(yeah, no Rick Rolling this time) I remain concerned about this issue, and spend some small amount of time doing advocacy about it. A return to physical media for recording votes, might not be as complete of a solution as I thought it was, given we still use electronic means for counting. There are audit criteria that would likely find large numbers of these and trigger manual counts, but why take that risk? Also important. I was talking to a Republican election judge online, via another site. His concern was focused sharply on voter fraud, when the real problem is election fraud. Both exist, both have an impact, but I've noted a distinct increase in the amount of Republican advocacy focused on voter fraud and not election fraud. To me, this distinction is muddy enough to warrant some greater consideration. If we accept that voter fraud is a significant problem, and I'm not there yet, then we have an excuse to SUPPRESS votes through tighter regulation. This, of course, is the classic GOP strategy of limiting the vote to gain an advantage. Given this election will bring in a lot of new and switch over voters, this strategy is highly likely to pay off. Look for it. It's gonna happen. On the other hand, we've established that Election Fraud has occured and has changed elections when it shouldn't have. I'll be happy to cite sources, if somebody wants them. This isn't about 2004, or 2000 either. Plenty of bad elections have occured since then and there are cases in the courts, some resolved. The election fraud is the bigger problem to me because it's not seeing the attention that voter fraud seems to be getting. In this coming election, that's actually a double dip! Suppress votes, using the voter fraud non-issue as an issue and ignore attempts to refine the counting and certification process and security for the machines. The two combine to bring down the vote margins between winners and losers and where those margins are low, most of our current processes are not up to the task, meaning we will see elections in the court, over and over. Not good. Not good at all.