Author: Missing_kskd
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 10:11 am
| This guy is really great. Cuts down on waste, very frugal operation, while serving up some great food. I found this on Kos where that author was sorting out GOP blather that marginalizes this great project.
Author: Broadway
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 10:37 am
>>sorting out GOP blather that marginalizes Great article and work! I meet very little of the liberal community helping out feeding the homeless in my community but really the issue/purpose to me is a "God thing"..."unto the least of these" and to that end all are invited to be a part of helping the poor.
Author: Missing_kskd
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 10:46 am
Yeah, that's why I linked the original. IMHO, linking "elitism" with this is just goofy. They struck out on that commentary. There are plenty of things for the GOP to hammer on. This isn't one of them. I think it's damn cool he's gone out there and put together some killer food on donations! If I were part of that project, I think I would publish a book detailing the project, how it operates and include recipes and food gathering, use, storage tips. Other projects could start up all over the place. My gut says you not meeting more liberal people is just about the circle you travel in. Many churches are conservative. And they do a lot of outreach work. Sheer numbers tell the story there. One really liberal example is the Hooper Center downtown. Many people there are left leaning. Heck, many of them were treated by that project then decided to stay on and treat others. Politically, it's left --or was when I was closer to it. Doubt it's changed. It's not all that religious either. There are lots of other things like this, mostly operating as non-profit entities out there. They just are not connected to the ones you are working with. Not a bad thing. It just is. Everybody has their motivations. Could be based in religion, or just strong empathy or altruism. It all works the same though. Those of us down and out get a lift up from others willing to help out.
Author: Chris_taylor
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 11:24 am
When you are poor or homeless the last thing you need is the "rich people" to remind you how big the cavern is between the social classes. Dignity and respect are two ingredients beyond the food that is being served through MEND. I do agree that for the most part, the organizations that put forth real effort to help those in need come from church or faith based places. Or in some cases has an underlying association with those organizations. I have seen those from opposite political and religious spectrums side by side working to help build a Habitat for Humanity home, or like Broadway work a soup kitchen, or simply helping a neighbor. Where I'm bothered is when we feel the need to broadcast our good deeds. Just do the right thing and things will take care of themselves. Missing-just another bridge being built.
Author: Missing_kskd
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 11:29 am
You know it. I really liked this project. It's innovative, humble and tolerant. They would rather feed a coupla families who could work harder than miss out on those that just need the help!
Author: Chris_taylor
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 2:32 pm
Missing- This story will make our morning show sometime this week.
Author: Shyguy
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 2:35 pm
I have eaten plenty of lunches at the soup kitchen where I work and know for a fact that indeed love is put into the food we feed to those in need. At the Salvation Army in Salem we get few donations from the local restaurant industry but there are a couple of companies that do go out of there way with donations to the Salvation Army food bank and shelter in Salem. Olive Garden Red Lobster Chipotle Starbuck's Love Love Teriyaki. I really like in this article about how the guy is making due with what he has got but also has an eye out for how to expand and move forward with his mission.