Author: Littlesongs
Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - 2:21 pm
I may have posted this before, but with the reprise of the utterly brilliant Flame Warriors, I figured it might be cool: Ladies & Gentlemen, the Silophone: "Silo #5 is an abandoned grain storage facility in the port of Montréal. A quarter of a mile long and over twenty storeys high, it has a total capacity of five million bushels, or enough wheat to make 230 million loaves of bread. The building was constructed in several stages between 1903 and 1958. The newest part of the building was designed to last for generations, however due to changes in the global grain market and to the general trend of de-industrialization in North America at the end of the 20th century, the building became redundant less than forty years after its completion. Since 1994, Silo #5 has stood empty, and its fate has been hotly debated. The building is situated in one of Montréal's oldest industrial districts, now rapidly being gentrified and renovated for high-tech commercial, luxury residential, and tourism/leisure industry uses. The portion of the structure used by Silophone is constructed entirely of reinforced concrete, measures 200 metres long, 16 metres wide and approximately 45 metres at its highest point. The main section of the building is formed of approximately 115 vertical chambers, all 30 metres high and up to 8 metres in diameter. These tall parallel cylinders, whose form evokes the structure of an enormous organ, have exceptional acoustic properties: most notably, a stunning reverberation time of over 20 seconds. Anything played inside the Silo is euphonized, made beautiful, by the acoustics of the structure. All those who have entered have found it an overwhelming and unforgettable experience."
Author: Randy_in_eugene
Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - 10:34 pm
Not to detract from the subject of your post, but that website wins my award for worst home page of the week.
Author: Missing_kskd
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 7:16 am
Seconded. After reading, I would like to take two great mics, recording gear, go in there and just whistle and vocalize. With a 20 second reverb, two part classical madrigals would be a lot of fun.