Scary Church? message board: Archives: Politics & other archives: 2008: Jan, Feb, Mar -- 2008: Scary Church?
Author: Littlesongs
Monday, March 17, 2008 - 9:44 pm
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I remember how spooky the Scientology discussion was and how much I learned. So, in light of the religious turmoil of this past week, I figured we ought to take a deep breath, and a good look at religious ties in this election campaign.

Would you back a candidate who endorsed a religious leader who made the following statements?

On Women:

"Each time you build the unity between mind and body or husband and wife, it expands to even greater levels. The first condition for fallen mankind is that of the unity between their mind and body. Upon that foundation you can build the unity between husband and wife. Who stands in the position of subject between husband and wife? (Husband.) American women have the tendency to consider that women are in the subject position. However, woman's shape is like that of a receptacle. The concave shape is a receiving shape. Whereas the convex shape symbolizes giving. When water is poured into a container does it fill from the edge of the container, or from the deepest bottom? (Deepest bottom.) Since man contains the seed of life, he should plant it in the deepest place. Does woman contain the seed of life? (No.) Absolutely not. Then if you desire to receive the seed of life you have to become an absolute object. In order to qualify as an absolute object you need to demonstrate absolute faith, love and obedience to your subject."


On Jews:

"To recreate Israel, the church and the state must become one as Cain and Abel. Instead they became one with Rome and captured and killed Jesus. They united with Rome. Who are the Jewish members here, raise your hands! Jewish people, you have to repent. Jesus was the King of Israel. Through the principle of indemnity Hitler killed 6 million Jews. That is why. God could not prevent Satan from doing that because Israel killed the True Parents. Even now, you have to determine that you will repent and follow and become one with Christianity..."


On Homosexuality:

"What is the meaning of lesbians and homosexuals? That is the place where all different kinds of dung collect. We have to end that behavior. When this kind of dirty relationship is taking place between human beings, God cannot be happy... Especially American people, if they truly love such dogs, they also become like dung-eating dogs and produce that quality of life."


On Non-Believers:

"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically come down and die. Many people will die - those who go against our movement."

I am guessing most of us would wonder who this crackpot is and why he would have any power.

Would it surprise you if you found out that he was behind the bouyancy of Reagan and G.H.W. Bush in the media? Or that he was the secret benefactor who saved Reverend Falwell? Or that he owned a major newspaper? Or had family behind a major weapons producer? Or that he wants to remove the cross from Christianity? Or that he has been in trouble for tax evasion? Or that members of Congress literally put a crown on his head? Or that he has a current ally in Hillary Clinton?

As far as Reverend Wright goes, I would say that folks in glass houses ought not cast the first stone.

There's a bad Moon on the rise.

Author: Beano
Monday, March 17, 2008 - 9:50 pm
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Does it have anything on Idiots jumping up and down on a couch during a taping of the Oprah Winfrey show?

Author: Missing_kskd
Monday, March 17, 2008 - 10:07 pm
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I've participated in this blog effort the last two years. Got out there with my message being to consider asking somebody else about their faith and to really listen to what it is about it that moves them! Make it about others, instead of about you.

Ended up having a few really great conversations with people I thought were going to be very different, but really were not. ails.html

Learned a lot about religion, and made a few friends. Highly recommended, even if it's just some weekend reading to think about. There is a *lot* of diversity out there. It's not just a few mega-religions, though it seems that way.

Really, we've got the megas making a lot of noise, but that's drowned out by the tons of people just having their faith, sharing it and trying to live it for their own reasons.

IMHO, the divisive Islam -vs- Christianity bit is probably the front runner in the divisive religion as political tool category. And that's just bad on a lot of levels, seen right here on our!

Go think about this stuff and ask yourself what's real and what is just divisive crap. Also ask yourself what you think will make a positive difference and what's just therapeutic affirmation of one kind or another.

Blog on this stuff if you want to, but mainly just read real people talking about their real faith and realize we have a whole lot more in common than we are constantly hammered on to believe.

***And that's true for us "on the fence" types as well. Count me among the religious wounded, because it's absolutely true.

Who knows? An hour or so, with your favorite coffee, munchie, whatever spent just exploring some views on faith and politics might put some of this crap into perspective.

We all are very likely to need it, if not now, then later this year!

Author: Chris_taylor
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - 8:59 am
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I believe it’s always a good thing to talk to others who have a different belief system than my own. I don’t have to go far to find those people there just out my front door.

Recently I read a book by a guy named AJ Jacobs “The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible.” Eye opening read from an agnostic Jew. Downright refreshing, humorous and moving. It’s a pretty quick read.

Jacobs’ understanding of difficult doctrine and theology humbled me. He gets it. He may not believe certain aspects of the bible but he truly gives the entire subject matter a long look.

There are religious whackos. Always has been. They are the loudest and seem to get the most attention, especially these days.

Yes you can blame religion on many of the world’s problems but you can also give credit to religious organizations for being part of the solution. Many of the social injustices that were turned around in our country and throughout the world can be attributed to people of faith.

I also appreciate the voices that don’t have a religious belief system. I consider them the sword sharpeners. I am challenged by their non-belief and acute wisdom on many social, political and religious issues. We can simply agree to disagree while holding mutual respect.

Author: Missing_kskd
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - 10:53 am
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Well, there is always time for people to reconsider their beliefs too!

That reconsideration is simply not possible without reasoned discussion, which is why I do Blog Against Theocracy every year.

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