Author: Herb
Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 4:34 pm
| ies-gore-film.html Herb
Author: Chickenjuggler
Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 4:37 pm
Good. If we are going to talk about it, let's ALL have our facts straight. Whatever it takes to get there - I'm in. If Gore is wrong, let's fix it, make note of it and use that information to be right about as much as we can.
Author: Vitalogy
Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 5:05 pm
And you trot out Rob Marciano to prove your point? How pathetic. So Herb, your point is really that humans can pollute as much as we want and there will be no effects for the earth we live on? I just want to know why this is a liberal vs conservative issue? Why do conservatives constantly do everything they can to disprove the theory of global warming? Is it because you want to pollute and not feel bad about it? I seriously think it's all about Gore. Your hate for Gore drives you to go against anything he champions, because people like you are driven by ideology, not reality or scientific proof. Gore could say the sky is blue and you'd argue he's wrong.
Author: Herb
Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 5:25 pm
Wrong again. I just don't like phoneys who fly around spewing carbon whilst preaching about the evils of pollution. Herb
Author: Trixter
Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 5:46 pm
Author: Trixter
Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 5:53 pm
Herb said>>> just don't like phoneys who fly around spewing carbon whilst preaching about the evils of pollution. And America doesn't like phonies like DUHbya that talk out their ass about how they support the troops but allow 3,000+ to be killed.
Author: Vitalogy
Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 7:38 pm
Okay, just so I'm clear on your stance Herb: You believe in global warming, you just don't respect Al Gore's? A case of believing in the message but not the messenger?
Author: Herb
Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 8:28 pm
Aw, there may be some cyclical warming a la El Nino. However, ascribing it to humans is a stretch. I just don't like people like Mr. Gore and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. telling me what to do...whilst in their gigantic mansions they're laying down a carbon footprint to rival some small nations. And earth to Trixter: it doesn't matter if the guy is running for office or not. Not all of us are so selectively partisan. I don't excuse bad behaviour by pointing to other bad behaviour, either. And isn't it strange how you consistently come to the defense of a liberal democrat like Mr. Gore, eh Trixter? Truth is, you support the democrat whenever given the choice. Consider yourself outed. Herbert Milhous
Author: Skeptical
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 12:17 am
Damn Gore was flat out wrong on Greenland. Things are far worse than any scientist thought possible. Gore should have not have been so conservative in his presentation on global warming and been more like the president and hyped up some BS. ps: I just don't like some troll telling me what to do. They should be fed to gnomes and forgotten.
Author: Mrs_merkin
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 6:04 am
"I just don't like people like Mr. Gore and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. telling me what to do..." "And isn't it strange how you consistently come to the defense of a liberal democrat like Mr. Gore" Gore's political affiliation isn't really the issue here, Herrbocrite. If he had a Republican partner/counterpart, like say Gordon Smith (the polluting vote-panderer), I'd at least listen to him too, without being such a big fat baby about it, like you are doing. You just find any political excuse and fake oil-industry-supported "scientists" to deny the possibility. Whine on.
Author: Vitalogy
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 12:26 pm
I believe it's simply a matter of the messenger. If Al Gore had gone to war in Iraq, Herb would be against it. If Bush said global warming is a fact, he'd believe it. Simple as that.
Author: Herb
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 3:20 pm
That's the difference between leftists and conservatives. Leftists [including duplicitous poseurs like Mr. Gore and Bobby Kennedy, Jr.] are concerned that the ambient temperature MIGHT rise by a point or two in the next century. Conservatives are concerned that terrorists will incinerate a major American city to a temperature approximating the sun right now. Herb
Author: Vitalogy
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 3:26 pm
I'd say the "leftists" have the more legitimate concern and one that is more likely to occur than what the conservatives are paraniod about. Like I said, it's all about the messenger...nothing more.
Author: Herb
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 3:40 pm
"..I'd say the "leftists" have the more legitimate concern and one that is more likely to occur.." And if anyone told you BOTH World Trade Centres might be incinerated by MULTIPLE airplanes, many on the left would STILL have worried MORE about the far less likely and much less immediate threat of so-called global warming. What's next? Will we be told to worry YET AGAIN about a coming ice age, as prommulgated by liberals in the '70's? Leftists need to pick one talking point and run with it. Will the next contrived problem liberals have us worried about be a LACK of temperature change? You've got terrorist nations scrambling for nukes and the best you can come up with is so-called global warming? North Korea or Iran with nukes. THERE'S your global warming, and in the shape of a mushroom cloud, no less. Thank goodness plenty of American voters see such leftist positions as the meagre power grabs they are. Keep it coming. This is encouraging for conservatives in 2008. Herb
Author: Vitalogy
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 4:10 pm
Actually, unlike George W. Bush, I was aware that planes could be flown into buildings before 9/11 happened. And since the WTC had already been attacked once, it wouldn't have been rocket science to figure it could happen again. If only Bush would have paid attention to his PDB. And as far as power grabs go, I'd say the Bush Administration has written the book on that, OFF the backs and wallets of American taxpayers. You can keep talking empty threats about 2008, but the fact remains the GOP's hopes are nil.
Author: Herb
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 4:12 pm
"If only Bush would have paid attention to his PDB." By 9/11, not only had Mr. Bush been in office for far less than a year, Mr. Clinton stripped our military to the point where functioning aircraft had to be cannibalized for spare parts. And how about Mr. Clinton's appointments who created a wall between security agencies to Al-Quada's benefit, or about his plethora of other 'weak on defense' appointments. Nice try. Herb
Author: Nwokie
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 4:17 pm
The PDM, simply said, terrorists might use an airplane to attack a building, ndidnt say when or where. What you going to do, put AA guns on all buildings? And by the way, assume there were F16's up in the air, armed to the teeth, when the planes flew into the WTC, you think we would have tried to shoot them down? They were liable to have killed more people if we did, the planes could have fell into a school, or oter area more populated than the WTC. Oh by the way, you can thank Jimmy Carter for eliminating Air Defense Command.
Author: Littlesongs
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 4:39 pm
Global warming is already happening. There will be an Arctic port in northern Canada within five years. Wait that long to study this problem and you will no doubt miss the sound of birds in the morning. Science has known this since before Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, but there is obviously no profit in being responsible. I am not sure that the impact of humans is clear, so I will make an analogy: Kitten is brought home. Kitten is taught to use the litter box. Kitten becomes cat. Neither kitten nor cat groks the idea of changing the litter box. Soon the cat is hip deep in turds. All domesticated animals -- especially humans -- are adept at turning food into poop. If it is not cleaned up, it sticks around forever. Now, give that kitten a 400 square mile industrial park in China and see what happens.
Author: Vitalogy
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 5:38 pm
Increasing airport and cockpit security would have stopped 9/11. Why Bush and company didn't think of that after being warned that terrorists were talking about flying airplanes into buildings, I'll never understand. We didn't need the military, we needed common sense. Unfortunately, George W. Bush had his mind preoccupied on cold war crap like STAR WARS whilst Bin Laden made plans to simply hijack airplanes and use them as missiles.
Author: Nwokie
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 6:06 pm
It probably wouldn't have stopped it, at the time, airport security was the responsibility of local officials, And the PDA didnt say anything about flying airplanes into buildings.
Author: Vitalogy
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 6:31 pm
No hijacked airplanes, no planes crashed into buildings. It could have easily been prevented. Afterall, we're doing it everyday right now! After the fact of course.
Author: Skybill
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 7:56 pm
...Kitten becomes cat.... That's the problem with kittens.
Author: Herb
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 7:59 pm
"Global warming is already happening." So? That doesn't mean we can reverse a gosh darn thing. It may very well be cyclical, like el Nino. Plus, plenty of scientists admit that we're talking MAYBE a degree or two in the next century...that is, if they don't suddenly reverse their opinion, LIKE THEY'VE DONE BEFORE, and decide a new ice age is approaching instead. Who can take such leftist illogic seriously, especially while Mr. Gore and Kennedy, Jr. are such monumental frauds? That is, unless you're into drinking Kool-Aide. Indeed, the global warming crowd is drinking an icey-cold drink, a la Jim Jones. Besides, people in Iceland and Greenland need tomatoes, too. Why should we have all the fresh produce year around? Don't be so narrow and close-minded. Herb
Author: Littlesongs
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 8:12 pm
I am all for folks having a garden. Unfortunately, tomatoes in Iceland mean violent weather and drought all around the center of the globe. As the climate goes, our species goes. Imagine the Sahara wrapped all the way around the land mass of the planet. Imagine citizens of every equatorial nation becoming refugees over the course of a few decades. Look at what has happened in just the last 100 years in Africa. Snows of Kilimanjaro? Gone! Imagine billions of desperate people that no amount of Soviet Bloc fence building can stop from migrating to food and shelter. We cannot resort to genocide in the future, or ignoring the problem in the present. I agree, reversing the effect through what only look like drastic changes in lifestyle and consumption would be the best measure. We won a war through conservation in the 1940s.
Author: Herb
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 9:19 pm
With a tad bit of global warming, imagine the huge amount of food that might become available to the starving millions throughout the world. Global warming could indeed be a net plus, not the bane sold to us by irrational leftists. Come to think about it, maybe I'll go drive my car around the block a few times and help out. Herb
Author: Chris_taylor
Friday, October 05, 2007 - 10:50 pm
Sadly your humor Herb is very much apart of many a mindset. The Clean Tech Revolution- yes that is a name of a new book out, isn't so much about climate change but about the technology that is being used right now that is simply smarter than what we are currently using. When a better mousetrap comes along you use it. The energy grid we have today is 100 yrs old and we are wasting energy that could be stored up and reused and made to run cleaner. Herb, many indigenous people have a wonderful philosophy that we need to take heart in. You must think about the next 7 generations when making decisions that will affect our communities today. Unfortunately what I hear from your side of the fence is selfishness, arrogance, and ignorance. This is no “the sky is falling” kind of doomsday thinking. I know you love history, but pre-history shows a much different picture where communities learned to share and be equitable. The main reason was because women were in charge. Planet earth is still evolving and growing. It’s a living organism and when we attempt to manipulate beyond the earth’s ability to restore what was plentiful you run the risk of losing much of what the earth offers and never getting it back. You lose clean water, and you lose life itself. If you want to catalogue things you disagree with as “leftist” because it’s an easy box to put others in, you then run the risk of being “boxed out” and left behind. This is not a left v right agenda. It’s a human agenda. Instead of cloaking your stubbornness in little quips, trying actually doing something that helps.
Author: Chickenjuggler
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 12:09 am
So now it's gone from " It's not true " to " Well, maybe it's true " to " OK. It's true. We do have an effect " to " YES! Control it MORE so we can start growing things in places that can't currently grow things." To. " We MEANT to do it this way. Who wants a pineappe? " To. " Being able to grow things in places we couldn't before is GREAT!" ( Even though that will NOT happen ). Man. You're ALMOST there. People will come around slower than we hoped - but they will. They always do. Progress and making things better almost always wins. No matter how hard you try and fight it.
Author: Skeptical
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 12:16 am
troll sez: "Global warming could indeed be a net plus" Your death would benefit hundreds millions of people due to a life of misery on this planet, not including untold millions yet born. Sounds harsh, but factually correct. Please go check in with God early.
Author: Nwokie
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 7:21 am
Vitalogy, suppose an intelligence agent hears the words shopping center and bomb, while listening to a suspected terrorist, and it makes it to a PDM, should the president immediatly dispatch a combany of infantry to every shopping center in the country, start strip searching every one going in, limit parking to 300 meters away?
Author: Deane_johnson
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 8:19 am
Skeptical, if you don't stop referring to Herb as "troll", I'm going to start referring to you as "union goon". It's your call.
Author: Mrs_merkin
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 9:14 am
Ahhh, that's so cute, helping out your widdle buddy. Somehow I don't think it will bother Skep one iota.
Author: Herb
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 9:36 am
"Your death would benefit hundreds millions of people..." Statements like this show how unbalanced the partisan left has become. Herb
Author: Trixter
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 9:56 am
Herb said>>>> And isn't it strange how you consistently come to the defense of a liberal democrat like Mr. Gore, eh Trixter? Truth is, you support the democrat whenever given the choice. Consider yourself outed. MY stance on how I feel about DUHbya will NEVER change until he changes. I'm sorry that your NARROW minded views won't let you see that someone on YOUR side of the fence (Republican) can't be as EXTREME as you are. OUTED??? Your completely senile! I DO NOT agree with DUHbya's decision making skills if you want to call them skills. Face it Herb NOT everyone on your side is as EXTREME as you and DJ. As for sticking up for Gore. HA HA HA NOT a chance in hell. Didn't think he was a good VP and really didn't want him as President. BUT.... I would have taken a one armed blind gay attorney from San Francisco than DUHbya any day. And I think MOST (not all) Americans would have looking back today.
Author: Skeptical
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:02 am
Let me add this: The troll's death will also save the lives of million UNBORN babies as well. Maybe now the troll will consider his unbalanced ways. Union Goon
Author: Vitalogy
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:14 am
Nwokie, a simple update for mall security to be extra vigilant would probably do the trick. So to answer your question, no.
Author: Nwokie
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:17 am
So, you think a couple of rent a cops, or even a couple of professional officers, could stop a truck filled with explosives, or 8-10 terrorists jumping out a truck with MG's.
Author: Vitalogy
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:20 am
Sorry, I don't watch 24.
Author: Deane_johnson
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:20 am
Nowokie, never underestimate how simple minded the liberals have become.
Author: Vitalogy
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:26 am
Nwokie, the rent a cops can alert the police if anything looks suspicious. With such vague intel, that's all you could really do. Closing every mall in America is not feasible and not logical.
Author: Nwokie
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:28 am
But thats what they had before 911, a vague threat, that some kind of incident somewhere in the world involving an airplane was going to occur.
Author: Vitalogy
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:31 am
Crashing airplanes into buildings is not the same as a bomb threat at a mall.
Author: Nwokie
Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 11:35 am
But that wasnt the threat, the PDB, simply said that terrorists might use an airplane in some way, somewhere in the world. And it not, ten terrorists at the mall of america, could kill as many or more than died on 911.
Author: Skeptical
Sunday, October 07, 2007 - 12:56 am
Me thinks some of us are living their life in a wimpy state of fear. Geez come out of your shell. Every three weeks drunk American drivers kill more people than all of 9 11.
Author: Skeptical
Sunday, October 07, 2007 - 12:58 am
Ps. George W Bush has killed more Americans than the 911 terrorists.
Author: Edselehr
Sunday, October 07, 2007 - 8:13 am
"But that wasnt the threat, the PDB, simply said that terrorists might use an airplane in some way, somewhere in the world." I doubt that the attack could have been stopped given our attitudes and intel at the time. But if Bush had instructed the appropriate departments about the PDB and outlined some procedures on how to respond if something did happen, our response might have been quite different. For example, throughout most of the morning of 9/11 right after the planes were hijacked, everyone was under the presumption that it was a "standard" hijacking rather than a suicide bombing. How do you think that flight crews would have responded to the attack had they known that the hijackers intention was to use the plane as a bomb? I believe the flight crews would have been much more directly confrontational, and perhaps none of the planes may have made it to their targets. This is the kind of incompetence that started with the disregard for that PDB.
Author: Trixter
Sunday, October 07, 2007 - 9:37 pm
EVERYONE, never underestimate how simple minded the EXTREME RIGHT WINGERS have become.