
Feedback.pdxradio.com message board: Archives: Politics & other archives: 2007: Oct - Dec. 2007: Hello!
Author: Itsvern
Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 1:07 am
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How's it going? I been offline for awhile. I was so desperate, i bought an old webtv box! I got a Pentium 3 E Machine with Fedora Fc4 on it! I need a monitor. If you want to get rid of one in McMinnville, bring it over! I live next to Patton Middle School. Also, what 56 K modem works with Linux? The forums suggest usb external. WebTv's ram is so small i have to use a browser called skweezer.net to get to the bottom of this page!

Author: Newflyer
Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 2:26 am
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...what 56 K modem works with Linux?
A hardware serial modem (connects to a serial port - since your computer is a P3 chances are very good it has at least one). Most other modems require drivers which don't exist for Linux, including USB modems. Not only that, but I bought a serial modem for my computer in Nov. 2004, and wish I had bought one sooner... it was probably the largest performance enhancement I could ever buy for it, since it left the CPU, RAM, and the sound card free to process other things.

I need a monitor. If you want to get rid of one in McMinnville, bring it over!
You might want to try checking Craigslist, the News-Register Classifieds, or maybe even the O Classifieds. If you're really desperate the only other recommendation I can think of is Goodwill.

Author: Itsvern
Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 2:45 am
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I got the Tower in Craigslist. I'll wait until someone else in McMinnville has a monitor for sale. I saw 2 keyboards at Mac Goodwill marked $49.95! I knew it was an error! The other boards were labled $4.95! I showed my friend Teresa and she had them relabled!

Author: Roger
Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 3:34 am
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Drive around, Especially AFTER christmas... people will get new computers and toss their old. This year I picked up a fully functional computer and four working monitors free..... people just put them out with the trash.... Amazing.

Author: Motozak2
Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 1:45 pm
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I use my Rockwell PCI modem that came stock with my old (vintage-1998) IBM Aptiva 2148 with my current Pentium IV machine in Linux......but also I am running Mandrake 10 (a.k.a. "Mandriva") and I wouldn't know the first thing about Fedora, but it seems to work fully in Mandrake.

Pretty interesting, tho probably not too surprising, considering this modem card is almost 10 years old..........

On the other hand I haven't used a serial modem since I was still using my old Packard Bell circa 1995 (a Bocamodem 288 fax modem; runs at 28.8K, a snail by today's standards but back then that was plenty fast! ;o) I think I may still have that old box in my closet or basement somewhere.

I really should get a new serial modem tho. I bet I could find one for pretty cheap; does Comp-USA still sell them?

Author: Newflyer
Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 8:48 pm
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CompUSA is going out of business, so I have no clue what they'd have, or even if those stores are still open.

If you don't mind buying a used one, Free Geek in SE Portland occasionally has V.90 and V.92 hardware modems in their store for cheap.

Other than that, the other places that'd have them would be the usual suspects - namely Frys and Best Buy. At any store, you'd probably have to explain that you want a dial-up modem and yes they still exist and yes there are still people that use dial-up and no you're not interested in a "high-speed demonstration."

Author: Itsvern
Friday, December 21, 2007 - 7:22 pm
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I noticed my payee paid my Verizon bill in full, finally. I ordered dsl lite, the 768kbps for $14.99 for life! My neighbor has it, and it's fast enough for him. I looked at youtube and i couldn't see much difference, since i had the 3mb before.
The Linux machine's ehternet is already installed.
I get the rest next week. Bye Bye WebTv, again! lol

Author: Missing_kskd
Friday, December 21, 2007 - 7:47 pm
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768kbps is totally good enough Internet.

Funny thing about higher speeds. There is a clear diminishing return. Sure, big downloads go faster, and that's good.

Most things break the usability threshold after 500Kbps. From there, it's largely a feel good, unless one has to move some data for specific purposes, or has multiple computers.

Recently, I upgraded my DSL to the 3Kbps / 768Kpbs and eliminated the land line in the process. Setup a Vonage phone, which is actually just great. (hope they survive all the lawsuits)

Actual day to day Internet use is essentially unchanged from the 640Kbps days. The biggest delay is ad servers not serving ads quick enough!

If you can, setup the caching DNS package on your linux box. It makes a ton of difference as all the lookups come with latency that adds up, no matter your speed.

That, plus the 768 is gonna work nicely!

I've used a webtv just once. It's barely enough!

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