Author: Chris_taylor
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 8:16 am
| Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club, says the event was indicative of the progress that was being made bridging the divide between environmentalism and faith. "Environmentalism is really the intersection of science and ethical principles," he says. "I was part of the generation that made the choice – the horrendous strategic blunder – of situating ourselves outside the institutions of faith. Now we have a chance to repent for and reform from that error." The ecumenical faith community coming together making a stronger voice about our spiritual duty to take better care of our planet.
Author: Darktemper
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 8:38 am
What people don't seem to consider is that once these ice flows and glaciers begin to melt due to the current climate shift, is that this process will pick up speed. The melting once started is like the proverbial snowball rolling downhill. Once these glaciers are depleted they are gone for good, at least until the next ice age! Curious. I went googling for info on the Antarctic melt and found tons of stuff 2005 and older but not a lot of new material. Is this stuff being censored and kept out of the US media or is it just not true and alarmists don't have the science to support it? Seems strange. Just an observation.
Author: Skeptical
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 9:10 pm
"What people don't seem to consider is that once these ice flows and glaciers begin to melt due to the current climate shift, is that this process will pick up speed." That's the thing. This isn't like the Ozone hole, acid rain, or other reversable man-caused climate change. We may be past the tipping point. 