Author: Missing_kskd
Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 7:45 pm
Sweet!!! Wish we had the FARK tags here. I need the FAIL one. His reasons? Bill Clinton and the Internet. I can tell you from personal experience, being an 80's kid subjected to Dobson (and Gothard), the election of Bill Clinton was a milestone that mattered to me. The Internet presented ready availabilty of information and the opportunity to talk with others globally, just as we are right now. Signing on in 1991 was amazing. By '92, I realized a lot of things and started sorting them. Some of those happened here, and it's largely done. Damn... Debugging dogma takes longer than we think! Here's some audio: We... Tried to defend... Tried to defend.... Made a lot of progres... Damn Bill Clinton, Damn the Internet, "Awash with Evil".... "Now in most discouraging period".... "we can say we lost" ... "God is in control, and we are not going to give up now right?" .... "World hostile to families" ... "our purpose is to serve Christ". So, he's going to take it easy, ignore the rising tide of anti-theocracy, lob one in for the younger folks, and fade away... Good.
Author: Chickenjuggler
Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 8:09 pm
Hmmm. This kind of stuff, from this kind of man, makes me wonder if there is a scandal brewing that he's preemptively trying to dodge. Hey, I'm not the kind of person that would have said that not so long ago. Those on the extreme right can take credit for it though. Congratulations for making it impossible to take anything you say at face value. Well done! Here's your winnings; I simply do not trust anything you have to say.
Author: Alfredo_t
Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 8:56 pm
> This kind of stuff, from this kind of man, makes me wonder if there is a scandal brewing that he's > preemptively trying to dodge. There could be; the implications of an Evangelical leader on the level of Dobson quitting just seem too odd to me. I just couldn't picture one of these guys making "we lost" comments like that. He says that the battles have been lost (presumably to Satan and his minions), yet God has everything under control. If the God that they believe in had everything under control, what was the purpose of fighting the culture wars in the first place? How does this fit in with their understanding of Biblical prophecy--in other words, does this loss for the "good guys" mean that the rapture is just around the corner? Perhaps, I need to stop banging my head against the wall in trying to use logic to understand the ideology and beliefs being espoused here. Here's another article, from a British perspective: S-religious-Right-concedes-defeat.html Interestingly, that article states that a growing number of Christians believe that the Republican Party is to blame for the goals of "Religious Right" groups not being achieved. I am more of the belief that these activist groups were the ones to blame for screwing up the Republican Party.
Author: Missing_kskd
Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 9:13 pm
I think they screwed up each other, and big corporate America helped it happen. With both of them granting concessions to large corporations, they get a chance at legislating some of their issues, without really getting a chance to lead.
Author: Chickenjuggler
Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 10:31 pm
The audio seems less of a " goodbye " than the headline. Still though, it could be something as simple as him wanting to play more golf. Or anal poisoning. Or maybe he's trying to atone. Or maybe he's trying to motivate as he fades away. Who knows? Maybe it's something good after all. All I know is that just because Dobson says something, it doesn't make it true. He's no prophet, in my opinion. The words he chose sound eerily like a call to cash in chips. It smacks of a feeble attempt at one last grab at being a leader. Maybe he's going mental. I tell you what though - if he called upon some of his followers to do something - even something the rest of us would see as pretty fucking bad - there are lots that would do it. I'm not usually the conspiratorial type. And if you want to say something like " Oh. He's really got you scared. He must be onto something truthful! " - you got me. You're right. I do fear that kind of influence of what some people do in the name of their god. Recent and long history has proven that I should be a little worried about shit like that. Nikes. Kool Aid. Mass suicides. Murders. Bombings. Death. I'm no prophet either. But to not pay attention to things that smack of laying a foundation to toss out one last order to his minions, well, then I guess we'll see that war after all. Because I call bullshit on Dobson. And now that he knows that others do too, it's too ingrained in him, in my opinion, to just peacefully relenquish that control that has fed him for so long. People like that don't give up outwardly. We'll see.
Author: Broadway
Monday, April 13, 2009 - 9:23 am
This is what I think. Agreed with everything he said on the video clip. Porn is out of control beginning in the 90's on the internet...whoops..just changed topic...anyways...the announcment of Dobson relaxing his roll in Focus was made over a month ago and he will still be having much input in the ministry.
Author: Vitalogy
Monday, April 13, 2009 - 9:53 am
"Maybe he's going mental" That happend decades ago.
Author: Warner
Monday, April 13, 2009 - 10:42 am
I believe his "roll" became relaxed years ago also. (sorry, couldn't resist)
Author: Mrs_merkin
Friday, April 17, 2009 - 12:03 am
It's permanently flaccid.
Author: Stevethedj
Friday, April 17, 2009 - 7:42 am
How old is he? Mabey he is just slowing down.