Feedback.pdxradio.com message board: Archives: Portland radio archives: 2007: Oct, Nov, Dec - 2007: OUTINGS ON THE BOSS THREAD
Author: Roger
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 7:46 pm
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Nothing to do with radio battles on the coast, or radio at all any longer. No prize awarded for #600 either

Now, It's only matter of time before we find out the real name of the PDX radio board member who is a vegan, lesbian, transexual, amputee, puppet maker from Manzanita. Omega3 is indeed proving to be a Fatty acid. Not name calling, just read it on a Vitamin bottle. BTW, I saved your email from when you left the boss first time. But since you choose not to reveal your name on the board, and I have far too much class to do it publicly, let's end the boss thread and get on with things. Radio board, talk radio. I can't believe you get any satisfaction out of your recent outbursts, unless your goal is banishment. If so, my bet is you are getting mighty close.

Author: Oldbroadcaster
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 12:25 am
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Omega3 is what this board needs. Someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind, or reveal who they represent.

Author: Roger
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 5:47 am
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"Someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind, or reveal who they represent."

I don't think there are many here who DON'T speak their mind. That certainly isn't an issue. Let's just say some posts are off topic or more personal directed than they need to be. If you were to boil the whole BOSS thead down to one main theme it wasn't about the success of the business but rather the management style. Sadly, It has now become a forum to diminish posters by outing them. Hence my original comment. I might be a blind, mute, grafitti artist from Sweet Home who designs communist themed coloring books which I sell on ebay, but none of that has any bearing on what I would post as a radio opinion.

IF I say VTs suck because most places that use them don't do them well, just fast, then give specific names and examples, then that is an opinion that I formed. If I say billposter, who loves VTs, sucks and doesn't know what he is talking about because he is a dog kicker who blogs about being a Taliban sympathizer with a rubber fetish and his real name is Alex Kardiffle, well then that becomes personal and has no place here. Why? not really tied to radio and none of what was said has any bearing on billposters radio opinions...

That's the point.

Author: Skeptical
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 12:33 pm
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"It's only matter of time before we find out the real name of the PDX radio board member who is a vegan, lesbian, transexual, amputee, puppet maker from Manzanita."

That would be me too. But I'm down in Waldport now, not Manzanita.

Anyway, from my few conversations with Dan, it appears that contacting him directly is the best way to have complaints addressed.

Click on the "Contacts" links on your left.


Author: Paulwalker
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 1:41 pm
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Anyone notice the "Come Work For The Boss" thread has been closed? R.I.P. Boss thread...it was (mostly) fun while it lasted.

Author: 1lossir
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 2:04 pm
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>>Anyone notice the "Come Work For The Boss" thread has been closed?<<

I think that's the reason this thread exists - to comment on that closed thread.

It had to be closed - by the end it was just one nasty attack after another.

Author: Paulwalker
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 2:15 pm
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Sorry, just noticed it now...wow 617 total posts. And the last word written: "Trixter", Also, ironic that the first two posters to this record-setting thread were the last two as well!

Author: Omega3
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 4:05 pm
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Why is it that the months and months of nasty attacks on BOSS-RADIO and ME are just considered fun and games? But when I fight back, and unmask my faceless/nameless attackers, its all of a sudden an unspeakable deed? My real name was dragged out on that thread long before anybody else's was. But that's okay, right?

How dare I stand up for myself!?!?

I hold no real grudges against anybody. I couldn't care less who these people are or if they post on PDXRADIO. What bothers me is people who think that the illusion of anonymity the internet provides them is a free-ticket to toss aside basic human decency and act like animals. And it's not.

My mission was accomplished.

The thread is dead, jed. :-)

Author: 1lossir
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 4:23 pm
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>>why is it that the months and months of nasty attacks on BOSS-RADIO and ME are just considered fun and games?<<

Uh - wasn't it YOU that STARTED the thread in the first place to attack the station and Cheryl?

>>The thread is dead, jed.<<

But you're doing a grand job of keeping it alive.

Author: Paulwalker
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 4:28 pm
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Yes, I predict this will basically become "Come Work For The Boss, Part II." Atleast it won't take as long to get down to the last post!

Author: Omega3
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 4:34 pm
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Your name says it all, doesn't it?

Author: Motozak2
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 4:41 pm
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Motozak2=Seth Fox.

"Fox Blackwood" as my byline on the written page.


Like the pine trees lining the winding road, I got a name!!

Author: Skeptical
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 4:54 pm
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Author: Omega3
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 4:59 pm
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you guys just can't let it go, can you?

Author: Randy_in_eugene
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 8:30 pm
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>>...from my few conversations with Dan, it appears that contacting him directly is the best way...

I was tempted to address Dan here, but decided to contact him directly first.


Agreed. I do have to wonder why O3 is still allowed to post after the mess that was created.

Author: Omega3
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 9:07 pm
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It's called free speech, Randy.

That I should be silenced for voicing an unpopular opinion, or for casting light on some shadowy characters, is an idea that is so ludicrous and anti-american, that your citizenship should be pulled and you should be deported.

what kind of media guy are you?

you fucking sheep.

Author: Mrs_merkin
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 10:39 pm
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Skep is a "shadowy character"?


And you are....?

Author: Omega3
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 10:55 pm
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You guys don't control shit over here anymore.

So shut up.

Author: Skeptical
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 11:04 pm
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O3 sez:

Author: Omega3
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 10:55 pm


You guys don't control shit over here anymore.

So shut up.

Author: Omega3
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 11:16 pm
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Skep sez:

"Hmm . . . gotta love how people take info off the net and post it here as fact without any attempt at verification. It pretty much sums up the validity of anything O3 has ever said in this forum -- zero."

ooops :-)

Author: Oldbroadcaster
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 12:41 am
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While I agree with your opinions about companies like YBC, I don't think it's wise to anger potential employers and co-workers on this board - which everyone in radio reads. GMs and PDs will almost never hire anyone with history of being a fire starter.

Author: Omega3
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 1:26 am
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Good looking out.

I'm not incredibly concerned with what others think, obviously -- sometimes too much so.

But your advice doesn't fall on deaf ears. I'm pretty much done here, anyway -- for the time being at least. I've accomplished what I set out to do...


Author: Destinyoverrun
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 5:41 am
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my lone comments here (in over a year): One it's obvious Omega3 wants this to go away, he's embarassed by his initial post, since it doesnt reflect how he feels now. I think a lot more of us could respect him if he just said his opinion has changed in the time since he wrote it and admit his role in it was just simply wrong of him, as opposed to blaming others for making it so huge.

He didnt kill the thread though, as long as he and his station are a topic on here of any type, it is still part of the monster he created, and as such is a failure of the so called "mission". I have a hard time beleiving many people will let O3 forget what he said, unless he simply leaves this board totally, never to post again. That would be mission failed.

finally: Free speech? LOL since when did free speech apply to a message board. It doesnt. It's a privilege to join a message board, not a right, and as a privately owned entity, free speech is hardly something that applies here. You can be moderated, censored, deleted, banned, all of those don't jive with true "free speech" so using that is a cop out....

in the end, its just a message board, but its the internet, that thread may be closed, but it will be there for years to come, and i suspect more than one vindictive poster will forward it to future employers of O3 to show what their new employee might say about them...which isnt right, but its the internet, never say anything on here you dont want to be known about you forever.

yet another thread though, that proves why the real radio pros simply read and never post.

Author: Dodger
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 6:37 am
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I am most fascinated with all of this business.
As for omega3, you prove once again my daddy was a very smart fellow.
I notice when you get frustrated and upset you resort to f bombs and s bombs.
Daddy always said "people who use foul language is jist too stoopid to think of better words".
Thanks daddy for proving yourself right again.
Please mr o3, if you must post, which you really don't HAVE to, keep your filthy mind and language to yourself. It shows your lack of vocabulary skills.
good night

Author: Deane_johnson
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 7:25 am
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Amen Dodger.

Author: The_dude2
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 7:38 am
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I don't know who any of the people he outed on that thread are. I have never heard of any of them. I don't really care about their schoolyard scuffle. I did, however, cringe at the unintentional outing of how little actual work there must be to do in a day at a small market radio station. Very sad.

Author: Outsider
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 6:03 pm
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To me, it doesn't matter who any of them are. (Without going back over the list, I can remember one, who I've met once.) The point is, it's one of the unwritten rules of a message board, that if you don't use your real name, then you shouldn't be outed. It's wrong. It's done for no other reason than to hurt the person being outed and because the person doing the outing isn't smart enough to think of anything better.

O3 is clearly the one who can't "let it go." He continues and make him(her)self more foolish with each post. He's pretty much done here? Yeah, we've all heard that before, haven't we gang?

If you wanna out someone's identity O3, you probably ought to start with your own.

Author: Egor
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 6:45 pm
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That's what I like about pdxradio.com, you can talk candidly about the "art" of radio. You talk here without limitations, in the true creative spirit.

It's about the ONLY place you can say what you really think without bridge burning. So, allowing us to talk shop in public, unidentified, is key.

Author: Outsider
Friday, September 28, 2007 - 8:13 pm
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Well, apparently O3 doesn't want anyone else, other than himself to have that priviledge any longer.

Author: Outsider
Saturday, September 29, 2007 - 5:24 pm
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Is that correct Frank?

Or do you prefer Mr. Gilino?

Author: Outsider
Tuesday, October 02, 2007 - 10:39 am
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........Author: Omega3
Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 4:05 pm
My real name was dragged out on that thread long before anybody else's was. But that's okay, right?........

It was? Where did it ever say Frank Gilino?

Billy Chinook? Yup. Highly original there.

Author: Missing_kskd
Tuesday, October 02, 2007 - 11:04 am
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Good grief, what a mess!

(goes on to other things)

It's really hard to make a bigger one actually. If low profile, live and let live, was the goal, I would characterize this whole affair as a strike!

(two left)

Author: Squawkker
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 1:52 pm
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Well, back to the whole point of this thread (and the one it supplanted)...

I always thought "THE BOSS" (though I never met her) must have been SCARY like the Mrs. Carlson from WKRP. And speaking of which...

http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/TV/10/16/obit.bruce.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryvi ew

(I can still hear The Big Guy groveling to the smoking, gravelly voiced fashionista.)

Author: Outsider
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 5:56 pm
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The Boss, or what anyone thought of her (It, whatever) was NOT and NEVER WAS the point of THIS thread.

The point of THIS thread was why Frank Gilino(A/K/A Omega3)thought he should disclose the real identities of posters here(including me), without divulging his.

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