Author: Motozak2
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 1:08 pm
KRCW's ATSC feed (Channel 33) is now carrying the Universal Sport Channel on subchannel 32-02, where The TUBE used to be. I imagine it must have gone on the air sometime last night, as it was available on the Pansat this morning but wasn't there last night. They can keep sports as far as I am concerned; I am still waiting (patiently) for Dot 2 Network to get its butt into gear! ;o)
Author: Clbuck
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 2:43 pm
On a related note, KRCW is no longer branded as "Portland's CW"; it's now called "NW 32".
Author: Paulwalker
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 3:11 pm
It is my understanding that many Tribune stations have dropped the "CW" branding as well. Ratings have been marginal, my guess is this venture may not be around much longer, atleast under its current branding.
Author: Jr_tech
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 6:02 pm
Time to rescan those converter boxes! Only about 50% of the DTV boxes/sets that I have found the new channel automatically 
Author: Broadway
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 8:50 pm
This is very fustrating...still cannot get 49...have strong signal strength on all other channels...will loose 49 in June if can't figure out...getting all PDX channels in Salem except 49!
Author: Jr_tech
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 9:09 pm
49 (48 digital) is operating at reduced power right now... Hang in there, When the analog stations shut down, the digital broadcast of 12 will move from 30 to 12 and the digital for 49 will then move to 30. If you are getting the digital for ch 12 ok now, you should get 49 fine when it moves to 30.
Author: Radiogiant
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 9:32 pm
Can you anyone get 17 in Salem ??
Author: Jimbo
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 10:17 pm
"Only about 50% of the DTV boxes/sets that I have found the new channel automatically" My 2 Apex boxes found it automatically. My Zenith box found it automatically. My Channel Master Box found it automatically. So did my Mits tv. I told them to go to 32 and they went to 32.1 but showed both 32.1 and 32.2 in the onscreen box that pops up when you change channels. The Mits is 6 years old. The only channels I am not getting at the moment on all of them is 49. That is due to their low power. I will be fine after the conversion.
Author: Jr_tech
Monday, April 06, 2009 - 11:03 pm
Zenith Box... OK Channel Master box... had to re-scan Sony HDTV... already had 32.2 from "The Tube" days Axion 7" Portable DTV ... OK Tuner in Panasonic VTR/DVR...Had to re-scan AVerMedia USB HDTV "Dongle"... Had to re-scan MY CM box was connected to an antenna pointed toward Corvallis, so perhaps I did not wait long enough after I rotated it toward Portland for it to find 32-2 in "standby" mode.
Author: Motozak2
Tuesday, April 07, 2009 - 1:43 pm
Pansat--OK (although I probably should rescan the satellites I use frequently, it's been a few months ;o) Digitalstream--Had to re-scan Panasonic EZ27K--Had to re-scan (naturally) Despite my location and relatively unobstructed line of sight to the towers, even *I* can almost never receive 48 reliably on any of my boxes, even using an outside antenna. KUNP-LP (47) on the other hand, comes in CRYSTAL-CLEAR.
Author: Outsider
Tuesday, April 07, 2009 - 1:46 pm
It's TV.... Who gives a damn?
Author: Itsvern
Tuesday, April 07, 2009 - 6:44 pm
Comcast just added Universal Sports Channel on digital channel 303. "ThisTv" is on 302. They are supposed to add KPXG's 5 channels plus TBN's but haven't yet.
Author: Talpdx
Tuesday, April 07, 2009 - 7:03 pm
302 isn't bad. Some really good movies and some really bad ones.
Author: Itsvern
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 - 1:13 am
The show classic Outer Limits.
Author: Oldduck
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 - 9:27 am
Does anyone know what "THIS TV' is? Did a google search and nothing appears to match. Is it run by local TV stations or some cable upstart?
Author: Itsvern
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 - 10:57 am
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Your message is too short. It must have at least 2 words that are at least two letters long. Your message had only 1 such words.
Author: Motozak2
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 - 1:54 pm
Oldduck- "This Wikipaedia Page" explains "This TV". It is nationwide and is broadcast by MGM and a broadcasting firm known as Weigel Broadcasting. KATU rebroadcasts it via its ATSC mux on 43 (virtual channel 02-02). By my understanding, the local ad blocks of KATU material originate at KATU's central computers (which in turn, are produced either by Fisher, or for Fisher by some outside company. I am not certain which is the case right now...) The nationwide C-band DVB broadcast of This TV on AMC 3 (transponder #7, 3.833 GHz; I am guessing this must be where KATU also gets its feed from) airs PSA spots and [sometimes] direct-response commercials where the local content would otherwise be shown. That reminds me--"Breaker! Breaker!" is going to be on tonight so I need to set my VCR..........!!
Author: Jimbo
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 - 8:10 pm
"Does anyone know what "THIS TV' is?" Yes! "By my understanding, the local ad blocks of KATU material originate at KATU's central computers" Well, sorta. It is just one output channel on the commercial server. "which in turn, are produced either by Fisher, or for Fisher by some outside company. I am not certain which is the case right now..." I'll clear that up for you right now. It consists of commercials produced by whomever produced them, the same as on regular TV. It also contains promos and PSA's that are produced by KATU. They don't use an outside source, nor does any station for that matter. This is not difficult. Don't make it something it is not. This was covered in a thread on the Politics side way back in February. It started on February 1st. You can see the thread near the bottom of the list on the Politics and other things side...maybe up about six or seven or so. Basically, the feed comes in and is decoded, goes through a switcher and out to the transmitter. They feed a trigger pulse when it is time for a local break. That pulse causes it to switch to the server output channel and start the spots. When that finishes playing out, the server issues a pulse to switch back to the network feed. That is it. It is no more complicated than that. The local content is identical to the same content (Promos, PSA's, Spots, etc.) you see on the regular channel 2. Not because they are copied, but because both channels are on the same server and use the exact same sources. It is that simple. No need to make it any more complicated than that. Nothing left to speculate and assume or guess. It is called automation. It is the same as most stations in town do their regular on air switching. It is the same way Univision works. One thing you should think about rather than THIS is that, in case you did not know, CH32 does not come from Portland. The switching and programming all comes from Seattle, not Portland. Talk about all the consolidation in radio with CC, Entrecom, and CBS with their VT'ing and automation, they are doing the same with television.
Author: Motozak2
Thursday, April 09, 2009 - 2:21 pm
Jimbo-- I imagine I am probably going to appear a bloody prat by asking this, but-- Does KATU get its feed of THIS via AMC 3 or some other method, e.g. Ethernet/TCPIP?
Author: Jimbo
Thursday, April 09, 2009 - 3:12 pm
Yes No