Basketball Great Wayman Tisdale dies ... message board: Politics and other things: Basketball Great Wayman Tisdale dies at 44
Author: Chris_taylor
Friday, May 15, 2009 - 12:05 pm
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This totally caught me off guard. Our radio station plays many of Wayman's tunes. I was a fan of his in his NBA days but came to appreciate his musical skills with each album.

Having watched his approach to the cancer was inspiring and after the amputation of part of his leg I thought for sure he had overcome the cancer. It must have returned in force and quickly to take him so fast.

We'll be doing a tribute on our Monday morning show.

Author: Vitalogy
Friday, May 15, 2009 - 12:10 pm
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I was shocked to see this as well, although I didn't know he was ill. I remember him from his college days at OU. He was a monster.

Author: Average_joe
Friday, May 15, 2009 - 3:25 pm
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Met him in Sacramento one year when the Pacers and Kings were playing. I was out looking for a job at the hotel they were staying at(didn't know at the time). When Jack Ramsey, Jack McCloskey(sp) and Wayman all came by at once. They all were perfect gentlemen, spent a few minutes talking to me like a real person and were on their way. Nice guy(s).

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