Author: Deane_johnson
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 1:55 pm
If you haven't stumbled across Jerry Del Colliano's blog that focuses heavily on the state of radio, you're in for a new treat. It's updated daily, and he has nothing good to say about what the big companies have done to radio. If you're an active radio person and want something to cheer you up, this isn't it.
Author: 1lossir
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 7:21 am
>>If you're an active radio person and want something to cheer you up, this isn't it.<< Sure we do! After all that blog is predictable and boring - it's the same ol' song every day. The problem is we have too many people talking about what they'd do to fix radio and hardly anybody ACTUALLY DOING something about it. And when someone DOES come around and try to do something - anything - their efforts get shot down right away on message boards.
Author: Deane_johnson
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 7:27 am
Someone actually doing something probably isn't spending any time on message boards.
Author: Alfredo_t
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 9:32 am
> Someone actually doing something probably isn't spending any time on message boards. Touché!
Author: Egor
Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 11:58 am
Great Del Colliano writing up today, check it out!
Author: Kennewickman
Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 12:51 pm
Streaming with an LP license AM or FM is probably the answer. Still Local. Open to World Wide Market. Act locally, think globally. I know a guy over here, Jeff Jacobs ( Huffman ) who is doing just that. Has an LPFM on 95.3 in Hermiston, Ore , gets into the Tricities, especially in the car and wooden buildings, is on the net somewhere and his studios and business office are in Kennewick. U-ROCK 95.3... Sole owner ( i think ), and he and a salesperson are making a living at it. The GM - owner covers Tri Cities and the other one covers Hermiston-Umatilla-Boardman-Hepner Oregon. And he has 2 full time operational employees, from what I understand and they multitask a bunch . And some partimers to voice track and I think they do it over the net . Low overhead, keep it simple ! Anti-corporate. Its a shame that a powerhouse like WARM has to go dark. 5Kw into a ( probably directional 2 or 3 tower array ) takes a lot of maintenance to keep it alive and in tolerance. It is labor and monetarily intensive, even with contract engineering. Problem is , it is ( OLD TECH ) its just a matter of physics, sorry. An AMLP is more expensive because of the tower(s). Lot of these still require multiple towers because they have to be directional, like that one on 960 in Junction City, as far as I know. I saw a proposal for the pattern a few years ago, although that might have been for a 10KW powerhouse. I guess someone is operating a 50 watt , or will be , soon. Maybe it is a single tower now. At any rate that is the key. One tower, one beacon circuit, lower power, low maintenance, low overhead. LPAM OR FM. and with streaming as soon as its affordable.