Author: Craig_adams
Friday, October 10, 2008 - 9:35 pm
This from All Access: ---------------------Dan Persigehl Returns To KRSK---------------------- ENTERCOM Adult Hits KYCH (97.1 CHARLIE-FM)/PORTLAND, OR PD DAN PERSIGEHL adds PD duties for sister Hot AC KRSK (105.1 THE BUZZ). PERSIGEHL had previously programmed KRSK from 2000-2005. CLARK RYAN continues as VP/Programming for the cluster. PERSIGEHL's first order of business is to hire DAN CLARK as Exec. Producer for the NELSON & TERRY show. CLARK previously worked with NELSON at crosstown Top 40 KKRZ (Z100). Current morning show producer MATT WILCOX moves across the hall to KYCH to take on Producer duties with the DR. DOUG & SKIPPY show.
Author: Trixter
Friday, October 10, 2008 - 10:30 pm
Dan is the man!
Author: Justin_timberfake
Friday, October 10, 2008 - 10:30 pm
PERSIGEHL's first order of business is to hire DAN CLARK as Exec. Producer for the NELSON & TERRY show. CLARK previously worked with NELSON at crosstown Top 40 KKRZ (Z100). LMAO!!! Does Dan Persigal know that Nelson and Dan Clark DoN't GET ALONG AT ALL! I have friends who worked at Z100 back in the heyday when Nelson and Dan Clark were on the morning zoo, and they still (to this day) talk about the Screaming matches between Nelson and Dan Clark,Thats right SCREAMING MATCHES! Ask anyone who worked at Z100 back in the late 90's, early 2000 and they will confirm this. Maybe Val Ring can chime in to confirm this! That being said, the stuff Dan Clark and Nelson did on Z100 was pretty damn funny! To me, the Current Nelson and Terry show is by far the most boring morning show on the Fm, that show is not funny at all. It drags on and goes absolutely nowhere! That show needs DIRECTION, big time. Dan Clark is a genius at what he does but two huge egos in one room, you're asking for trouble. Im curious to see how this all turns out. Infact If I remember Correctly Ron Saito, the GM at the time was called down more than once because Nelson and Dan Clark were going at it.
Author: Trixter
Friday, October 10, 2008 - 10:34 pm
You should have been at KRCK back in the day. Talk about screaming matches OH MY! Chris Burns isn't a violent man but let's say people almost got killed a couple times...... Sometimes the people that hate each other the most NEED each other and are VERY successful together....
Author: Justin_timberfake
Friday, October 10, 2008 - 10:45 pm
Sometimes the people that hate each other the most NEED each other and are VERY successful together.... RIIIGHT! Id love to see Nelson and Dan Clark working together and actually putting some FUNNY material on the Nelson and Terry show without ripping each others heads off, because that show has been lacking funny for a very long time now. I think the best show on 105 is Daria and Mitch! That show is damn funny and they have gotten really edgy with the humor. Thats the difference betwwen Nelson and Terry Vs Daria and Mitch. Daria and Mitch put on an entertaining morning show that ios actually funny, Nelson and Terry are putting on a show that puts me to sleep because it is so boring.
Author: Alex_hart
Friday, October 10, 2008 - 11:01 pm
Dan Clark has to be one of the best Radio Producers in the PDX Market. Yeah, very intense and edgy to work with, however that made him who he was. Time also can do a lot for a person usually for the better. It's been a pleasure to work with them together at Z and with Nelson at The Buzz. Glad to Clark back!
Author: Jimbo
Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 2:13 am
"Nelson and Terry are putting on a show that puts me to sleep because it is so boring. " Then don't listen to them. Turn the dial. Morning sleep problem solved.
Author: Stoner
Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 4:35 am
Time heals many problems. We all grow up & it comes down to doing what is right to make the show better. Dan Clark brings a load of gifts to the party. Nelson & Terry have terrific talent ability but where the open hold is ...THE PRODUCED PARODYS & BITS. This show will fly.
Author: Lander
Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 5:54 am
I think that it's safe to say that WHATEVER issues may have existed a decade ago at Z100...have been quelled. Congrats to Dan-O! An incredible producer and an amazing mind for morning radio. His presence will only help make a great morning show, even better.
Author: Justin_timberfake
Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 1:58 pm
I agree Dan clark is one of the best things that could happen to the Nelson and Terry show because "The produced parody and bits" is something they have not been doing. I just think out of all the morning shows in portland, Nelson and Terry is the least entertaining. The show has become so "Safe" that it is boring! Hopefully Dan Clark can give that show some Direction and actually make it a funny, entertaining morning show. They need to quit making the show so "Safe" as far as the content. Nelson is by far one of the funniest jocks in portland, given the right situation. If that show could be more edgy with the humor it would be an absolutely hilarious morning show. If Nelson could push the envelope with the humor that show would be awesome.
Author: The_dude2
Monday, October 13, 2008 - 11:07 pm
Why did they get away from being edgy? Their show lately is completely different from what they were when they started.
Author: Radioxpert
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 12:37 am
I think they're trying to compete with The Fish. 
Author: Stevethedj
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 6:38 am
no the FCC has been on the warpatrh against dirty poddymouth radio.
Author: Beano
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 5:25 pm
The fish is more edgy than Nelson and Terry! Nelson and Terry- Safe for the whole family!
Author: That71show
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 1:20 pm
From earlier post: I think the best show on 105 is Daria and Mitch! That show is damn funny and they have gotten really edgy with the humor. Thats the difference betwwen Nelson and Terry Vs Daria and Mitch. Daria and Mitch put on an entertaining morning show that ios actually funny, Nelson and Terry are putting on a show that puts me to sleep because it is so boring. It feels like EGO city in the afternoon there when u listen..105's afternoon show's #'s went down after Enetrcom broke up Dr Doug Daria and Skippy. Not a smart move for Enetrcom, they were top rated and since then have struggled. KUFO best show in Pm drive in Pdx baby!
Author: 8675309
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 10:53 pm
Having actually worked with the afternoon show, I can confirm that they are actually a really really nice group of people and don't require babysitting like some other shows in the building. Also, they're currently #1 with the ladies and #2 overall. Just sayin'.
Author: The_dude2
Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 6:42 am
I think the Daria show is much funnier with Mitch and Ted than it was with Doctor & Skippy. You cannot say the same thing about the Doctor Doug and Skippy show minus Daria.
Author: Beano
Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 8:16 pm
Daria is a solid jock and can host a morning show. While Mitch doesn't bring a lot to the show, I do like their producer Ted. The Buzz should drop The Nelson and Terry show, and put Daria and Mitch in the morning. That would be a very smart move. I can't take any more of these soccer moms calling up and talking about relationships on the Nelson and Terry show.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Dan Clark couldn't come soon enough! Hopefully he will make some changes to that show.
Author: Stoner
Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 8:50 pm
You know damn well when broadcasting is deep in the tank when the same PD programs competing stations. I'm so blessed that I worked during the hey days of radio. Today it stinks and it sounds like shit.
Author: Beano
Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 11:38 am
"Today it stinks and it sounds like shit." Amen to that Stoner! I couldn't agree More!
Author: Valerie_ring
Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 11:57 am
I wonder if there was a website around when Oregon's timber industry crapped out in the 70's. I can just hear the comments "They just don't cut down trees like they use to".
Author: Stevethedj
Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 7:16 pm
If the new ways were soooo good. why are almost all of the radio stocks trading for less than a buck a share. Just keep repeating, VTing is good. just like war is peace. (george orwell 1984).
Author: Radioboy25
Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 8:27 pm
David Field must be ready for suicide at UNDER $1.00 a share. That punk tanked a great company founded by his street wise father. Big mistake giving the keys to the store because he graduated from some expensive Ivy College. Davie should of worked his way up before making stupid decisions. Ever hear of KARMA?
Author: Stevethedj
Sunday, October 26, 2008 - 9:24 pm
Maybe at the next stockholders meeting papa can show off David's MBA.