Here's my idea. To have those of us on this message pick one organization and flood it with at least a one time donation. Making note in your donation check or otherwise that the community wants to make a difference. Okay so this also partly selfish because I really want to help this one organization a lot more than my wife and I already do. It's called VOCA Camp. VOCA stands for Victory Over Child Abuse. I have shared about this organization before. Here's more: "VOCA Camps are our community’s (Astoria, OR) response to the devastating issue of child sexual abuse. There are two annual camps, one for girls and one for boys. The camps, the first of their kind in the nation, have won several national awards, including the Governor’s Volunteerism Award, Children First Award, Women of Achievement Award and an honorable mention in the U.S. Congressional Record. The camps are administered through a non-profit organization, the Healing Circle, in partnership with Clatsop Community College, Tongue Point Job Corps and Clatsop County United Way." It costs between $10-12,000 dollars to put on these camps each year. That's really nothing in today's world. This camp is not associated with any religious organization and we have been donating not only our money but my wife and I have produced, pro bono, many radio PSAs over the years for VOCA. If you're interested here's an address to send your donations. Because of their shoe-string budget they are not set up to take donations on line. It sucks I know. But maybe one of you has that skill and can donate your time to help them get that set up. The Healing Circle, c/o VOCA Camp, PO Box 964, Astoria, OR 97103 We can make a difference.