KGON is now "Easy Listening" message board: Archives: Portland radio archives: 2008: Jan, Feb, March - 2008: KGON is now "Easy Listening"
Author: Mickproper
Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 10:03 pm
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This afternoon, I was astounded to hear Dire Straights' "Money For Nothing" on KGON, except it was MISSING THE ENTIRE SECOND VERSE! You know, the one that goes, "That little fa&&ot with the earring and the makeup..."
Now I can kind of understand the attempts to mask the "F" word in The Who's "Who Are You?", which has been going on for a couple of years now, but this is just too damned much. Note to KGON Management: If you can't play the entire song, then you're not really a "rock" station, are you? Perhaps you might want to try to compete head-to-head with KVAN, or perhaps KMHD (not that you could, but you could TRY). In the meantime, I've taken the time to compose some alternate lyrics, which we can sing along to in our head. Ready? Here goes:
"The little pansy that is managing the station,
Yeah that's right, he's got no stones,
That little pansy is afraid of his own shadow,
That little pansy needs to run on home!"

"Nuff Said!

Author: Radionut
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 5:19 am
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I noticed that last week when they played "Take a Walk on Wild Side". They cut out the part about giving head. Kind of ruined the song.

Author: 1lossir
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 5:32 am
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Well "the little pansy that's running the station" was probably told by corporate to not jeopardize the station license by playing something that some way-out-there-types would find offensive in this new age of political correctness.

I've heard the words "on the rag" and "jack off Jimmy" edited from Sheryl Crow's "A Change". Yeah, like THAT's offensive.

So don't blame the station manager for those edits. Blame society.

Author: Bleedingroid
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 6:33 am
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Just like "Let's Spend The Night Together" by the Rolling Stones had an edited air version with the refrain "let's spend it.... spend it together."

Nothing has changed with these spineless bastards in 40 years.

Author: Stevenaganuma
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 8:44 am
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Speaking of The Who, check out this video of a 1978 & 2005 concert synchronized.

FCC indecency fines have increased to $500,000, which is probably influencing many broadcasting decisions. p

Author: Missing_kskd
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 8:55 am
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Political correctness is for those with no soul.

Our law should have some provisions for good form! Lazy profanity, or indecency, just for the raw appeal of it, should be fined. It's just trash.

On the other hand, when employed with meaning and context, that's just real world expression.

The two are not the same! Many artists know this and perform accordingly. Too damn bad they get muzzled over some people with overly high sensibilities.

Author: Jimbmiller
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 9:03 am
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the lou reed song would be the 45 version

Author: Nwokie
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 9:06 am
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Lets not forget Jimmy Deans "Big John" with "one hell of a man" changed to "One heck of a man".

Charlie Daniels, "Devil went to Georgia", at the end changing son of a bitch, to son of a gun.

Author: Semoochie
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 10:23 am
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"big, big man..."

Author: Skybill
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 10:26 am
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So I wonder if they'll edit Pink Floyd's "Money" where he says bulshi@?

Author: Mickproper
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 10:37 am
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I should mention, that I don't so much mind the expurgation, if the artist agrees to it. After all, the "original" Lynard Skynard recorded the classic, "Gimme 3 Steps" with the line, "Wait a minute mister, I didn't even kiss her", while at the same time performing the song live with the lyric, "Wait a minute sucker, I didn't even f@*k her". What I object to, is some corporate hack making the decision for all of us poor peons who can't be trusted to handle the actual lyrics. Kind of like putting a fig leaf on Michelangelo's "David"
'Nuff Said!

Author: 1lossir
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 11:11 am
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>>What I object to, is some corporate hack making the decision for all of us poor peons who can't be trusted to handle the actual lyrics. Kind of like putting a fig leaf on Michelangelo's "David"
'Nuff Said!<<

Then object to the FCC - they're the reason the "corporate hack" has to edit your beloved songs.

Author: Tadc
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 12:40 pm
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You may recall that the missing verse was never played on the radio when the song was first released(at least to my recollection), I assume because the radio version didn't include it.

It may be that this version is getting played just because it's shorter, not because it's "cleaner". Or because it's the original radio edit.

Not to mention that that particular F word is no longer as acceptable as a general-service pejorative as it once was.

Author: Randy_in_eugene
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 12:52 pm
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How 'bout we substitute the word "nigger" in place of "faggot?"

I would suggest neither are socially acceptable.

Author: Trixter
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 1:30 pm
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Blame both the HARDLINE left and the EXTREME RIGHT at the political table. Both have pushed for cleaning up the airwaves of what they find offensive.

Author: Mickproper
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 2:24 pm
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"How 'bout we substitute the word 'nigger' in place of "faggot? I would suggest neither are socially acceptable."

Well then, why don't we just re-write "Huck Finn", so that he pals up with "African-American Jim"; or even better, re-write the history books, so for instance, our kids can learn that: "Joan D'Arc was led to her execution place; a single post, surrounded by homosexuals"
(For the 2-digit I.Q.s, "faggot" is also an English slang word meaning, (a) kindling; (b) a cigarette; or (c) a deep-fried mashed potato ball)
'Nuff Said!

Author: 1lossir
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 3:22 pm
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>>Well then, why don't we just re-write "Huck Finn", so that he pals up with "African-American Jim"; or even better, re-write the history books, so for instance, our kids can learn that: "Joan D'Arc was led to her execution place; a single post, surrounded by homosexuals"
(For the 2-digit I.Q.s, "faggot" is also an English slang word meaning, (a) kindling; (b) a cigarette; or (c) a deep-fried mashed potato ball)
'Nuff Said!<<

Wow - this is getting to be a borderline thread that belongs on that "other" pdxradio board.

I've come to the conclusion that the OP just wants to rail against censorship - and no matter how it's explained - he just doesn't get it. 'Nuff said!

Author: Darktemper
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 3:32 pm
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IMHO, unless the artist recorded the alternate lyrics or gave permission to remove certain lyrics then that music should not be aired in a form not approved by that artist. Most of the edit's are probably supplied by the record label's anyway and the artist probably has no say so in that respect. There is probably some clause in the recording contract that allows for that. I'm no a fan of edited music either. In some cases I would just as soon not here it at all if that's the only airable version. That's what the Zune is for. Ever hear the Pink Floyd tune "Lost For Words"? Huge "F" bomb at the end! Don't think you'll ever likely hear that version on the air and an edit of that lyric/artist would just diminish the tune.
MHO of course. Carry on!

Author: Mickproper
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 3:54 pm
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It's not about blindly railing against censorship (although that is certainly a laudable goal), it's about "dumbing down" to the lowest common denominator. After all, "Money for Nothing", "Who Are You?", "Take a Walk on the Wild side" and the like have been good enough in their original forms for 20-30 years, and now, all of a sudden, we're somehow going to be contaminated by continuing to hear it. My original point, is that the word "fa&&ot" in "Money for Nothing" is not being used to actually denigrate gays, but is instead intended to make fun of those who pidgeonhole and label others with those sorts of epithets. Kind of like the use of the "N" word in "Blazing Saddles (which we're also not allowed to hear).
'Nuff Said!

Author: 1lossir
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 6:23 pm
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Mickproper - I don't think anyone here is disputing your views on "dumbing down".

The point was regarding your misdirected anger at station management for editing those songs, as if they were the arbiters of what's in good taste. In reality they're just doing what they have to so they can keep their broadcast licenses and stay in business.

Author: Newflyer
Friday, January 04, 2008 - 8:04 pm
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I think they should start manufacturing radios with two buttons on them, other than the power and volume controls:
One button would directly tune to K-Love, on whatever the local frequency is.
The other would directly tune to Air 1, on whatever the local frequency is.

Anyone who takes offense to all other types of radio programming would be required to purchase and use only this type of radio that I've described; which would be available in component, in-dash, personal portable, and boombox varieties.

Problem solved.

Author: Darktemper
Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 10:05 pm
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JHC....If you are offended by the music one station plays then turn the F'n dial till you are not! Censoring a song because a few people are offended is a bunch of crap.
But i'm sure the local station manager really has no say in the matter as the decision to only air a chop and hack version of a particular song probably came down from the people in the Ivory Towers. Bunch of PC bullshit! Air the song as is or don't.

End Of Line.

PS.....Loved hearing AC/DC "Big Balls" on KGON I have not heard that one in like forever! Talk about your not Politically Correct song.....Oh Man!

Author: Markandrews
Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 10:37 pm
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It may be PC bullroar to you, but a few stations/"personalities" exploited it for several years, and some listeners were outraged enough to press their case. Through a series of various outrageous events, the FCC acted (with a gun to their collective head)...

I don't care for edited songs (or wardrobe malfunctions for that matter) either...BUT, good taste aside, the threat of heavy FCC fines for such content is now very real, and can screw up a station's budget in a big fat hurry... And maybe even the privilege of holding a station's license.

Author: Darktemper
Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 11:11 pm
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Of that I have no doubt and like I said the local people probably have no say in the matter of "Edit's" that must be played instead of the original. My only beef I guess is when the edit detracts from the quality of the original. In those instances maybe better off to not air it instead of angering the purists. Yes it's fine for me to say from this side that it is bullroar but I do sympathize with those on the inside stuck putting up with the politics and trying to put out good programs. Are the restrictions different for say late night shows or is it just that certain songs are on the "FCC" no-play list in their original form forever?

Author: Darktemper
Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 10:10 am
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One question.
Why when radio and the internet are both basically free do we have the FCC protecting our delicate ears on radio and we have the internet basically free to exploit everything! Shouldn't the same freedom's be granted to radio as the internet? Really, pretty soon everyone will be just streaming in their cars anyway and who will be the bird dog of that?

Author: Entre_nous
Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 12:26 pm
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Here's an idea: Maybe Music Directors can dig a little deeper into their libraries and find songs we haven't heard a million times that don't contain "offensive language" and play them instead! Freshen up the playlist a bunch AND placate the FCC. I know I would love to hear some songs I haven't heard before if I don't own the CD. All of the artists mentioned above have great songs we don't know or haven't heard in years.

Author: Darktemper
Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 4:34 pm
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AW, cmon, play tunes that are not, were not in the top forty 30 years ago. Tastes never change and that's all us automotons want you know. Same old same old over and over and over. NOT. That being said, KGON does a pretty decent job on the playlist but needs some tweaking here and there, IMHO of course!

"Between Us" I so agree with you and why not put on some new Rock from the classics while we are at it! Rush---Scorpions...etc....people, you are missing the boat here!

When was the last time you heard "Entre Nous" from Rush on the radio? Requested it the other day on connect the classics along with The Twilight Zone from Rush so they may turn up one day.

Author: Entre_nous
Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 7:50 pm
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OMG, DT, she didn't skip the "E" and I was hoping that song might get in...:-)

I realize it's not kosher to jump the gun on new CD's (wait for the official release of the singles...) but in the case of this particular station, the limitations expired a long time ago, so why not play 'em? It's not like we listeners are gonna get upset because we're hearing a different Pink Floyd song: we love Pink Floyd! (Insert any band you like...) And I'm more likely to hear your commercials if I'm still listening for what's next. I hate that I can predict what song will be played when they tease an artist: Kiss, anyone? Rock n Roll all version. ELO? Fire on High...No fair, one hit wonders like Head East don't count :-)

Yep: get the new releases by established artists's a gimme that we will accept the new Springsteen, etc. Wonder how many hours I spent with the new Rush and Scorpions CDs instead of KGON? How many commercials did I miss? And I know that Iris, Shannon, Marty, and Gloria probably said something interesting, too! But I was exploring the new stuff from artists I love.

Author: Entre_nous
Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 8:01 pm
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All of that being said, I have loved this station since I got my first sticker at G.I. Joe's (orange and red sunset with black silhouettes...), it's on at work all day, every day, and I shop at many of it's advertisers. This is my station, just as 62KGW was before I found FM.

Author: Entre_nous
Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 10:32 am
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"Money for Nothing" got through unedited on "Flashback" this morning...apparently Bill St. James didn't get the memo, thank goodness!

Author: Darktemper
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 1:06 pm
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Hey Entre_nous, did you catch connect the classics today? The second song ended with and "E" and she took it. Guess what Iris played.......

"Hint" it ended with and "S".

Author: Entre_nous
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 1:45 pm
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I did, and thank you to all responsible parties :-) I had it at a "nice volume" and the customers were singing along!

Author: Darktemper
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 2:03 pm
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Well, I did make the request last week or so but I botched the pronunciation so I am glad that somebody else had also requested it! Good Stuff.

Author: Mc74
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 10:04 pm
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Another reason to buy Sirius radio

Author: Littlesongs
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 1:31 pm
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My God, they have a band in regular rotation that was discovered by Bert Kaempfert! It will not be long before Tony Bennett and Bing Crosby are on Connect the Classics. Perhaps when the flip is official, they will call it "Sunny 92" or something. :0)

Just kidding...

KGON still Rocks.

Author: Darktemper
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 2:23 pm
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Sure would love to hear music from them on the morning drive though. M & B get annoying at times so I mostly listen to my ZUNE on the AM drive. This morning traffic was especially bad and I listened to the entire Scorpions Humanity: Hour 1 on my ZUNE. Caught a few strange looks as I am sure that on more than one tune people heard it through two sets of closed windows. That CD totally Rocks and I wish it would get more airtime on more than one track.

nuff said bout that

Author: Nwokie
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 2:27 pm
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And there is something wrong with Tony Bennet and Bing Crosby?

Author: Littlesongs
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 2:34 pm
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" something wrong with Tony Bennett and Bing Crosby?"

Yes, um... one could say something is wrong with Bing...

I think he is dead.

Author: Darktemper
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 2:50 pm
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I heard people sarw Elvis on that UFO down in Texas.

Author: Beano
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 3:06 pm
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Hey Temper, The new Scorpions album is pretty damn solid! Apparently they got a bunch of big name song writers to help write most of their songs- Desmond Child Who wrote most of Bon Jovi's and Aerosmith's 80's songs.

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