Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 8:19 pm
Have You noticed the number of Eastern State license plates in the last few months on Oregon highways has been growing? We've all seen them before but I don't remember seeing them in such numbers as in the last few months. We're just entering vacation time so this couldn't be the reason months earlier. I'm seeing States like: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Georgia, New York, Ohio, Illinois, etc.
Author: Trixter
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 8:21 pm
The one's that scare me the most are the Washington ones....
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 8:25 pm
Yes but a lot of Washington residents work in Oregon. You would be amazed at the number of people you hear on Portland Radio that live in Washington.
Author: Trixter
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 8:26 pm
Maybe that's why radio in Portland is messed up???
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 8:29 pm
No, the reason why Portland Radio is messed up is because Your hearing VTed shows from Texas or where ever.
Author: Listenerpete
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 8:31 pm
We invaded Oregon in 1972 from New York. We married and went west in all one fell swoop.
Author: Craig_adams
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 8:33 pm
Great! But what about NOW!!
Author: Listenerpete
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 9:13 pm
Look at what the prices of gas have been for the last 6 months or so. It's only lately that the prices are creeping up again. Could be that folks know price will go up in the summer and they wanted to get out and see the country before the prices go up in the summer. Maybe some have lost their jobs and are looking for greener pastures.
Author: Paulwalker
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 9:15 pm
Trixter, what have you got against WA? As for license plate sitings...I would say the economy is responsible to some extent, although why some are looking to Oregon for employment is beyond my comprehension. Or it could be folks are postponing changing their plates due to the economy...afterall, if caught it is usually just a "warning".
Author: Skybill
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 9:55 pm
Trixter, what have you got against WA? It seems lately Trixter is pissing an moaning about everything. He used to make intelligent well thought out posts but now.......... Time to get the Valium refilled, Trixter!!
Author: Stevethedj
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 8:49 am
It could just be that Oregon residents are driving less do to high unemployment. Same number of out state cars.
Author: Billminckler
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 9:35 am
Hope you guys won't mind seeing a few more Arizona plates this summer. It's only mid-May and we're on our 13th consecutive day over 100 degrees. Of course, we never mind seeing all those Oregon plates in the winter.
Author: Roger
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 12:33 pm
Is Oregon Being Invaded By Eastern States? Yes since 1980. same with Washington. Only 7 went the other way.
Author: Kennewickman
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 12:56 pm
Oregon and many places in Washington are attracting early retirees or people who can resettle easily. Also, Montana and Wyoming and Idaho, Eastern Oregon and Washington. Medford and the Rouge Valley is another haven for the elderly, specially from California. Land/real estate is cheaper out here for the most part. Especially if you get out of the cities. There is some continued development here in the Tri Cities despite the general downturn every where else.
Author: Trixter
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 4:33 pm
Sky... No drugs needed. Having to lay people off at work because of DUHby and DICKsters HORRIBLE policies over the 8 years they were in office has finally gotten to me and it's pissing me off! Trixter, what have you got against WA? I drive to Seattle to watch the M's when they're in town and witness the Washington driver at work. It's HORRIBLE! I do love pumping my own gas though.... When in God's name are they going to be done with the I-5 around Tacoma and Olympia?? I've had season tickets for the last 4 years and it's like it's been going on about that long! And when they do road work they ALWAYS forget to put the damn road signs back up!!!!!!! UGH!!!
Author: Trixter
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 4:40 pm
It seems lately Trixter is pissing an moaning about everything. He used to make intelligent well thought out posts but now? WHAT??? Intellegent? Not me!!! Well thought out? Huh?
Author: Brianl
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 5:58 pm
"When in God's name are they going to be done with the I-5 around Tacoma and Olympia??" Trix, NEVER. Ask anyone who lives in the greater Seattle/Tacoma area, who who has at any point for any period of time, and you'll discover that road destruction on the freeways is never-ending. Seattle was so reactive instead of proactive in regards to the infrastructure with the growth explosion in the 80s and 90s, they will NEVER catch up. Won't happen. Which is too bad, it's one of the very few blights on what otherwise is one of my favorite places in all the world.
Author: Trixter
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 6:36 pm
Which is too bad, it's one of the very few blights on what otherwise is one of my favorite places in all the world. Tacoma is one of the biggest blights on the planet....
Author: Paulwalker
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 6:44 pm
Brianl, so true. When population and development were exploding in Western Washington in the 80's & 90's, there was little effort to keep the roads up to date. The mentality was, if we don't expand the roads, everyone will move to mass transit, which of course, beyond the bus system, didn't exist. Now that light rail is FINALLY coming to the Puget Sound area, the highways are getting some lovin'. And it looks like they finally have a plan to replace the Alaska Viaduct with a tunnel near the waterfront. In fact, early phase construction has started. As a Washington native, I hope all this signals a new energy toward transportation, but until these projects are done, I am skeptical.
Author: Brianl
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 9:36 pm
Trix, I meant Seattle. I totally agree about Tacoma! Paul, I will ALWAYS be skeptical about progress on the roads in Seattle. The bus system was an absolute laughingstock before light rail, and that is still under construction ... hell the founding fathers couldn't agree on a consistent layout of the streets, which is why we have the confusion of so many 15th Avenues, for example .. and it has continued.
Author: Paulwalker
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 10:35 pm
LOL, 15th NW, 15th NE, 15th SW, 15th E., not sure about a 15th SE, but your example is perfect. Since I grew up in the city, I know how to get around, but I know for newcomers it can be a nightmare. My favorite is getting onto 99 southbound from around the Seattle center. A recent example from a family member outside the area...from the Holiday Inn Express to get onto South 99/Alaska viaduct, you literally have to make five right turns to get into the Battery Street Tunnel. And it is not well-marked, why should it be? Any mortal would be lost. Of course, the worst highway design in the world is the Hwy 520 exchange with I-5, just north of downtown. It doesn't matter if your are going north or south, if you want to enter I-5 you are going to have to cross six lanes of congested traffic within about a mile to get to or from the Mercer exit/or 520. Locally, it is called the "Mercer weave". (Ask Rich Johnson, now Fox radio superstar, former Seattle traffic guru about it). Complete failure in highway design. I understand it was built to early 1960's standards, but where was the forethought?
Author: Skeptical
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 11:38 pm
Paul Walker sez: I am skeptical. BrianL sez: I will ALWAYS be skeptical I got news for you guys . . .