The "You" Jingles - KGW, KFRC, KING... message board: Archives: Portland radio archives: 2008: Jan, Feb, March - 2008: The "You" Jingles - KGW, KFRC, KING
Author: 62kgw
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 3:27 pm
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Author: Paulwalker
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 3:31 pm
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There were two "You" packages as I recall, but I don't remember which, if not both, had the long sings. I remember KING-AM in Seattle hardly used the long sings, instead relegating them to their TV advertising. I'm almost certain KGW had a similar sing, perhaps tdanner could confirm.

Author: Semoochie
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 5:25 pm
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KGW definitely had the "You" package but I don't remember if the long versions were ever used. I seem to recall KISN using the long version of "Have A Happy Day" however.

Author: Stevenaganuma
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 8:44 pm
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Seems to me KGW had the long versions too, but they rarely got used. Here are 3 short cuts from the "You" package that you may remember.

Author: Tdanner
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 9:54 pm
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We not only used the long version of the "You" jingle, we got a lot of big names to sing it for us over the instrumental bed. The Doobies were such perfectionists that they insisted on takin it into their studio to record. They had it back to us in less than 10 days.

Author: Craig_walker
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 10:31 pm
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As Ms. Danner says, we used the long version of the jingle once in a while, but not often. I think it was carefully placed in the music rotation at specific times. Getting the major acts to sing it for us was remarkably easy. And, the Doobies were one of the best..Gordy Miller andI spent much of one afternoon in the studio with them while they worked on it..nice guys.

Author: John_erickson
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 3:21 am
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Hey I was there too for the Doobie session! (I was the guy in the Darth Vader costume).

Author: Kkb
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 10:00 am
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"Doobie session".......did you inhale?

Author: Chris_taylor
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 10:07 am
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The Doobie session was quickly followed by the cootie session.

Author: 62kgw
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 11:38 am
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I think kfrc only played it(extra long version) at nighttimelike after 11,probably so that it would not interfere with theirproogramming music,dr. don and bobby Ocean, and commercials during daytime.i don't remeber much of it, but i think varios places in sf bay area wirementioned in the lyrics such as golden gate park, was thus specific to SF.other versions could for other cities could have been created by same people I suppose for other stations/ mentionedvarious Places people go on weekendsparks,shopping, eetc..???italso mentioned.... "you and the sunshine....uou sre the reason we do what we do"

Author: Stevenaganuma
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 1:48 pm
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Here is the KFRC "You" package including the long versions. KFRC may have done some custom versions too like the above mentioned Doobie Brothers session.

Author: Paulwalker
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 2:58 pm
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Steve, I know we are getting off topic a bit here, but thanks again for sharing your great collection.

Call me a geek, but I remember a time when a station changed their jingle package and it was a great moment of excitment. That magic, unfortunately, is long gone for me now. Today's kids missed out on a great era.

Author: Outsider
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 4:14 pm
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I remember the "You" package running on 1230 KHSN in Coos Bay when I worked there in '89/'90. (I know Mike Chavez does too.) It was fun to play those jingles and fantasize that I was Super 62.

Memories, memories....

Author: Craig_adams
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 6:10 pm
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I was wondering if KREM Spokane had the "You" package if KGW & KING did. KERN Bakersfield used it.

Author: Richjohnson
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 11:02 pm
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Would you believe that some of us learned lessons from the 'You' package that we use to this day?
The lesson is 'second-person singular' -- speaking on the radio as you would speak to your best friend in the same room.
The lesson applies in nearly every broadcast job. I applied it when doing traffic reports over Seattle (any verbiage like 'drivers should be aware...' is purged). Never say 'hi everyone' or anything that implies you're talking to a room full of people.
I've tried to pass the idea along to others in the biz. Some get it, some don't.
As a wise PD put it: When you're on the radio, you're not talking to 10,000 people. You're talking to one person 10,000 times.
A lot to learn from a simple radio jingle.

Author: Skeptical
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 1:41 am
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semoochie sez: "KGW definitely had the "You" package but I don't remember if the long versions were ever used. I seem to recall KISN using the long version of "Have A Happy Day" however."

They did. I used to think it was my imagination until I heard it again a few years ago.

Author: Murdock
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 5:34 am
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KREM wanted the "You" jingles VERY MUCH! Sadly, the Drake price tag was too steep for Spoke-a-loo at the time. We had a rockin' little jingle package and had a lot of fun that winter I went back there to do my first morning show.

Oh, BTW. Just a guess, but that post from Rich Johnson just above may win the award for "longest distance post on" because, last I heard, Rich was on assignment traveling with POTUS in the Middle East. Isreal, Lebanon, Palestian areas,UAE, Bahrain....where are you man?

Author: Richjohnson
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 6:40 am
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Sitting in the filing center in Jerusalem, awaiting yet another POTUS event. Contemplating a trip up the street to a protest involving lots of Orthodox Jews -- always a fun bunch.
The food is insanely good and healthy. Let's see the oil-rich Gulf states match it! Off to Kuwait Friday afternoon.

Author: Craig_adams
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 6:51 am
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Thanks Bruce! I've often wondered about KREM and the "You" jingles, never hearing them in air checks, now I know why.

Author: Dodger
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 7:44 am
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Thank you so much Rich for posting that.
For years I have tried to teach young air talents to stop saying "hey all of you" or that type of sentence.
I always tell them "there is only one person listening to you right now, they don't know or care about the other people that are listening, they are listening to YOU all alone in their car, home etc."
I absolutely hate air talents that talk to people as large groups.
I ALWAYS address my listeners indivdually.
"How are YOU today?" "I am so glad YOU are listening today".
I might add, though I was a HUGE Scott Shannon fan, I can't stand "I'm Fred Smith". I much prefer the more humble and smooth sounding, "Fred Smith with you on K---".
Just my humble opinion.

Author: Outsider
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 8:19 am
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I've NEVER liked the "So-and-so with you...." line. The person I am listening to is NOT "with" me, they are coming out of my radio's speakers. It sounds even worse when uttered by a sportscaster doing play-by-play, especially if I'm not in the stadium watching the game while listening to the broadcast.

But, I most certainly like the "You" angle when listening(or announcing). Talk to me, not a group of me's.

Author: Dodger
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 8:28 am
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Good point Outsider, I guess what I am getting at is I hate the arrogant sound of "I'm _____".
I don't care who YOU are.
I am always leaning towards being a friend and companion to the listener so I tend to say "with" or "here" when mentioning my name.

Author: Richjohnson
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 8:47 am
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Here's an idea. Have your student put his/her arm out, and walk to where you touch the hand.
The way talk to someone that far away is how you talk on the radio. Becuase theh listener really is THAT close -- the reach it takes to switch stations.

Author: Tomparker
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 9:09 am
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Amen to that, Rich. It's been 60 years since people listened to radio as a group. The cliche is accurate: It is a one-to-one medium. No matter the format, the individual who can make that connection has a rare and valuable skill. Now if we can just get folks to stop referring to geographic spots in the station's listening area as "down in _____" or, "over in ______". You are where they are, just the two of you.

As far as the "You" package, I was at KFRC at the time. Michael Spears, the PD, had a byzantine method of running the long version. It was an instruction to run it once a shift, in an odd hour on an even day, never the same hour until you'd cycled through all of them, or something like that. I think it was his way of tripping up the jocks and putting them on the defensive. After about 6 months he asked me how I was able to always run it in the correct position I told him I just wrote it on the day's log. From that point on he just had traffic schedule it.

Although the RKO stations had the You package first, it was KGW, Mike Phillips and Gordy Miller that started having artists record a customized version while at the station for interviews. We grabbed the idea for KFRC.

Darryl Hall spent an hour getting the harmonies right before he let Ron Hummel record John Oates and him singing the You jingle. The most lush version was one The Carpenters produced at their own studio (KFRC still didn't add their record!). Stevie Wonder did one at his studio that had no relation whatsoever to the original melody or lyrics. All in all, it was a terrific concept well-realized.

Author: Paulwalker
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 9:18 am
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Murdock, regarding KREM, that probably explained why they continued to use the fake-drake "More Music" jingles well into the 70's. Kinda a throwback for sure.

Author: Kennewickman
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 11:07 am
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The 'You" package on 97 KREM would have rattled KJRB's thunder a whole lot back about 1977 or so..

Speaking of 'Identifiers" and ringing the " Pavlovian salivation bell "

There was one of those special "promo song versions" I have remembered for ever and to this day hearing that song for the last 30 years.... ..lots of fun........

"""" Im in my car...( duh duh dit duh ) and turn on KAY GEE DUBBLE YUUUUUU ( duh duh dit duh ), the Pointer Sisters......FIRE....1979

That "signature" will stay with me and many others im sure, until our brains cease to function. For years at KALE and Oldies 95.7 we played that tune and my linguistic bank over dubbed the "KGW" in the " on the radio " slot....

Author: 62kgw
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 11:30 am
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did khsn 123 have/use the long version we do it for you jingle?

Author: Paulwalker
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 11:32 am
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Yes, could always tell the stations that "mattered" if they had that special "Fire" edit!

Author: Stevenaganuma
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 12:31 pm
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Anyone have the Huey Lewis - Heart Of Rock And Roll with Spokane & Portland added? Played it at KMJK but did not think about saving a copy at the time.

Author: 62kgw
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 12:40 pm
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there was another set of jingles/announcements/sound effects inSFon KYA 1260 called"PEOPLE POWER!".I think it was about 1975 or so.only lasted a few months before they gave it up!!!any other stations (in NW?) do that People-Power stuff???

Author: Paulwalker
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 12:45 pm
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Don't recall "People Power", but do remember a period in the mid-70's when both KFRC and KYA ran just one jingle out of their stopsets, the same one EVERY time. Talk about consistent branding.

Author: Stevenaganuma
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 1:43 pm
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KFRC had another good jingle package called "Rhythm of the City".

Author: Outsider
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 2:25 pm
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How 'bout the special version of Suddenly by Billy Ocean, where, at the end, he (or a Billy Ocean sound-alike?) sang "Kay One Oh Threeeeeeee...."

Author: Craig_adams
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 7:33 pm
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Another special KGW recording was the 1975 song "Good Times, Rock & Roll" by Flash Cadillac & The Continental Kids. Loved that song and even today when playing it, I can still hear KGW, even though it's just in my head.

I wonder if anyone at KGW had any idea 30 years ago, these versions would stick in listener heads for decades to come! What a great way to get listeners to remember your calls. It's just too bad there's no KGW to reap the benefit.

Author: Randy_in_eugene
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 11:14 pm
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Murdock>>KREM wanted the "You" jingles VERY MUCH! Sadly...

If smaller stations like KGAL and KBDF had them you'd think KREM would have. I think those two stations merely cherry picked a few cuts though.

62kgw>>inSFon KYA 1260 called"PEOPLE POWER!

Most of the KYA jingles I've heard are weird ones that I've not found elsewhere. KYA wasn't much of a factor in the Bay Area by '75.

Here are twelve KFRC "You" Star cuts for download. I have confirmed 7 of the 12 some of the artists/groups.

2. George Benson
5. England Dan & John Ford Coley
6. Doobie Bros.
7. Karen Carpenter
9. Bee Gees
10. Steve Miller
11. Hall & Oates

(I tried uploading to DivShare but the file played fast in the built-in player.)

Author: Semoochie
Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 11:45 pm
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KISN had quite a few of those song intros in the 70s, usually dropped in ahead of the actual song.

Author: Craig_adams
Friday, January 11, 2008 - 1:57 am
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Yes! One of the KISN songs was "Treat Her Like A Lady" by The Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose.

Author: 62kgw
Friday, January 11, 2008 - 11:11 am
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("name of DJ )is here to play more Music".was another jingle that seemed good,perhops only played at beginning of hour,or perhaps only atbeginning of hisshow.what stations used thosejingles

Author: Littlesongs
Friday, January 11, 2008 - 11:32 am
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Steve and Randy -- thanks for the great links!

Craig, the Flash Cadillac bit reminds me of the custom version of "Fire" by the Pointer Sisters.

"I'm ridin' in your car -- You turn on Kaygeedoubleyou..."

I understand that there were also versions for KJR, KING, KFRC and a host of others. I still can't hear the song without singing or imagining the KGW line.

Author: Paulwalker
Friday, January 11, 2008 - 11:45 am
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62KGW, not sure if we are talking about the same thing, but both KGW and KING ran personalized jingles (just name, stinger, calls) for their jocks once per hour, usually in the first quarter hour (circa '74-'75). They sounded great! I bet Steve has some examples...

Author: Stevenaganuma
Friday, January 11, 2008 - 2:09 pm
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Here's the Dave Hood KGW jock jingle example from the other thread.

Here are the KISN Happy Day jingles.

Author: Stevenaganuma
Saturday, January 12, 2008 - 9:42 pm
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Here is a custom version of True Confessions. Jeff Lorber & Karyn White came by KMJK back in the 80's. Karyn White sang to an instrumental track and Jeff Lorber insisted on editing the reel tape himself.

Author: Stevenaganuma
Saturday, January 12, 2008 - 10:10 pm
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There is a little bit of the Pointer Sisters Fire on this KFRC production demo.

Author: Tomparker
Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 12:06 am
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Great link, Steve.

That's the legendary Paul Frees voicing the Alien Transmission shout out. Our promotion director's assistant did some shameless flirting with him to get it done.

Amazing work on a reel to reel by Ron Hummel.

Author: Stevenaganuma
Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 9:29 pm
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The KYA People Power jingle is on the 70's Jingle Sampler from Pams.

Author: 62kgw
Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 9:51 pm
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most jinglescontained one or more of the following elements:
starion call leters
station frequency
station cityor metro area location
slogansperhaps referencing the frequency dial positionn:-( the big 6 10, the rock of the bay,
super 62
what wassomeotherpopular jingle content?

Author: 62kgw
Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 12:53 pm
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DJ name
number one,
weather,sports, traffic
20-20 news
double play,
phone number

Author: Randy_in_eugene
Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 10:24 pm
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"All the best jingles, all the time, JAM Productions of Dallas."

Author: Stevenaganuma
Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 6:09 pm
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Here are some KOIN Radio jingles and a Blazer promo from the mid 70's.

Author: 62kgw
Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 6:52 pm
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didn't casey kasem AT40have one:
"Casey's coast to Coast"??Pre-Art Bell!!!!

Author: Stevenaganuma
Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 8:37 pm
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Here are the AT40 jingles.

Author: Bryan_oneal
Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 1:50 am
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One of the first things I did when hired at 62KGW in 1977 was sing the long version of the jingle like all the other jocks did..we used them at a Portland Boat Show promotion. I remember when "Year of the Cat" Al Stewart showed up to sing it... he was so stoned he could get through it... It seems that KC, of KC and The Sunshine band really couldn't carry a tune either... his was very bad. Fun times..

Author: Dadetim
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 - 10:55 pm
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there was a website that had the KING jingles. does anyone have that website or the jingles?

Author: Dan_packard
Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 2:17 pm
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Eric Dawes up in Seattle put together a terrific nostalga site for the BIG-11 KING at

There's also good stuff at that you can find by going to the index and dialing in the 1090 AM frequency.

Uncle Ricky has good KING sounds at the Reel radio repository site,

Author: Dadetim
Friday, February 08, 2008 - 8:00 pm
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that's it...thanks a bunch

Author: 62kgw
Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 10:01 am
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the bottom line is:Radio Stations doNOT do it for you any more!!.that's past they do it for corperate group owners!!??

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