Author: David
Monday, October 22, 2007 - 4:43 pm
| me=topNews&rpc=22&sp=true Shows more decent news from Iraq. This goes to show the change from Rummy the Dummy's plans are really working. Time will tell and we will be able to draw done sooner rather then later.
Author: Vitalogy
Monday, October 22, 2007 - 8:16 pm
Look, you can polish the turd all you want but the bottom line is that we're wasting life and money there for nothing, unless we're willing to commit ourselves there permanently.
Author: Skeptical
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 12:44 am
Bush has just asked Congress for $46 billion more to keep polishing that turd. If passed, it will bring Iraq's total to $800 billion and not a wmd in sight! Fantastic news! html
Author: Mrs_merkin
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 2:52 am
The future's so bright I gotta wear shades... ...for 454 more days
Author: Nwokie
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 9:14 am
Then we get to swear in a new Republican President, and the demos can wear shades to hide their tears.
Author: Herb
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 9:21 am
Amen, Nwokie. The left will hand-wring with their ham-fists whilst the Supreme Court decides that Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional. It will put an end to liberal-supported infanticide as we now know it. The Herbster
Author: Vitalogy
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 9:40 am
The only tears will be those of the right wing religious conservatives who will be taking a back seat come 2008.
Author: Trixter
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 10:14 am
Nwokie said>>>> Then we get to swear in a new Republican President. WHO?? Rudi??? Romney? Who is America going to pick on the right after the horrendous job EXTREME RIGHT has done in the White House? 4 out of 10 people say that they WON'T vote for Hillary. But 8 out of 10 say they won't vote for a Republican if they run the country like DUHbya. OUCH! Those statistics came from the Dennis Miller show. For America to vote Republican there is going to have to be a TRUE leader come out in the next 12 months... And SORRY Herb, but YOUR Huckster isn't going to be that man. Even though he has some GREAT ideas and I liked him at the GOP debates. He doesn't have enough money or resources to make it to the oval office. Maybe as VP along with Rudi??? If the RADICAL EXTREME RIGHT can just keep their collective mouths shut for 12 months a TRUE Republican can step in and tear down the Hillary machine. If they can't then 8 years of what YOU created will come to fruition for the RADICAL EXTREME LEFT! Keep it up.... And YOU will be calling Hillary and Bill Prez and VP!