Author: Dirknocluski
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 - 9:08 am
Hello, Hello, Hello, Good Morning. Is the use of the word hello being abused and over-used by morning show hosts? I need wisdom from the radio gods via this internet medium. This will settle an arguement for me.
Author: Roger
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 - 10:47 am
According to Ryan's Book of Radio Rules "saying hello, more than three times in a five hour air shift constitutes overuse"... only if the hello is used either with a live or pre-recorded caller will the three use rule be waived, however, the use of alternate greetings is encouraged. sub paragraph 2 also states that use of station calls and moniker three or more times in any one talk break constitutes a ("MAJOR") redundancy foul. Penalities may include loss of listener respect. Multiple infractions will earn the announcer a "NOTHING MEANINGFUL TO SAY" label.
Author: Chris_taylor
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 - 11:38 am
"Hello" has never been a personal crutch of mine, but I got plenty of other ones that I try and work out of my system.
Author: Semoochie
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 - 1:42 pm
Aren't you greeting each individual listener as they tune in? If you're a receptionist, don't you greet everyone who comes in the door all day long?
Author: Paulwalker
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 - 4:18 pm
"I'm (insert jock name) in the air chair" "How 'ya doin...I'll be here till 6." (as most will certainly make a note in their daytimer!) "Good Morgan", (OK, if you were actually Robert W., but any other Morgan, sorry!) There are so many more, but I can't think of 'em right now, so for now "have a great rest of the evening and I'll talk atcha tomorrow!"
Author: Chris_taylor
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 - 7:26 pm
I have been using as my goodbye (not everyday) a phrase that I heard on a business associates message machine. I work in "have a successful day" somewhere in my banter and then usually thank the listeners for listening.
Author: Dirknocluski
Thursday, June 07, 2007 - 11:20 am
Speaking of things not to do. The FCC. I've researched complaints but from the veterans of radios perspective what do you guys have to say about them? Are they too harsh...not harsh enough? I'm learning so you all will have to put up with stupid questions.
Author: Nwokie
Friday, June 08, 2007 - 10:52 am
Adrian Cronauer's "GOOD MORNING VIETNAM", from which you could hear the reply from about everyone, F* Vietnam. Has to be the greatest opening, ever.