Author: Darktemper
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 10:56 am
Friday’s 5-Star Special The city council of Ashland, Ore., came together copacetically and awarded a $37,000 contract to . . a therapist . . who will help the council members get past their issues of cussing each other and interrupting all the time. The Human Condition Today A NY Times investigation suggests that 9/11 survivor-organization honcho Tania Head must have been so traumatized from escaping her 78th floor World Trade Center office on 9/11 that she, er, made up the whole thing about escaping "her" 78th floor World Trade Center office on 9/11 . . . . . Six Catholic nuns (in Arkansas!) were excommunicated because they insist that the world’s 1.1 billion Catholics have it all wrong, in that it’s not the Pope who is God’s rep on Earth, but an 86-yr-old woman named Marie . . . . . New York officials are investigating funeral directors who picked bones from fresh corpses (to sell to medical houses) and replaced them with ever-handy PVC pipe (and Dick Wolf probably has three writers on it right now) . . . . . Ten days ago, it was the Nebraska state senator who sued God [NOTW Daily, 9-18-2007], but that was just to make a point; here’s a Texarkana woman suing Jesus, whom she says has unleashed (in conjunction with local gov’t agencies) an awful lot of pain on people, and she wants an injunction to make him just stop it (but the judge said he lacks jurisdiction over Jesus) . . . . . Here’s another [see yesterday’s NOTW Daily for more] preview of the new Guinness Book of World Records, whose release date is today, with more doozies (Most Panes of Safety Glass Run Through, Record for Milk Squiring from the Eye) . . . . . A North Carolina cop arrested a guy for aggressively coughing on him (Bonus: The perp’s name is Kauffman) . . . . . Career felons need to have their cars in tip-top shape because this F-State drug dealer and gun-possessor was handed 182 yrs in the slammer, all starting with a traffic stop for a busted tail light. Your Daily Loser Two teenagers were arrested in Des Moines, Iowa, after trying to outsmart burglar alarms at a liquor store by cutting through the roof, but then they failed to consider the roof’s overhang, and when they looked down at the hole they made, they saw that they were still outside. (They started up again, deeper in the store, but got tired and stopped.) Good Enough for Gov’t Work The Gov’t Accountability Office produced another one of those reports in which its investigators tried to enter the U.S. at various locations carrying telltale packages suggesting radioactive materials and found that our border security stopped them in their tracks, busted, apprehended . . 25 percent of the time.
Author: Nwokie
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 12:05 pm
An awfully lot of criminals are caught, not through detective work, but because the idiot violated a traffic law, and an observant officer caught him/her. Just last week an idiot in washington was pulled over, and he gave the officer permission to search his car, officer found several hundred thousand dollars in a suitcase, and the driver couldnt explain it, so buy buy cash.
Author: Deane_johnson
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 12:11 pm
>>>"Just last week an idiot in washington was pulled over, and he gave the officer permission to search his car, officer found several hundred thousand dollars in a suitcase, and the driver couldnt explain it, so buy buy cash." I hate to sound like one of the libs on this forum, but why should he have to explain it, and why should it be seized. What if you or I were lucky enough to win the PowerBall. We decide we like cash instead of credit cards, so we keep $200,000 in cash in our car trunk. Perhaps stupid, but why should we lose it. Why is it any of the cops business, or anyone else's. Why is it illegal? Is it government going too far? I think so.
Author: Nwokie
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 12:24 pm
Part of it, was he changed his story several times. What he should have done, is not given the officer the right to search his car. I never would.
Author: Vitalogy
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 2:08 pm
Good point Deane. Every once in a while you redeem yourself.
Author: Missing_kskd
Sunday, September 30, 2007 - 4:36 pm
I totally agree with this. The running story seems to be large amounts of cash are somehow an admission of wrong doing. Often this is seized, leaving the person who used to have it, with the strange burden of proving they were not doing something wrong. IMHO, that's just wrong all around.
Author: Nwokie
Sunday, September 30, 2007 - 8:37 pm
They will not seize the case, if you have any plausable reason, and as I said before, never give the cops permission to search your car, never know what suprises they may find, that you don't know is there.
Author: Missing_kskd
Monday, October 01, 2007 - 3:48 am
There is a solid chance they will sieze it. Go look this up, it happens a lot with amounts over 10K. If you are a minority, add bonus percentage chance of it happening.