernie Hopseker and others have given me the opportunity to listen in on some of what was going on then, through airchecks. I only wish that I had been able to listen to those airchecks ten years earlier, when I was pulling shifts at the university radio station. I think that it would have been helpful to be able to listen to different styles of radio presentation to compare them and try to improve on my own skills.
Author: Tombrooks
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 9:35 pm
Stoner-- yes, facing the KISN Front door from the outside - directly to the left was a small lobby only - The elevator faced the KISN side of the building -- (Not referring to you Stoner at all - But I know several stories of DJ's giving tours of KISN and there last stop was the elevator up to the "Penthouse" - which it wasn't of course - (Just an open air covered area with nothing fancy to view either) I'll leave it at that..I have said enough on the subject..
Author: Kennewickman
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 9:42 pm
I always have had a negative reaction to jocks pegging the VU meters. Slamming a quiverking plus 3 with an occassional low dip to plus 2. " Geez louise " ! This is because I was first and Engineer before being behind the mike much at all. Let the Audio processing fix the audio level and if Management needed 120% on positive peaks, let the engineer set the Compression characteristics on the processor ( Optimod ) for about a minus 3 average out of the studio console. You could always tell who the guys were on the board that had been around the business awhile. They ran their audio levels peaking at 0 or maybe a plus 1 .
Author: Stoner
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 10:17 pm
killer...Chuck Martin knew every inch of that "penthouse"
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 11:17 pm
Stoner remembers THE KISN CAROL TREE at Smith's Home Furnishings, 3016 S.E. Division for two years in a row. He believes that was 1972 & 1973. Anyone remember other locations? Check my post above for locations we already have.
Author: Semoochie
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 1:10 am
KISN-FM brought it back one year and I think it was around Harbor Drive, if that makes any sense, the area north of the new skyscrapers by the river, south of Waterfront Park.
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 1:59 am
Kisn-FM originally brought back THE KISN CAROL TREE at Lloyd Center. All the jocks were called on stage as part of the lighting ceremony. The following year the Tree was at Clackamas Town Center, in doors I might add. Then the next year the Tree was set up off Harbor Drive but it was pretty small and since it was off the road, you really couldn't see it that well.
Author: Jimbo
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 4:23 am
I thought one of the early ones was on NE 122nd. I don't remember one at 122nd and Stark but it could have been. Possibly one on 82nd at one time, also. Memory is not too good on this.
Author: Robin_mitchell
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 7:00 am
You guys have resolved the first year being Christmas season '61. I remember it well. "Telestar" really made the tree shimmer...and "he Lion Sleeps Tonight" was seen frequently, as it was on a streak at #1.
Author: Alfredo_t
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 9:42 am
> "Telestar" really made the tree shimmer... Wow! That would have been cool. It's too bad that promotions like this don't exist today.
Author: Waynes_world
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 11:25 am
I remember the Carol Tree being at 82nd and Burnside in 1962, I lived three blocks away and rode my bike there to see Rick Nelson light it up. I remember the theme song that was used. what a thrill it was to see Rick. I sure like his music.
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 11:55 am
Wayne: WOW! Ricky Nelson did THE KISN CAROL TREE lighting in 1962? What store was at 82nd & Burnside? ___________________________________________________ Now I get an E-Mail from Tiger Tom Murphy that the 1962 THE KISN CAROL TREE was in downtown Portland at the corner of Broadway. He's not sure which corner but remembers it close to the Benson Hotel. Tiger Tom says the 1963 THE KISN CAROL TREE was in front of the Pepsi building on Sandy Blvd. Tiger Tom says the 1964 THE KISN CAROL TREE was at a Beaverton shopping center or in Cedar Hills. He can't remember for sure but he was the one that threw the switch.
Author: Scott_young
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 12:49 pm
Wayne may be remembering the Safeway store at 82nd and Burnside. It was built sometime during the 60s and replaced their previous location at 47th and Burnside...although I think '62 was a few years too early. '65 or '66 maybe? I don't remember the KISN Carol Tree being there, but being a new location it seems credible.
Author: Kennewickman
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 2:17 pm
In 66' it was in the Parking Lot of some lumber company across from the Vancouver-Hazel Dell Fred Meyer store on Hiway 99.
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 5:41 pm
Kennewickman: Was THE KISN CAROL TREE across from "Copeland Lumber"? Was Copeland in Washington state? Tiger Tom has got me thinking about the 1964 KISN CAROL TREE in Beaverton. I would have been 9 years old but I seem to remember an electronic tree of some sort in the "Raleigh Hills Fred Meyer Shopping Center". Does that ring a bell with anyone? Maybe the shopping center wasn't even built yet.
Author: Richpatterson
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 7:15 pm
I remember the KISN Carol Tree was at Ron Tonkin on 122nd one Christmas. I was a real young pup, so it must have been 1968 or 1972. I also have a vague memory of it blowing over one year, possibly when it was at Ron Tonkin. Does that ring a bell with anyone?
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 8:09 pm
Thanks Rich! It might have been 1968. Stoner remembers THE KISN CAROL TREE at the S.E. Division "Smith's Home Furnishings" for 2 years running, beginning in 1972. Anyone else remember any of this?
Author: Semoochie
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 9:27 pm
We've already established that it was at the Safeway store on 82nd and Burnside in 1967. Was "The Kissin' Tree" always the first song each year?
Author: Waynes_world
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 9:42 pm
I think it was the year the Safeway store at 82nd and Burnside opened. I may have the year wrong, but it was either 61 or 62. I remember seeing Rick Nelson. he was a tall dude.
Author: Markandrews
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 10:35 pm
Rich/Craig - I talked my dad into taking our family to see the Carol Tree one year, and it was on 122nd...Ron Tonkin Chevrolet sounds like the right spot. And 1968 sounds about right. (I KNOW it was NOT 1972, because I had my driver's license by then!)
Author: Jimbo
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 10:51 pm
"it was on 122nd...Ron Tonkin Chevrolet sounds like the right spot" That would coincide with my recollection that it was on N.E. 122nd. I can't vouch for the year. For some reason, I thought it was on the west side of 122nd but I could have been backwards. I don't remember when Ron Tonkin moved to 122nd but I think it was in the 60's. He was on the west side prior to moving to 122nd. Marv Tonkin also moved to the west side of 122nd.
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 11:37 pm
The following ad for the grand opening of Ron Tonkin "out 122nd way" was pulled from a well-circulated Sam Holman aircheck from 8-13-65:
Author: Craig_adams
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 12:37 am
Great Detective work guys! There's to be other posters that witnessed THE KISN CAROL TREE.
Author: Jimbo
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 1:08 am
"1962 THE KISN CAROL TREE was in downtown Portland at the corner of Broadway. He's not sure which corner but remembers it close to the Benson Hotel." If it was around there, and I am not doubting Tiger Tom, about the only area big enough at the time would probably be where Pioneer Courthouse Square is now. That was a parking lot about that time. It would make sense to be on Broadway as that was the "cruise" path at the time. Up sixth, down Broadway. Right by the Jolly Joan. The other ones were around the blocks a Yaws, Around the Speck at 50-52 on Powell to Foster back to 50th& Powell(a triangle), and around Flanagans on 82nd and Powell.
Author: Semoochie
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 3:54 am
I lived 3 blocks from Flanagan's. I didn't know they cruised that area!
Author: Robin_mitchell
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 6:53 am
The 1964 location was right off Cedar Parkway. It's a location that's visible from the Sunset Highway, where one of the ODOT or TV station sky-cam's are located. However, the current 217 was not completed all the way through to the Sunset at the time...I don't believe. For many years, there was a Safeway at this location. Currently, there's a Dollar Store, Miller paint store, coffee shops, etc., at this location.
Author: Stoner
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 7:11 am
Ron was on Barbur Rd before going out to 122nd way.....
Author: Jimbo
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 9:25 am
Flanagans was not a huge one but it had drive in stalls and carhops. It was a difficult corner and people migrated to the Speck. You are correct, Stoner. I don't remember the cross street but Ron was on Barbur. I only remember going by it once one morning. Why, I don't remember. Probably because I got a license and just drove around.
Author: Jimbo
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 9:46 am
Stoner, Very interesting blog you have there. One question...Where do you find all these old pictures? The old trouble slide from KPTV for example. These go wayyyy back. They weren't always for transmission trouble. Many times, they were used because the film broke and you had to thread it back in through the gate and let it feed to the floor just to get it back on the air. Or something wrong with the network feed (transmission troubles, I guess). I noticed the list of previous KISN DJ's you had and you did say you probably missed some. Over time, that is probably correct. One name I have not seen mentioned for some time and don't see on your list is Ken Chase. He was there around 62-63. He had that club near the top of the hill on McLoughlin as you leave downtown Milwaukie. It was an old house on the left. It was called "The Chase". He had local bands there. I don't recall the Raiders there, they were usually at the Headless Horseman in what became Morgans Alley. I know the Kingsmen were there, among others. The Headless Horseman and the Chase were the main hangouts then, with the Trapadero in Vancouver. Some shows in Armories, also. Whatever happened to Ken Chase?
Author: Waynes_world
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 11:06 am
The strudel house was next door and I think Ken owns (or owned) both places. they have great food.
Author: Stoner
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 11:17 am
I have a great "Chase" ad that will be posted later this evening. The Headless Horseman became the restaurant on Park (not morgans alley)....they actually used the same neon sign but changed the lettering to BRASSIERE....Yes I did miss Ken on the list! Also Gene Leader and Grant Jackson who allowed Indians that were protesting into the transmitter and they locked him out. He called downtown from VANS Drive In crying! They threatened to take over the signal if they did not get a one hour interview. Cops came was resolved but a mess. Grant went on to network radio news.
Author: Kq4
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 12:32 pm
"but changed the lettering to BRASSIERE..." Brassiere? Topless joint? Perhaps it was "Brasserie"? ;)
Author: Robin_mitchell
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 12:34 pm
Yes...the original RON TONKIN CHEVROLET was out BARBUR WAY (Blvd.)...just east of where a bank now stands just up the hill from The Original Pancake House. This was when Ron was just starting out...all over sponsoring weekend and late night movies. He became a major KISN Operation Airwatch sponsor, too.
Author: Robin_mitchell
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 12:38 pm
In the early 80's, Ken Chase had a club next to the Valley Theater on Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway. As I recall, it featured a Chippendale's-style show at times. Shortly after I returned to Portland to program KWJJ AM/FM April 93, the Oregonian ran an article on Ken & his wife. At that point, they were running a bed & breakfast on the Oregon Coast, associated with one of the lighthouses. I believe Tom Murphy told me Ken had suffered a stroke or some other medical emergency preceding their move to the coast.
Author: Stoner
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 2:27 pm
Ron was the youngest Chev dealer in the country.
Author: Skeptical
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 4:13 pm
Oh great. Stoner made another hate-Sam Adams post on his blog. Let me say this again: You're tarnishing the image of KISN and anyone associated with it. I will not link to it nor will I tell anyone about the Tiger Tom info on your site. Trample on memories of KISN with your political bias if you must, but currently the link at the top of the page opens to another bashing of Sam Adams. This thread belongs on the other side. Using the reminiscing KISN to bash Sam Adams is uncool. You're doing what Don Burden did -- using the station to push a personal agenda. Congrats on this very dubious honor.
Author: Jimbo
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 8:05 pm
Oh come on now, lighten up. It is a blog about Portland. Anything about Portland. It is not a tribute to KISN. It is someones thoughts. Just like any blog. This person just happens to have photos and other memorabilia from and about Portland. He just happens to include some memories of KISN along with other things that he writes or puts up photos and info. Sam Adams is just another part of Portland and if the blogger decides to post a picture and comment about him, it is no different than making comments and posting pictures of a cigar bar, a restaurant from Jantzen Beach, or any other thing from Portland's past or future. It is an opinion piece. Don't look at it if you don't want to. The Mayor is a public figure and is open for comments about him. If he cannot take it, he should get out of the spotlight. Actually, I find most of the stuff Stoner puts on there to be pretty interesting. He puts all kinds of stuff up there and doesn't necessarily link to it all in this forum. You could go there daily and see all new stuff.
Author: 50kw
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 8:37 pm
I find Stoner's blog great entertainment. Sam bashing doesn't bother me one bit. More power to you Dave.
Author: Alex_hart
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 8:58 pm
Obviously I hold KISN close to me for a number of reasons. Number one my Father being a part of that wonderful station and it's Forever heritage, the people that worked there past and to it's conclusion, and having started my Radio career then at age 18 in '93 by working alongside my Father during that time. Who'd a thought 30 years later Roger and his Son would be working together at KISN? Anyway, that is priceless to me. So....... There's no need to defend Stoner, I only want to thank him for his passion for Radio, what he's meant to Portland, and for keeping KISN alive! Great job! Also, Robin Mitchell keeps a fantastic site that is truly a treasure full of his passion for Portland Radio. If it wasn't for those two gentlemen, coupled with what Craig has done, who would keep Portland's Legendary Radio alive??? BTW...Ron Tonkin's first LIVE REMOTE was done by Roger Hart...a long, long time ago. At what station, I don't recall, I'd have to ask. Cheers...
Author: Craig_adams
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 9:35 pm
Coming May 1st to this thread, You will read something that most of you have never laid eyes on. The ones that have will see it posted here for the first time in 48 years.
Author: Skeptical
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 10:14 pm
Sam Adams is just another part of Portland and if the blogger decides to post a picture and comment about him Then its a political comment and belongs on the other side. Stoner's trying to have it both ways. Some of the earlier political blog posts get pretty hateful that could blush Lars Larson. Besides, I don't think anyone would appreicate it if some famous ex-jock posted a link to KWJJ memorabilia only to have a picture of gun haters mocking Charleston Heston the first thing they see, eh? Its political. Other side. Or we'll have to counterbalance in this thread. Robin Mitchell keeps a fantastic site that is truly a treasure full of his passion for Portland Radio. Yes. Great site. He doesn't ruin things by injecting his personal politics in it. Smart man. I've given/posted his link to many times.
Author: Stoner
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 11:04 pm
Sorry to offend you Skeptical....But my blog is a mix of free expression ....from Mayor Creepy to rewinding back to some of Portland's great haunts of the past. I do not hold it against any Sam fans..You have every right to believe & support him as your Mayor. I find him to be a disgusting lying rat. That is my opinion. If you want to kill free speech, then move to Cuba.
Author: Stevethedj
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 11:18 pm
Dave--Skeptical believes in free speach if you agree with him. Keep up the good work.
Author: Humbleharv
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 12:26 am
Stoner did not introduce politics in this thread on this board. Skeptical did and he is the one that is telling everyone to take the politics to the other side. He obviously does not know the difference between Stoners blogsite, this forum/website, and Robins. They are all different sites. And all very good ones for what they are. I have read Robin's pages and find no problem. I have read through Stoners blog pages and find no problem for what it is. I don't care what Stoners political views are or Robins. I look at what is on their sites and enjoy them. I like Stoners history pieces. I disagree with him on cigars and smoking. So what!!!! Actually, this time I agree with his viewpoint on the mayor. Maybe that is why it doesn't bother me. Some may disagree. That is just the way it is. His tributes aren't bad, either.
Author: Skeptical
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 12:28 am
Stoner, Not offended. But I wonder how you'd like seeing a KISN tribute on a obviously pro-gay website run by Sam Adams? Would you provide a link to it and send your friends there? StevetheDJ sez: Skeptical believes in free speach if you agree with him. Keep up the good work. I'm glad you agree with me that the thing's political and belongs on the other side.
Author: Radioboy25
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 7:28 am
who cares if a kisn tribute is on a gay web site? Big deal.Nobody gets your point pal. and you sound a bit deranged and dangerous. Steve the Dj is not in your corner by the way! If your not dangerous with weapons, your just stupid.
Author: Don_from_salem
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 8:33 am
Ron Tonkin's original dealership on Barbur Blvd. was still standing as an auto parts place a few years ago. If I still lived in Portland, I would drive over there to get all the details. Ron bought the former Gregg-Owens Chevrolet and rejuvenated it. I don't recall many details about Messrs. Gregg nor Owens, other than Mr. Owens attended the same church I went to (along with Jimmy "Rusty Nails" Allen).
Author: Alfredo_t
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 12:48 pm
> If you want to kill free speech, then move to Cuba. In the spirit of keeping things radio-related, I occasionally hear Cuban jammers when I listen to shortwave. I am anxious to see what transpires on this thread on May 1. I was not around 48 years ago, so this will very likely be new to me. I anticipate that it will be 91-derful!!!
Author: Warner
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 2:44 pm
I do and have in the past disagreed with most all of Stoner's political views. But we are about the same age (almost exactly), so I do really like the blog for the non-political historic stuff, and I can separate those things in my mind. I'd rather just have the non-political stuff, but I can handle it the way it is.
Author: Skeptical
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 2:59 pm
and you sound a bit deranged and dangerous. . Steve the Dj is not in your corner by the way! If your not dangerous with weapons, your just stupid. Since you're the one that opened the door with ad homienen attacks, you've made it clear that it is YOU that is stupid. Of course stevethedj doesn't agree with me. He inadvertedly pointed out that the issue is political and belongs on the other side. If Stoner wants to tarnish KISN-91 with his dubious blog, he's a right to do that. After all, even the KING trashed his own image. But providing a link to a a blog blasting Sam Adams belongs on the other side. Now that stoner has added even more anti-Adams material to the top of his blog, I'll take this as my cue for a political rebuttal: Stoner, its so EASY to launch a HATE attack on someone, so tell me, why haven't YOU offered yourself as a candidate for one of the city council seats, if not the mayor's seat then?
Author: Kennewickman
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 3:28 pm
Craig, It had something to do with a lumberyard, as I remember it, from the wee gray folds of my teenage brain . Now, I think this may have been a bit before Fred Meyer was built on the 99 strip. But the Carol tree was in the parking lot of some lumber company. Then Freddies was built about 68 or 69' I think it was and that lumber company stayed there for the rest of the 70s at least. It might still be there, I dont know. I havent lived in Vancouver for many years, but visit quite a bit. I dont pay attention to that part of town much, but that place is probably gone now. Yes It might have been Copeland, now that you mention it, I think I remember the black cat . I suppose if we could come up with a city directory or a phone book for those years, we may be able to figure it out.
Author: Pdxgary98
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 5:13 pm
Back to the Carol Tree - 1974 The carol tree was smaller and they used 2 small trees on a flat bed trailor parked on SE Division I believe near 148th. That was the time of the energy crises. Keep on KISN
Author: Jimbo
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 7:36 pm
It was Merrilee Rush and the Turnabouts.
Author: Craig_adams
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 8:15 pm
Here are the holes that still need to filled on the KISN CAROL TREE listing: 1962 Downtown corner of Broadway. []We need a cross street and the sponsor. 1965 We have nothing. 1966 99 Strip in Hazel Dell. []We need a cross street and the sponsor. 1970 S.E. 82nd & King Rd. []We need a sponsor. What was out there at the time? 1974 148th & S.E. Division. []We need a sponsor. What was out there at the time? 1975 We have nothing.
Author: Kq4
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 9:22 pm
"1970 S.E. 82nd & King Rd." If memory serves, there was a Thriftway on the northwest corner, and King Road dead-ended at a Fred Meyer to the east of 82nd.
Author: Skeptical
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 9:53 pm
Back to the Carol Tree - 1974 The carol tree was smaller and they used 2 small trees on a flat bed trailor parked on SE Division I believe near 148th. That was the time of the energy crises. Keep on KISN This could very well be the one I alluded to earlier in this thread -- THREE (not 2) small trees on a flatbed trailer in outer SE, possibly Division. The year is close too. This trailer was parked on the south side of the parking lot, right next to the street (Division). I really don't recall the store since the tree was away from the store, however the parking lot was something you'd find typical of a large Safeway or Albertson's grocery store.
Author: Jimbo
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 10:20 pm
The only thing I remember at 148th & Divison was the Flower Drum....later the Drum. It was later moved across the street to make way for Fred Meyer when they closed the one on 122nd and Division. I don't remember the Carol Tree in 1974.
Author: Craig_adams
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 10:55 pm
Anyone reading this thread that is NOT a poster, can E-Mail me if you remember something we're searching for, at:
Author: Pdxgary98
Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 5:42 pm
Didn't one year Ron Tonkin have the carol tree?
Author: Jimbo
Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 7:31 pm
"Didn't one year Ron Tonkin have the carol tree?" This was covered in this thread about halfway up...starting in the evening of April 27.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, May 01, 2009 - 1:27 am
OK here's my surprise on the 50th Anniversary of KISN. It's hard to find anything that hasn't been posted over the years. There was one item never fully documented, so I took a trip to the library for this special occasion. ----------------------------------------------------------------- THE KISN CAROL TREE full page ad Friday, November 24, 1961 - The Oregon Journal, page 9. The right side of this ad is filled with a drawing of a decorated Christmas tree extending almost the full length, with lights of various hues of b/w. Remember this ad was seen before the unveiling. The Portland area was mostly unaware of this future tradition, except from KISN Radio. This announcement would stand as the only print ad KISN ever ran for the KISN CAROL TREE. There was never a need after the 1961 holiday season. The KISN CAROL TREE was a huge success from day one. On the Left side the ad says: KISN's Christmas Gift to You ____________________________ BEAUTIFUL -- UNBELIEVABLE ELECTRONIC MIRACLE ____________________________ The KISN CAROL TREE ____________________________ SPECTACULAR * MAZE OF * NEVER-ENDING COLOR * Four Thousand * * Dancing Lights * that change color and hue in rhythm to KISN's broadcast music You must see it [] Lights go on tonight at 7:30 p.m. in dramatic ceremonies at S.E. 122nd & Stark [] BRING YOUR FAMILY [] BRING YOUR RADIO TUNED TO KISN See the KISN Carol Tree at.... U SAVE - MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORE S.E. 122nd & STARK _________________________________________________________ THE KISN CAROL TREE LOCATIONS 1961 S.E. 122nd & Stark - U-Save Membership Department Store. 1962 Downtown corner of Broadway, near the Benson Hotel. 1963 N.E. 14th & Sandy Blvd. - 7UP Bottling Company. 1964 S.W. Parkway - Cedar Hills Shopping Center. 1965 1966 Hwy. 99 - 99 Strip in Vancouver (Hazel Dell). 1967 S.E. 82nd & Burnside - Safeway. 1968 122 N.E. 122nd Ave. - Ron Tonkin Chevrolet. 1969 S.W. 110th Ave. - Villa-Mart Shopping Center in Beaverton. 1970 S.E. 82nd & King Rd. 1971 4033 S.W. Canyon Rd. - Western Forestry Center. 1972 3016 S.E. Division - Smith's Home Furnishings. 1973 3016 S.E. Division - Smith's Home Furnishings. 1974 148th & S.E. Division. 1975
Author: Semoochie
Friday, May 01, 2009 - 1:31 am
You'll notice they didn't even need to give the frequency!
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, May 01, 2009 - 1:43 am
Good Point Semoochie! Didn't even think of that.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, May 01, 2009 - 10:16 am
Dirty Dave The Record Slave doesn't want us to forget about THE KISN CAROL TREE Theme Song. It was recorded by Johnny Preston in 1961 "Kissin Tree".
Author: Stoner
Friday, May 01, 2009 - 11:44 am
gr8t Craig.
Author: Waynes_world
Friday, May 01, 2009 - 2:45 pm
Great photo Stoner! the good guys looked great. You weren't in it.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, May 01, 2009 - 6:36 pm
Chucker Weber just E-Mailed me and mentioned that KISN Chief Engineer, Byron Swanson, aka Johnny Dark, invented THE KISN CAROL TREE.
Author: Craig_adams
Friday, May 01, 2009 - 10:51 pm
Tiger Tom Murphy just E-Mailed me this correction: Hello Craig: Bryon Swanson didn't invent the KISN Carol Tree. The electronics and the lights came from a company that created it. Byron DID hook it up. The concept was based on color TV which uses red, blue and green to create color. In each, for lack of a better thing to call it, pod, there was a red, blue and green light bulb covered by a frosted plastic dome. The light bulbs were clear and not frosted. There were three electronic devices one for each color bulb and the color was created by responding to the music's frequencies. Softer music resulted in darker colors and louder music brighter colors. Just like red, blue and green create color TV, it was the same with the KISN Carol Tree. Bill Howlett did tell me that when he and Byron unpacked the equipment somehow some schematic diagrams got packed, by mistake. I do believe with the schematics and Byron's exceptional engineering skills he COULD have built KISN's own Carol Tree but to my knowledge he never did that. Happy 50th KISN. Privledged to have been a part of it. Tiger Tom Murphy
Author: Jimbo
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 3:55 am
About that same time, Radio Electronics mag had an article with schematics on doing the same thing. Not on that large a scale but to make a box with the lights that would change intensity and color with the frequency and loudness of the audio to "brighten" your living room stereo. It was a fairly simple circuit and I am sure it would be simpler today with current IC's and chips. Just some filters and comparators with linear driver transistors to the power transistors to drive the lights.
Author: Waynes_world
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 12:49 pm
I remember how much bigger the lights were on the carol tree than later versions. too bad the later versions couldn't have lasted. I guess you can't go home again.
Author: Waynes_world
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 12:50 pm
I want to hear the "singing clock" remember that? I hear Pat Pattee has the whole chain! maybe it could go on Robin Mitchell's site.
Author: Robin_mitchell
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 3:04 pm
"It's toe-tappin' time with music...eleven twenty-one." I could make room for it on the site, and love to get other stuff Pat has in his archives. You convince him. I'll do it.
Author: Jimbmiller
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 9:28 pm
Good Luck Wayne it Will Never Happen
Author: Waynes_world
Sunday, May 03, 2009 - 3:06 pm
Pat's daughter Kimmie has posted on here.
Author: Robin_mitchell
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 7:51 am
I've mentioned this to Craig Adams before. Tom Murphy and I spent some time with Pat and his wife at the club in Vancouver, where he used to entertain. I then got together with Pat some years ago at a club he habits way out on the east side...I think Sandy. (There was a Chinese restaurant on the other side of the place, where my wife and I had dinner...before meeting Pat.) In our conversation, I mentioned he had told me years before that his parents had bought him a "wire recorder," while he was bedridden with a serious illness as a child. I asked him if he recorded any radio with it. He said he recorded BARNEY KEEP on KEX, BOB MacANULTY...and others. He indicated he still had the recordings, and the machine upon which they were recorded. Those recordings really should be archived on modern media, and deposited at the very least with the Oregon Historical Society. I tried to interest him in coming into KWJJ with the equipment...late we could try to patch the gear in and accomplish it. Pat indicated some maintenance would probably have to be done on the gear first. I'd be willing to contribute toward "repair/conditioning" costs for his wire I'm sure many others would too. I'd love to see this audio survive for posterity, as well as any other gems Pat has. Pat loves 45's and carts...hates digital. Aesthetically, I do not disagree. Radio's digital revolution was caused by "bean counters" that were bent on disembowelling live radio and squeezing the bottom line. If Kimmie can lobby Pat to make this happen, she would be making a significant contribution to the history of Portland radio. And Pat...if you should read a copy of this...there are people alive that still respect your viewpoint and the contribution you've made to NW radio. They would carefully transfer your audio...providing you with a clean copy of all your archives: They could be supplied to you on REEL-TO-REEL, CASSETTE, CARTRIDGE, CD, COMPUTER name it!!! Oh...and I'm sure you would get your original media back, too. A working wire recorder with vintage Portland radio audio could probably bring a sizable "tax deduction" as a contribution to a museum, and/or perhaps a sizable price on e-bay. Warmest regards, Robin Mitchell
Author: Alfredo_t
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 10:58 am
The term "color organ" has been used to describe sound-activated light shows like the KISN Carol Tree. Some of the kit-based color organs simply feed the audio to the gate of a triac or SCR (to control 120V lamps). Click here for an example schematic. I imagine that the KISN carol tree used something other than SCRs to control the lamp brightness, as SCRs able to handle the current needed by thousands of Christmas lights weren't available in the early 1960s.
Author: Jimbo
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 11:05 am
As I said, it is basically a simple circuit. This, of course, is pretty simple. Just add more circuitry for more lights and loading.
Author: Waynes_world
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 12:51 pm
I know I got an e-mail from Kimmie months ago but my computer crashed and I lost her address. I sure hope the Preacher will help us. all we would need is a cassette.
Author: Stoner
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 4:06 pm
what I would do to hear McAnulty again.....
Author: Craig_adams
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 7:01 pm
Pat's wire recordings would be a significant contribution to Oregon's Radio History.
Author: Stoner
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 10:24 pm
DIRTY DAVE THE RECORD SLAVE ...Can have a talk with Pat. He listens to Dirty......Pat gave Dirty his start as a mobile DJ. So have the heart to heart with the Preacher Man....DIRTY!!!!!!!
Author: Stoner
Monday, May 04, 2009 - 10:25 pm
Also Tom Murphy...Pat thinks the world of Tiger....Between those 2 will get done.