Oregon Couple Commits Suicide

Feedback.pdxradio.com message board: Archives: Politics & other archives: 2007: July - Sept. 2007: Oregon Couple Commits Suicide
Author: Skybill
Sunday, September 09, 2007 - 10:38 pm
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Oregon Couple Commits Suicide, Kills 5-Year-Old Daughter, With Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Saturday, September 08, 2007

PORTLAND, Ore. — A couple and their 5-year-old daughter are dead of carbon monoxide poisoning after an apparent murder-suicide, police said Friday.

Authorities found a suicide note alongside the bodies of John and Luray Kuca, both 39, along with their daughter Ruby, in their Portland home Thursday night.

A hose from the exhaust pipe of a 1966 hearse led into their sealed-off bedroom.

Family friend Todd Richards of Los Angeles told The Oregonian newspaper he had received an e-mail Thursday evening from John Kuca, saying that his wife had cancer.

"I love Luray so much and can't imagine a life without her," it said. "If you wish to visit with her once more, I suggest it be sooner rather than later."

Richards called authorities, who checked on the family. John Kuca and his daughter were dead at the scene. Luray Kuca had a faint heartbeat but died after she was taken to the hospital.

Authorities said the carbon monoxide in the house was so dense that one officer was treated at a hospital, and then released.

John and Luray Kuca were members of a band, Vertigo Butterfly, which had released an album earlier this year.

Why did they feel they had to kill their daughter too?

I never ceases to amaze me when someone does something like this.

If you are an adult and you want to check out, while I don't think its right, more power to you. Go for it. The gene pool doesn't need you.

But WHY did they have to kill an innocent child. Give the kid to someone who will love and nurture the child then do the deed.

It's like people who smoke. I don't give a flip if you want to kill yourself, but if you smoke with a child in the car then you should be arrested for child abuse.

Rant done.

Author: Skeptical
Sunday, September 09, 2007 - 10:58 pm
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"but if you smoke with a child in the car then you should be arrested for child abuse."

I agree with you on this point.

Author: Skybill
Sunday, September 09, 2007 - 10:59 pm
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Yeah, Up to 16 when they can drive themselves, would be a fair age, I think.

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