Well, it may be time to get some new ...

Feedback.pdxradio.com message board: Archives: Portland radio archives: 2007: Jan, Feb, March - 2007: Well, it may be time to get some new cans, ideas?
Author: Specialed
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 1:45 am
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i have been rockin the MDR V700s for around 4 years now and i love them. they are getting a little worn and loose fitting, so it's time to get something new.

im pretty sure i will just get a 3rd pair of 700s, but i wanted to know if there might be anything new out there that i haven't heard of. im kind of interested in wireless, but im pretty sure there isn't anything out there that could handle the every day abuse.

i used some MDR V6s a few times and the sound was good. but as stupid as it sounds, i like the larger feel of the 700s, maybe i need to get some koss pro 4As if im going for clunkyness.

Author: Paulwarren
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 9:03 am
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I don't know how you could beat the MDR V700's. Mine have held up to six years of punishment, including over 300 remotes. Even the headband is still intact.

Pro 4AA's never held up that well, at least in my experience. They were too heavy and required too much clamping force for comfort during extended use. They also didn't have the sweet response of the Sonys.

Author: Specialed
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 10:37 am
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don't get me wrong, im not tired of the 700s, i just wanted to know if there was something better because i don't pay attention.

im still one of the only people in my building using them.

Author: Fatboyroberts
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 11:09 am
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From what I understand, the 700's are like the Technics SL 1200's are with Turntables. There MIGHT be better out there, finally--but you always end up going with what you know is solid as a tank and time tested.

The only other headphone I'd suggest are the V6's, one of our engineers brought them in one day and they went over REALLY well.

Author: Markandrews
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 11:16 am
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Does Sony provide parts?

I acquired a pair of Sennheiser HD414 phones while I was working at KWJJ in the 80s...someone just tossed 'em on my desk, and I've been using them ever since, replacing the earpads three times and the headphone cord assembly four times since. And Sennheiser still has the replacement parts!

Once you like something and know how it sounds, you hang on to 'em!!

Otherwise, it's a lonely journey doing the "ear" search... Good luck!

Author: Stevenaganuma
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 12:15 pm
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They are heavy, but I've always liked the Koss Pro 4AA's.


Author: Specialed
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 12:20 pm
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i can't believe they still make those, i was close to getting a pair a couple years ago.

has anyone ever replaced the cord in their 700s? i could really use a new one, i have noticed all the other ones i have seen have always had a tighter, firmer coil and mine have gotten really loose.

Author: Motozak
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 1:50 pm
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I have an old pair of early-1990's Sennheiser cans like airplane pilots use.....I forget what the model number is but they are coloured silvery-grey, wired for stereo and I usually use them in my "studio" when recording.

I picked them up at a garage sale last Spring for $20, and I have to say that's probably the best $20 I have spent on earphones yet. A bargain too, considering they cost the guy I bought them from well over $300 originally!! Heavier than all get out but they do have really good sound.

Author: Skeptical
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 4:32 pm
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I've owned 3 pairs of Sony MDR V700s over the years. Here's where you can get them cheap:

http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=12579&A=details&Q=&sku=183646& is=REG&addedTroughType=categoryNavigation

Why pay $150 at Fry's when you can get them for $89 here. Very reputable place by the way with a lot of audio gear.

Author: Specialed
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 12:29 am
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nice, thanks. looks like a sweet deal, one of the jocks at my station got a pair of knock offs as a gift, they are "Z"700s haha they weren't very much, but he will be somewaht pleased with that low of a price.

Author: Knocker
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 4:30 pm
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I used my original Sony 600's for 13 years and recently bought another pair. The first pair still work...but they were getting a little stinky!

Author: Exradioguy
Friday, January 12, 2007 - 7:01 pm
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I have to say that in the past 19 years I have only had two pair of the rock solid Sony MDR 7506 first pair I got while doing record hops at schools as well as ON-Air, outside at remotes, and even in the clubs. Only had to replace a pair when mine where stolen from studio. Thank goodness for trade accounts with Musicians Friend. below is some technical goop about these headphones I love.

Sony MDR-7506 is a large diaphragm foldable headphone designed for professional audio and live/broadcast applications. It is one of the most popular stereo headphones in the domain of mixing, mastering and stage-monitoring. The MDR-7506 is a closed, circumaural sealed-ear design with a coiled, telephone-like oxygen-free copper cord. The model dates back to the 1980s.

The MDR-7506 is usually regarded as a relatively durable headphone. For example, all of the MDR-7506's enclosures are made out of metal instead of plastic. However, the pleather pads have been reported by some to wear out after time. The pads are replaceable parts, and also other vendor's pads can be used with some modding, such as the Beyer Dynamic DT 250's velour pads, that some have claimed to be more comforting and noise-isolating than the original pads.[1]

The MDR-7506 has also been sold as the Sony MDR-V6, with only minor cosmetic differences, such as the former being provided with a gold plated headphone connector instead of a regular one used in the MDR-V6. The MDR-V6 usually cost's less than the MDR-7506.

Author: Adiant
Friday, January 12, 2007 - 10:56 pm
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Like Mark, I still use the Sennheiser HD 414s that I bought very early in the 1970s. Think I paid $8 for new ear pads about 7 years ago.

Previously, I used over the ear headphones, instead of on the ear like the HD 414s, and ran into serious ear wax problems in my ears. Almost deaf every six months until I got to the doctor.

Author: Mikekolb
Saturday, January 13, 2007 - 8:55 am
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I've still got my old brown Koss Pro4A's... can't beat 'em for critical listening as they seal the ear and have great freq response.

But the Sennheiser 400-series and the Sony MDR's are great for everyday use (that's assuming one uses 'em everyday :-) ) as are most of the open-ear models.

It's hard to nickel-and-dime over prices, because you really DO get what you pay for in 'phones.

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