Author: Chickenjuggler
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 10:51 pm
Intelligent alien life to be revealed / admitted soon.
Author: Skybill
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 10:57 pm
I'm pretty sure they're here already. I was behind some of them on the road today! They were blonde and had one hand or the other glued to their ear.
Author: Skeptical
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 10:57 pm
When is Richard Hoagland having that press conference?
Author: Roger
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 8:25 am
....When is Richard Hoagland having that press conference? Every two days. The real question is when will actual press show up? I'll wait for the in depth on Dateline. So do these aliens have the cure for cancer, plan for world peace, or knowledge and ability to provide low cost renewable energy? If not, then they are just another group of illegals. Shouldn't we demand to see passports?
Author: Moman74
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 8:30 am
ok Roger. Funny.
Author: Missing_kskd
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 8:35 am
?!? What a fun prediction! Well, if that does come to pass, I predict the following: 1. It will immediately be branded a ruse. Rumours will fly about it, how it was created, who profited from it, lies, all sorts of stuff. This is because actual confirmation of alien, life, not even intelligent life, has spiritual implications that a whole lot of us are going to have serious trouble with. 2. Before it's really expose to the general public, we will kill it first. No direct contact, even if that means risking all of us in war, or something ugly. This is simply because of number 1 above. Too many people have too much riding on our ignorance as a race to have it just challenged like that. 3. Should actual exposure occur, we will fight over it big time. War kind of fight. 4. Should enough of us survive to gather to reason, we will then be unified as a race of people, not different brands of people, many of whom dislike the other brands, simply because they need to have somebody to dislike to feel somehow better about who THEY are. (we really are asses) To avoid all of that, maybe the press release will be in the Globe, right next to Frogboy, who lives in tadpole conditions. (and that's an actual headline from the Globe) A few of us will be locked down in area 53, because area 51 is the decoy. We have to have decoys, because of #1 above. They never, ever get to tell, and big companies then take the knowledge, funnel it through R&D and productize some of it, enough steps removed so the illusion remains intact.
Author: Roger
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 8:57 am
So what goes on in Area 52? And What about this Heinz 57? What are the other 56? I see some Heinz products at World Market, but not 56 of 'em. In this area there is a First Place Bank, and The Fifth Third Bank. What happened to the other 4, Third banks and, no one can tell me how many Second Banks there were. If they failed finishing second, how successful can a third place bank be? Questions. Life is full of too many questions Where is the answer sheet?
Author: Alfredo_t
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 9:16 am
I thought that this had already been revealed on the show "UFO Coverup," which was broadcast on the then-new Fox network circa 1988. According to that show, two of the three aliens on the spacecraft that crashed near Roswell have been kept in Area 51 since 1947, and they enjoy eating ice cream.
Author: Roger
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 9:23 am
.....two of the three aliens on the spacecraft that crashed near Roswell have been kept in Area 51 since 1947.... You have to wonder if their own beings tried to negotiate a release. Maybe an exchange of kidnapped humans or at least,the crew of the Avengers that disappeared in the Bermuda triangle in 1945. Maybe that's why there have been cow mutilations. The prisoner exchange didn't work out and these are Alien terror tactics. So, If the government gave money to the banks to use to stimulate the economy and a person robs one of those banks and uses the money to buy things, is it really a crime? Can't you argue that the robber used the money for it's intended end purpose? Don't my last few posts disprove the statement that "There are no stupid questions?"
Author: Kennewickman
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 9:40 am
So, Chickenjuggler, what is your prediction " In the next couple of days" based upon ? Activities of UF Ologists, Nostradamus predictions, other sources? ??
Author: Mrs_merkin
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 9:56 am
CJ wrote "soon", not "In the next couple of days". Don't twist people's words, KWman. Jeez. And why would a anyone "glue their hand to their ear?" For Better reception? Seriously, I follow (then quickly pass) just as many, if not more, oblivious middle-aged dumb-ass white men going 40 on the freeway a with a phone "glued" to their ear!
Author: Roger
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 11:15 am
I think gluing the phone to your ear is a fabulous idea. It keeps your hands free for driving. We can go one more step and have cellular implants. That way you will never know if someone is on the phone, or just talking to themselves.
Author: Chickenjuggler
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 11:32 am
It's a rhythym thing. I feel it. It would feel natural to have this happen within Obama's administration. Clinton had Internet exposion. Bush had 9/11. The aliens will show us all sorts of technology related issues, of course. They'll likely kill a few humans in self defense. The biggest thing that will happen in America is that there will be a huge campagin to paint them as actual demons. The spiritual kind. All of that is hardly an original idea, I admit. But it feels really close now. I'll say before Obama's first term is up.
Author: Andrew2
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 11:35 am
Dude, did you take the date 4/20 a little too seriously yesterday? :-)
Author: Skybill
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 12:24 pm
Mrs M, Nowhere in my post did I say the blondes were female. However, that being said, you are very correct. Men can't drive any beter than women when they have a phone held to their ear. They need to make the hands free law a primary offense and enforce it. ...Clinton had Internet exposion... Of course he did. His VP invented it, remember? Dude, did you take the date 4/20 a little too seriously yesterday? Apparently so and he's not sharing any with us!!!
Author: Kennewickman
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 12:54 pm
Well, check this Rhythm out, Ed Mitchell and Discovery is out recently with this Rather in the spirit of this thread.
Author: Chaplain
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 1:11 pm
They're not coming. IF there's "intellegent" alien life. Intellegent being the operative word. Then they've already observed us, and have run, screaming, the other way. We're a pretty pathetic lot. It's the "un" intellegent alien life I'd worry about. (eg. 62kgw & Waynes_world)
Author: Chickenjuggler
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 4:14 pm
I'm leaning more towards the revealing of previous crafts being admitted landing or crashing than everyone just looking up and seeing them out their front door.
Author: Skeptical
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 5:19 pm
Man, it would be a real bummer for aliens to come all the way here only to embarass themselves by crashing their spacecraft when they land here. Do green beings get red faces?
Author: Kennewickman
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 6:16 pm
About 8 years ago I was out walking at about midnight. It was cold and winter time. I was in a dark wooded area in the middle of town and as usual I looked up at the sky, clear and cold, lot of stars out. I saw a pin point of light comming from the west , heading east. It didnt look like a meteorite. It was too controlled for that. It was way up there and flying absolutely straight east. I saw it slow down just a bit and then make an obtuse angle, like, SNAP ! It angled to the S.E and looked like it went UP after it made this bizarre angled turn. Nothing I know of could fly that fast or make a turn like that or slow down that fast too ! So nothing as spectacular as an abduction or seeing saucers or big wedge wing lights, but something that I cant explain and that didnt look like anything else I was familiar with .
Author: Jr_tech
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 8:59 pm
There is also the possibility that they may return to harvest the "seeds" that they planted long ago...Buurrrpp! 
Author: Missing_kskd
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 9:32 pm
I've never really seen anything that couldn't be explained, but I have felt something. So, my paranormal deal happened on a paper route. As a kid, I rode this route every day. One driveway had bushes and cement right up to the sidewalk, basically obstructing any view of a car, until it's there. I was maybe 12 or 13. I really can't remember. Used to be able to. Haven't thought about it in a while, I guess. Riding along one day, everything in me screamed "STOP!". I did. The car came bumbling out, engine off, right over where I would have been on the bike. This was a 70's Fury or something heavy. Would have been an ugly scene. To this day, I really have no explanation for that. I know I didn't hear anything or see anything that would indicate a stop makes sense. I'm actually funny about that. When an event is significant, I go into record mode. Usually those things play out afterword and I can say, "Ah-ha! That was it!". Not that one. The sensation was actually kind of painful, like a shock! Know that feeling when you lose your balance, and you seriously think you are going to fall? That's a lot like it felt. Not physical pain either. Just resistance in general. Hasn't happened since either. The only real impact, besides me being here now, is I tend to give those kinds of things more attention than I think I would have otherwise. Those subtle, "I knew it!" kinds of things matter. Sometimes they really matter! These days I'm rational, but I also think we don't really understand the layers of the mind that contribute to our waking state. There are so many little things working to bring us awareness, who knows what really goes on? I know I don't, and there are times when I consider it too. It's bizzare, looking at this thing we call "me", trying to see what the means are, when we are composed of them! I do believe it is completely possible for us to sort a lot of that out too. What it takes is the right triggers and a considerable amount of time. Some of us are born knowing more --being self aware to a higher degree than others, but all can achieve significant levels of it. There you go. The KSKD Zen, paranormal deal.
Author: Skeptical
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 11:26 pm
kennewickman saw a military helicopter that fired and air-to-air missile off to the side during practice manuevers. KSKD had a close encounter with Christine's son. There. Both paranormal incidents explained.

Author: Alfredo_t
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 1:20 pm
When I was around 11 or 12, I was reading a lot of scary, supposedly true, UFO books. Many nights, would lay awake, thinking that a close encounter of the third kind could happen that very night! I halfway expected a scary-looking alien to walk up the stairs and into the bedroom. Some years later, various TV shows, including some supposedly "serious" programs, such as "Unsolved Mysteries" started running stories about UFOs. By then, I was too sophisticated to expect aliens to just walk into homes in moderately densely populated areas. I still considered it possible that one might run into UFOs while driving in rural areas or camping, as the TV shows depicted. In the years since, I have given up on the idea of UFO encounters being something that I have to worry about. I don't believe that I will come face-to-face with an alien ever. I partly have Art Bell to thank for that: his show demonstrated to me that there are countless people out there who will say anything to get their fifteen minutes of fame and that the human imagination is a very powerful instrument at crafting and believing these BS stories.
Author: Kennewickman
Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 2:08 pm
Another twist on the above link I posted a few days ago.,2933,517507,00.html And this related story,2933,517421,00.html Now, the ball is in Barack's court. And he knows how to play 3 on 3 !
Author: Chickenjuggler
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 5:21 pm
It's only fair that if I am going to keep track of Deane's predictions, that I keep track of mine as well. 0 for 1, so far.