Author: Chickenjuggler
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 2:36 pm
Admittedly, sometimes my radar is off with news anchors and reporters when it comes to how I read them. But there are a few that I see that create some visceral disdain. This guy - - drives me batty. He's like a little kid sometimes when he is trying SO hard to get your attention. Overly casual, schticky - even his voice bothers me. I know it may seem petty to pick on this subject, but I got sick the other night, had to stay awake and lay in bed in a guest room of ours that had a TV. It was stuck on CNN and I couldn't find the remote and was too sick to even move. So I had to listen to his hammy coverage of Hurricane Dean for 6 hours. Everything was an " amazing " aspect to this story. The smarmy " let's be careful out there " ( a la Hill Street Blues ) didn't exactly help my stomach settle. Ugh. If it had been KGW's Tracy Barry though, I would have made myself find the remote. She hates me. I can tell.
Author: Deane_johnson
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 2:59 pm
Ahhhaa, so you're a racist after all. This man is a minority, with a name like Sanchez. You can't say anything negative about him no matter how bad he is. Don't you understand political correctness.
Author: Chickenjuggler
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 3:07 pm
LMAO. I'm so busted. And Barry? She's probably Irish. I hate the Irish too.
Author: Paulwalker
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 7:40 pm
Chicken, your story of being too sick to change the channel from CNN is priceless. I actually like Sanchez, only because he seems to be passionate about the news and seems to enjoy communicating it. However, I agree, if I was feeling ill, it would probably not help me feel any better. CNN has another anchor who is similar. Tony Harris. Everything is dramatic. Everything demands more questions. Everything is SO important. These two anchors seem to be the current style for cable news, atleast on CNN. I am still very impressed with Anderson Cooper, however. He seems to bring a passion, but a reserved and cautious approach at the same time. Plus he has a sense of humor. Anderson is a star and I predict he will be in a bigger position within two years. What that position is, not sure, but he is CNN's star right now. On a somwhat related note, did anyone else catch Fox's reality/sitcom "Anchorwoman" tonight? (Won't air until 8pm pacific) Interesting show, as it is a real station. But I wonder how much of the final product was scripted, and how much was real. I checked this station's website, and she is not part of the team. A ratings stunt for this local Tyler, Texas station? Or perhaps they were paid for their participation. Who knows, but it did make for some entertaining TV if you are into local media.
Author: Chickenjuggler
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 8:11 pm
When Anderson Cooper was on the overnight ABC World News Now he regularly made me laugh. Always liked him.
Author: Mrs_merkin
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 11:47 pm
She doesn't hate you CJ, it's just those crossed eyes of hers make that it seem that way. Now Kelly Day "with the gleam in her eye"? She mocks me.
Author: Chickenjuggler
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 11:55 pm
No, Tracy Barry hates me. I have the restraining order to prove it. I mean, come on. I was in to woods watching her go poop. It's been a hobby of mine for 15 years now. What's the big deal? I have had two run-ins with Tracy Barry, she doesn't like the little people.
Author: Mrs_merkin
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 12:08 am
She poops in the woods? No way! You must've really scared her! (And I bet she dances like Elaine.)
Author: Skeptical
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 12:33 am
Tracy Barry IS a . . . person of short stature . . . and she buys things at, gasp, FRED MEYER! I know, I saw with my own eyes -- wearing the same fake newscast smile. She may actually be one of us!
Author: Littlesongs
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 12:50 am
Tracy loves her kitty cats. She loves them a lot. Tracy hates people eavesdropping on fights through the valence windows in adjoining rooms -- especially when they giggle. She hates it a lot. I learned these facts from a former host of Saturday Night Dead, but I can't remember if he was known as Ed or Ned. Years ago, I remember seeing Paul Linnman screaming at his kids at a local pizza shop. They fidgeted in their soccer cleats while he bellowed, "WE DON'T HAVE LOSERS IN THIS FAMILY!" It was a surreal moment, but really, not entirely a surprise. In the early 90s, I worked at a restaurant where Jeff Gianola brought his bubbly friend, and then a few weeks later, his wife and family. If he wasn't such a lousy tipper, the waitress probably might have kept the "good to see you again" to herself. Yes, they are humans. Sometimes, they get the vapors.
Author: Roger
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 9:34 am
Why do they call them Anchors? Dead weight? Pull everything else down with them? Many are light and airy.... like a helium ballon.
Author: Newflyer
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 9:22 pm
The only thing that's too bad is someone tries something new, and people seem to hate it. Local case in point... "How's your energy, PORTLAND?!" - Charlie Minn. OK, so he was a sports anchor, but extremely fun to watch, funny to see Winterhawks scores written on pieces of paper which were crumpled up and tossed to the back of the set after he announced the score; the Blazers relegated to the end of the sports report (during the middle of a dismal losing streak); and words of "encouragement" to some of the players in the highlight films "oh come on... GET UP!" He could've made the stuff that Channel 12 put on its sports reports at the time interesting... oh well.
Author: Littlesongs
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 10:04 pm
'Anchorwoman' canceled after one airing LOS ANGELES - Here's news that Fox's series "Anchorwoman" wouldn't want to deliver: It's been canceled after one low-rated airing. The debut of the reality show about Lauren Jones' attempt to turn herself into a news anchor for a Texas TV station drew an estimated 2.7 million viewers Wednesday, according to preliminary figures from Nielsen Media Research. Jones was a Barker Beauty on "The Price Is Right," Miss New York and featured WWE Diva before the series put her into the newsroom of KYTX Channel 19 in Tyler, Texas. Unaired episodes of "Anchorwoman" will be available on Fox's website through Fox on Demand, the network said Thursday." Fake journalists providing entertainment on FOX? No way. 2.7 million people are heartbroken I am sure. A "Barker Beauty" delivering the news is an exercise in mental gymnastics by a bona fide cripple. Pathetic sells quite well in their line-up, I wonder why this failed?