Author: Roger
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 9:00 pm
Are people who twitter called Twits? If you want to be political..... For the sake of equal time If George Boosh and Joe Biden are Twittering each other are just being two twits? If you want to be vulgar.......... When Briney spears Twitters is she called a Twat? (or is she just called than anyway?) And to save DT the trouble, No, I don't twitter, but people still think I'm a Twit!
Author: Magic_eye
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 9:09 pm
"Briney spears" ? Steinfeld's, Nalley or Vlasic?
Author: Missing_kskd
Sunday, May 03, 2009 - 11:18 am
Twitter is nuts!! Tweets, twats, twain, twang, twiddling, tweak, twit... Makes me think of those goofy GEICO spots. "I saved so much money, I hired somebody to play my theme music!". Twitter is just computer assisted ego stroking.
Author: Skybill
Sunday, May 03, 2009 - 12:29 pm
"Briney spears" ? Steinfeld's, Nalley or Vlasic? Claussen's pickles!!! (In the refrigerated section!)
Author: Roger
Sunday, May 03, 2009 - 2:42 pm
LOL at my butchering of the pornpop queen Britney Spears name and my apologies to her sister Kosher Dill/Spears. Farman's out of Enumclaw used to be the best till Nalley's bought them.......... The best now are from a packer called Belleville out of IL....Hot sweet cucumber slices Wife used to take a case with her every time she visits the Family in WA. Unfortunate a case of pickles is now considered potentially hazardous by Homeland security and BANNED. So Last week on her flight home we packed one jar in the suitcase, so cousin Bob could get his pickle fix. DAMN if they didn't pull the case, make her open it, and remove the terrorist pickles! Sliced CUCUMBER PICKLES I guess are on the WMD list! BS BS BS !!!! ENOUGH ALREADY! I'm hoping we get to a point where we have to show passports when crossing from state to state! I hate this petty shit that's for my own safety! MY GOD RUN! SHE HAS A PICKLE!!!!! Kids can call in pickle scares to schools so they are closed for the day.
Author: Skybill
Sunday, May 03, 2009 - 6:15 pm
Here's another good one; I can't take a bottle of diet Coke through security. However, if, like Rosie Grier, I was so inclined to want to knit a sweater on the plane, I could take long aluminum knitting needles with me. I could skewer someone to a seat with the knitting needles, but by God don't let him take a diet Coke. It's all window dressing anyway.
Author: Chickenjuggler
Sunday, May 03, 2009 - 6:48 pm
No shit. I wonder how taught that security is among delivery people who bring the Coke to the areas in which they can sell it to you beyond the checkpoint. I bet they fill out a form declaring something like " This product holds no poison. Pinky swear!" That's about it. I forget who I heard say the idea, but the lighter issue would be cool if they, while taking your lighter, gave you a coupon that alloowed you to take one back when you get to your destination. Recycle.
Author: Motozak2
Saturday, May 09, 2009 - 1:27 pm
I don't think it's so much a "safety issue" per se, as much as it's market anti-competetiveness being cloaked as a "safety issue". See, if you brought your own container of Diet Coke on the plane, that robs the airline of the $17.50 they could be making on that same bottle of Cola in-flight. That's likely why DHSE confiscated it at the terminal. It's really social engineering. Market competetion is the ultimate Massively Destructive Weapon! (After all, I don't recall the last time I was offered the opportunity to purchase long aluminum knitting needles in-flight..... ;o) Of course, this is only theoretical. Wouldn't be surprised if this was actually the case tho.......