Author: Crackers
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 5:20 pm
Oh, how those words must hurt so many here. Here is more pain: She has signed with Premiere. May 11. From Maryland/D.C.
Author: Listenerpete
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 5:52 pm
You beat me to it. So now she will be employed by the same people who employs Limbaugh. edit:
Author: Outsider
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 6:32 pm
Who is Rand Rhodes? How 'bout you two go get a room?
Author: Listenerpete
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 6:43 pm
Who is Rand Rhodes? It's Randi Rhodes. How 'bout you two go get a room? How 'bout not being so ignorant, Outsider?
Author: Crackers
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 9:11 pm
Ever hear of what is called a "typo", Outsider? And a forum that doesn't allow header typos to be fixed? I'm not sure why I even bother to post here, because there are so many teeny, tiny, little Rush-like minds here. Like yours.
Author: Andrew2
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 9:28 pm
Since Randi worked for a Clear Channel-owned station when she did her local show in Florida before leaving for Air America in 2004, she's in a sense returning to her old employer. It's interesting that KPOJ, owned by Clear Channel, will finally get its first show syndicated by Premiere. Since KPOJ and two California stations are the first announced affiliates, my question is: will Randi do her show live 3-6p Pacific Time? As for Nancy Skinner: she made me a Randi Rhodes fan!!! While I find Randi irritating and can't always listen to her, Nancy Skinner is completely unlistenable. Good riddance!
Author: Trixter
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 11:36 pm
Outsider is perfect!
Author: Missing_kskd
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 11:54 pm
SWEET!! I really tried with Skinner. She is just SO HORRIBLE THOUGH. On the upside, I really enjoy Ron Reagan. Maddow is doing well on TV, so that's all working out.
Author: Roger
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 3:07 am
As long as there are more syndicated shows, I don't care what side of the aisle they are on. Even better if they are on tape delay. Maybe there will be a Saturday show planned at a future date that Limbaugh and Rhodes can host together. I hope they gave her a multi million dollar deal with incentives of an additional million for every ten affiliates.
Author: Outsider
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 7:30 am
Oh no! Me hurted sumbuddies iddle bitty feeweengs. Too damn bad, ain't it? Learn how to spell. Obviously, in your hurry to rub Rand(i) Rhodes in everyone's face, your stupid quotient kicked in. Just like, when you assumed I must like Rush simply because I made fun of your spelling error. As has been quoted from the movie Under Siege: Dark territory, assumption is the mother of all f#$%ups.
Author: 62kgw
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 8:26 am
Randi Roadkille??
Author: Missing_kskd
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 8:35 am
LOL@Andrew. Skinner must really be BAD, because you didn't like Rhodes all that much! That is pretty funny actually. Well, say what you want. The woman gets her number, takes names and doesn't take sh*t. I happen to like smart, strong women! Thanks KPOJ for being an early affiliate. Watched the Green 960 video announcement. That's trendy to do, BTW. Hint, hint PDX stations. Learn from those guys. That's cool. Was very surprised to see Peter B. Collins ranked so high! I really liked his show on the weekends. It's too bad that he could not continue. Great program. And Seder! Man, I wish he would step up and do a show again. Clearly, I'm not alone! Of the original Air America voices, his was one of the best, along with rising star Maddow. Good luck to Randi this time. She's probably going to need it.
Author: Listenerpete
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 9:23 am
Maybe there will be a Saturday show planned at a future date that Limbaugh and Rhodes can host together. That will never happen, I am sure Randi would be game. However, Limbaugh has never debated anyone other that some listener. Noway Jose.
Author: Deane_johnson
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 11:06 am
"I'm not sure why I even bother to post here," I don't know why you do either.
Author: Trixter
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 4:35 pm
"I'm not sure why I even bother to post here," I don't know why you do either. We ALL wonder the same thing about you... WOW!
Author: Roger
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 5:08 pm
no you don't. If Deane left you would be pining for him just like the missing Herb. What good would this be if this board were full of yes men? Example: Obama is great. Yes he is. I agree. me too. he's doing fine. He sure is. NEXT THREAD: Bush sucks. he sure does. They should put him on trial. They sure should. Obama seems to be doing a good job. Yes he does. Better than Bush. I second that. NEXT THREAD: Randi Rhoad is back. Good, I like her. Me too. You spelled Rhodes wrong. Oops, I sure did. Thanks for pointing that out. no problem. You were probably in a hurry. We all do that. Oh look in my rush I forgot to capitalise the n in no. See I goofed too. Hahaha. LOL. Next Thread: Those neo-cons sure drool over el windbag. They sure do. It's just like them. It sure is. He wants Onbama to fail. Just like them Neo-cons to drool over a con. Who's Onbama? Shut up Roger no funny stuff allowed. Yes, you need to go to PDX Silly Posts. This is the we all agree with each other board. Thank you. NEXT THREAD: Radio sure sucks. Yes it does. Cheap channel killed it by paying the windbag too much money. I have an Ipod. Me too. Everybody good was fired. Yes too bad. Obama is pretty good. Yes he is Bush sucks Yes he does. NEXT THREAD: See what Obama did ? anybody? helloooooooo. ? chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp... z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z....... SEE. you need the Herb's and the Deane's and the other pot stirrers..........
Author: Tin_ear
Friday, April 24, 2009 - 5:51 pm
It will be good to hear Randi's perspective again. 3-6pm Pacific would be great. Steph on the commute to and Randi on the way home --- perfect
Author: Aok
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 4:48 pm
Yeah, it's such a shame there isn't a market for liberal talk radio like the conservatives have repeatedly stated.
Author: Stevethedj
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 4:54 pm
Tin ear--Are you driving a car, or taking mass transit?
Author: Chris_taylor
Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 4:56 pm
Roger- I agree we need opposing opinions on a political message board, but I think you sell this board a little short when you think we can't dialogue without opposing viewpoints. Not everything on this board is political and there are many topics under the sun we have taken up with varying discourse and ideology. Maybe the political stuff we do need the Deane's, Herb's, Skybill's but certainly this board has survived without Herb's input and has done fine when Deane has been absent for long periods of time. Same goes for others like myself who from time to time take a break for various reasons. We'd miss you too Roger, but the board would survive if were gone for any length of time. None of us are THAT important.
Author: Broadway
Monday, April 27, 2009 - 9:20 am
>>None of us are THAT important ah...beg your pardon...(insert favorite smiley face here)
Author: Roger
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 1:57 pm
I think you mis-read the intent Chris. Now if you had pointed out that my constant thread interuptions with attempts at humor to lighten the mood was getting tiresome, that would have been a much better and more straightforward approach. The Ward to Beaver reasoning wasn't lost, just that I get a bit defensive and flippant when chastised.... ESPECIALLY when the other person is right. Now in character, yes if Broadway left, the board would die within 4 months tops! I'd bet 10 dollars out of Alfredos wallet on that! just pointing out in my own smarmy way it started as a thread about a radio talent coming to a station in market, and degenerated into name calling and jock strap snapping.... since the question was posed as to why a person ever showed up anyway I gave an example as to why they should. And no I don't think there is much dialogue in the opposing viewpoints on the other side, more so here but less every day....there are changes in direction, talking points, and the equivelent of sound bites and comments on them, but rarely dialogue. Except maybe the pie thread..... no, there wasn't much discussion there either.... at least no one suggested how someone should hit boosh with a pie, and how much the cost of flour rose under the Boosh years, and how Obama will solve the crust cost crisis, and Rush hopes he fails, and meanwhile some DAMN GOOD CREATIVE people have lost their jobs in a company that has revenue in the billions, yet for some reason has no clue how to effectively operate their core business. Funny still that not ONLY republicans get bonus checks and million dollar salaries, but all of them sure have a hard time seeing joe average schmuck deserving of a wage that allows for a modest home to raise a family and maybe a dependable form of independent transportation in an environment that appreciates their contribution to the viability of the WHOLE COMPANY. AND WHO ADDRESSES THAT? Not as much lively radio discussion these days.... maybe fewer radio people want to talk radio... Or maybe just fewer radio people who like it enough to talk about it. Maybe just fewer radio people period... EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. wanna climb to the top feel free to step on everyone elses hands and heads on the way. Must not teach helping and sharing in schools anymore..... I am worried though because as I have read posts over time, I have noticed distinct personality changes in some people. It's not in writing style or content, but it is indeed there. I wonder if others see things like that? Hey, chris, I'm gonnna try hard to take your advice
Author: Broadway
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 2:08 pm
>>yes if Broadway left, the board would die within 4 months tops! I'd bet 10 dollars out of Alfredos wallet on that! Where do I put my money? Spinning a BeeGee's song now...