Just read an interesting bit of commentary on Kos this evening: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/7/29/143725/550 This little gem kind of stood out: "Accountability Moment". I think I finally understand the 2004 crowing about Mandates and such! This author linked elections and accountability in a way I had not considered. Not to worry, the last administration that tried that was the Nixon one. Wonders never cease do they? Essentially, the "Mandate!" cry was all about, "We are still here, so it's all ok now!" Kind of like, we get one chance to change things up --the mid-term election. If that does not do it, then we need to sit back, shut up and do as we are told. Why not? There really is no incentive for a second term President to listen to anybody right? Unless, we invoke the courts and our rules of Congress... Now, the business of installing an assload of appointees, who are more political than qualified makes more sense. A lot of things make more sense. The author of the piece linked above puts forward the idea that accountability is sharply limited to the ballot box. That sentiment has been echoed here a few times as well. Ok then, if that's really the extent of things, why do we have the other process exactly? It got used on Clinton easily enough. Seems to me, we've got a whole batch of trouble suitable for that process, right? How many here really think the framers would have left such a gap in the checks and balances process in place, without some explanation? Worse, do we really want to set the expecation that a second term President can just do what they want to, in the same fashion this one did? Back on topic, I guess... This is like some silly game. Tit for tat, olly, olly oxen free! Or some equally simplistic view of things. And some of us get nailed for being "too complex", failing to understand the world. The line is essentially, "we missed our chance to hold Bush accountable in 2004". Presidents don't do crimes, don't get impeached or suffer any other more complex accountability beyond the ballot box. (This is nuts!) So, that's what political Capital means too! In their view, getting that second, "freebie" term really is just a free for all for the real action. Get elected, walk the line, pushing hard, but not too hard, lie, whatever it takes to make reelection a solid thing. Then, the gloves come off, freebie time! I'm not buying it, but I do find it very interesting to watch... and, "
"How many here really think the framers would have left such a gap in the checks and balances process in place, without some explanation?" Corruption is a very old game. The technology has changed, but sneaky has never been redefined. This administration is lucky none of those gentlemen is still around. I think they would beat their asses with an old fashioned razor strop. Only children operate on "mandates" and even then, without much success. C'mon, you might have gotten away with pulling a fast one here and there, but if you made it a habit, your own founding father straightened you out right quick. Of course, we are currently led by the product of an absentee dad. Does this surprise anyone?