Author: Craig_adams
Monday, October 22, 2007 - 3:54 am
It's rare that a UFO sighting makes the AP anymore. This report is said to have come from a rural area east of Albany. Maybe the couple wanted to keep there location hidden. This report actually came from a rural area between Roaring River County Park & Lacomb, Oregon. _________________________________________________________________ ALBANY, Ore. (AP) - A couple in a rural area east of Albany claim they saw what appeared to be UFOs and they want to know if anybody else saw the same thing. Raye Laufer and her husband, Derral, say they were smoking in their forested back yard last month in the Cascade Range foothills. That's when they saw two long, silver, bullet-shaped objects flying side-by-side across the sky. The couple says that neither object had lights or made a sound before they split up, with one heading east and the other toward the northeast. The Laufers say they next saw what appeared to be a large orb silently glowing red and orange floating above treetops before it hovered over their home and then headed north. Raye Laufer says she filed a report with the National UFO Reporting Center, which encouraged her to ask whether anybody else saw the objects. (Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.) ________________________________________________________________ Question: Why do people keep reporting these things to the media? Reporting on this doesn't solve anything. Don't you find reading the above boring after 50 years? I'm so far beyond this, it's like looking back at the first compact disc all over again.
Author: Skeptical
Monday, October 22, 2007 - 4:52 am
"and her husband, Derral," Derral??!! Sort of like Larry, Darrell & Darrell of Newhart fame? 
Author: Vitalogy
Monday, October 22, 2007 - 9:15 am
"Raye Laufer and her husband, Derral, say they were smoking in their forested back yard last month." Wonder what they were smoking that made then hallucinate enough to claim they saw something that simply doesn't exist?
Author: Shyguy
Monday, October 22, 2007 - 11:15 am
"Honey Raye get dat dun moonshine red fur tonite we gun have a goo ole time" -Derral I don't think they could afford anything smokable unless of course it was tops tobacco possibly marinated in some insecticide of some kind. Moonshine would be enough to see some lights in the night sky.