Author: Listenerpete
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 4:58 pm
Check it out HERE
Author: Chickenjuggler
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 4:59 pm
Didn't happen. Not that it will thwart anyone from creating a chain mail about it.
Author: Stevethedj
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 5:02 pm
And so what even if he did???
Author: Skybill
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 5:07 pm
I'd be pretty surprised if it was true. I don't trust ANY politicians and especially Democrats, but this is pretty farfetched even for them.
Author: Skeptical
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 5:08 pm
If he did, he learned from the best faker in modern times.
Author: Deane_johnson
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 5:16 pm
He's far too smart for anything like that.
Author: Listenerpete
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 7:08 pm
The conservative bloggers are not too smart.
Author: Trixter
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 8:52 pm
Ture dat!
Author: Skybill
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 1:00 am
Listnerpete: The conservative bloggers are not too smart. Trixter: Ture dat! Um...OK. (Trixter, I'm just picking on you. I suffer from MFF too!!!)
Author: Deane_johnson
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 4:39 am
istnerpete: The conservative bloggers are not too smart. Trixter: Ture dat! The usual depth.
Author: Listenerpete
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 7:41 am
It's no wonder why you and your fellow conservatives love FAUX News, their reporting is similar to this at Redstate. Read it Deane. “Cam Sham”: Obama’s Photo Op with Cheering, Camera Wielding Troops 100% Staged
Author: Listenerpete
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 7:45 am
BTW Deane, read the "intelligent" comments that follow the blog entry. They are a riot, very entertaining.
Author: Deane_johnson
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 7:57 am
So, are you saying the troops were totally random and that cameras weren't passed out? I have no opinion either way as I have no facts concerning this. I will say that Obama is very good at manipulating the media and his photo ops. Anyone not realizing that is blind as a bat, as they say. I care not if he wants to stage something like this, but the press has an obligation to report what has happened. We know the liberal press would not report it, if it happened. Who would, in your opinion? So, if Fox News reported it (I didn't see it), how do you know they were not accurate? By the way, when I posted above "he was too smart for anything like that", I hadn't focused on what the accusations were. From the headline, I thought they were referring to him not even going to Iraq, simply faking something with some troops present. My mistake.
Author: Listenerpete
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 8:36 am
So, are you saying the troops were totally random and that cameras weren't passed out? I havae no opinion either way as I have no facts concerning this. Absolutely I would say that. Why would I think any differently? BTW, most PAS cameras are silver and look similar, but if you look closely you can see differences. Most PAS cameras cost between $100 - $200. Check photo #6 in the slide show at:
Author: Deane_johnson
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 10:33 am
I would say the cameras are all pretty much different. The other thing that would make the alleged staging difficult is finding very many Democrats among the troops. Most are Republicans, which is why the Dems try so hard in close elections to keep the military absentee votes from being counted.
Author: Darktemper
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 11:03 am
Can you post any verifiable statistics of the last presidential election that supports your statement about military personel being mostly republican?
Author: Skybill
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 11:04 am
Deanne, I'd have to agree about the Dems statement, however I believe that the vast majority of our men and women that serve defending our freedoms are disciplined enough to know and respect the CIC no matter what side of the isle he is from. And while I have no earthly desire to meet Obama, I'd bet that most of the soldiers would like to shake the hand of their boss.
Author: Deane_johnson
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 12:51 pm
"Can you post any verifiable statistics of the last presidential election that supports your statement about military personel being mostly republican?' No need for me to do anything. The Dems have proven that multiple times when they have tried to keep the military votes out. It began in Florida in 2000. Skybill, you're right on target with your statement. These are young people very excited about meeting the President. In addition, they are some of the most loyal pro-American people we have in this country, and the President represents America like nothing else does.
Author: Darktemper
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 1:03 pm
quote:Author: Deane_johnson Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 12:51 pm No need for me to do anything. The Dems have proven that multiple times when they have tried to keep the military votes out. It began in Florida in 2000.
Can't and Won't. Why don't you just say in your opinion then as you have no facts to back that statement.
Author: Deane_johnson
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 1:09 pm
"Why don't you just say in your opinion then as you have no facts to back that statement." Don't need any. People who have been paying attention know it is true.
Author: Vitalogy
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 1:16 pm
I'll bet there are way more Democrats in the military than you think.
Author: Darktemper
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 1:17 pm
I think Deane is suffering from "Post-Party Depression"!
Author: Deane_johnson
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 1:35 pm
"I'll bet there are way more Democrats in the military than you think." Probably so. I was thinking three. How many do you think?
Author: Captaindan
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 1:41 pm
Four, counting me when I was in No one complained when Bush visited the troops. Obama was in the area, so it was no surprise. I would have been more surprised if he has not done it.
Author: Listenerpete
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 2:58 pm
The other thing that would make the alleged staging difficult is finding very many Democrats among the troops. Most are Republicans, ... Most is 50% plus one. I agree with you Deane, in the past most of those troops were registered as Republicans if they were even registered at all. I'll bet that a good percentage - whether R or D - are really apolitical. I grew up in a Republican family and I was registered as a Republican. It wasn't that I knew the difference between the two. A strange thing happened during the last election cycle. Barack Obama and Ron Paul garnered the most contributions from the troops. They were both against the war in Iraq. I also point out that the Republicans give the troops lip service when it comes to veterans benefits, but it the Democrats that deliver.
Author: Trixter
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 6:57 pm
"I'll bet there are way more Democrats in the military than you think." Probably so. I was thinking three. How many do you think? 3? Then that would make an army of 5 if you counted the Republicans....
Author: Missing_kskd
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 10:32 pm
Sure it's staged. They all are. People get orders when the Commander in Chief is going to be with them. That's how it is. It is significantly easier for Obama to stage a friendly reception, and that is the only difference. He finds it easier, because he has more support than W did.
Author: Littlesongs
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 7:24 am
I would certainly hope that the Obama visit was carefully planned. There is a great deal of risk flying the President into a war zone. The troops wanted to meet the new CIC and he did not disappoint our heroes. Democrats serve our country with honor and distinction. Do not be alarmed folks. The last war we actually won was win a Democrat in charge. I know of quite a few of them in the service. I have even met Greens who serve in BDUs. Yes, there is quite a bit of evidence both anecdotal and otherwise that military ballots were tampered with in both the 2000 and 2004 elections. Some members stationed overseas found that their home state absentee ballot was not counted. Instead, a ballot that they themselves did not fill out was cast in the state of their home base. These ballots were "found" by local party officials and small town post offices. Florida and Ohio were both involved in this monkeyshine. Being all the way the hell over in Iraq and Afghanistan, there wasn't a damn thing the troops could do about it. So, in 2008, they put their money into the race. As of last August, it was a 50/50 split between the candidates.
Author: Amus
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 8:00 am
One thing I don't expect to hear about during the Obama administration is the so called "Free Speech Zones".
Author: Missing_kskd
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 8:25 am
Yeah, those were horrible. Won't be necessary this time around. Funny how that works when leadership ideas and direction stand on their own merits.
Author: Roger
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 9:31 am
"troop visit secretly held on hollywood movie set." only the front row of "troops" were real... the rest of the crowd was computer generated. President may actually be alien body double. Eric Carmen FRAMED for DUI...... Lindsay Lohan SHOCKER, She'a ACTUALLY A HE! Meanwhile back in reality........ Does no one get any slack? Boosh is gone let it go can't change it. Palin yesterdays news, ignore and they go away. Obama, will do what he thinks best. Can't change his convictions. If the train jumps the tracks, THEN you can fix it. Can worry that the train MIGHT jump the tracks. Now let's start another thread. Every comment, appearance, or sound bite either means.... we're on the way to a reinvigorated America, or we're one step closer to the Union of the Socialist Republic of The United States. I'll be scared when we have a President for Life referred to as Our Dear Leader. I'll be pleased with a strong economy featuring a solid manufacturing base, growing wages, low cost energy, and World peace and harmony. I'll settle for anything in the middle. I can't personally affect ANY of it. Whatever I want, someone else won't. Whatever I believe, someone else doesn't. If I'm happy and successful, someone else will resent it. If I need a hand, someone will say do it yourself. All we can do is take care of us, and those we care for.