Author: Newflyer
Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 11:00 pm
| was announced on several TV news stations that Bill Prescott would join Mike Chase and Daria O'Neil later that week on 94-7 mornings. I realize this has nothing to do with anything we've been talking about here this weekend, but this just popped in my head. Thought I'd share the memory.
Author: Tadc
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 3:40 pm
And then what? I thought BP was on KUFO? In related news, when I worked at Europa Communications back 94ish, BP would call and ask for help with his OS/2 installation! 
Author: Larrybudmelman
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 4:31 pm
A few months prior to Prescott "joining" the 94.7 AM show he was canned from KUFO when they replaced him with Stern. I was shocked, SHOCKED when they added Prescott because I knew that Chase was going to be pushed out. Those certainly were some strange times.
Author: Outsider
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 6:33 pm
Author: Justin_timberfake
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 11:22 pm
Strange times??? Those were AWESOME TIMES! All that great talent on ONE station. That was back in the day when radio actually had the budget to have great talent on the airwaves. I liked Bill Prescott but I also really enjoyed S&M on NRK. Those were great times for radio, not to mention music, the alternative grunge scene was peaking with great new bands. Sadley NRK has evolved into a station that does absolutely nothing for me, and I was a huge fan of NRK back in the mid 90's.
Author: Spicoli
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 8:24 am
11 years ago the alternative grunge scene was dead bro!!!!
Author: E_dawg
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 9:54 am
94.7 NRK back then people complaining about the signal, especially people living in the westside of the town. Also back then, you have high school crowds who are part of Z100/MIX 95.5 crowd or 94-7 NRK/101 KUFo crowd.
Author: Mack
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 10:06 am
Back then you can tell people that you work for KUFO, Z100, or NRK. And people knew what they were and you held you head high. Now you tell people that you work for CBS radio, Entercom, or Clear Channel. My how the times change. Did you know that a panhandler in Portland makes more then most people in radio?
Author: Newflyer
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 2:24 pm
Did you know that a panhandler in Portland makes more then most people in radio? That wouldn't surprise me. I remember a Willamette Week from several years ago that explained how the professional panhandlers in town were practically set up as an oligopolistic "business" with set locations, where anyone they didn't know was harassed, hazed, and/or beat up. There was also a TV (KGW?) report around the same time where they interviewed someone who made enough money begging that they could afford to rent an apartment and spend the rest on drugs. I've digressed enough. Back to radio. Also back then, you have high school crowds who are part of Z100/MIX 95.5 crowd or 94-7 NRK/101 KUFO crowd. Now, the discussion centers around what's on each others' MP3 player. I was over at the 82nd Ave. Festival earlier today. Surprised to see KGON out there, and it was cool to shake hands with Gloria Johnson. All in all, mostly folks with their kids went up to the tent/giveaway display, the parents seemed totally into it and the music, while their kids who were dragged over there with them looked like "huh? What's 'radio?'" Granted, it's classic rock, but would it really be the other way around if a station like Charlie, Z100, or Jammin were there? At least that's my amateur sociologic observation. Although I didn't say anything about it, I remember when BP was on part-time on KGON for a while after the NRK morning stint, was reminiscing it while I was down there. 
Author: Semoochie
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 5:14 pm
I used to go to the "KISN the Summer Goodbye" concerts and I don't ever remember seeing anyone who looked like they had been dragged along. Everyone appeared to be having a great time!