Stay away from Florida! message board: Archives: Politics & other archives: 2008: Apr, May, Jun -- 2008: Stay away from Florida!
Author: Vitalogy
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 1:32 pm
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Critics say the measure usurps business owners' rights to determine what happens on their property and puts workers and managers at risk from disgruntled employees.

Dozens of workplace shootings occur every year in the United States, and studies have shown that job sites where guns are permitted are more likely to suffer workplace homicides than those where guns are prohibited.

"This is an attempt to trample upon the property rights of property owners and attempt to make it more difficult to protect the workers in a workplace and those who visit our retail establishments," said Sen. Ted Deutch, a Boca Raton Democrat.

Author: Skybill
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 1:44 pm
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They are not saying you can carry a gun at work.

They are saying that it's OK to have a gun in your LOCKED car in the parking lot.

Just another leftist anti-gun scare tactic.

Unless the gun grows legs and walks into the workplace there won't be any issues.

Author: Vitalogy
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 2:00 pm
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"...job sites where guns are permitted are more likely to suffer workplace homicides than those where guns are prohibited."

How about that? Face the facts, places that allow guns are more dangerous. What's wrong with just admitting that?

The gun grows legs when the person goes out to their car and retrieves the gun.

Author: Trixter
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 3:01 pm
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I've owned 4 guns for the last 27 years and have NEVER and I repeat NEVER found a reason to take it to work and leave it in my car! I've NEVER needed to take it anywhere except to the shooting rage.

Author: Mrs_merkin
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 3:15 pm
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"The gun grows legs when the person goes out to their car and retrieves the gun."

That also happens when someone smashes your unattended vehichle's window and 'helps' it walk out of the car. Maybe it will make it to Detroit where it jumps into the hands of a 3 year old who shoots herself in the head while Mommy watches Scarface.

Author: Darktemper
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 3:15 pm
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Laws only pertain to the law abiding. If some yaywho buys a gun on the street and wants to pack it to work he will. At the same time if it's not legal or the employeer does not allow it the law abiding rule follower does not. It's never those who can carry legally who break the laws, it's always those who break the law that you read about.

"Guns don't kill, PEOPLE DO!"

HEY TRIXTER....i'm sure you meant Shooting Range and not Rage.....right?

Author: Skeptical
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 4:57 pm
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"shooting rage."

Hmm, is this a place where they give road ragers guns and let them all loose?

Author: Trixter
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 8:38 pm
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I do BOTH!

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