Author: Joe_ferguson
Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 7:32 pm
I usually hear from Ted Rogers a couple of times per year. He calls up to say hello and check in. Last week I thought to myself, it's been a while since I heard from Uncle Teddy so I thought I would give him a call. The phone rang, the answering machine went off as usual, (he never answered the phone but waited to hear who was calling prior to picking up.) So, I got his voice on the message and said "Hey it's Joe Ferguson and that point the phone picked up, like usual, and I then said "Hey, Uncle Teddy... How are you?" and his wife, Marlene said... "Hi Joe, I am sorry to tell you that Ted passed away on March first." I was stunned, the last time I talked to him he was in good health, (he said) and good spirits. She told me there will be a memorial service on August 1st, which is apparently when all their children will be able to be here. Ted worked at KEX, KPOK, KUPL and KPDQ in Portland prior to his retirement several years ago. He was a true professional and one of the good guys. For those of you that knew him, you kbow what a great guy he was. It was my pleasure to work with him for about for 10 years and be his friend for many more. He was a great colleague and a good friend. I will miss him. Godspeed my friend.
Author: Robin_mitchell
Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 7:40 pm
I remember as a youngster hearing Ted Rogers on my "school closure station," KEX. Another connection with great radio of the past gone.
Author: Chris_taylor
Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 8:13 pm
Joe- Like you I would call Ted a few times a year to get caught up. Usually on his wedding anniversary which was Feb 14. Ted had heart bypass surgery a few years ago and I knew that slowed him down. He said his energy level was never the same. I am absolutely stunned by this news. I had not heard. Joe please keep me posted on the memorial service via email. This news on top of Sarnoff's has made for a very difficult weekend. I can honestly say that had not Ted come into our lives my wife and I would not be where we are today. I will call his wife soon.
Author: Kkb
Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 8:22 pm
Jeepers......I worked with Ted at KYTE and always found him to be a first class guy......The audience sure loved him.
Author: Chris_taylor
Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 8:23 pm
One thing Ted was very proud of was that he never missed a day of work. Plus he was good for the joke of the day and a few other great stories too.
Author: Warner
Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 10:08 am
Way back in the day, when I was in radio school at Mt. Hood Community, I always used Ted as an example of how I'd like to come across on air. He was relaxed, conversational, funny without being a wiseguy, and just made his time on air like a friendly conversation. Another great radio person passes on. Godspeed Ted.
Author: Chris_taylor
Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 3:14 pm
Talked with Ted's wife this afternoon for about a half an hour. She is doing as well as can be expected. Ted died of a heart attack just outside his front door. It was sudden. His wife and I did laugh at some of Ted's idiosyncrasies and his large collection of model airplanes. One thing Ted said to his wife was if I go first "Don't touch my airplanes!" That is so Ted. One of Ted's joys was when he and his wife attended chapel services at St. Vincent's hospital on Sunday afternoons where Ted was often asked to read scripture. Ted spoke of this on more than one occasion with me. Evidently part of his post-heart surgery was losing his voice and energy so that he could no longer read from the bible at the chapel service. Ted like Les Sarnoff, had a deep spiritual side to him. Ted's memorial service will be in that small chapel at St. Vincent's on Aug 1.
Author: Waynes_world
Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 7:32 pm
I was a big fan of KPOK and remember Ted and Dick Novak from that station when it had a personality oldies format.
Author: Stoner
Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 8:49 pm
One of the smoothest jocks ever to work in Stumptown.
Author: Markandrews
Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 9:24 pm
Wow... I was in Portland to attend to some family business when I heard the announcement of Les Sarnoff's passing...and now this... I shared some time with Ted at KUPL in the 70s. He was simply a wonderful, warm human being...His sense of humor was priceless. Prayers for Ted's entire family...May God bless...
Author: Waynes_world
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 1:44 pm
Does the name Vern Mueller ring a bell? I believe he was Ted's boss during his days at KPOK. Vern's son Dave is a good friend of mine and a classmate at Madison.
Author: Jimbo
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 2:11 pm
Vern Mueller rings a bell. In fact, I was just in a discussion on Friday with one of his old colleague and friend from when it was KPOJ years ago and he mentioned Vern. We are going wayyyy back.