Author: Radiohustla
Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 7:02 pm
i was check it out for a bit and i herd a rock song i check my radio and see was on kufo and i wasnt it said jammin 1075 this why a rock pd got no business programin a hiphop station bottom line portland need a real hiphop station.
Author: Motozak2
Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 7:12 pm
I was checking it out for a bit, and I heard a rock song. I checked my radio to see if it was on KUFO and it wasn't; it [showed it was tuned to] Jammin' 107.5. This is why a rock PD has no business programming a Hip Hop station. Bottom line: Portland needs a real Hip Hop station.
Author: Motozak2
Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 7:19 pm
This is what we (as in, myself and some of my friends) were saying when we started hearing New Wave playing on Muzak's satelite programme "Expressions"......turns out, the guy who had previously programmed their "80s Hits" programme had been put in charge of Expressions instead. (If you have never heard Expressions before, just go to Shari's sometime. That's what they usually play there. Or if you have [or can get access to] a DiSH Network receiver, set it to channel 925 and listen for a while.) Bottom line: when you start hearing Duran Duran's "Ordinary World", or Kajagoogoo's "Too Shy" (both of which I've heard on there) playing on a channel that's primarily Smooth Jazz, something's really, really wrong..............
Author: E_dawg
Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 9:15 pm
Sounds like Jammin 107.5 is more into CHR-POP panel than CHR-Rhythmic panel.
Author: Beano
Friday, November 28, 2008 - 11:12 pm
I heard Katie Perry on Jammin this afternoon. Jammin's Time is limited! The music is so way off track! They have now turned into a top 40 station. Will portland ever get a hip hop station?
Author: Trixter
Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 12:05 pm
Will portland ever get a hip hop station? Nope!
Author: Stevethedj
Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 5:28 pm
and who cares either.
Author: Inthemiddle
Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 7:06 pm
Not me.
Author: Stoner
Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 8:11 pm
You know what? I read these threads on Jammin going in the wrong direction.....and BILL DRAKE dies and radio heads are focused on this subject. Do the young people in radio even know the story of Bill Drake? Mr Drake & Bill C knew more about the power of the medium that all the Jammin format type station in the F'N WORLD. Sorry to be such a bummer here, I'm shocked that more people have not paid tribute to the most important human in the history of top 40 radio.
Author: Radio_it_pro
Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 9:00 pm
Dave, you and your type are dinosaurs, the good old days were not as good as you believe, Drake was skin-deep over-repetitive music formats that favored puke jocks. You are a constant pessimist You got fired, and K-hits wouldn't hire you, get over it... just be happy selling diamonds
Author: Alex_hart
Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 9:38 pm
I agree that continuous threads such as the "Jammin going the wrong direction" are pointless, and are not a contribution to this site. They are bad xerox's of other threads that have already been created around the same topic. And again, Radio_it_pro you're a complete Douche Bag! You carry no weight, credibility, nor heritage in Radio, on this site, and beyond. Nice Life!
Author: Markandrews
Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 10:05 pm
Did YOU ever experience radio in the 60s and 70s? I did. It was BIGGER THAN LIFE, and Drake stations were at the top of the list. Drake competitors were on their toes, too...They HAD to be to survive. In listening to those airchecks from today's perspective, you can hear the discipline, the creativitity, the music, the personality, the embracing of the community and it's listeners...and the listeners RESPONDED. Such a radio station was like a living, breathing entity...and if you tuned out, you were CERTAIN to miss something! Can you hear something like that on today's dial? Hardly! Dinosaurs?? Hell, it's the way broadcast programming was revolutionized!! Stations who imitated Drake formatics without understanding what those elements were really supposed to do was actually the beginning of the end of creativity on the radio, EVEN back then! You think radio stations are creative today?? Yeah, right...especially with the staff cutbacks done by the boatload for each of the past several years. Imagination is apparently a budget item to be sacrificed to prop up the bottom line. Man, is that thinking backwards, or what? Those days were simply the best. Frankly, you owe Dave "Records" Stone and all the other "dinosaurs" an apology... You are out of order. Please...SIT DOWN!! (My thanks to everyone else for use of the soapbox...I need some eggnog...)
Author: Jimbo
Monday, December 01, 2008 - 3:46 am
"the good old days were not as good as you believe" Oh yes they were. Radio was exciting to listen to way back then. It isn't now, regardless of what format you listen to and what everyone thinks now. It used to be live and local pretty much all the time. That is what made DXing fun....trying to listen to the distant stations to see what they were playing and doing. Now, it sounds pretty much the same no matter where you go. You can hear the same program at many spots on the dial, particularly at night. There really isn't much local and original anymore worth listening to. There are exceptions. Primarily in morning drive time on those stations that do local programming. There may be some good ones, also. However, overall, there just isn't much going on anymore like there used to be.
Author: Stoner
Monday, December 01, 2008 - 7:24 am
this yahoo needs to buy some airchecks of WRKO-KFRC-KHJ and eat every word he said. Boss radio was the greatest ever, and the most imitated in smaller markets. The bullpen of jocks were the most dynamic in radio history......not to mention the greatest assembly of jingle packages ever produced....It was FUN. Imagine that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIP the great Bill Drake.
Author: Lander
Monday, December 01, 2008 - 8:48 am
Stoner...OH, so true!! Those guys were rockstars....nothing less! They wired and inspired me as a young chap. Made me want to do radio. I'll never forgive 'em for it.
Author: Stevethedj
Monday, December 01, 2008 - 8:59 am
raido-it-pro: you are under 30 or clueless on what good radio is. And your attack on dave was also clueless. It just showed what a dumbass you are. Bill Dreak was THE greatest programer IMO. Dave was one of the best jocks I have heard. I remember him at the original mighty 91. I'm sure if you are in the business, you won't last long.
Author: Radio_it_pro
Monday, December 01, 2008 - 6:20 pm
You people make me laugh. Have fun.
Author: Missing_kskd
Monday, December 01, 2008 - 7:02 pm
Yeah, that's what a lot of people, who just got their ass handed to them, say.
Author: Trixter
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 - 10:18 am
Maybe Radio_it_pro is Jennifer? Acts like a 5 yr old.....