Every once in a while, on Charlie Rose, when he lets a guest speak and doesn't interrupt ( I know it's a common thing to complain about him - but MAN it's unbelievable sometimes how oblivious he is to that in himself ) I get my mind a little blown. A few years ago it was a guy who made a case for why humans may have a " God gene " that is triggered by all sorts of interesting things. This year, it's Meghan O Sullivan. I know that it's unlikely that many of you will watch the clip posted on Rose's website - but it was a pretty convincing argument about Iraq. There were some points in the interview that I had to admit that she was probably right. There were a few times where I thought she was parroting a few things for the Bush administration. But as a whole, I really learned quite a bit. I liked that. http://www.charlierose.com/shows/2008/05/02/1/a-conversation-with-meghan-osulliv an