Author: Djfrresh
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 - 3:54 pm
did yall notice jammin hire 2 new latinos djs whats up with that can we have one black dj what yall think about jammin changing they afternoon line up
Author: Pdxdc
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 - 4:24 pm
I'll put up $5, so that dj jazzy fresh can buy some hooked on phonics tapes. Who's with me?
Author: Radio921
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 - 4:34 pm
Ditto Pdxdc......Ironically he is sounding racist to me....oh and here's another $5 in the form of 55 pesos just to piss him off some more.
Author: Xyar
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 - 9:47 am
Is it that hard to proofread what you type? Do they teach spelling and punctuation in school anymore?
Author: Jay_zie
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 - 10:23 am
Phonics: Is you tu stupid to think only black folks is sposed to lisen to hip-hop and latinos and white folk aint sposed to tune in? English: Are you so dum to think only black people listen to hip-hop formats and latinos and anglos don't, therefore only black people can be on air at hip-hop stations? Espano: Tu ser un stupido pensando latinos no poder escuchar hip-hop y no poder trabajar hip-hop formato.
Author: Missing_kskd
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 - 10:53 am
Geek: whites grok hip-hop, techno 0wn3s
Author: Matt_james
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 - 1:40 pm
Author: Matt_james
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 - 1:40 pm
Let me ax you a question..... Didn't everyone freak out when they found out PK at Jammin' was white??? Overall, who cares...know what I'm saying..... if the talent knows the music...know what I'm saying.....then it shouldn't matter...know what I'm saying. What should matter is if the talent follows pdxdc's advice and get some phonic's training...if needed...know what I'm saying.
Author: Radio921
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 - 1:43 pm
besides phonic's training doesn't eliminate puking, ala PK.